Romanians protest shitlib government corruption for 2nd straight day
The fire rises in Romania
Define "other flag". People sporting EU flags is suspicious.
Jesus these policemen are cowards.
Don't see many any EU Flags. See a bunch of bitchy Romanians. I like what I see. Bump.
how can anybody say that cops are good people when they're spraying people that are waving their national flag with water cannons?
Why are they being listened to? What is this shit? Name your fucking source in the OP.
Its about time some madlads learn roman phalanx tactics and start holding some lines of their own.
Don't want to be that guy but don't Romanians have a protest once every six months against the Government and their corruption??
Lowest IQ of all the Latin Europeans. What do they expect to happen when they constantly vote for the same kind of vultures?
You mean the IQ that's averaged with the huge gypsy population that the commies treated as if they were true citizens and not leaches stopped from their almost kike-like ways by the Iron Curtain.
Pro-Tip: The "kazak" village Borat visited was a gypsy village in Romania. When the commies handed out "land parcels" to the "peasants" the gypsies all pretended to be from the region and basically took it over. The Romanian peasants left and settled in other zones. They tried in the late80's when the gov was losing power to torch them out of their homes, but the (((UN))) declared it a "human rights violation" despite the fact the farmers were taking back land that was theirs for the last 1650 years, this was the southern border that Vlad Tepes (the real Dracula) defended from the Turks. There is a reason why Romania is the only Latin-based language for 500 miles in the region.
PS Timisuara in Romania holds the world record for bandwidth :) Yes, faster than the Nips.
May the spirit of Codreanu live forever!
Hilariously this is not true, the current libshit government is somewhat anti-EU, but mostly because they fuck up on implementing EU gibs and so EU is breathing down their neck. Also the majorite of the population didn't vote for them, but rather the majority who went to the vote. There was no good voting option anyway. Many countries should know what that's like.
Can a Romanian go into more detail over the protests and the parties involved? You've got
Who is in the right? Which side is better? Is any side any good? Can we get a brief description of each? These are questions that are best answered by the people who've lived the political climate in their day to day lives.
romanians delivered us petrolium in the second world war
Burgers dont at all understand European electoral process or how fucked up it is. Its not a 2 party system 50% dont vote for this guys and 50% dont vote for the other guy. Imagine having 9 parties to vote for and none of them get more then 16% of the vote but the top two parties from that vote, go on to another vote and those are your options for president/ruling party. Its a bureaucratic
Leftist system that is rigged to make it so radicle minority political parties can maintain power with very little public support.
Death to romania.
t. hungarian (I hope you all die in a fire)
Romanian here and I agree with you.
My people are race traitor scum who would walk by wile gypsies murder their own kind in front of their house and deny they ever seen anything out of fear from said gypsies. Then when gypo scum notices how cowardly they are and turn on them(which always happens sooner or later) they scream and complain that nobody helped them, never even realizing they did the exact same when they where in a position to help. And if you try to bring it up they give you this dumb look which conveys beyond a doubt such rational thinking is way beyond the.
Aren't you all basically Gypsies at this point?
I dunno, you guys sure freak out of someone tries to buy bread in hungarian.
Yes we do.
Low level of education in rural areas leads to votes being bought for a kilo of flour. That's the main problem, votes being swayed by empty promises and short-term benefits.
What the fuck are you talking about
I met a Romanian couple that came to work in my country (Portugal).
Nice enough people, but very desperate. The guy took a shit job (that pays less than minimum wage) and his wife took up a toilet cleaning job that pays half of what he earns.
Despite that, they were overjoyed with the prospect. Even with this, their living standard improved and according to the wife, what they earn here is 10x what they earned back in Romania.
I know a little of the situation, so let me try to explain to our american friends:
You guys have ghettos in america, right? Ugly piles of crappy buildings growing out of your cities like tumors.
Now imagine something like that, but not only worse (terrible living conditions) but over MILES AND MILES of land. That's basically "The Gypsie Question" that Romanians have to deal with.
Americans are certainly familiar on how big of a drain nigs are on Social Security (and therefore, the state).
Now try trippling their weight, on top of a crippled economy. You know why there's no doctors in Romania? The state can't pay'em. A guy washing dishes in my country earns more than a Romanian doctor. Let that sink in.
