"Totally useless. Graduates can't get jobs"

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Why is that, that we hear common sense only from Hungary?

check the catalog you absolute pleb

Hungary is BASED.


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the hung-aryans strike again

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My passport is nearly expired
time to go hungary

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Ah, sanity.

Now they just need to ban anything else that doesn't rely on empirical objective science with the exception of ancient classical philosophy.

Kill yourself, nigger.

I'm ecstatic, but also envious over how fucking based one country can be.

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study this kikes

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Censorship? Why would it be censored? Is gender studies some sort of political platform instead of a legitimate science?

seems pretty jewy bro

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What gave it away?
One of the books?


i'd like to add that it's not always true


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Japan did this a year ago too. It must be the asian blood.

You just couldn't help your self, could you?
Hungarians are genetically indistinguishable from Germans.

Now we just wait for the 'ORBAN IS A KIKE GOYIM!' shills to show.

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They are supposed to be politkomissars.

Pretty lulzy news but how does it make a difference? Sociology, psychology, media studies, there's a dozen names for the same degree. They all take the same classes. The same people who teach gender studies also teach intro lit and they teach the same shit.

At least it's a start I guess.

Does anybody have pictures of Orban touching a wall somewhere? Need it for a project.

Hes a civnat. Much better than a shitlib in charge but not the complete solution.

You only can use it in the KSH (Központi Statisztikai Hivatal - Central Statistics Office). Sociology books are super unpopular and noone gave a fuck, so spearding jewish propagand here wont put food on your plate here. How i know? I have a BA degree
Get into it is super hard, most of the views are polar opposite of the western psychology. Like transgender is considered as a mental disorder, many time proved by mdeical records.
After mszp (the leftist party which crippled the country during 2002-2010) was deafeted Fidesz started a media purge. This purge got relaunched in 2014 at the very first signs of the refugee crisis. Got super agressive during 2015-2016. Now the leftist media only live on life support (Soros money). If you on media studies than you aiming to work for a right wing media or an indepent non-politic medium. Otherwise you die starving.

Life is good here, black pill user.


Support !!!!

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That's what trump should do in America, the majority of SJWs are like that because the universities are basically communist indoctrination centers.

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In America banning won't help, You'd have to fumigate universities.

indeed, it's actually pretty funny how many of these bitches unironically refer to themselves as such


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When you make a counter move like this, you redirect the funding to something positive (tax break, babysitting, whatever…) that way you get the cucks in the middle on your side immediately.

but these gender studies programs lead to degrees not worth the paper its printed on. Your only option is becoming an activist. Even if other programs like Sociology, Psychology, and Media studies have a clear left lean to them, the graduates will have actual jobs they won't want to lose by becoming a shitlib.

First it'll be "His uncle's 2nd cousin twice removed attended a synagogue"

Nigger do you know what race realism is based on?

And then they see posts like this insulting them and realize they want nothing to do with being on the same side if it means they are on the side of cunts like you.

They do, dont worry. All the degeneracy is shitting up the planet so they could feel like at home everywhere.

That's bullshit. People with gender studies degrees just make themselves busy by entering into corporate america and selling their retarded snake oil to upper management types.

With these joke degrees they become damaging.

he literally offered an israeli-style right of return to all Hungarian diaspora


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Not true at all!
First, these professions aren't under genderstudies since they are older than gender study. Sociology and psychology are professions which were created and practiced since the ancient times. Both of those fileds had a role to make the world a better place way before the jews and the left entered! If you take some time and check history you could see these fields got tainted after world war 2, when jews take over in the 50's. Or in other words, when the (((Frankfurt School))) destroyed every opposing school.
Second, you can't just thown out those professions when they have vital roles to run the state and prevent degeneracy! Sociology is needed to check and monitor the conditons of society. Or what you think how the politicans know the crime rates? The average living conditions? The statics of the public health epidemics? It's monitored and made into reports by people with sociology degree who learned make and process statistics. Psychology is for checking insane people, like leftist. Scientifically proven thing like why growing up with a single mother is damaging you. And seriously? I really need you to explain why media studies are freaking important? In a time when fake news and mass media manipulation are at large? Read some non-jewish stuff about Goebbels and you will see why this shit is vital! Keeping the people aware of the tricks is super important, especially nowadays!
Third, you can make money with those degrees. being an activist with those degrees mean you are a leftist shore looser. The reason why in your western shitholes these fields are ruled by leftist is because the local rabbis prevent the right to take it back. That would be catastrophic for them.

- Just because gender studients have a little experience from Sociology, Psychology, Media studies that doesn't make them experts, which is the reason why they are not hired at all on those fields.
- Sociology, Psychology, Media studies aren't bullshit fields. If they were then you wouldn't be ruled by the jews. they are field whats once belonged and were mastered by the western people to build a thriving civilization!
- If you become an activist with a social science degree than you are a nigger tier low iq loser.
- Gender study isn't a profession. It's like taking one single anatomy class and you just declare yourself a doctor.

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Please shut it you insufferable faggot. You are on no ones side which is why you will always lose.

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What's fucked up is having to even argue the point. Fucking gendurr is not real. They might as well have had classes on gnomes, elves, dragons, unicorns, or "equality," or whatever-the-fuck-else.

That's a bit retarded, even though it is gender studies getting the axe.
It's not economical, but that doesn't mean something is not useful.

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I'm afraid simply banning Gender Studies won't be enough. These people are enemies of the state and need to treated as such. All this will do is scatter the roaches all over the place.

What the subject should research is the strengths and weakness of the psychology and physical aspects of men and women. Instead, it's just fucking feminism and a waste of time. Instead of doing studies on how we can exploit the sexes full potential, it studies how there are more than one gender, which is fucking dumb because as you said, it's an abstract concept with no physical or even psychological basis.

Well that sounds good then if you really have uncucked social studies. I'm pretty surprised though, even very conservative countries (like majority muslim) tend to have pozzed as fuck socsci because that's ground zero for importing pc-culture from the west.

No, actually, there's also

Hungarians are 4% Asian on average. Their ancestors were Mongoloids.


This is true. Areas of study, even very specialized ones like gender studies, cannot be bad by themselves. They are just currently dominated by bad people. Physics today is full of libtards as well, but you wouldn't say physics is trash because of it. In theory you could easily have someone study human gender differences without trying to destroy normal society, but the modern academic community makes that impossible by being subjective and dogmatic instead of open to facts and their logical interpretations.

What's with the in-fighting? I don't see you linking to the other threads yourself?