Porn sites attract more visitors each month than Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter combined

All of these fresh eyeballs are in need of some redpills.

If Youtube, Apple, whateverthefuckify, Stream-gay, and Pintrest are going to just start banning entire large chunks of content anways, lets move all the important stuff over to porn websites.

-HUGE set of eyes
-redpills are exactly the sort of thing masturbaters should be watching instead of porn
-nobody will ever take it seriously to call it hatespeech if it's along side BLONDE MOM SHOWS HIM HOW TO FUCK
-It's funny as fuck how fate works. To save the west, we must infest the infestation.

-Bad PR for big names. Big established names won't have the balls to do this. Even tho the fuckin writing is no the walls in plain daylight.
-Zig Forums is too dead full of boomer larpers who don't know how do do this
-have to go on icky porn sites

Also it's going to be edgy as fuck to upload PLAYER UNKNOWN BATTLEGROUNDS speed runs and Minecraft tutorials to xhamster with troll names so people think they are going to click on porn and PSYCHE: it's a fortnite let's play. SO FUCKING EXTREMELY DANK MEME DUDE SERIOUSLY. Thank your bus driver for this one.

The sites:
pornhub, xtube, xhamster, youporn, redtube, idk you sick fugs no more than me I bett xDDDDDD

Anyways, throwing this out there as slightly drunk as I am. I may pass out and check tomrrow

Hail victory.

Attached: PORN SITES SAVE FREE SPEECH.jpg (600x658, 85.94K)

Other urls found in this thread:>>


Attached: Dawn_of_spurdo.png (680x481, 704.77K)

so what is this the reverse of youtube trolling?

instead of hiding porn in innocuous videos, you hide red pills in porn. some guy in mid fap is going to go from giant nigger tits to a hitler speech telling him to stop being degenerate.

We're already downloading stuff and listening goodies on this thread: (I fucking forgot how to link threads because I am a faggot who jacks off all day)

1. Find good worthy redpills.
2. Download them.
3. Upload them to porn sites
4. Bonus points to disguise them as normal porn videos.
5. Save free speech.
6. Get mad pussy irl

I've never uploaded to a porn site before, it feels so dirty…

It's also good to place the reveal towards the end of the video right when the viewer is about to cum for maximum endorphin association.

If moloch and the evil fucks can convert normal straight boys to cock sugging faggots with this same trick it will work with NatSoc.

Instead of bi confusion videos, it slowly converts the masturbator over to associate Gobbels quotes as good.

Attached: ALL WAMAN QUEEN.jpg (600x588, 68.33K)

redpills … right next to gay and cuck porn

you fucking scum degenerates. Fuck that remove yourself from youtube, pornhub … all that bull shit.

Get into politics and place your redpills there. But dont be some silly faggot like patrick little

yeah, right where gays and cucks will find them.

you feel dirty because you are a degenerate

t. scared jew

Close your eyes. Put on a gas mask and a contamination suit if you are afraid of getting dirt on your hands. Stop being fucking afraid to go where the west is corrupted and disgusting and show them something beautiful. Give them something to hope for. Put it right where they will find it. Next to MISTRESS MAKES HER CUCK SUCK A BLACK MAN'S DICK WHILE MAKING FUN OF HIS GRAY HAIR

They will either get turned off by all the scary nazi stuff and leave the porn site (good) or get turned on and start jacking off to Hitler on a regular basis (not healthy, but it's how we all started our path to improvement)

funny point, I could almost hear the yid accent in his last comment
"yo feel doyty beecus yo r a digineerhate (pls goyim no shoah)"

the jew fears attacks on it's degenerate porn business

you are a piece of shit and your parents are failures

the sell out failure only wants to be involved in meaningless sex industries

kikes not even trying anymore

Your fear is palpable. I wasn't going to go with OP's idea, but you've just convinced me. Making a pornhub account right now, and I'll be uploading this video first

Attached: dr william pierce on the jews.webm (480x270, 3.45M)

Attached: RedPill.png (478x510, 247.47K)

inb4 homosexual innuendo "humour" and/or allegations of sexual nature

Attached: BRILLIANT_[1].jpg (795x595, 57.77K)

Just made an xhamster acct.
Was thinking of starting with the Civilisation series.
But maybe the goy guide to world history first?

Attached: actualrealporn.png (471x232, 8.04K)

Oh darn, they actually have rules for their content :/ I guess it's game over guys. It was fun while it lasted anyways.

