Actually they have a form of extreme nationalism but it's rooted in a colonial J$w created cult that glorifies the endless repression and genocide of Europeans and allegiance to the self-proclaimed moral and legal superiority of this 'multiracisl' colonial state. They are obsessed with the indoctrinated delusion of 'White racist conspiracy' and all (historical) lies, demagoguery and that is imposed and used to defame and illegitimise any form of European nationalism. They are a hate group. In the end 'fascism' is a mostly redundant term, buzz word. The (militant) nationalism of all groups has analogies to the nationalism of the German and Italian regimes they infer. The key here is that through all the (post-)war propaganda anything which challenges the established J$w elite regime will be painted with the same black and White brush they colored their version of history with. As if historical 'fascist' regimes were somehow entirily in the wrong. Rather than legitimate. But, inevitably, also not impeccable given the difficulties of their context. This is really what drives this absurd detachments and dichotomy and these events. The perversion of history and a regime, establishment that survives on it where people organize through the only realistic means, ethnic nationalism, unsubversible and indivisible to liberate themselves and fight for a better future. And a regime that creates goons through the cultism and brainwash it organizes. Really any ideology can attempt, pretend to legitimize itself in the way European nations are imposed with the idea of forced pluralization, genocide of Europeans if you just paint all opposition with atrocities of history and the blame for wars and injustice like is done through demonizing them as 'racist', 'fascist', 'nazi' etc. Regardless of what the actual definition of 'racism' is or what the historical fascist, nazi regime was, what caused and who was responsible for these wars. Through the relentless and blatant propaganda presented. Really any genocide and rep^ression attracts goons. There is barely more anything more "discriminating and prejudical, antagonydirected against someone of a race based on the belief that one's own race is superior." than the way Europeans are demonized and roibbed of our right to nationalist self-determionation. Ethnically cleansed in name of 'diversity', etc. All in the idea that demonising, stereotyping European nationalists and Europeans in general historically or contemporarily is some act of moral, legal and intellectual superiority. The mainstream now in media is the dogma of mioral and intellectual superiority of the nationalists of whatever race, group but Whites, Europeans. And the relentless demonisation of the latter.
Are antifa 'nationalist'?
how can you be nationalist and also advocate for imigrants.
In what way are you supporting your nation by supporting people from another nation.
I guess if you think of the world as a nation then they are nationalist … but this is also know as "globalist"
"Im a citizen of the world"
this type of faggot bullshit
That's probably for the next phase of the jewish alt-right mindfuck psyop, they've already spent the last 2 years pretending zionism isn't globalism
you have to go back
>>>Zig Forums
now fuck off
That's the most retarded shit I've seen in a long time.
they why are you not advocating for improving your own country?
This type of thinking breaks down as you start to juxtapose the idea of "a tribe expanding a nationa" with what nationalism really is for. Strengthening a nation.
Im not here to shoot fucking think tank ideas for your antifa meeting. Its pretty simple and the energy you have to put into nickpicking definitions is a display of the weakness of your argument.
You can rework the words all you want, in the end you are just trying to redifine the word "nationalism"
And what every your definition is then sure, you are right.
But thats not the definition of nationalism. So in the real world you are wrong.
imagine the most retarded shit and you will hit the target, these days.
which means (((they))) KNOW the complete takeover of nationalism is 100% ineluctable.
This shit has long been decided over rabbi…
they are litterally funded by yids
[urge to sell 1-legged-pants intensifies]
this is how you get (((civic)))-"nationalism" & the sort, until this latest iteration of "national"-(((globalism)))
this is how SJWs were trying to distentiate themselves from their own name, thinking the name was cursed and not their tepid ideology.
this is judaism.
It's J€w.
No. It's tribalism that backfires in a counter-effective to its natural purpose manner. Nationalism is a rational, political and philosophical approach to inherent tribalist instincts that creates stable productive societies.
From what I've observed antifa come in three colors.
