Spanish Army newly Salutes record of Fascist leader Francisco Franco

Right Wing Death Squads get new Respect
"With a statement hailing the late fascist leader Francisco Franco, 181 retired top Spanish army officers have declared their support for Franco’s policy of mass murder to crush opposition (by Reds and socialists). It is a warning to (J-left) workers not only in Spain, but across Europe and internationally.

"Amid rising social anger and strike activity against austerity and militarism across Europe, (>the Marxist 'zine says) the ruling class in desperation is plotting civil war to suppress social opposition.

The July 31 manifesto, “Declaration of Respect to General Francisco Franco Bahamonde, Soldier of Spain,” signed by a group of retired generals, colonels, admirals and frigate captains including the former head of Spain’s land army until 2016, General Juan Enrique Aparicio, is unambiguous.

Death Squad duty "back in the day"' fondly remembered
"Published in the pro-Franco Asociación de Militares Españoles (AME-Association of Spanish Soldiers), it endorses as the savior of Spain a fascist dictator who butchered hundreds of thousands (of Reds and socialists and jews) during the Spanish Civil War and founded a (stable) 40-year fascist government.

"The Spanish officer corps’ decision now to hail the Franco regime confirms that reactionary policies are setting into motion the drive to civil war within Europe itself."
10 August 2018

>there are several paragraphs more in this Red website's current report, but it's filled with nonsense - for example, they say the (migrant loving, bankster operated) European Union is a "far-right organization", and in general they rave about how beautiful the world would be under (((Trotsky's))) form of communism.

Attached: Spain national day.jpg (620x400, 38.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the Far Right is on the rise in Spain

Attached: Spain fascist crowd.jpg (642x333 34.87 KB, 97.36K)

death squads?

Op is a faggit

Nice word salad spic, even the copypasta stinks of niggerdom.

The only right in Europe seems to be NatSoc's. If I didn't know that they are just as attention seeking as the left, I would think it suspicious.
It's kinda funny, as an ethno nationalist I too, get labeled a Nazi, but I have nothing in common with them besides that. Strange times, the more we "win" and the west shifts right, the more I worry that the left authoritarians will just be replaced by NatSoc authoritarians. What an obnoxious thought.

Please consider killing yourself


Though, to be honest, having another Franco or Salazar would alone be a massive improvement.

Interesting dynamic in those photos. Particular the last one.

The first photo is fine. The second photo is cringe worthy. National Socialists don't go around taking off their shirts to show off their idiotic tattoos like a nigger. Nor do they have gauges.

The third and fourth are most interesting to me.
The third photo is also very cringy. The woman is fine as are some of the men, but other men in the photo need to chill out when saluting something. Pro-tip for any anons here who want to do a Roman Salute;
Don't have an orgasm while saluting
Okay? Maintain a serious composure. Don't tilt your head back and stick your tongue out like a retard. Don't even look angry. Just look determined and serious. The jews love it when you tilt your head back and scream whilst saluting. It makes fascists look cringy and retarded. Stop it,

Finally the fourth picture fascinates me. Apart from a few men who are having an orgasm whilst saluting, most people here are normal people.
It's comfy to see so many proud Spaniards unafraid of the anti-Whites. And most touching of all, there is a young child being brought up as a proud member of her community. It touches my heart to see her and her parents proudly celebrating their history.
Also interesting is the amount of young people in general. I see a lot of oldies in the foreground and that's nice. But they will die soon and I'm far more interested in the next generation. And thankfully, there are many young Spaniards who proudly raise their arms in the universal European Salute.

Long live Spain.

Franco was a kike, alt-right of his era. True fascists were sent to their deaths.

All our current problems can be solved by implementing a naturalization law like the old Americans had, only allow whites in white nations.
You wanting another Hitler you can follow around is your fetish, not mine. Massive government control made our situation possible, it needs to be reduced to basic functions. National socialism is incompatible with that goal.

