My new favorite news aggregate provided a link to a commentary on the story entitled "BLOCKBUSTER: THERE WAS A 36 YEAR LAW IN PLACE BANNING THE AUDITING OF ELECTION THEFT. IT HAS BEEN LIFTED"
It is a fairly typical analysis of leftist/democrat shenanigans like what one would find at Breitbart or Drudge, however, this particular story comes to an additional conclusion:

This is a classic move that mirrors the communist takeover of Russia, within a year to the century of when they did it there. AND GUESS WHAT? Everyone suspected it was a Jewish takeover of Russia, with only a few apologists saying But wait, this guy and this guy and this other guy here were not Jews, so it was not a Jewish takeover. The actual number: Approximately 85 percent Jews and 15 percent non Jews, who were no doubt idiots so useful they were allowed to ride the bumper. FACT: It was a Jewish takeover pure and simple.

This is the timeline we all dreamed of.


Attached: Screenshot 2018-08-10 at 9.54.39 PM.png (541x80 292.2 KB, 25.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:


We have a thread:

You have a thread about Whatfinger naming the jew?

This is Jim Stone, not Whataburger.

Whatfinger linked to it. Fuck you niggers are illiterate

kikes are paid to follow the catalog and as soon as a new post is made to shill it.

repeat thread, read the catalog numbnuts

You missed the first post… I guess the A team can't post right, being the Sabbat and all.

Kek. They're so utterly pathetic. Truly contemptible.

Literally where? What does this mean about anything?

That thread has nothing to do with this.

I'm neither, but you're new. Go the fuck back to reddit.

It's a rising alternative to drudge, I don't know who operates it though, I only started seeing it shared around this month.


When Tucker or Drudge or Trump names the jew, you can post, deal?

It's (((Jim Stone))) and you're shilling it here.

kill yourself moshe


Eat shit you jew fuck.

Le bump- just because it pisses off the catalog-fags who can't into multiple interesting topics revolving around a single major issue. I had no fucking clue about thisI'm now going to start using whatfinger.com

Attached: 6998fae88652de9148457fab3936fbc27e4e0d6839e10b182dbe74be8e3e4420.png (540x521, 89.87K)

Bot or nigger reading comprehension detected.

Jim Stone has been around for years…before they utterly attacked his website he had a bunch of data on MOSSAD and fukushima. Fukushima was a MOSSAD operation, not an 'earthquake' (the very idea is laughable).

Now that's an interesting angle, for what purpose?

I just saw a birdy

Attached: I just saw a birdy.mp4 (1280x720, 3.1M)

Why would a jew name the jew on his own site? You're going to have to back up that claim.

They hit this thread hard, must be really be upset about that decree being lifted.

Attached: 00.jpg (2000x1153 454 B, 365.09K)

Iran had just worked out a enriched uranium deal with Fukushima two weeks before the explosion, so the jews who were doing contracting work blew off a mini nuke inside the facility and then used a sub to explode a nuke off the coast to cover their crimes, the nuke caused the tsunami…it is actually iron clad and even a baby could see that it is true once you start questioning the narrative (exactly like the holohoax).

You just outed yourself

Negating own sage

Anyone that names the Jew (except the Jew) is an ally of mine.
I'm not losing another brother to judens war unless that war takes place in Israel

The Jews are shooting themselves with those Kosher Nationalist, even though they're kosher they're still moving the over ton window. Consider how fast things are moving,where we are today,and where we could be in 10-15 years from now at the rate things are changing. We're starting to really see ethnic replacement be talked about by pundits and Kosher Nationalist.

I say 10 years from now everyone will have acknowledged white genocide,and will be very pissed about it.

I feel very uneasy about people showing their JQ power levels just yet. I feel there will be time to openly talk about it, but not before randomly picked Republicans off the street are saying White genocide is real.

Double-edged sword. I would love them to name Satan but doing so would stifle progress toward eradication of the jew

I will look into it. I'm very surprised that this is the first time hearing this. Of course, the usual suspects pushed the silly conspiracies that it was a HAARP attack.

This is footage of a area after a 9.0 earthquake. Notice that not a roof tile is jostled, not a crack in the stucco, not a mark on the roads and for a first world nation that is more advanced when it comes to tsunamis than even the USA not a tsunami siren blasting. I was in Loma prieta earthquake and I will post photos from an earthquake that was 1000 times less 'powerful' than the one at fukushima. There was no earthquake; the whole thing was a giant lie.

