Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys Banned From Twatter
And a big middle fucking finger to the fagmod who bumplocked my thread here where I talked about this very thing.
Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys Banned From Twatter
And a big middle fucking finger to the fagmod who bumplocked my thread here where I talked about this very thing.
Other urls found in this thread:
Let us know when they ban all the soy boys and fags.
I've been noticing a lot of faggot jew moderation bump locking threads while the catalog is flooding with nigger dick pictures. The jew is strong here too
Who ever the new mod/s is/are suck baby penis because they sure seem pretty kiked up
The mods are fucking shit. I'd never say we need to bring back the turkroach, but these new mods are not fairing much better.
The new moderation has been hit or miss. I appreciate anyone who takes time out of their day to keep this place free from shitposts and other garbage, but bumplocking a thread about a multi-billion dollar social media company banning conservatives is just silly.
Regardless of whether or not you agree with Gavin is irrelevant. This is blatant censorship and we should absolutely be paying attention right now because they are revving things up at the moment. It is getting worse at an accelerated pace, and with UTR happening tomorrow it makes me think that they really are afraid of the direction things are heading. If the mods bumplock this thread as well, I'm going to take a break from here for awhile.
I don't even like Gavin or Jones but this can only blow up in their faces.
At least they weren't racist.
I thought twitter liked this guy, and didn't he shove a dildo up his ass live on the air??? jeez, there is just no pleasing the kike is there?
I was in the other thread and like I said in there, Proud Boys are acting like the sky is fucking falling. They can't into communication other than social media and smart phones and it's going to bite them in the ass.
They're banning them because unlike outright-racist autists, the alt-lite has an actual chance of helping to push the Overton Window and converting moderates or leftists to the right.
The time will eventually come for completely open and public displays of racism, but now is not that time. The thing (((they))) fear the most is alt-lite content creators with large followings who might actually make a big difference. It's a tough pill to swallow for some, but optics plays a large role in modern shifts in consciousness.
The out-right racists have always been banned, they just didn't get the same attention that kike-lovers like Jonestein and McCuck do when it happened.
Racists get banned because the websites set up strict terms of service and enforce their rules.
What makes this interesting is that the alt-lite operates in ways that don't violate ToS. They are being banned because of their opinions, not just for slurs and denying the Holohoax.
my sister and I both suspected our parents knew we were having sex with each other but when our grandma came out and said she knew we were sleeping together at thanksgiving last year all kinds of holy hell broke loose.
This is what they fear something unexpected, and then next thing we know DOTR is here
The alt lite is basically NeoCon part 2: diverse boogaloo. The optics there can be enticing and offputting at the same time for people. It's offputting when they say "We shouldn't get banned because we're not the real racists like those other guys." It makes them look like the fucking Left. I've seen some of the Proud Boys I know blaming everyone but Twitter and the tech giants.
Where can I find the posts from the Proud Boys blaming everyone but Twitter? Genuinely curious.
I'm not defending the actual ideology that faggots like McInnes spew, I'm just saying that they're useful tools for a greater awakening.
wow twitter did something good … so first alex now gavin mcfag
is there a peaceful revolution against the jew going on? If we cant directly kill them then take our their golem. Nice
Good, kill yourselves, kikes.
cool story bro , we dont really think you have anything useful to add. Look at your life
How can you be okay with censorship? How could you possibly ever agree with the actions of Twitter or any other tech giant social media company?
Look deeper. Think harder before you write and speak
I sure am glad shills broke our board after kampfy was removed.
Well Gavin is using his Gab account but I haven't checked it yet. The postsbI've seen were on the Faceberg page of the local chapter I've infiltrated. I don't check their national faceberg page because that page is absolute cancer.
Possibly consider suicide.
Care to share screenshots?
Gavin isn't going to make a difference in a good way.
I would but it would definitely compromise my identity. I know some of those guys lurk here and I can't afford that. Just like we have guys deep cover in the Lefty groups, we need guys deep cover in these alt lite orgs. There will be a day where they turn their attention to us.
Well fuck, now where am I supposed to get the hot new recommendations for mustache combs and buttplugs?