Oh man that sure is “based”…

Us "spics" were members of the Roman Empire while you Germanics were living in caves

Imagine being this retarded that thinking leaving only whites in european countries will solve our situation. This is not how it works


here we go again… except it wasn't tragedy the first time, and (i hope) this time its not farse

OP here. I'm of Northwestern European ("Germanic") origins.
But the poster U are replying to is a D&C kike, sure as hell.

Attached: hasbara hags.jpg (500x475 40.9 KB, 35.84K)

Yep, confirmed faggot indeed.

This is a National Socialist board you waste of air.

In the year 1492 AD Spain's 'Catholic Monarchs' Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon

!) defeated the last Muslim power in Spain and expelled the Emir

2) issued the Alhambra Decree - expelling the jews from Spain

3) made possible the transoceanic voyage of Christopher Columbus

Attached: Fernando_e_Isabela.jpg (450x351, 52.85K)

I want a kid like that

Attached: Screenshot_20180812-113613_Omnichan.jpg (957x1112, 466.38K)

then what's your solution, oh wise user?

Ok, i'm going to make it clear and simple to you, since you're obviously is a newfag. Either lurk for 2 years or off yourself.

Attached: 4127c838173caf0827384c40d3d04fd6fc55a3bc0b69a286316a4a25fccc275e.png (1044x882, 302.35K)

Good goy.
But it really doesn't matter what you want and you can screech as loud as you can. You're just an ant going its own way. We are National Socialists, we are an ant hill. Go fuck yourself.


Moral of the story:
If you remove the swine and the leeches, you’ll be blessed.

I think it was metaphorical.

a New face of Spain's Extreme-Right, "Hogar Social Madrid"

"According to Casals “we are witnessing a redesign of the political map and this discourse focused on immigration and security could have political potential. But making a forecast of what could happen is very risky.”

Growing Popularity
Those people speaking for Hogar Social they say they are sure that their strength will only increase: “Everyday we have more social support, more people who come to the demonstrations and support us on social networks,” says Domínguez.

The organisation does not rule out a move into democratic politics…

“At the moment we are in the phase of creating social fabric, the rest will follow”, predicts Domínguez.

Attached: Spain Hogar Social a.jpg (612x408 112.12 KB, 43.44K)

No, it's a libertarian one. You were supposed to get purged after your roach leader.

This. When José Antonio (Primo de Rivera) was captured, he let him to rot.

Attached: f75e6e28d0914d474349ae001d027442.jpg (1021x1600, 348.57K)

But that's really hard, user-kun! The Salute is just too sexy!

Sure, Chaim, you jew retard - that's why the graphics at the top of Zig Forums pages are Nat Soc images.

Now go help your rabbi blow a chauffeur. (sp?)

Attached: chauffeur dou.jpg (550x366, 28.27K)

A stage prop for further repression of what the state calls "far right".

My earlier suspicions are confirmed.

Only if they didn't continue importing huge numbers of shit niggers.

Remember, Hitler LIKED muslims and wanted Germany to be muslim. Frederick the Great did to and he went so far as to import muslims and have mosques built in Germany.

I don't trust any of these cocksuckers right now. The ruling elite are treacherous as fuck.

Jesus the Podesta brothers are posting here now?

These imbeciles are as clueless as your run-of-the-mill boomer normie.

Attached: funny-animal-pictures-of-the-week-016-012.jpg (600x782, 149.68K)

You shoved some mighty big blue star of david suppositories up you ass there, friend.

You're retarded. He means he wants to have a daughter like her.

Just like that lump in your stomach isn't really cancer, in spite of what all the lab tests say? It's just something you ate, righrt.

But really Judith, you should face your fears rather than deny them.

Your whole hasbara room should do so.

Only commies use the term 'word salad'.
Indicates education primarily in the humanities.

Germany will never forget the sacrifice of the BLUE DIVISION!!!

Attached: emblema-de-la-division-azul.jpg (928x1280 66.06 KB, 288.5K)

QT 3.14 on the right

good luck, Spanish bros


Attached: people who make you're no white threads.jpg (600x4486 1.28 MB, 2.31M)

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holy fuck you're dumb

>Less than a month ago Euronews began pissing and moaning about wrong think among Whites in this part of Europe.

