Ontario youth hockey players as young as 5 required to state preferred pronouns


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It's getting rough out there, OP. I signed up to take my LSAT three days ago, and there were 16 different boxes to check for the inquiry about my gender. I almost shut my computer after that and cancelled my future plans, but I must enter the domain of the jew (US law) and subvert his agenda whilst duping him the entire time.


What a world.

If that's what it takes to defeat the Jews, it's worth it.

Any price is worth it to remove the semite

That's nice, fuck off with your shit effort ops.

i can't help but think back to what frogmouth wrote in a weird rhetorical science paper
he simplifies societies as arks built around the sacred truths each society has discovered
the schisms between and within societies are disagreements on these sacred truths
in other words, trying to change people's core beliefs and values (2genders) is as much a dividing force as an enemy army with their propaganda

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She's already mind fucked. Not going to be able to fix a damn thing.

What could have he had done to make it better, kike?

Reminder this is bill-c 16 being played out just as Jordan Peterson accurately predicted

How do we stop this faggot shit from happening in America?

I work at a small Catholic university with many students from small towns of a few hundred people. To maintain accreditation, we have to show we are making efforts to “increase diversity. We’re doing something with preferred pronouns soon — I think giving students more gender options and staff training. We’re making gender neutral bathrooms specifically for the gender non-conforming students.

Meanwhile, we’re losing enrollment and money fast, but this is where we put resources.

A lot of people don’t realize that accreditation bodies require universities to do this type of thing. They don’t specifically define diversity for you, but you assume it’s whatever is in the air at the moment, so to speak.

The solution is to build new forms of education that bypass the accreditation process. There was a well known journalism program that decided to not even bother with reaccrediation because it’s a massive amount of work, and they’re students are so successful no one cares if the program is accredited or not.

Accreditation is also peer review, so several academics from other institutions, review your school, so it’s a giant far-left circle jerk.

I know some higher education is valuable, but in my case I’ve learned more from YouTube and reading on my own than I ever learned in college.

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They couldn't diversify hockey so now they'll fag it up. Still won't work since faggots would get smashed along the boards.

Well it's not like Canada has any men to begin with.

Wow, Dylann Roof is looking worse for wear

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We've hit peak psychosis. Good luck in there, user.

Welcome to Clown World, pal

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More like being apart from her brother has taken a toll on his sister.

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Any preferred pronoun? That's exploitable..

that's Hitler/Hitlem to you, bigot

Leftypol, this is the future you want.

canada - the country where newspeak and orwellian dictature is being installed while all the whites are happy with it and do nothing like the cattle they are. you deserve every piece of this, retarded canadians. you will be the first to disappear from the map


spoiler that shit

30 years ago she was on the carousel. About ten years ago she took up running (I think) because her looks were going and wasn't getting the attention. Solid crime reporter, but I've followed her since the Paul Bernardo days and she is comped as hell. Lots of things she knows about that she won't report on. These days she's positioned herself as the CHS "good feminist witch" type.

Kill yourself you blackpill dealing Jew. None of this shit will last, Mystery Babylon is going to collapse and then the real Holocaust of all non-whites will begin

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You lads go on and do that, but i've got a cute artstyle I could use to get on by them.

I almost wish I could write in my preferred pronouns, just so people would legally have to call my “my lordship”.

I'm jelly. I would have loved there to be fruits on the ice back in the day. Flying, decapitating elbows left and right.