Did you read ToS? Essentially it "we can ban you at our discretion suck it".
yeah it forced consent, which is no consent at all. An American company should be governed by American laws, such as the 1st amendment, newspapers have been hiding behind that shit for the last 150 years
But they're not racist. Didn't the proudboys tell youtube they're not racist? Hey guys, they're not racist or anything, they love black people and faggots. You're not allowed to ban them because they're not racist.
You live by the optics sword, you die by the same sword wielded by kosher hands.
It's the same mods, retards. Why are you so slow?
They just told Kikey to calm down with the bans. There was like 100 people left who used this site.
wrong, this is a loss for free speech and a loss for us
With Jews you always lose. Just ask, Alex.
And nothing of value was lost. Of course that can be said of any twitter account.
We never had free speech, kike. Gavin didn't allow us free speech either. No free speech with Proud Goys.
on the upside they will just go to another platform.
Yeah, he's making such a big difference undoing all the things that any Zig Forumsack would even want.
He is a tool kike. He is used to point out the blatant insanity of the American left. The ball has to get rolling and he is doing that. Kikes try to derail that and fucking mutt niggers are too low IQ to understand it.
does any of this banning business trigger streisand effect?
This is the fruit of the aut-kike.
Anyone on here supporting gavin, you are retarded, or a jew.
hey there schlomo
You just hate rightwing people and want them to be silenced. Definitely not a leftist or anything.
It's very obvious that these tech companies and the left in general are attempting to silence anyone they think helped Donald Trump in the last election, and could help conservatives in the midterms.
It's not a good thing that they're being silenced, and anyone making excuses for it, are letting you know what side they really stand on.
he was fun for a while
not sure what he's done lately
Sounds breddy hot, blz do tell more!
he helps to turn moderates and leftists rightwing, making them easier for us to reach.
It's actually pretty simple. Are you for censoring conservatives?
Because for me, even if I disagree with another conservative, I still don't want them silenced.
I can only see shills supporting silencing anyone.
I used to listen to Gavin Mcinnes' podcast. He makes a lot of sense when talking about feminism and men, but once he starts talking about race and "western chauvinism" you start to notice flaws in his world theory. After you hear him tell the same three stories a dozen times you realize he's not someone to pay attention to. The important thing is people are being censored who aren't even vaguely National Socialist-ish. This can be used for leverage.
Banning disinffo shills to legitimize their positions. It's like social media is playing us in order to shape our opinions.
I was thinking this also or the alt kike operation along with the disinfo shilling completely backfired and did more harm than good for the rats so they are shutting their operation down in time for mid term elections as well as censoring all opposition too their kike fuckery as it is falling apart on them en masse.
how does this work though?
would they only ban shills and leave up actual badgoys, or ban all of them? if a list of the banned is made public, doesn't this give publicity to lesser known and more dangerous speakers by mere association with the sensationalized shills?
It's just friendly fire. Do you really think every college kid and everyone in charge of censorship on all media is clued into the controlled op plan? They're fine with their own guys getting hit to legitimize them, but it's not always on purpose.
Aside from shoving butt-plugs up his as on stream and tongue kissing a nigger loving jews? Nothing.
It's a double reddit-nigger.
You don't.
some aren't even aware they are controlled opposition,and doing what the kikes have brainwashed them to,Like ppl who call rat jews globalist,or democrats or take your pick and never mention the semitic dominance in everything shit tier they cry and bitch about for fear of the shoah for example .
I am all for these kikes silencing from an acceleration stand point because it will back lash hard on the kikes doing the censoring to the breaking point,as when ppl cannot express their thoughts they tend to become radically pissed off and maybe just the tipping point needed to start the kike purge.Besides ppl are always drawn to what they are told is forbidden and in this case it is the truth about these fucking jews,
They finally managed to put the final dildo in Gavin's ass.
Those are exactly the ones that are NOT going to be banned.
Gavin McInnes epitomises the jewish Donald Trump psyop, a bunch of faggy retards pretending they are based electing ZOG as some kind of protect again ZOG.
McInnes is the nucleus and poster child of the jewish trump movement Proud boy retarded fags and cartoon frog spastics shoving dildos up each others arses just for youtube clicks
gavin is actually really funny and helps us whether you like him or not
The West needs to stop operating on the enemy's playground and build it's own. With black jack and hookers.
