Maybe a pointless thread, but this is a very rare and secretly recorded discussion between Hitler and Mannerheim

Maybe a pointless thread, but this is a very rare and secretly recorded discussion between Hitler and Mannerheim.

What is so special about it? The way they talk… It's so casual.

Other urls found in this thread:äkkijärven_polkka

this is the only recording ever of hitler "speaking," instead of giving a speech. it's notable how deep his voice is.
also what he says about his surprise about the number of russian tanks is enlightening.

Yeah i wanted to note the tone too… People tend to think it's some kind of an act.

given that this is a genuinely candid recording of hitler i don't see any reason to think it's affected

It's very powerful. You can sense a deep wisdom from the man. I miss him having never known him.

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There are couple things here to be noted this is not Hitler agitating masses or giving orders and he is speaking to Mannerheim. You don't shout or give orders to someone like Mannerheim. This is only recording of Hitlers normal speech because Finnish military did not completely trust Germans and recorded speech for further analyzation.

Don't we all?

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Who is that bleached jew with Trump?

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All I know is I was told the man was too kind to order what the jews accuse him of and that came from a man who ended up spending the night watching films with him.

I think this is extremely important.

Very interesting, OP. Sage because this is probably going to turn into a slide thread.

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Hear hear.

Fun fact: UK and Finland are still at war. They never made a peace treaty.

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But who was the question?

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It's almost bizarre hearing him talk about the war like this.

sorry for sliding:
if he had atomic bombs, why did we not kill everybody? the germans are too kinds people

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False memories
When people believe to have witnessed things that were just in the movies.
There are no recordings of Hitler shouting orders.

Hitlers recorded speeches, there are only so few, while he held so many.
Some of the recordings have been tampered with, I’m convinced. The replay speed of some of his speeches does change, more than it can be explained by imperfect recording technique.

Serious, Hitler was always described as an overly courteous person with perfect manners.
As for the position of Mannerheim, I doubt Roosevelt or Stalin would have been nice to him. Roosevelt in particular was known to have ordered Churchill like a servant.

The Finns are duplicitous dicks that can thank god, that Stalin took only one third of their country and didn’t made them a Soviet Republic.

You mean who is that shabbos goy with MJ?

Are you being serious? That's a whole sentence of bs dude.

How young/new are you?

I don't think this is true. If go to you can find dozens and dozens of recorded speeches from Hitler.

40 and been lurking since before Zig Forums - why?

Since we're at least semi off topic already I might share this tidbit too:äkkijärven_polkka

Finns are constantly impressed with the superiority of Finns.

No delivery system. German bombers were too small, and they were waiting for von Braun to develop the V-10, a two staged rocket that could reach New York.****
Anyone who thinks the Jew Oppenheimer was Heisenberg class is a fucking retard.

Finns are modest as fuck man :D

You guys have to coordinate your efforts better than that.

Lol. What is amerikkka bomber.

It is nice to hear his voice. Have a bump.

Hillary Clinton

"And we found them living like animals".

Hitler feels bad for the Russians slavs working for Stalin kikes in such conditions to build tanks that are now attacking Germany. Let that sink in.

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not a bad meme tbh

This is sliding because Zig Forums is dead. Only (((pol))) now.

Otto Skorzeny wrote about a conversation he had with Hitler on nukes.


Any download collection out there with all of Hitler's talks, speeches, audio?

Ah… now that is some nice geo-politics.
Gods, what a man.

Fun fact, the Roman Republic was never officially dissolved. The Roman Republic still exists.


nice digits but please dont put hitler in pink text


I don't think the Finns recorded this one, I think it was an SS officer who wanted to make a souvenir tape. might be the wikijew story though I don't know.

There are plenty of them still around. A lot were repeats off the same script.

This "secret" recording is pretty normal knowledge.


Thanks OP, this is neat stuff. Heil Hitler

Hitler read an immense amount. He used to carry a Schopenhauer book with him, and others.
I fail in trying to describe him… One description or title for him rings true to me, The Artist.

Angela Merkel looks like Hitler, Trump looks like Mussolini. He doesn't look like his real dad. Angela doesnt look like her real dad. Don't break God's commandements.

Photos surrounding it, I believe this are all from the same meeting.

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0% white
That's nice user.