These are the minority, but they're there. They need someone to blame for the ills of society, and the academia/media braintrust has told them it's whites selling and buying capital. Some blacks are in this category because fuck whitey
These are the people who couchsurf off regular workers, drink all your beer, smoke all your weed, blame capitalism for their student debt, and are totally embedded in the leftist lifestyle. They are probably not salvageable
These are the main organizers and leaders. Antifa is their group of revolution and they will use it any way they can. They will rarely if ever be on the front lines. They are the professors and authors of this sickness. Gas is required
they are pretty much magic since they shape human thought. without them all you get is the unpleasantness of incoherent emotional babble
antifa is like any other political organisation is jewish op called "divide and conquer", let the goyim fight among themselves over non issues.
real enemies are the system and kikes.
True, language is the most basic form of magic. I haven't properly researched the fringefags who study this shit, but /x/ and esoterics are people who use fancy words and ideas to try to explain how language affects the world around us. Language is a clumsy human attempt to portray the unprotrayable and express the inexpressible.
antifa are commies and commies are not people
they are target practice
some may look like you, sound like you, smell like you, some may even be spawned by humans, but the sads truth is that most of them have been so irreversibly corrupted by cultural marxism that they are no longer human
Antifa themselves are not aligned with any specific nation but their primary focus is against white western values and culture which they see as the root of all evil in the world.
They won't say anything about nonwhite countries enforcing borders but a white country doing it is racist.
Antifa is also usually pro Islamist since currently that is a competitor to white western values. Israel is also usually aligned with most western christians and is frequently white, or white enough by Antifa standards to be oppressors. So anybody telling you jews have anything to do with antifa have been sniffing too much gasoline.
you either misunderstand, or feign to misunderstand.
they believe that words are magic, ie what i explained regarding their attempt at distantiating themselves from the moniker SJW, because they believe that it was the name, rather than the shitty ideology, that was making them lose the plot.
verbialisation is not fucking sorcery.
It is though. The words people use have infinitely more power than how many cats they sacrifice in their basement. You can start a war, end a life, or ignite the courage of a nation with the right sentences.
I wonder what this board would be like if we had one single legit non-jewish user as mod?
go away
To follow:
I've tried to get into esotericism many times but it never stuck. They talk in circles, offer very little substance under the guise of
Maybe I'm just too stupid to get it, but from what I understand magic comes from people, specifically the mind. Words are crude chiselled effigies of thought. Words are magic.
No you fucking retard.
Good eye.
I nominate this as the dumbest thread of the year. OP is a faggot without peer.
First off, no, they're not nationalists. maybe the most obvious thing about them is the fact that they're against borders. They're fucking globalists who routinely say shit like 'no one is illegal' and 'we're all citizens of the world'.
Second, if you're gonna shill, then at least make it easier to read. That formatting was shit-tier, you fucking idiot.
antifa are foot soldiers to the kike agenda of famine and mass starvation by the state they so blindly think will bring marxist equality so they aren't piss ants and everyone is equal however the world at current state was never made by equals it was made by white men who out of the kindness wanted to lessen the burden of the proletariat and did for fellow whites now every shitskin including the jew leading the mach wants what we have without paying the blood and sacrifice toll whites paid to lift ourselves out of barbarity and foolish schemes that undermine the fabric of society like jew hubris.The time to fight is almost nigh against all that seek to take from you the fruits of your existence created by strong white men YOUR ANCESTORS !!
Antifa aren't anything other than what their name describes. They are "anti-fascist", and this case the word "fascist" simply means anyone who threatens the (((globalist elite))) or their kosher narratives.
These days a "fascist" can be anyone from an average Republican to some of the more right leaning Democrats. Libertarians and other independent political movements are lumped in there as well. Why? Well, these people don't support the things that the current elites want. The elites want open borders to flood the first world with dumb brown masses who will be subservient to them. You want a taste of their future? Imagine a bunch of fat mulatto mutts waddling around with a cheeseburger in one hand and an iphone in the other. This is the new consumer class that they want. Whites are being targeted because we're the great inventors. We come up with new ideas and build useful stuff, and that makes us dangerous. When brown shitstains rise up, they do so with sticks and rocks and they're easy to put down with white inventions like rifles and explosives. We've already created everything these elites would need to rule with an iron fist, thus we've outlived our usefulness to them. What you see now is them trying to toss us away like garbage. But we won't leave without a fight. When we rise up, we have the power to chew these fuckers a new asshole or two. We engineer massive machines like tanks and navy ships on which we mount guns that fire projectiles that can destroy small office buildings in a matter of minutes. This is why they fear us. Last time whites rose up in huge numbers was in WW2, and it took the elites years to beat down a nation the size of Texas. Germany went from being a poor war torn shithole to amassing a huge military in less than a decade, and they pulled all of mankind forward technologically by at least 50 years.