Spain - a resurgence in Nationalism

"While nationalism has always been present in Spain, it is definitely on the rise, according to the emeritus professor of contemporary Spanish studies at the London School of Economics, Sebastian Balfour.

"… some political parties are making the case for Spanish patriotism. The conservative People's Party (PP) is one of those.

Political Change
"Under pressure after the former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy lost a no-confidence vote, the People's Party is leaning further towards the right.

"Balfour said… that it is under pressure from the new centre-right party Ciudadanos.

Moderates seen as Cucks
""Fissures are emerging between [political parties] and the more moderate conservatives''…Without understanding the roots of the extreme right and the conservatives, it will be "difficult to stop this new neo-fascism emerging,"

What's Up with Basques & Catalans?
"(Balfour) added that the future of the Spanish nation relies on an answer to the Basque and Catalan question, if there ever is one."

Attached: Spain crowd.jpg (880x495, 121.7K)

here's the link to the Euronews article above >>>


Was Columbus a jew? ive read a few things claiming he was

as they well should, kill all the moors

Franco was not a fascist. He was a cuckservative traitor who threw fascists in jail and sold Spain out to the IMF.

You will be killed on the day of the rope.

Again, enjoy life while you can because you will be exterminated soon enough.

lol no, spain is one of the most cucked countries in yurop

Who's ready for some pan-Evropa commie skull crushing?


It's better to be far-right than far-wrong.

They're afraid and may not even be genuine.

Attached: 3e2.jpg (680x431, 41.44K)

The fact that we once had limited government means that limited government made our situation possible.
Subversives need to be kept down, and the most effective way to do that is violence.
And we had that, we also got rid of it.
And that was when we were 90% white. How are you going to get it done now?

Libertarians are trash because they have no sense of pragmatism or prioritization.
The only way to fix the situation is with force, which is what governments are for.

>>>/liberty/ is your home satan go back there.

Let's just hope Spain gets a Primo de Rivera this time and not a milquetoast Franco. He would've been Spain's Hitler.

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A libertarian is what happens when you discover the leftist/cuckservative paradigm is bullshit but you're too much of a pussy to embrace fascism.

Attached: benito-mussolini-quote-lbt4f6p.jpg (800x800, 64.57K)

Just like how the authoritarian Roman empire with their emperor and their imperial decrees were SO SUCCESSFUL at preserving their Volk. They totally did not let in (usually by invading and annexing their lands, but also via IMMIGRATION) millions of ethnic non-Romans to live and work (some as slaves, most as freemen) in the Roman empire, and even let some of them become citizens. Totes not. It's not like gradually ethnic Romans were displaced, replaced, and mixed out of existence under an AUTHORITARIAN ABSOLUTIST REGIME over hundreds of years.
Or no wait, that's EXACTLY what happened.
Almost as if authoritarianism is, at the very least, not necessarily better than representative government. Almost as if there are OTHER FACTORS that determine whether a people and government defend themselves properly from "peacetime invasion."

(Not a lolberg. I support a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. I support American Constitutional Republicanism (in America). The problem is that it was only ever meant for Free Whites of Good Character. The problem is that it has been warped and twisted in a million ways by kikes, shabbos, traitors, and similar. That must be fixed)

Bottom line, representative government can be subverted. This is true. Authoritarian government can also be subverted. This is also true.
Tell me, how much have the Royal families of the European countries done to resist, oppose, or even raise awareness of the ongoing genocide of White Europeans?
How much have the British Royal family, with all of their wealth and "soft" power over the British people, done to oppose the invasion of Britain and the genocide of the British peoples?
How many of them are, indeed, involved?

You sound like a confused Alex Jones listening lolberg/"conservative". Fascism is so soooo much more than just "lol no freedumbs".