Not at all pointless. It brings "new" shit into light. What (((Hollywood))) and (((schools))) are telling us is that Hitler was the aggressor but this tape proves the opposite was true.

Hitler was reluctant to allow the USSR to invade Finland, he states that he learned from Molotov that Stalin intended to conquer all of Europe just like Lenin wanted, Hitler was worried about fighting on two fronts and even stated that their tanks and Luftwaffe could not operate in poor weather or during winter.

Hitler wasn't the aggressor, Soviet Union was. Soviet Union perhaps knew that German tanks and fighters could not operate well during winter, which would totally explain why the Soviets invaded Finland during the winter. They knew Germany could not help Finland in the winter. This is real history and (((they))) do not want this to be told. Why?

It's called shit posting and having fun you stupid boomer fuck.

now shills are just puilling videos out of the blue with no relevance from youtube and starting threads.


It changed my perception of AH like reading Taisteluni did, but in a more subtle way, like he was closer to me…

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Fug i missed one randomly permissible pic.

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They didn't have it.

I recommend Jung's Wotan Essay if anyone hasn't read it.

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Casual Hitler is best Hitler. One of my favorites is a video of him being recorded by Eva Braun, where he says something like "why are you filming an old man? I should be filming you." He was probably the single most powerful man on Earth at the time it was recorded, but even then he is so humble and acts like a teen romantic flirting with his gf.


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It was employee of finnish broadcasting company who recorded the discussion. SS guards actually noticed the microphone but didn't confiscate the tape.

Mannerheim was alpha. He smoked constantly in the presence of Hitler who hated smoking and even gave box of cigars to Hitler as "gift". Mannerheim didn't trust Hitler because he knew how he sold Finland to Stalin with Molotov–Ribbentrop pact.

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Schopenhauer is garbage. Pessimist, nihilist, advocated retreating from society, from women, from life.

are there any sources of Taisteluni in english?

Was that man a wizard?

Different philosophies are remedies for different ailments. Hitler did swear off women and retreat from society to focus on his work. He was the German people's Fuhrer officially, but the public mostly saw Goebbels and Bormann once the war got going. You might consider taking what value you can from people rather than dismissing themoutright because they don't currently align with you. Find the context in which Shopenhauer is a great resource and apply it when appropriate, as Hitler did.

I had a Finnish girlfriend when I was 16. She spoke 5 languages fluently, sang in choir, played guitar, and had big firm tits. If I had been then what I am now I could have kept her.

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Hey guys i chose this thread because it's nice, comfy and relatively innocuous to post my grievance.

My sister has been selected for something in Israel, and my parents are happy that she's going even though I've made it clear it's a bad fuckin' idea.

How the fuck do I cope with this. Jews are literally going to be fucking my sister while nonwhites flood my country. What hell have I wrought upon myself.

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How can you sell something you don’t have?
Was Germany a guarantor of Finland?
Why should Germany guarantee anything to Finland, did Finland help Germany?
How much help did your Scandinavian brothers give, like Mannerheim’s cousins in Sweden?

It seems to be that Mannerheim had a agreement with Stalin. Finland could remain independent after the war provided that 1) Finland does not attack Leningrad and close the encirclement, 2) will not disturb the railroad to Murmansk, and 3) does not continue past the Syväri river. Mannerheim had the possibility to do all these but refused.

Finland owns it’s independence to Germany. Did Finland acknowledge that and thank Germany for that?

So far the “extraordinarily harsh terms” of the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk, of those “unjust, unreasonable Germans”.

So much about Wilsonian principles of “selfdetermination of people”, the US “making the world safe for democracy”.

Oy vey! German aggression!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oy vey vey!!!!!! The peacefull Soviet Union/Russia, Germany was still at war with, was attacked by the warmongering German Huns!

You didn't bother explaining this claim, but yes he was extremely busy.

Nice opinion? And why do you get hung up on that?

I know exactly the video you are talking about, it makes him look like a crackhead jittering around but he's just idling like a normal person.

You should be happy for her. I wish I had that opportunity,

Hitler was a Socialist, and Socialism is a Religion.

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You should take you and your sister to a cave where you can both save the white race!

Think about it, there will be no Jews or blacks, and you and your sister can create more pure white people together. It will be like a new Adam and Eve.