Jim Stones work on this was fantastic. He had satellite images that showed exactly where the explosion came from (inside the plant not outside). TEPCO works with the Japanese government to cover it up because israel said that if they don't keep quiet they will do it again but this time to a city like tokyo.

There was no nukes. HAARP was used entirely. They can do a lot with HAARP. An earth quake really was triggered. Nuke use is disinfo. Athough, HAARP can namely trigger nuclear explosions without radiation. So much to it it'll have you saying, "Intredasting."


Haven't heard this in years. Takes me back.

See how just one kike post manages to derail a full thread? These subsequent posts are all either from the same Jew shill, who really needs to be roped, or from innocent anons taking his poison bait:

(Based explanation post. 8/10)

I used to get mad. Now I get glad.

Attached: Summer_Camp.jpg (673x976, 177.41K)

This is what an earthquake looks like that is 1000 times less violent than the fukushima earthquake. A 9.0 earthquake is more devastating and would have literally flattened buildings all the way to tokyo and into parts of China.

HAARP indicates US involvement. I don't believe this is true Jim Stone had all the info on the contractor and their ties to MOSSAD. There is actual photo evidence of an explosion inside the facility. The MOSSAD 'security' contractors were there the day before the explosion went off…they did it.

Attached: LP_QUAKE GALLERY_1280X720_01 (1)

top kek

I do love a good kike list. It makes them hopping mad to see one though. ;)

You know fucking nothing about earthquakes.

Attached: Goebbels_Names_the_Jews.jpeg (209x241, 11.24K)

Not only do I know a thing or two about them but I have done the research. YOUR KIKE LIES ARE FUCKING PATHETIC YOU PIECE OF SHIT.

So what's the answer then?

The answer to what? DId you listen to their commentary on the video? Do you think that a tsunami is something unknown in island culture? Listen to them…I said I was in Loma Prieta. We didn't have water for 3 days afterwards. The goround wouldn't stop shaking, I was thrown physically like a rag dog down two flights of stairs. I know what an earthquake is like.

A 9.0 would throw a human body so hard against a wall that it would explode on impact.

These guys in the video can't even figure out what is causing the tsunami…there was no alarm set off at all. There certainly was no '9,0 earthquake' it is fucking ridiculous. On the roads that you could still drive on in Loma Prieta (not the bridges that collapsed) people were insane with fear and drove even down the railroad tracks to get home. The screaming wouldn't stop during the earthquake and the crying went on for 1/2 hour afterwards. It was the first time in my life that I knew I was going to die. The differences in the japanese reaction vs the reaction that I saw…night and day. There was no earthquake in fukushima it was a mini nuclear environmental terrorism event that devastated and killed MANY people. Everything they tell you is a lie among many many other lies.

rag doll not rag dog…lel

Oh and the worst part?
How do you like them apples? Pretty fucking sick to see the real scope of the situation we are in right now.

Take your meds man

Here we go boys, get you last lifts, ammo cans, water jugs, medicine and food caches ready. We’re going hot soon, especially if the (((establishment))) loses their grip further this year.

Oh and don’t forget your Path of Light or People of Light cards

Dead leftists can’t create horrors then blame nature

Fuck off kike. Anyone who does the research knows FULL FUCKING WELL that you lied about the ENTIRE THING and you
you killed them to suit yourselves because that is what you

Sounds like bullshit to me.

Do the research.

wow… i'm sure this blatant appeal to your memes is 100% genuine… not a psyop at all… yeah…

me and my boy will be good guys on the road with a wheel gun and a single bullet

Attached: The_Road_2_L.jpg (600x400, 20.71K)

That's because it is bullshit. That user is prone to exaggerate, and has watched one too many movies.

check'd and heil'd

travel well fam, travel well

neck yourself


I doing the super light scrapper build where I have the ability to move quickly and will just pick up useful scrap use it and discard it asap.

