TJ (aka The Amazing Atheist) Banned From Twitter

TJ (aka The Amazing Atheist) Banned From Twitter

Yet another prominent Twitter account has been removed from Twitter. Though a self-identified liberal, TJ routinely attacks SJWs. This is undoubtedly what set the crosshairs upon him even though his tweet was clearly a parody of Sarah Jeong.


Don't you asshats see what's happening? All of the people who are fighting against the ravenous left are being systematically purged from social media. Once they're all completely deplatformed, who will speak for you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He'll have to go low tech now.

It was bound to happen. Half his videos are him getting banned from places.
And now,
Not to mention he’s a degenerate who shoves bananas up his ass and pours hot oil on his dick.


I had no idea he was even still doing videos and write ups. It got me thinking and I think he may be/have been until this censorship the longest running independent internet persona in history. If memory serves he was one of the first and has been around since the late 90s.

Checking those (((satan))) dubs. All opposition to jewish subversion in social media is under fire from the Shuttening, regardless if you agree with them 1488%. All that will be left will be ruins.

Don't fight it, let the cleanse happens. Let anyone Right of liberals be banned, he'll let classical liberals be banned. The more restrictive speech and action online is, the better for us.
Because I predicted this 3 years ago, this exact behavior will push a third to half of the " normal " left to our side. No, they won't be NatSoc like many here are not, but will see eye to eye with almost everyone here. We need the suffering so we can push back against corporations, the gestalt needs to change so radicalization takes minimal effort trough thought viruses ( an enhanced form on the meme warfare concept ).

Remember the more anyone left of us suffer, better to us.

memory doesnt serve. he started in 2006

TJ isn't even right-wing. As far as social media kicking people off, no shit it was obvious that this purge was going to come for years now. I'm only surprised it took this long.

I'm harassing TJ on Gab rn through my handle @GodBlessAdolfHitler. Feel free to join me as we harass the bananfaggot

Please take this back to cuck chan.

They are making a tactical mistake. The right knows they have numbers and that they are being threatened. Everyone right of center feels threatened in a real way with Dems sticking up for MS13 and advocating open borders and the monstrous push for gun rights, even the most civic of cucks. People are going to have to choose whether to be silenced or take it to meat world. Most people are followers and will sit idly by, but the minority with real character and drive will be pushed to create something tangible and real. Everything they do backfires. This will too.

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Maybe something good will come out of this thread after all.

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Our actions will speak for themselves

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banana man banned?

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Ring ring ring ring ring…

Now you're stuck here with us namefag Banana Man, we will rise your power level and teach our ways after you lurk 2 years. There's no atheists in this gloryhole.

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What? Wait. On second thought, I don't need to know.

I get it

He filmed himself shoving one up his ass and putting hot oil on his dick. No surprise being that he's a faggot.


I'll take you word for it, please censor all of the comments posted here so my eyes don't cry

That’s what he gets for not liking Baroque music and making fun of me for liking it.

if dubs he will pour boiling water on his dick again because of this

he's a degenerate but he wasn't exactly doing us a disservice with this tweet

nevertheless making a thread for a single tweet is cuckchan tier

I get it OP.
Yes he's a literal faggot, and a liberal, but the point stands that any wrong think gets you banned.

Useful idiots are still useful, who do so many fags here not get this

STFU you filthy jew, we win the normies over with memes warfare and natsoc ideas not by letting them they away our freedoms.

What did I miss, what just happened?

Because they think they already control the narrative. I think anyone that has an opinion and disagrees with them shouldn't have a platform because they aren't conforming to the system.
That being said the Amazing Atheist is a sell-out liberal.
He is a robot designed to say exactly what everyone's thinking.
Then again he's probably circumcised too which leads him into a difficult area because it's hard to be an activist and still Proclaim your enslavement at the same time

This is what much of Zig Forums is too purity spiralled to realize.

National Socialism, to the left, is essentially a paper tiger. 99% of the populace is already inoculated against it. Resurrecting it would take inhuman godlike effort on our part.

What the left wants to do is to stigmatize opposition to "social justice" and even opposition to anti-white sentiment. This is why they focus so intensely on banning "cucked" centrists like the Proud Boys, Infowars, the Amazing Atheist, and many other normie conservatives. These people are not genuinely redpilled, but they still stand against the criminalization of free speech, and stand against racism towards whites.