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Why are you two no longer together?

bombing raid?
are you turkish?

The Russians once had a kinship with the Germans before jews took over and massacred millions of Russia's best, and imported mongols and other hybrids into the region to be foot soldiers and mass rapists along with the jewish commissars.

>>>/suicide/ jew

Interesting but Hitler behind the scenes always turns out to never be the monster (((they))) keep saying he is, for example Hitler's home movies with Eva.

So many ask, "Why did he set a course for Moscow, when he was so close to occupying the whole of Poland?" He (his military strategists) weren't aware of how much military materiel the USSR possessed

Remember; "Nazi" is a slur between Jews, and refers to the Internationalists, Jew-only by choice for political expediency, short for ashkeNAZI

The truth is that the NatSoc Germans treated war like a task, rather than a racket. It was something to do, and get done. They did it as quickly as possible, as well as possible. It rattled the entire world that was so used to war being a racket, full of pointless negotiation at every bridge and crossroad.

Blitzkrieg seems common sense now, but it took the world by surprise.

Why do you think the United States can't "win" a war in the middle east despite the logistical and technological advantage? Most wars aren't to be won, they are to be exploited.

War had been a game for so long, no one could react appropriately when they took war as a serious matter of existence and nonexistence. Genghis Khan for example, treated war differently than his opponents. As did Viking raiders.

Total war.

it makes sense. There is the possibility, even the likelihood, that as their war discipline went, they would find a more effective way of devastating an enemy force with Kriegsentscheidend methods. NatSoc Germany worked so well, it had to be destroyed, and this required an alliance of several nations

Imagine hearing this song and getting your radio jammed while in the middle of the fuckin war.

Not sure if I would lose my sides or my sanity.

tbqh that bureaucratic game you've described has only gotten worse, and probably because of technology and not in spite of it.

With that exact same mindset of taking care of business to get it over with we will win the coming war.

The Reichsflugscheiben were real.

That’s just another case of Jews Jewing each other so none of them can gain an advantage over the others.

Jews have a system to make sure they all stay within check of each other, their entire tribe is literally Communistic.

Not a particularly good plan…

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Because, as with most young men of my generation, I was not taught how to be a man. I needed her because I had no other aspirations. I was pathetic.

That fucking sucks man. I am aiming to not make similar mistakes. GL maybe another lucky one will come around.

It's ok, getting what I wanted then wouldn't have prompted me to better myself. I think that's what all this failure whites are experiencing is for: to learn how and why to be better.


True. Only the strong will survive the collapse.

Another thing to archive.


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As the roman catholic church. Hitler wanted to recreate rome, really.

When is this recording from? Where they not aware that murrica and britain were supplying the soviets with metal and vehicles?

"This content is not available on this country domain. "

I'm sorry user, for some (((reason))) i'm not allowed to watch this.

Ah (((Jung))) i'll be sure to read him :D

Even if they were aware, it would be a surprise to see such numbers. It's ridiculous how much weight the Soviets threw at them.

Germany could have mitigated its revanchist tendencies, and focused on anti soviet diplomacy, with some kind of pact among all the eastern European countries to help them resist the USSR. The allies would have had an almost impossible task trying to convince their populations to support back stabbing Germany while it was engaged in a defensive war against the USSR, and besides France there's a decent chance their governments wouldn't even want to.

June of 42, the vast majority of the tanks they were referring to were outdated BT-series cavalry tanks. Allied lend lease was not at the scale it would be in 43 or 44, but it was happening. The Soviets had a massive stockpile of armored vehicles, by far the largest in the world. This was partially because they had a policy of never getting rid of old equipment, something they followed throughout the Cold War as well. They might have only had 500 T-80s that were roughly equivalent to the American Abrams, but they had tens of thousands of T-54s, T-64s, and T-72s that would have been employed if conventional war had begun. So the Germans were facing tens of thousands of these outdated, early 30s fast tanks, that were poorly armored and equipped. But there were also T-34s and KV series, which probably had the best mixture of firepower and armor of any tank in the world in 1941. Very little of that was a result of lend lease. Lend lease did have an impact, but honestly the trucks and the airplane fuel mattered more than the tanks the Allies sent.

That's cuckchan you kike.