Did you know ? Disqus is jewish too, without jewish shekels, there is no Disqus, same goes with all of this companies:

Did you know ? Disqus is jewish too, without jewish shekels, there is no Disqus, same goes with all of this companies:

Clue (mobile app)[17]
Figure 1[25]
Funding Circle[28]
Koko [17]
La Ruche[17]
Protocol Labs
Work Market[37]

Funny isn't it ?

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why is this a thread

MongoDb too lol

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OP, you're in my mongoDB

Jews own all social medias and community platforms or have some kind of power on it, fucking everything, they are our master and will build back babylon to make a shitty human race to be their master. Their goals are beyond the human perception of time, they are a collective consciousness worshiping satan.

I only trust legit news/social media like RebelMedia/Breibart and The Daily Stormer, you know all the based orgs that promoted the most jewish President since Roosevelt

So, basically, Whites are getting cucked by kikes because they have money and power. Tell me again how reading Mein Kampf and any other faggy "leader" will help us beat these people?

So, what you're saying is that you are defeated and that a thread deserved to die for this?

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We are all defeated on some points, so what ?

I'd really hate this thread to push off any of the multitudes of based fashy threads promoting ZOG

How about creating a list of of companies that aren't corrupted by kikes and promote those.

What do you think, you stupid fuck. We do something about it.

We are way passed the need for constant reminding of what our enemy is and we need to start acting to bend and defeat them. How about that?


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muh blackpills, you have no allies goy.

Also drop the jude thing, it is associated with the NSDAP in the minds of normies. Use ((())) or you are a shill.

Half the list, is shit tier, nothing sites. The others have all been hacked :) Oh yeah, none make any money.

Get a load of this faggot. 'How will a blueprint help us guize? Herp derp am a virgin fag neet'

Inevitably, whites invent the technology and develop it, then Jews come in with shekels and buy it all up.
Who's to blame?
They wouldn't control everything if whites didn't sell out.
Don't sell out.

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Take their central banking cartel from them.
Wealthy Jews are basically "made" men, a function not really different than that in the Mafia.
Those who control the shekels, control who gets them.

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What sort of retard shill are you. We want to force them to dissociate from jewish propaganda of the shoah.

We need to use ((())) as it is much easier to use and much better hidden. It is bad optics, and we gain members by good optics not by pretending to be NSDAP larpers.

Kill yourself jew.

all the cool "startups" are one big hire my grandson jew farm

only the old dogs like oracle are anything decent in SV

startups and the government are a big scam to keep housing prices high and are key to many other parts of social engineering the California elites are performing.

This is why tesla/musk is so strongly involved with the gov. Hes building their tech to allow them to separate from the US.

-rocket systems

google will handle the communications

Slightly off topic but this is the closest thread of any I’ve seen so far so I’ll ask: what do we know about Robinhood? Who owns that app?

No shit. And?
You think we didn’t know this? Disqus doesn’t let you post links, so you can’t cite any of your claims. Disqus doesn’t let you post bad words, either. It’s social conditioning to make all discussions meaningless and so no fact can be disseminated.

Where on Zig Forums before has there been any official examination of every one of these social media companies demonstrating they're jewish monopolised?

Now its been anchored while all the reddit tier threads pushing jewish ecelebs and agendas are left alone

I'm not banned on disqus, but I am banned on Worldstar. The irony.

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So is Discord. b1zny, the guy who owns it is Jewish. In fact, those funky looking "D"s is pronounced as a "P", making it Pisscorp.