Attached: rules.png (1008x143, 11.73K)


"no sleeping persons" … thats my shit

I can picture it now: some hot blond reading off black crime statistics and the history of jewish expulsions while cow-girling.

Do it.

Attached: whynotbothgirl.jpg (596x424, 116.38K)

You are a degenerate fuck, please leave you sick bastard.

Attached: kali yuga.png (849x1200, 458.63K)

I can hear the kvetching now.
And it is glorious

First video is live, and more are coming
Mods, please excuse me for linking directly to this cesspit. It's related to the thread though, and this subversion is honestly quite entertaining.

Attached: lel.png (999x773, 816.71K)


Attached: hmmmmmmm.png (875x69, 7.06K)


Attached: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.png (431x104, 3.38K)

NICE! PornHub seems to be the way to go.
xhamster is too stingy. We'll see… I am going to switch over to PornHub. All Wars are Banker's War

I give it one week before "this video has been reported for hate speech and banned because it's not porn".

And here's number two. Another two are converting :^)

Attached: SHOWERS, NOT GAS CHAMBERS.webm (996x773 7.38 MB, 686.24K)

forgot link in case anyone wants to upvote/comment

user, you are a genius.

Full videos will probably get taken down fast, but something more like a legit scene for a few minutes and then a redpill is the way to go.

Is it possible to put a nude picture as the header to get normies to click on it?
Also, you could post documentaries on circumcision with titles like "Extreme BDSM genital torture"

It's easy, give it a go

I doubt they'll get taken down quickly. We'll see though, I'll monitor this account.

I was just about to mention that with my next upload. This video is good subversion because it is essentially what the title says just with commentary.>>

Attached: Weaponization of porn.webm (997x825 9.67 MB, 1M)

What's wrong kike-kun? Have nothing to say now?

Attached: heh.png (320x240 614.01 KB, 3.5M)


Attached: Dirty old Doctor Fucks his Patients Hard - - Iridium.png (1366x736, 233.18K)

Same here.

I think it has something to do with the conversion process, because I was getting that message myself a few minutes ago as the uploader.

More videos on the way though. I'm personally a bit proud of this title.

Attached: dildo.png (480x360 517.83 KB, 2.95M)

This. Much more like this.

Literally "muh dik". The top text has a background while the bottom does not. What was changed?

Attached: 1436498594003.jpg (960x949, 93.43K)

Going to stop for a bit as I don't want too much activity looking like a spam bot. But Anons…
If it's just me and OP this means little. It's fun, but the subversion ultimately won't last long or be hard to clean up with little amounts of uploads. Get to it!

Forgot last link:
New link:

Attached: and then they arrested him.webm (995x817 7.89 MB, 617.86K)

I don't know if you guys know this, but there are also meme videos on Pornhub already. If we could edit together redpills into a meme video format….

Attached: help_and_friendly_advice.mp4 (326x184, 5.73M)

what i want is the comment section to publicly funded programs uploaded on official youtube channels to be fucking open
at least the fucking like bar

Attached: vermintide steam review.png (606x292, 60.57K)

Shouldn't there be a way to edit thumbnails? That way you don't necessarily have to tailor the title to the video. "Priest gives sexy sermon" is weak, user.

Attached: Hitler question.gif (337x337, 25.43K)

Aw, come on I liked that one. I assume there's quite a few faggots out there with a priest fetish.

There is a way to edit thumbnails, but you can only select thumbnails from stills in the video. No custom thumbs like youtube

Maybe. Are you selecting all categories? I think it'd be more likely to show up if you did. Add a shitload of tags too.

Or at least a lot of categories.

I was selecting minimal categories but I guess it doesn't really matter where these videos show up. Probably best if they show up in unexpected categories anyway, as it will surprise someone to see a random vid/thumbnail like that and they'll likely click on it out of curiosity

Ah, never mind, it's limited it seems.

That makes sense.
When did the video start working when it said it was "unavailable in your country".

They seem to be working now, got a few upvotes and the views are tracking now.

Attached: good job.gif (480x360, 313.8K)

St Reginald needs to be used for a black cuck short

Attached: SHUT.png (515x422 6.07 MB, 338.02K)

Funny you mention categories. I think pornhub might have an auto-filter for that Dr. William Pierce video. I added a bunch of categories to that one, but the only one that remains is "SFW". Oddly, the tags remain.

Attached: wat.png (536x202, 6.98K)

It says it's live but man is it taking a really long time to play. I also tested it by logging out and it still says it's unavailable.
Pornhub really is just a huge pain, but it's worth it.