It's going to go mainstream: stop giving Youtube your content. Put your valuable content somewhere it will be respected. The audience can then choose to devour shit content on Youtube or go where the good stuff has gone.
Don't wait to be banned. Just leave by yourself. Leave their shitty playground.
This is why I pray for China or Iran to nuke the jew mind-controlled burgerland
Do you think Imkampfy was really removed as mod?
I call this the age of gullible retardation
That would be Imkikefy.
nah we're good, we like goofy shit like gavin, which is why i'm on Zig Forums, for the comedy… keep hatin'
gavin is funny, deal with it
oh yeah and i like guns and actually get to own them, suck on that… country flags on this board, when?
Twitter sure is going after teh controlled opposition these days
plenty of good content on youtube that only gets like 10 k views so, it's not about content, it's about popularity
people will watch whatever is shilled, quality stopped mattering
No, never. Fuck off back to 4cuck.
Then why is a big deal if somebody gets banned?
Their quality is put out of reach of the viewer and the viewer gets mad. So go the fuck to a different video streaming site and put stuff there instead. Eventually only retards will stay where they are banning everything. Youtube will become like a Salon or HuffPost and it's power will be gone.
Well, most people are retards.
Shouldn't you be on breibart or reddit?
It needs to be made the cool hip new edge meme to upload fornite let's plays and minecraft tutorials to porn hub and the problem will solve itself by the end of next week.
A lot of content is on youtube because uploaders get paid for it. Why would anyone "do it for free"?
ha, scrub, you still upload stuff to youtube?
If you don't upload your Fortnite vids to porn hub what sort of extreme gamer are you???
At least they were not racist! Look at where it got them eventually kek.
It's pretty important that these kind of people are getting banned. Because they try to purge any conservative thought from social media platforms. So normies get less exposure to any kind of right wing viewpoint. Nevermind if you actually go and preach national socialist beliefs on those kike social media you'd just get banned and removed very quickly.
As far as I know they're actually not allowed to do this since they're a neutral platform. So I'm not sure if they're legally allowed to ban right wing views and opinions en mass under US law.
Yes it is.
They first probably go after bigger fish of alt lite like Jones and Gavin, probably Sargon next. After that they will go very fast after smaller accounts and less popular ones to create full censorship.
MAYBE just maybe these people become somewhat aware of kikes. Probably not though.
On long term it can divide society in platforms that right wing will use and platforms (like google twitter faceberg) that the left wing will use.
lolololol nope
it's okay
you can cosplay as a different country every thread
tonight you are some cuck euro
maybe in another thread you can praise freedom of speech and gun rights?
nah dog i'm good
gavin is funny
i'm not even a proud boy but he makes some good points
jacking off too much is bad mmkay
i didn't need gavin to tell me that
Why are you here, promoting homosexual liberal pro-jew media?
He's ok when he's talking shit to some frizzy-haired feminist. Otherwise he's out of the loop. He's an aging man desperately clinging to his youthful rebellious years.
Time to go back to
Bring anti-trust action against them and eliminate software patents so kids in their basements can create better alternatives
isn't he like a faggot shilling for jew?
Yes, hence why the thread is alive and not one 'based' mod has considered anchoring it.
Good. Keep pushing alt-light and alt-right further right.
American CAN have a civil war that will fix everything but only if you play your cards right.
When society completely restricts one from expressing themselves when they believe they're working in the interest of truth and justice, the only solution is violence. Push, Americans. Reach the flash point.
Nobody said that, but from your posts I see you're upset that your cousins are pushing too hard too fast. Maybe if they listened to you they wouldn't be shooting themselves in the foot like this. It's a pity they don't heed your warnings because you're a two bit shill on a Tajikistan Alcoholics Anonymous Board.
Better version.
Butt Plug american nationalism.
Did he ever give a reason for that?
Listening to all the spastics trying to explain away all their support for jew frauds over the last few years they'd probably say it's 4D chess or something
Again, nobody said that. Mad you got called out?
To prove he isn't gay.