Read in order:
1) Doctrine of Fascism
2) Mein Kampf (Ford or Stalog translation only)
3) For my Legionaries
4) No More Hunger
5) Gaddafi's Green Book
6) the history of the Spartans and Roman Empire (never use tyranny as something negative, you weak faggot)
7) everything Nietzsche and Evola (especially Revolt Against the Modern World and Ride the Tiger)

Then get back to us, your trip shall be democracyisasham69.

But slavs aren't white?
I mean there are some slavs whiter than others, but then you get the Finnish who are almost half east-asian which was a result of back when the Mongolians invaded
Poland, Hungary and Romania have similar problems, although not as bad
Also calling Spain white is like calling Argentina white.

Next thing you'll be telling me that the Roma, which Romania was named after, are white

Attached: bald eagle sad and confused.jpg (727x394, 109.64K)

That's nice. But America is dead and will be as irrelevant as Brazil within a few decades. We are talking about White countries here, not mutt republics.

>Us "spics" were members of the Roman Empire < while you Germanics were living in caves
m-muh caves
No, Pancho, your women were getting blacked by Ahmeds dick while Germanics were BTFOing the christcuck (((roman empire))) in every battle.

Ah, Shlomo, you mean while the Roman Empire (represented by General Titus) was laying siege to Jerusalem, crucifying 500 jews per day (see "Josephus' account), then finally sacking the city, carrying off the contents of your temple to Rome, and selling 97,000 jews into slavery.

Josephus pointed out that jews age 16 and below were sold individually, but jews 17 and older were sold in bulk into the stone quarries of Egypt.

Slaves in Egypt… ask your rabbi - does that have a familiar ring? That's right, the Roman General Titus Flavia reversed the work of Moses.

So much for your superstitions.

You D&C kikes are out of tricks on Zig Forums, amirite? Just the same old cliche hasbara attempts over and over.

And on this thread since no anons bit on Ira's 'set up' attempt to get Spain and Germany's descendants into a family feud, here you have to try to do the dirty work yourself .

Hey - I have a better idea than hasbara for you - just kill yourself.

Attached: Arch of Triumph Titus.jpg (800x600 72.8 KB, 109.2K)

I literally referenced the history of the Roman empire.
They were authoritarian "Civic Nationalists."
By the time they were done the "ethnic Romans" were effectively extinct.
Indeed, most "authoritarian" states in history have been "civic nationalist" since authoritarian states are normally concerned, most of all, with extending their POWER. If that means more "diversity," then the royals, oligarchs, dictators, or whatever embrace "diversity."
"Authoritarianism" is not some "fix all solution" to our problems. Authoritarian governments can be subverted, corrupted, and "kiked" just like any other government.
I'd argue that they are MORE susceptible to corruption since there are fewer people "at the top" and less "accountability."
And, yes, "democracy" (ie universal suffrage) IS a sham. The American Constitutional Republic was NEVER meant for "universal suffrage" nor for non-Whites to be citizens. The Founders SPECIFICALLY warned against "democracy" which they described as "mob rule."

I am a White American Nationalist
I oppose any foreign influence in our country
I oppose any jews in our country
I oppose any non-Whites in our country
I support a large degree of National Socialist thought, especially in regards to upholding the Volk and NatSoc economics.
I am also an American Constitutional Republicanist
I see no reason why White Nationalism, Volkism, and the best of NatSoc economics cannot be used to strengthen and improve the American Constitutional Republican system.
I believe that the resulting fusion, accompanied by sufficient "arete" and "spirit of resistance" among the White population, would be excellent.

Anti White D&C.
Slavs are White, Finns are White, Poles are White, Hungarians are White, most of Romania is White, most of Spain is White.
Roma, while generally horrible, are probably White. Just poor quality Whites. Hence the need for eugenics.
Many Argentinians are White, though not the majority.

So, Iceland?
Seriously, what is a "White country" to you D&C faggots?
There are 180+ million Whites in the USA.
And, no, not "whites" or (((whites))) or "white, senor." Those are in the other 150 or so million.
180 million White people most of whom are 100% White genetics with the rest being 95+% White genetics.
There are more White people in the USA than in any other country.
Of course, shills like you WANT White people broke, then enslaved, then dead, I suspect.