This will happen again, and this time around we're going to win. This time there will be no mercy and no prisoners taken. We will murder wholesale any group that wishes our people harm.
it's just rhethorical bullshit from people who don't want to pull any amount of work.
yids invented "sitting on your ass all day talking in circle about bad slashfic invented millenias ago".
They are the ancestors of neets.
Because they influence people. Sacrificing cats doesn't have any effect on others. Communication is communication.
Stop giving credit to magic when you're just talking about what everyone knows but with some extra pomp.
it's difficult to say at this point who would be successful between AuntQueefa and the PNW mission. That is some beautiful territory to be sacrificed to a group of people that don't give a shit about preservation the European way
fucking lel, thank you for saying that user. I suspected as much.
I'm not trying to give credence to "magic". I'm saying it's not some intangible force of strangeness that only LaVey can describe. I'm saying everything that can be called "magic" is just the result of a human affecting the material world, and language is extremely powerful in that regard.
If you really want to be a wizard take a public speaking course and read a lot. Don't bother with symbols or candles.
Antifa is internationalist and globalist, pretty much the epitome of anti-nationalist.
Just call the magic people retards then. I agree with you but stuff like that just eggs them along because it creates a grey area that the 'esoteric' people like to exploit to try turning new folks into do-nothing basement wizards.
Hence Crowley being employed as a wartime propagandist. The magic has a name, it's called neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis, and ALL politicians are now taught the methods.
Why didn't I think of that.
No, they're nonsensical faggots.
And this is just further leftist word games trying to redefine known definitions in order to move goalposts.
if you paint your neighbour`s car for 10 years breaking your back doing so without telling him and suddenly present it to him and want money IS YOUR NEIGHBOUR SUPPOSED TO PAY YOU?
no, he can give you some money if he likes your paintjob, he can ignore you or he can even WANT money from you to paint it back they way it was
you only get money from him for SATISFYING HIS INTERESTS(he wants his car painted)
it is high time people got that through their heads
the system is money, its god is money IF YOU WANT MONEY, WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR MONEY FROM?
stalin? your mother? your dog? a vending machine?
YOU GET YOUR MONEY FROM THE SYSTEM so to do that you have to satisfy its interests and so the more of its interests you satisfy the more money you get thus if you work a job that better satisfied the interests of the system the more money you will get EVEN IF YOU WORK LESS TIME AND NEED TO PUT LESS EFFORT
that is why if you WANT MONEY work for the system IT IS THE ONLY DISPENSOR OF MONEY
if you want a LOT OF MONEY work things that satisfy the system the most
if you dont care about money and the system and money is not your god then live OFF the system independent and carefree, but BEFORE BITCHING ABOUT "oh my job is so hard, why dont teachers get paid more blah blah"
do you WANT MONEY(ie you want to serve the money god aka the system)
or NOT
if you choose to want money you have to SERVE the system and OBTAIN AS MUCH MONEY as per how much you satisfy THE SYSTEM`s interests which can include killing people terrorism IT DOESNT MATTER
because the system is NEUTRAL, the system doesnt give you money for praising MAO or STALIN
ie the system is NOT BIASED,
capitalism is NEUTRAL neither good or bad YOU ARE GIVEN AS MUCH MONEY(interest) as the INTERESTS you satisfy if the system wants you to kill people to get money THE SYSTEM IS NOT EVIL FOR GIVING YOU MONEY TO KILL PEOPLE, the PEOPLE who want you to kill money are evil, the SYSTEM IS A TOOL
"mommy, mommy the system is GREEDY it awards greedy people like financiers"
FUCK OFF TOMMY, the system IS MONEY of COURSE IT WILL REWARD GREEDY PEOPLE, its god is MONEY naturally greedy people will WANT TO satisfy its interests best BECAUSE they want money
thus again the evil and greed IS IN THE PEOPLE who pursue only profit, not the money or the system