The hardest pill to swallow is that these "cucked" normie conservatives are still considered extreme-right by the left and must be purged. The left actually sees them as a greater threat than they see us, because most of them still echo the majority viewpoint, while people like David Duke echo a fringe that will never be accepted by most people.

What the left thinks is irrelevant, because, like you, they're deluded into thinking they're in a partisan struggle against the "bad" jew party. The real conflict is between Whites and the eternal jew. Traitors who serve the enemy to the point of inserting things into their anuses aren't our allies just because they're "right-wing" or "feared by the left".

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Just call it social nationalism, most people can't point to Israel on a map. You overestimate the knowledge of normalfags.

i CANNOT believe that's actually fucking real
why did he do it? jesus christ


Is he still dating that reverse trap?


You wouldn't be adding Alex Jonestein and Gavin "Dicks in my ass" Mcinnes to your list of people "fighting the left" would you? Of course you are, because you're a shill.

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"It's literally the opposite of Hitler, and it's like social security! You like that, right boomer?"

My guns. Their voices are louder than leftists.

Normies follow women, and women follow men. There are not many men on liberal platforms.

We still need to build platforms that are resistant to the inevitable progression of SJWs into deeper and deeper corners.

Don't you asshats see what's happening? All of the people who are fighting against the ravenous left


Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of Politics:

Only internet persona that I can think of that has survived since the 90's is Maddox, and these days he's as much of a faggot as any liberal SJW.

Quit purity-spiraling, goy.

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We'll speak for ourselves

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So we're on the same page then. Plans. The gold standard for propagation of information in a contended space is bitcoin. The biggest file sharing network is bittorrent.

Bitcoin doesn't propagate large amounts of data.

Bittorrent has single points of failure in the tracking servers.

I believe we need to combine the two.

How is this related to OP?
Arrested Development is the best show out there

Magnet links in the blockchain?

Yes. A shitbag got banned for being your typical atomized classical liberal fag. Fuck unity says these men. Until it happens to them.

Why doesn't Trump just start up his own youtube, twitter, etc knockoffs? He's got the money for it, he won't even need to pay for advertising, just mentioning it is enough to get the word out since he's the fucking president. The problem with many of these other alternatives is that they didn't have the star power to move people. If pewdiepie for example decided to move to a youtube competitor that would be fucking huge, they would lose a very significant chunk of their users from that single event alone, that is the power of fame.

You stupid fucking reddit nigger. This is nothing but a good thing. This further illuminates what these goddamn kikes are about - complete and utter domination. It shows the normalfags that if you don't actively suck kike dick and push anti-White pozz you will be treated as the enemy. It's an excellent development, you dumb motherfucker.

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The death of freeze peach is absolutely appalling. I am a devout Christian, but Bananaman should absolutely be free to speak his ideas. The truth doesn't fear opposition, it welcomes it, because it provides an opportunity to promote itself through superior logos. Banning speech is the tool of the left because they can't withstand intelligent opposition.

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That would do it. Further, it's probably a better solution to piggy-back in this way than attempting to roll one's own. Both technologies are established and have independent use cases, meaning that our use of it can't be targeted without disrupting legitimate users of the tech. Trying to get one's own network off the ground would be far more difficult, in comparison.

He is. He can go outside and tell it to whoever gives a fuck.

Denesh D'Souza

What the fuck causes this?

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The left is clearly banning and blacklisting everyone they see as having helped get Trump elected, and everything they see as being a potential help for the right in the midterms.
You'd have to be a retard or a shill not that see that.

Is he no longer telling parents that their kids fucking suck at drawing?

Is that Gavin?

Yes. Fucking BASED, right?

If you want to see how fashy he can get, check out this imgur album:

Nigger the left and right political spectrum is a false paradigm. Kikes want you to subscribe to it while they play both sides. The people getting banned like Jonestein and Gavin are controlled opposition and ardent zionists

because even fags hate jews

all these bans

these guys are all jews in wolfs clothing. This is just a ploy to get them legitmacy. The plan is not working. The goyium know and we have truned off from these outlets.

Basically the mission is useless if we dont watch. So dont even come to their aid.

Nothing of value was lost. Its now time to go outside exercise get a degree and help build your local foundation instead of listening to these jews who want to act like they are white.

reminder gavin mcidiot burns coal, actions speak louder than words

Trump is a small part of a larger wave of American sentiment that the jews have been trying to squelch for 250 years. White people are starting to realize the niggerfication of America isn't organic, and that they are being targeted for death. The kikes are in full shut it down mode because the veil is falling and it's just a matter of time before the dots get connected to them.