And then take a long hard look at it before strapping yourself down: this is the road America is going down. Trump can (maybe) slow the process, but if he loses 2020, you can be sure the Dems will make a mad dash to the finishing line and bask in the corruption and money laundering the Romanian politics are famous for.
It's even sad when you visit, the country is gorgeous and the history amazing.
I'm extremely black-pilled as far as my country is concerned so take it with a grain of salt, but here's my 2 cents.
Let's start with PSD.
The party founded by a guy who's been in the communist party since 1953, up until the revolution.They are incredibly corrupt, and the only people voting for them are rural gypsies who're given a kilo of flour and some bottles of cooking oil every election year, or old people, since they raise their pensions all the time. Of course, none of these old farts reminiscing of the Commie days know what inflation is, so there's that. They're against gay-marriage and eurosceptic and pro church (which by the way, is an incredibly corrupt institution as well over here), so some conservatives here might think they're a good option, but they've stolen way too much for any of that to matter.
Dragnea is the current president of the Social Democrat Party (psd).
Our only other legitimate option is USR, progressive, pro EU technocrats, who seem like a pretty bad choice to me but they're probably the better option.
Iohannis is the president of the country who really hasn't done anything during his mandate, was elected mainly due to the diaspora and is absolutely better than his PSD adversaries.
Protests are a huge joke in my opinion. Either take up arms or stay the fuck home and stop ruining public transportation, staring at buildings and shouting at cops won't help the country and make you look like hooligans.
The saddest part is that we have no legitimate right-wing party here. We're stuck between corrupt ex-communists, albeit sort of conservative, giving gibs to old people and gypsies, and (not quite sure how corrupt at the moment) neomarxists.
We need this generation to die before anything politics could be taken seriously in Romania, sad part is; all the young people left for Western Europe, so we have to prepare our anuses for the refugees.
First of the refugees preferred to either go back or keep going toward other countries matey, none of them stayed here, except the ones who had family here and became business men(oameni de afaceri, daca poti numi evaziunea fiscala si datu de spaga afaceri). The generation you are waiting to die off has already taken steps so that their vile spawns will replace them in due time. And their offspring(I had the misfortune to meet these new communists) are even worst then their parents. Their parents at least tried to keep up appearances after Ceausescu was killed, these new punks don t care about that, having the whole support of the west behind them. Look at the EU arrest warrant for example. It completely overrides any human rights Europeans have. With this simple warrant the jew has made every European citizen have less rights then any random shit skin from some far away shit hole. In truth, it made us all 2 nd class citizens in our own countries.
Imbeciles, all of you !
There is no fire rising. The fire was rising when 3 million people signed to change the constitution so that family will be defined as 'union between a man and a woman'.
The above would've meant that man and woman would also be defined as biological man and woman and all gender issues will be btfo.
They tried to stop the raising of the signatures and accuse all those people of being backwards but more and more pitched in to help.
(((They))) lost almost everything here.
And now they invented this shit.
The team that elected Johannis is the same team that brought PSD to govern.
The bitch prime minister needed to change the constitution but instead the mission is to make people forget about changing the constitution.
Welcome to shithole !, you imbeciles think this protest has a purpose, it does not. Same as the maidan in Ukraine, it's a ruse to destroy the nation.
based roma's
This user get's it. It's smoke and mirrors again. The same shit after Ukraine 'revolution' was (((planning))) for Poland. Keep fighting the right enemy Romaniabro, I'm planning to visit your country in a few months, but I haven't decided yet.
Typical filthy east euro scum
damn, nice tackle
The gyppos are first on the chopping block.
Godspeed Romanians, fuck the government and those Brazilians in your country !
keke Eastern Europe.
Yeah I'm sure their corrupt government counts the votes in the way people voted.
Fucking retard.
You should start purging the communists and jews, then start over.
Are Romanians white? I mean I confuse them with gypsies living in Italy.
Whiter than you at least, roach.
Strange (((they))) claimed (((EU))) present. Hm
You know how I know you don't belong
I mean normally I see gypsy hate threads and many anons comment on how Romanians are bad in Italy? Hence the question
That amount of logic sends Juden running back under his bridge.
Doesn't change the fact they vote, fucktard.