Attached: ews.PNG (450x360 435.8 KB, 6.97M)
Next one should be a bit more sexy…

Attached: porn experiment.png (668x477, 148.79K)

Yeah I see the same thing on your video. I think we just gotta wait it out

Attached: nothing wrong.png (670x614, 302.12K)

Should you flood the redpills in the more niche porn fetishes? That way you can flood the site with redpills before they take much notice.

It doesn't matter, really. What's important is that we get multiple IPs uploading videos

Was that a different one? Your link was weird so I didn't just copy paste but instead did a search. Also, I remember hearing about researchers who installed mild boot fetishes on male test subjects by having pretty nude females wear boots. As they became accustomed to it, their brain began to associate boots with pleasure, or think women wearing them was attractive.

has it begun?

Attached: 5Xhf69.jpeg (720x707, 57.28K)

By the way guys, pornhub does not accept webm files. I have been using this site to convert files, but it does not say what the limit is (annoyingly). Convert to mp4 with most videos under 10 min and it seems to be good


Oh damn, somebody beat me to it with that one.
Maybe there's already other redpills burried…

Coloring books. Another great idea.

Most likely. As I said earlier, you can find meme videos.

Also, lol, the file was 9.11 mb
New one:

Attached: hot arab orgy ends in creampie.mp4 (1096x182 9.11 MB, 38.93K)

I always wondered what a porno about the federal reserve would be like. Do we need right wing porno actors now? Lets say the dude dresses up like a kike, and the woman dresses up like the federal reserve. And then during the sex the guy yells facts, that are also sex moves?

Yes but most have stopped uploading that shit. We need to mass upload these videos (also there was no porn bait in those "meme" videos").

I'm already losing my shit just by picturing it.

Attached: World Laff.webm (900x506, 2.39M)

user that video you posted has that bitch saying the holohoax was real

No, I know, but just as a side thing. You know, nuggets of truth in comedy.

*embed if you want

Attached: Blank _dc92b29f0be1a4ccb06c5e634f233e2f.jpg (1030x625 23.32 KB, 12.94K)

Also, if you want:
Not my channel but thought it was a good resource.

Gonna start uploading Hjernevask now.

Attached: fully automatic merchant.gif (400x300, 2.86M)


Guys, there's fucking achievements.

Attached: achievements.png (277x62, 6.63K)

t. frog

Yeah, it's going to say that until the video is done processing I believe. Just gotta wait.

New video, changing the title when I can. Give me a good name if you've got one.

Attached: really makes you think.webm (997x829 7.65 MB, 387.21K)

sage for double post

Porn sites are even more drastically kiked than youtube, well imagine my shock.

Attached: 82432a26615f7ddf4ad122c8a5aa31e759a2decc4b1d61e311bc267450348aea.png (383x383, 8.36K)

I can't imagine why on earth they'd do it but whatever. I got "the virgin", did you?

Nice digits, but read the thread.

Attached: friends_enjoying_cake_making.jpg (975x962, 133.58K)


Guys make sure you selectively identify who you want to appeal to. I feel more gays will click these kinds of videos, and that there is an increasing popularity for them.

Attached: options.PNG (1290x466, 21.5K)

I put "other" and "both". Trying to cast a wide net

btw, porn degenerates will remember that popular porn videos are mirrored on dozens of different sites. would be a shame if the same thing happened with "gas the kikes" content, wouldn't it?


user would you mind posting a version of that here so I can save it? Would like to add it to my collection.

You can download it right from PornHub :)

I was fucking a hooker lately, and I have a mirror in my bedroom, and I am also /fit/ and to be honest it felt like I was the star of a porno movie. GIVE ME A SCRIPT

"This video is unavailable in your country."
what does pornhub mean by this

I'm in the US not fucking China

I would, but I don't want some random shit that could come with downloading something from pornhub.

Post it here please. I'll upload Questioning the Holocaust next for your efforts

same thing on this one, are you bongs uploading this or what? why is this restricted in the united states. i am an american. this is unacceptable.

I uploaded a fucking video of fat albert experiencing the death of one of his gang members and it restricts me on my own fucking video

Attached: uUft7lks_400x400.jpg (600x552, 195.69K)

Better yet just have some thots with huge tits play act
Win win

maybe we just have to wait for it to "Save"

Attached: Capture.PNG (1449x216, 34.1K)

it's a play on hungarian because hungarians have the biggest dick size in the world. if you spent more time here you would know that.