Chicago gun violence left two people dead Saturday and at least 18 others wounded
Chicago residents say 'scared to even walk to corner store' now
Meanwhile, not even a few hours ago in liberal most corrupt city Chicongo, shootings out of control
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First kike-free post. How is this possible? I thought Chicago had gun control?
Chicagoan here, liberals here just blame lax gun laws in surrounding states like Indiana and call for stricter gun laws nationwide.
It is now clear that simple gun control measures are not effective against perpetrators of hate and fear. Ban Chicago now!
Please tell me you're joking. Is this actually a Democratic platform used to garner votes in Chicongo politics?
That seems like the kind of thing that can be tested. Has anybody checked to see how many of the niggers' Hi-Points and stolen Glocks originated in other states?
They do it elsewhere in the country too. Here in NJ, they'll blame Pennsylvania or Southern states for trafficking in the illegal guns. It's bullshit, especially since the average illicit firearm found is on average ~11 years old.
Start shooting back you useless fucks. Drop them and make your neighborhoods safer.
Why would anyone willingly live there anymore? Are authentic deep dish pizzas just that good?
one day we will have the courage and the power to solve these problems that are so easy to fix
Ban assault niggers
Better yet, why wait for the trouble to arrive at your door? You think the Chicago PD will be able to figure out who silently terminated Gangsta B-Reel 4 Reelz in the alley where he was taking a piss if you leave no evidence? How hard do you think the cops look for clues when the decedent is a 10-time felon who died with warrants?
Any of you Dexter types out there want to get in some practice, go for it. Low-risk/medium-reward targets aplenty in the hood.
That would require the purchase of illegal guns which are probably only supplied by blacks to blacks.
you should listen to the rap music, its promoting islam and sodomy
Honestly, they'll just steal everyone else's guns.
The only real solution, is a final solution to crime.
Guess we should just give up then, huh? Nobody can build a network or buy guns from niggers in Missouri or go to Mexico or use something other than guns, I guess. Well, I give up. Our cities are lost.
how do we get the niggers to kill eachother more efficiently?
In an almost-fully nigger shithole like Chicago?
Make it easier for them to acquire alcohol, drugs and guns. They'll do the rest themselves.
At least that's what kikewood taught me.
Rewards. kek
Make various sock puppets on kikebook of rival nigger gangs. Find public pics , they make it easy to id them. Spoof some muhfugga and various niggerisms and you can provoke kill after kill after kill after kill
Reprisals and such
Perhaps it could work if applied literally
Or this
Yo quaddubsman, dey be talking shit bout us. We gon jus let dem do dat?
Iowa, here.
We just got our stand-your-ground law passed; your liberals better keep their grubby fucking mitts off our funs.
It's bad enough that we get your spillover niggers.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing: we wall off Chicago 'for the sake of their safety from the outside world', seal the gates, then airdrop guns and let nature run its course.
If the problem is other states lax gun laws why do they think those states don't have this problem then?
How does writing about it make it any mor eeffective ?
Because they are jew liars and are shit at lying.
Pic related
Decent b8 m8
US Concealed Carry Laws
Unrestricted - Does not require a permit to carry a firearm and is often referred to as "Constitutional Carry".
Shall Issue - Requires a permit to carry a firearm. Applicant only has to meet the requirements set by law such as minimum age, training, background checks, etc.
May Issue - A carry permit is required but laws can be restrictive and in some states impossible to comply with. Often an applicant will be asked to demonstrate a justifiable need for a permit to be issued. It is left to the discretion of law enforcement as to whether a permit to carry will be issued and a few states such as Hawaii will refuse to issue a permit to anyone.
US Concealed Carry Laws
In a way that's a bad sign because the only other place with such unrestricted conceal carry is south africa, so this could mean that US security concerns are starting to approach that of south africa
Being able to enjoy your freedom without some ATF nigger showing up to shoot your dog and get their entire entry team killed by one guy is never a bad thing user.
If that were the case then Mississippi would've turned into Zimbabwe by now. Niggers only act tough when they have a leader backing them.
Yes, we have a large number of violent anti-whites marching around demanding free shit, too. However, the US has significantly more whites with weapons than SA, so we'll see how that works out for them.