Pretty much this.
White pride worldwide.

You especially need to read No More Hunger, then. The American republic is much too weak to defend against (((influence))), it was fine for 1776… but we need a much superior system to protect our volk.

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Aren't Finns slavs though?
I mean the term slav doesn't just refer to the Russians, but is a term for central and eastern Europeans which is why slav generally refers to euorpeans with mongol blood
Also why did the mods delete my post? i bet its because they're Romanian

They're finno-ugric. Like Hungaryans.

There's the problem.

America is not White. It never has been. It is a Jewish nation, founded by Jews, with a Jewish culture.

And the reason this is impossible is because America is already a dead country, carrying on only through momentum. Once white baby boomer die off over the next 20-30 years, Whites will be less than 35% of the population. The state will still be in the hands of the Jews and muds. Being "White American nationalist" is about as nonsensical as being "White Mexican nationalist" or "White Colombian nationalist." The only area that matters is Europe, and the USA needs to hurry up and die quicker so its toxic global influence will die with it.

Blood-wise, Finns are roughly the same as Russians, with perhaps a bit more Scandinavian or Baltic influence. The N haplogroup predominates more so in Finland than elsewhere in Europe. N is thought to have originated in East Asia and has significant presence among Mongols and a spattering in places like China, Korea, and Japan. I am unclear as to whether the N1c people who came to Europe were racially Mongoloid or Caucasoid. I want to say they were Mongoloid, but R1a(Slavic) and R1b (Germanic) are from Siberia (allegedly) and they are obviously Caucasoid.

Hungarians are linguistically Ularic but their blood is mostly Germanic/Slavic. They cluster nicely with Brits and Germans.

While America has clearly always had problems created by itself and by jews, America is not nor ever was a jewish nation. You give yourself away, kike. The Founders and Revolutionaries of America were excellent Aryan stock.

Or America could return to its "fuck you" isolationist roots and be a buoy rather than a jewish cudgel to Europeans.

Attached: Percentage_of_major_Y-DNA_haplogroups_in_Europe.png (995x1484 2.14 MB, 70.72K)

American culture has always been Jewish. European immigrants kept some of their original cultures for a time, but always they were integrated into the American culture, which is fully Jewish. That's why Yale has a Hebrew motto. That's why the very first "American nationalist" party, the know nothing party, was founded by Jews (Lewis Charles Levin). That's why American publishing has always been dominated by Jews. Because "American" has always been synonymous with jewry.
They were shabbos goyim and liberal idiots. They weren't just content to fuck off and ruin the new world, but had to do all they could to help ruin Europe as well. But soon they will be forgotten as muds ascend and tear down all history of them (a fitting legacy for all liberal tards).
This is not going to happen. Again, America is already, for all practical purposes, less than 35% White. This is just based on current demographics, not accounting for illegals already here and those who continue to pour in. America will become more isolationist, simply because it will not be capable of maintaining its current military dominance when it becomes a completely mud-run shit hole in the near future. Our only hope it that America expires as gracefully and quickly as possible, before it can take Europe down along with it.

You reference some party when our greatest Founding Father advised us to not even have partisan politics. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. To critique early America is fine but you contradict yourself all over the place. Isn't it still early in Tel Aviv?

I know you're a shill but I'm looking really hard into getting dual citizenship of a European nation through jus sanguinis. Trump is by far our greatest hope, but the amount of mud he has to deport is astronomical. I'm really not sure it's possible, if I don't see at least 5 or 6 million deported during his presidency… then I have to go for Plan B.

Attached: pia00502_crop.jpg (1600x900, 410.82K)

He’s not going to deport anyone, you stupid fucking retard. There are 60,000,000 illegals in the country and he hasn’t even fucking begun. He doesn’t want to. He was never going to.

Political parties are the logical outcome of the system they created. They were too shortsighted, low IQ, and retarded to create a functioning system, so this is what America got. That is what you get from a country founded by Jews and the traitorous shabbos goy genetic refuse from Europe.