I also have a 10 in charisma Ill pass all speech checks

reported for being a redditnigger

Fuck you jew…trying to deflect from your own guilt in the situation about what is well know by everyone who looked into the situation. You know but you want people to forget that there was no 9.0 earthquake. That you guys destroyed fukushima and that our governments are colluding with you to cover up your CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

Lazy fuck…I bet you believe in the holohoax as well.

Small earthquakes in various regions; just in case any of you are curious how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Attached: messina italy AFTER earthquake.jpg (610x447 46.35 KB, 88.63K)

This is footage of the 'fukushima earthquake'. It is all footage of the tsunami, NOT EARTHQUAKE. Every place I took images from called it the 'fukushima earthquake', but you can clearly see that it is TSUNAMI FOOTAGE NOT EARTHQUAKE FOOTAGE.

THe parasites are hoping that you can't tell the difference between an EARTHQUAKE and a TSUNAMI.

Attached: not earthquake fukushima TSUNAMI 2.jpg (630x390 70.37 KB, 60.86K)

'Post fukushima earthquake footage' a 9.0 and not a window broken, not a stucco cracked, not nothing out of place, not a road cracked, not a potted plant out of place or broken. THEY TELL YOU WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO THINK TO COVER UP THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. They TOLD YOU that this was an earthquake and you believed them. They were able to murder all those people for FUN, PLEASURE AND MONEY.


Not one piece of their endless fucking 'stories' and 'lies' add up to shit. Question everything? ALL THEY DO IS LIE 24/7…all they do is LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING. There is no way to deny that they lied about what happened at Fukushima. And the real evidence that Jim Stone collected about what actually happened is so damning that there are no words for it. It was a massacre of thousands that makes 9/11 look like small potatoes.

Attached: post earthquake fukushima footage.jpg (1224x724 126.48 KB, 115.96K)

Looks like the remnants of a once-great, Pepe loving Zig Forums.

For qresearch peeps, HRC and Lisa Shields link after election businessinsider.com/does-hillary-clinton-have-a-deal-to-avoid-the-press-2014-6

Pass it on, I have to get out of here. Thx


Not a 'q' fan…sorry that is just the frosting of bullshit on the bullshit cake. When all the politicians and governments are ALL IN ON WHAT IS HAPPENING and unwilling to do anything but LIE MORE about what is happening why would I give one flying fuck what that cunt does? Not one of them are honest…so what could a single thing they would do or say mean to me. It all means nothing.

Kill yourself kike.


Things are moving fast. Never seen so many normalfags name the jew in casual conversation before.

Different culture acts differently.
Tehre was also robing and shoplifting after Katrina, but nothing like that in Nippon land.
That's because Japan has to deal with shit like that constantly and they are orgnaized and civilized poeple.

Stop sperging like a luinatic conspiracy theorist, if the jews has a super-weapon that could cause earthquakes, theny they would have used it to flatten all of Israels enemies.

Take a few chill pills insted of all-capsing and screaming like a retard and throwing a fit whenever someone doubts your claims. Act like a retard, be treated like one.

This is the most interesting part imo. We know how much these sabbataens love their fucking numerology and prophecy fulfillment. They do this shit on purpose. It's not (((coincidence))). In fact, I'd go look at that time period to predict the future because guaranteed they will try to recreate their glorious revolution using the same exact methods. Pay attention to dates of significance as well.

It's not hard to name the jew, they're everywhere

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He said he thinks it was a mini-nuke. Unless you're about to start quoting (((weev))) and say nukes don't real, then yeah, (((they))) have weapons like that.

The kikes are busy shilling anons on Zig Forums…

Meanwhile in East Asia

Attached: Asia goes full Nazi.jpg (500x343, 50.07K)

This is still bluepilled somewhat. If you are thinking in terms of "conspiracy," then you do not really understand the Jewish problem. Jews are a biological problem. Jewish behavior is a result of Jewish genetics. Jews destroying civilizations is not a conspiracy. Not anymore than termites destroying a house is a conspiracy. It is just what they do. It is their biological nature. And the only solution is complete and total extermination of the Jewish genotype, through the use of gene-targeting bioweapons.

It was some fancy high-tech camera system, that happened to be installed in or near the reactor that failed. I wish I could remember where I saw the comprehensive tin foil, I don't even recall whether it was an article or a video.
The same contractors had ties to 7/7, 911, and several other events that have completely slipped my mind over the years.

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ignore this kike