You mean when the government gives them military hardware to kill white farmers who can't call for assistance and live in the middle of nowhere.
Not exactly true. You will not be refused if you know somebody who matters. Even San Francisco, which flat refuses to issue CCWs, routinely issues them for family and close friends of law enforcement. In my own county – one of the few with a pro-2nd sheriff – it still takes a year to get your card, but if you are connected, any county in the state will have your paper laminated by the close of business that day.
Doesn't even matter to be honest. Their original stipulation that it's because other places have lax gun laws isn't even an argument. It's a statement that has only two possible conclusions. Either Chicongos are inherently more violent than people in those places with lax gun laws or those places with their lower crime rates have lower crime rates because there are more guns. So according to their own reasoning, either niggers are just violent or guns prevent violence.
Why not both?
The funny thing is that the actual reason why those places are safer is both reasons.
Wrong pic.
Yes. Remember that even during Rhodesia's heyday it was barely a third white.
Oy, logic and pattern recognition are racist, goy.
Still hard to believe that fucker survived.
Sheboons aren't even good at killing niggers at point-blank range.
how come we don't do the police scanner threads anymore? those were nice and comfy on a saturday night listening to niggers getting arrested.
This vid has always tickled me in my trousers..
We need this multiplied times 10 million.
And remember; it's de wyte man's fault dis heah happen gnominsane?
I love the way it comes as such a surprise to her that a bullet actually came out of the muzzle of that gun she was pointing at him and it punched through his skull with blood and CSF pouring out after she cocked it and pulled the trigger.
That coon bitch is a fucking god damn genius.
It is both obviously but their own arguments mean they have to admit one of their other ideals is wrong. Not like it matters to them though.
some stats
Chimpcongo is a a tumor that needs to be excised to save the host. The violence isn't even the worst part, the whole city is utterly fucked from top to bottom in every conceivable way at once.
I'll bet he's drastically brain damaged.
He's definitely fucked up, something like 90% of headshots are fatal and that was from really close. I guess being close might have contributed to his survival if the bullet went all the way through some less essential part of the brain and out the other side.
Was brain-dead, but as of June he can now whisper and eat some on his own, but needs all kinds of therapy.
Facts are raycis goy!
Keep in mind these are the ones that were either committed in the open or were sever enough that they couldn't be ignored. If you had to go outside at night in Chicago you'd be lucky to even show up in the obituary.
He's not. The niggers are literally stealing guns off of train cars by the thousands. But blaming Indiana is easier than their nigger voting base.
god damnit wyatt
>dems working on law that mandates online users must have (((identifiable accounts)))
The dems really just rehash the same shit different day. They must be in full panic
Ha, was going to respond to with something about the "essential part" being smaller in blacks.
Dey smart.
My second favorite part of the vid:
My inner Zig Forumsommando is triggered being reminded of that. Every time I read a (fiction) book with guns of any kind and the soy faggot who wrote it gets that wrong I cringe.
my first thought exactly
Poverty causes you to eat gmo-laden garbage foods and violence, antisocial behavior, anxiety and attentional and behavioral problems are predictable results.
However it must be said that Chicago has been and still is about the most segregated city in the country.
Racism and structural violence against the poor and disenfranchised don't help matters:
Little known fact outside Chicago: in 2012(?), Rahm Emmanuel and the City Council first passed a budget that closed half of the city's public mental health clinics. Guess what neighborhoods?
okay internet loser!
St. Louis fag here. Summer is in full swing and niggers are chimping like crazy all over the Midwest. Pics are from an article about niggers driving around and firing rifles into the air and at each other, which happens like every single weekend now. This Southside gas station looks like fucking Somalia. St. Louis isn't quite the reverse of Chicago as everyone makes it to be in that the Southside is nice and the Northside is shit. Plenty of the South City is niggerville USA, and I'm sure there's many pockets in Chicongo's northside that are shit as well.
Link to article:
In other St. Louis news, The St. Louis County Prosecutor who gave Darren Wilson his fair shake in the Micheal Brown grand jury, just got primaried by a double digit IQ BlacklivesMatter monkey. According to the news “he was beat in a shocking landslide by a grassroots campaign,” even though no one ever heard this nigger's name until he won last Tuesday. I smell fuckery. Since there is no Republican on the ballot for country prosecutor, he will be elected unopposed in November. Now both St. Louis City and County will have retarded anti-white niggers as their prosecuting attorneys. At least the the Mayor and County Executive are still white To any Stl anons here, don't think running away to the county will save you faggots anymore.