Trump has already said that he plans on giving amnesty to DACA babies. A majority of Republicans voted for an amnesty bill just a month ago. Nobody will be deported. And even with deportation of illegals, America will become less than 35% White just based on demographics of current citizens.

I'm already looking to see how my job translates in Italy, the biggest barrier will be language, I spoke a little at home but only with my grandmother. I'd have to take classes for a while to make the trip. I'm watching the current situation very closely.

Just leave. Italy allows you to gain citizenship if your grandparent was Italian iirc. The only reason to remain in the USA is if you are going to help kill it faster.

I've already been to the Italian embassy, and I started a part of the paperwork, since I qualify for citizenship……..

Wouldn't he be more like Spains Strasser?

"JEWISH COMMUNISTS COMPRISED the largest faction of Stalin’s International Brigade which agitated and participated in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39 .

Stalin’s International Brigade, comprised mostly of Jews, slaughtered 6,539 Spanish priests, 3000 monks, 300 nuns, and 13 Bishops. Over 20,000 Spanish churches were destroyed by the Bolshevik Jews.

See: Sources #1 Below

Attached: Spanish civil war church Madrid-1936.jpg (1300x1006, 169.92K)

This is proof jews can't fight, at all, ever. They can get state backing of a completely jewed government(ussr) and act with impunity against civilians, but when it comes to face up against an actual fighting force they get completely routed.


In The Bunker the historian James P. O'Donnell says that the determined men of the Spanish Blue Division were among the last units fighting in the defense of Berlin in April - May of 1945.

"a unit of Spanish volunteers and conscripts who served in the German Army on the Eastern Front of the Second World War"

The Blue Division was the only component of the German Army to be awarded a medal of their own, commissioned by Hitler after the effectiveness it had impeding the advance of the Red Army.

"Blue Division casualties in all of the Russo-German conflict totaled 22,700… In action against the Blue Division, the Red Army suffered 49,300 casualties."

Attached: Spanish Blue Division on Eastern Front.jpg (800x516, 86.63K)


Hello jew, daily reminder hitler never claimed this, keep trying to get Zig Forums against hitler you will fail every time.

Hell, I'd take a Franco or a Salazar over Trump here in the States.

Very true. La Legion Azul really was a high point in the already proud Spanish military tradition. Tenacious fighters, brave to the very end. Salute to fallen heroes -

You're an idiot, or at least uneducated historically.
Italians still have their National Pride intact to this day.
Salvini's is hugely popular.
Fontana, the Family Minister, says "Rainbow Families" DO NOT EXIST.
A large number of Italians even have nostalgia for the Fascist Era because Mussolini kicked out the Mafia and 1922-1943 was about the only time when criminal gangs weren't ruling over Italy from behind the scenes.
Mussolini's female descendants have even kept the Mussolini surname and run for political office with great success because of Il Duce's legacy.
Groups like CasaPound, Forza Nuova, and Fiamma Tricolore can draw thousands at rallies and have lots of support among the working class and soccer fans.
This same "Roman Empire" that you criticise so harshly gave rise to the Roman Catholic Church, which expelled more Jews from more nations than all other entities combined!
Additionally, it lasted far longer than the U. S. has been a relevant nation or even a superpower, in any case.
What a faggot
I'm a burger too, btw (and a Protestant)
You must have forgotten that the Revolutionary War was led by a bunch of Freemasons and funded by the Jew Cha'im Solomon.

Either bait, a newfag, or literally the definition of controlled opposition.

It's caled Ius sanguinis brainlet. (It was) a common european law…

It's not like Muslims are the ones behind:
etc. …
From Toledo, to Constantinople, to Brussels.

So much this.
I'm glad that some of us are researching the history of various Fascist movements.
I think that more attention needs to be paid to Duterte in the Philippines, as well as Japan in the 1920's and 1930's:
Ikki Kita, Seigo Nakano, Shumei Okawa, Sadao Araki, Toyama Mitsuru, Ryohei Uchida, Tanaka Chigako, Jinzaburo Masaki, etc. …

Based Blue Division

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