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Or in the case of h3h3, a literal jew

This guy is a homo but it doesn't excuse this mass censorship move.

How are Alex and Gavin Jewish?

I don't think we can pretend that allowing private corporations to control discourse on the main mediums of communication is a good idea just because someone is obnoxious. The left doesn't even let people bake cakes if it doesn't conform to their agenda. We can't have this sort of pervasive censorship in a free society.

if you sellout , sell your soul , you have lost the essence that makes you white. Its more than a skin tone retard.

Dont fucking sleep with the enemy and dont support the golem. Jews trully have no blood anyways. Its more of a mindset

You choose sheckles over good , you are a jew

Doesn't really bother me about the "eceleb" nature as this is just documenting twitter's kikery. Which is always a good thing.

Holy shit, Twitter must be LOSING IT to act like this. First they went for the easy targets but now they're going after literally anyone who isn't a leftist.
D-does that mean we're getting to them?

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Gavin doesn't, he's very open about his love for them.

That's where you're right, kiddo.

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No, it's just an intelligent tactic. Would you allow commies to vote and voice their opinions in public if you were in power? If so, why? So they can have a chance to take over and fuck the world? Why not just crush them into the dirt? That way, you don't have to worry about them. Free speech is for political LARPers and losers. Real winners play by the rules of warfare and do whatever it takes to win. If you want to continue being on the losing side, just keep tipping that fedora of liberty. But just remember, no one actually cares.

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Did the Atheist finally call out Judaism?

Lol fuck this degenerate faggot, he should be banned not from twatter, but from breathing.
Nick Bate 2.0
It's true that what (((twitter))) is doing is disgusting, but faggots like this one, sargon of blackdad, nigger-sodomite milo, and gavin "i shoved a dildo up my ass, but ironically" mcinnes DO NOT SPEAK FOR US

No, they're just in the beginning stages of purging the net of everyone who isn't congruent with their technocratic, globalist agenda.

Sadly many people here aren't even clever enough to do that. They just want to LARP

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You can't rule with an iron fist in a world where the populace has both the freedom to effortlessly distribute information and the weaponry to defend themselves. Not in the leftist paradigm, and not in yours.

Good posts

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I didn't say anything about iron fist ruling. The point is, giving your enemy the freedom and ability to dominate is retarded. A principle of ancient wisdom is that one should extinguish even the smallest of embers because even they can turn into raging infernos. Right now, we're already caught in one and most whites will have been burned to death by 2100. Thus, I totally reject your idea of free speech. It's for losers.

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The moment Trump takes all this censorship momentum, and cashes in on it with some kind of off-the-cuff tweet, the salt mines will open.

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He deserved this.

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user, how about you SHUT THE FUCK UP? God, he fucking recorded for a friend and someone else leaked it, dumbass, stop making that a fucking point, are you that shallow?! Fucking hell, why do you even care about what he did for someone else? You sound exactly like the morons I hate!

This is a god thing dumbass. If they ban everyone but the most virulent anti whites they will lose the value of their platform, because all the normal people through to the most far right people wont be there anymore. It would be more disconcerting if they only targeted the far right.

hahaha this makes me mildly happy. I need MOAR though. Mass report all the usual cunts and buy some put options on twitter stock. It's win, win. Do it faggots.

In that case they should ban every SJW and mainstream journalist on their platforms while they're at it. Their behavior played a big role in agitating people enough to make Trump a much more appealing candidate back in 2016. At any rate this strategy to censor those who may have been perceived to help Trump, will end up only solidifying general support for him. It also adds a perfect rallying point to sell to the fence sitters who value the internet as it is, free. It's like they forget word of mouth, IRL shitposting with leaflets and conventional phones are still a thing. That's not even accounting for alternative platforms that will spring to compensate for the censorship over time.

In the interest of satire, I present to you the piece titled how to delete NBC news

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It's not just right of center. It's left of center as well. Bernouts are kvetching about this all over YouTube and Twitter as well. They are heavily censored as well for calling out DNC corruption, Assange's imprisonment as well as supporting third party candidates. It's happening to anyone who doesn't think censorship is the answer and calls out hypocrisy in policy.

I still think it's all manufactured though. I don't believe for one second the companies would risk their bottom line without a plan in place that they will benefit from in the end.

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Wendell sucks

It was maple syrup, not hot oil.