Nowadays, nazis can only cry out on the internet, because the get locked away and punched in real life! xD

Nowadays, nazis can only cry out on the internet, because the get locked away and punched in real life! xD

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Learn English next time you make a thread, newfag.

Suck Hitlers dick, bitch!

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How many Hitlers are you writing about?

First go to ED and lurk for about 10 years, come back when you aren't a newfag, also stay away from 4chan either because even those newfaggots will make fun of you.
Also learn English please.

And my sentence was not even misspelled, stupid nazi xD

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haha epic ecksdee, now lurk for 10 more years and come back when you're not a blatantly cancerous newfag.

Aside from op being a factor he brings up a good point. What is with all the faghots not defending themselves?

((They)) have you right where they want you

/trannypol/ left their containment board again.

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Like calling all niggers bubba.
Where is your ded god now, marxist.

The image The Man doesn't want you to see.

Prepare to see the horrible truth.

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Impale yourself commie.

Give your address, Zig Forums, no one will hurt you :^)

sage for retard thread.

Do you think using violence won't radicalize the population to us?

We will make alternative structures and we will win.


33 iq effort


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Slide thread

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Bumping this absolutely cancerous Zig Forums faggoty bait thread once and only once to remind all antifa faggots lurking in our neighborhood of their ineluctable karma. Webm related.

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Cool thread, brah.

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Honestly can't tell the difference between /trannypol/ and a guy who just found out about this site today.

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Hahahahahaha first, the Nazis pretend that they are tough, and when they are destroyed they cry like little bitches! xD

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lmao what the fuck? Were they nazis too?

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fuck off polish jew

Someones afraid, commies are shitting their pants because the masses are waking up XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD

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