NOT based on skill effort knowledge being jesus blah blah blah
if you save the whole world NO ONE IS SUPPOSED TO GIVE YOU A SINGLE PENNY
YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO MONEY for doing good or doing a lot or working hard
that is what you should expect if you are a moral person wanting to do good, NOT MONEY
if you want money, that is a whole different story
to survive in a money based system it is best to work for the system so as to obtain the living minimum amount of money and USE YOUR SERVITUDE TO THE SYSTEM for good, there are thousands of cases where the system interests align with doing good, for example you can work for the system and do stuff that is sligthly evil but learn from that work skills that you can later utilize for incredible good,
you can go all the way with money and become worshipper of the system, or you can go the holiest route of living off the grid(off the system), doing good without obtaining money from the system
BUT WORKING OUTSIDE THE SYSTEM LIMITS YOU in your capacity to do good in many many ways
choose your god
No they are not.
Because Nationalism means supporting one's "Nation."
What is a Nation?
A Nation is a people united by shared Blood (genetics) and Heritage (culture, language, history). Both.
The Blood must be AT LEAST Race.
Indeed, the entire point of nationalism is to put one's racial or ethnic group first to and SEPARATE from the rest of the humans/ hominids in sovereign Nation States.
So, no, antifa is not "nationalist." They either reject the concept of "race" as a real thing or claim that it exists, but is a "social construct."
Antifa is globalist.
Globalism is not nationalism.
It is the opposite of nationalism.
Furthermore, your argument does not support your initial assertion.
Nationalism MEANS SOMETHING. It does not mean globalism. It does not mean "diversity." It does not mean "multiculturalism." It does not mean supporting or allowing invasion.
It does NOT mean "civic nationalism" which is NOT nationalism. It is statism.
It means securing a homeland for OUR people and a future for the children of OUR people.
Antifa opposes these goals.
The system and the kikes are real enemies.
But the they are real enemies because of their support of the ongoing genocide of White America.
The real enemy is ANYONE that is supporting the ongoing genocide of White America.
Diversity is White genocide.
Diversity is non-Whites being in White homelands.
They must be deported.
All of them.
That is change I can believe in.
Jews play both sides.
Jews have been working with islum literally since the creation of islum.
The jews worked EXTENSIVELY with the muslums during the muslum invasions into Europe.
They still are.
Some truth.
The solution the adoption of a large degree of National Socialist thought and economics.
Furthermore, what you are describing is the difference between "utility" (ie the ability to actually get things done in the physical world) and "finance" (fatcats and shekel factories).
Money was originally designed, and is best when it functions as, a medium of exchange for utility.
What it has become is a means to TAKE utility and productivity away from working people and productive businesses and siphon it into the pockets of kike bankers, "investors," and globalists.
The system is badly warped, but it can be fixed.
French Antifa are, they are anti-immigration since they think it's a capitalist action to hire people who drive down wages.
Other Antifa isn't. US antifa is filled with angry fags and trannies who want free STD meds.
It's not. Semantics, the meaning of words, is an important thing to argue, especially against the marxist or the jew, since it is what they seek to manipulate. makes this point with "semitic semantic manipulation".
Good music taste user, CCR is God tier
Stop making shit threads.
Kill yourself.
it's also how you get white nationalism. Thinking white nationalism is even contradictory to plain old nationalism is a retarded blunder I see so many people on the right now making. That's also why they have to try and cuck on optics so often.
No they're faggots. Nothing more.
Top zozzle.
I see your thread got saged too.
So many Libtard fags.
So little Ovens!
Pretty much checks out.
Are you high on subutex or calling Soral/E&R Antifa? (the latter could be argued)