Nah, get fucked TORpedo.
Michael Brown's mom is also running for city council. Yeah safe to say St. Louis is fucked.
That article says the gas station's at broadway and grand which is nigger central on the northside, but I agree that there have been too many niggers showing up on the south side too. I wonder when they'll start demanding installation of basketball courts for them to do nothing at besides crime
That's in Ferguson, not StL, but she'll probably win and run it as well as she raised her son. I wonder how many anons from StL actually come here now
Well Basic Income and cash-transfer studies do show improved health and wellness, reduced stress and reduced crime among recipients.
While St. Louis is fucked, she is running for city council of Ferguson, a tiny semi-independent municipality just outside the city, whose any potentially redeeming value was destroyed during the riots of 2014.
County's fucked now, too. Even Claytonfags are learning diversity the hard way when roaming gang of "youths" hop off the metro stop, run wild through their neighborhoods robbing and looting, then hop on the metro back to the ghetto.
I must have misread the article. Those big blue dots on the Southeast of the map are where Grand and Broadway (almost) come together in South City. That area is shit, too.
To do this effectively requires a LOT of research and investigation that makes one a target from multiple groups. If you start appearing in places just to look at things, people will take notice, and start following you. Maybe you don't live in an area where people recognize strangers and monitor them, but I do. The only way I know of to do this shit effectively is to plant cameras with zoom lenses in absurd locations, with solar power to keep them going for weeks. Then you come get each one at some random point in time with a different vehicle and different outfit and hat each time. Then you spend weeks poring over the footage, making notes and files, and realize you don't have any street names or association maps to go along with the profiles you've made.
There is such a gas station on the far east end of my city. Impossible to watch without camping on someone's front porch in an urban ghillie suit.
The influenza pandemic of 1918–1919 caused ≈ 50 million deaths.
Military and civilian casualties in World War I amounted to more than 41 million: there were over 18 million deaths and 23 million wounded
The numbers show that a simple virus caused more deaths than all of the shot and shells, ice, snow, rain and gangrene etc of war in the trenches.
And the virus did so in a much shorter span of time.
Isn't that where the Bosnians got dumped?
Really? Who'da thought that disease would be a more deadly killer than any weapon humans can devise. I can't think of any other time disease killed people in close quarters during a war in Europe.
No Bevo Mill is just to left the blue dots in the South East. I remember when the Bosnians first invaded and everyone hated them, now they are all right since they hate niggers more most klan members.
For some reason, I thought they were in Dutchtown. I remember my little brother playing soccer with the Bosnians over a decade ago; never had any problems with them.
Nice (((social science))) you got there schlomo. This is how these studies work. There is a massive selection bias, as most niggers will simply be screened out of the study, so they end up with the cream of the crop of most conscientious black families they can find, and on top of that the investigators basically police the behavior of the participants and raise their children for them. Then they say:
Wasn't "red-team scenario" Bob a trucker from St. Louis?
yeah no kidding
If i had off everyday and still had all my bills paid i would have zero stress too
Why not run yourself then?
How's your girl?
Interesting theory I heard recently was the widespread overuse of aspirin to alleviate the symptoms of Spanish flu may have suppressed the immune system enough that the virus became lethal in patients who otherwise would have survived.
We need gun contr-
wew lad
"ay yo tyrone me and squad ben linin' upside the bedroom finnin to fuck yo bitch one atta time, u wanna beef find us at 6969 Kangz Rd"
Every nigger is a Jew in blackface, every Jew is a nigger with a mask
Why haven't we kicked them out of Haiti back to Africa with the Titian living conditions?
Make it a game show like "The Running Man". 100 dollars per kill.
Better idea:
Devilish, but I like it.
Dead mayors and police chiefs can’t kike up cities
spreading the rumor of a payout would be better
not nearly nearly enough
Chicago is like a fenced in hunting resort. If your just a dumb nog then its already 85.9% chance you will get away with murdering someone. A smarter man would be near 100% chance of getting away in that city .