Porn sites attract more visitors each month than Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter combined
All of these fresh eyeballs are in need of some redpills.
If Youtube, Apple, whateverthefuckify, Stream-gay, and Pintrest are going to just start banning entire large chunks of content anways, lets move all the important stuff over to porn websites.
-HUGE set of eyes
-redpills are exactly the sort of thing masturbaters should be watching instead of porn
-nobody will ever take it seriously to call it hatespeech if it's along side BLONDE MOM SHOWS HIM HOW TO FUCK
-It's funny as fuck how fate works. To save the west, we must infest the infestation.
-Bad PR for big names. Big established names won't have the balls to do this. Even tho the fuckin writing is no the walls in plain daylight.
-Zig Forums is too dead full of boomer larpers who don't know how do do this
-have to go on icky porn sites
Also it's going to be edgy as fuck to upload PLAYER UNKNOWN BATTLEGROUNDS speed runs and Minecraft tutorials to xhamster with troll names so people think they are going to click on porn and PSYCHE: it's a fortnite let's play. SO FUCKING EXTREMELY DANK MEME DUDE SERIOUSLY. Thank your bus driver for this one.
The sites:
pornhub, xtube, xhamster, youporn, redtube, idk you sick fugs no more than me I bett xDDDDDD
Anyways, throwing this out there as slightly drunk as I am. I may pass out and check tomrrow
Hail victory.