Protesters gather as Sir John A. Macdonald statue is removed from Victoria city hall

VICTORIA — The statue of Canada’s first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, was hoisted on a five-point harness from its place outside Victoria’s city hall early Saturday morning amid cheering, booing and disagreements about the politician’s legacy.

City crews started the process at 5 a.m. — after some preparation, including erecting temporary fencing Friday night — and the statue was driven away on a flatbed truck by 7:30 a.m. Afterward, crews remained to install an interpretive plaque in the statue’s place.

At this point, some people began singing O Canada, others applauded and some booed.

The final leg of the lift and transportation of the statue was accompanied by people singing the refrain “na na na na, na na na na, hey, hey, goodbye” to drown out those with hands on hearts singing O Canada.

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Statue removal is the classic bitch move. Completely pointless.


oh, that guy

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One of the guys on the victoria city council who spearheaded the desicion to remove the statue is a literal communist jew named Ben isitt. The guys been on a quest to "decolonize" Canada for years now.

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Sieg Heil MacDonald
He wasn't wrong at all
Fuck china and all asiatics generally

Interesting how the mayor and her jew master ben isitt decided to take the statue down on the anniversary of C-ville. Cohencidence?

Has anyone doxxed him yet?

Dont think hes been doxxed yet no.

I guess it is Western Canadian politics. Not a lot of people involved - hell not a lot of people live there.

When are we going to decolonize ourselves form jews?

Good goyim. Be content watching your history be destroyed.

These commies should burn all their 10 dollar bills to show how serious they are.

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I.D Canada pestered the town the night before apparently.

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Nice revisionism going there.

Why is it that libtards are almost always ugly people who lack empathy and do not reason?

Canada is really going to Hell lately, there was a mass shooting in Fredericton, NB the other day.

hence the value placed on perceived moral superiority

Pure coincidence.

I live on Vancouver Island, I am going to go kill this fucker. Time to face to the bloodshed.

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Instead they should put that faggots face with a "kikes are trying to remove white history".

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People forget that canada isn't majority whites and barely anyone knows the history. Tough to boast about a history that involves the queen giving you your "freedom". All they have is the war vs the US in which the americans simply stopped giving a fuck.

It is more majority white then America, The queen never gave us freedom, we had to fight for it. Canada HAD a shit load of history but as you see it is being revision and removed. Also, it was the British that fought Americans, not Canadians you dumb fucking kike.

ben.isitt at is what he's using with his Twitter account.

Canada is directly tied to the british monarchy. Not to mention her face is plastered everywhere in canada. Its a cuck country.

It was tied to it, read a fucking book kike.
Her face isn't plastered everywhere unless you mean kike shekels. It is NOW a cuck country, it wasn't always.
Though the CNP is hard at work.

No one will ever do anything to stop this except cry and then forget about it a week later

She also uses flatbeds

Scrub your internet profile and livestream it.

Yup, keep drinking beer, driving shitty trucks, smoking weed, getting shitty tatoos, thinking that having "a local brewery" is creating culture and dont for get keep being nice to non whites.
And don't forget to HATE Americans. You know that's how you know you are talking to a traitor or shit neck white nigger Canadian is if they hate Americans.

Fuck off.

How did Justin describe this?

Can you guys please annex us already, Liberals are burning this country to the ground.

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Democracy doesn't work, start kill people.

He hasn't responded but Doug ford did.

WELL you're fucking free to buy the statue and put it up anytime you please…….oh wait, no one will ever do that though because they're cowards with no balls, they jsut virtue signal and cry and then never do anything about it

Fuck off kike

They wear the skin of their enemies very well..

Canadians don't have any culture (attested by Canadian leader Cuckdeau himself) so why should it have a history?


You think America is any better?land of niggers mudsharks and spics. Most of the world is simply suffering from American exported culture disease. Of it were not for the JewSA the world we be much healthier.

That's because you fail to understand the history of Canada and the character of the people who originally settled here. It was not the same kind of colonial venture as the 13 colonies. Canada was not planned to be a civilian country well into it's history - it was original pretty much just one giant commercial venture disguised as a new nation until the great push for westward expansion. The stock that shares history with that story is small and isolated - the majority of Western Canada is basically newly colonized land and the majority if their population are immigrants with roots that almost never go back more than 100 years. So this shit happening in Victoria isn't surprising at all - the real Canadians exist in the East. The West is a totally different beast.

How much is it?
We could probably get a couple hundred anons together to donate for it, buy it and some Canabro to display it on his lawn.
Then you slap an hidden camera pointing at it and send the commie bastards that come deface it at night to jail.

Think about it: you're essentially buying Ancient Bait

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I can get removing Confederate statues and all.
I disagree with it completely, but I can see their reasons.


Goodbye Canada, I have lost all faith, and will never comment about you again. Unless you go full 1488 and get rid of the chinks and shitskins, I won't even acknowledge you

It's like removing a statue of George Washington. I live in victoria and the traitors in city hall have even floated the idea of changing the name of the city itself.

There are still a TON of whites here in victoria though,and lots of people are PISSED that the statue is gone now. Basically the mayor and three other councillors along with some abos decided to get rid of the statue without even consulting the public about it. There was no vote or anything.

Doing god's work user


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Here Benjamin Isitts full resume

How about you fuck off kike, all I'm saying is for you people to grow a fucking pair and do something and yet you get all pissy? Kinda shows you just how right I am

And the other Island's true name is Queen Charlotte, you fucking redskin savages.

My name isn’t Sergei

That's how it worked here in the states too, no one is even allowed to vote on statue removals, the government just does it without telling the people

Someone should decolonise his head. It's the only way these nation wreckers will learn to keep their disease to themselves, by witnessing the punishment of those who would transgress.

found their (()) organization that are infested and grants that give money for shit

Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies, Member 2014-Present
Canadian Committee on Labour History, Secretary 2011-Present
Canadian Committee on Labour History, Member 2002-Present
Pacific Northwest Labour History Association, Member 2002-Present
Canadian Law and Society Association, Member 2011-Present
Canadian Historical Association, Member 2003-Present
Canadian Committee on Public History, Member 2010-Present
Network in Canadian History and Environment, Member 2011-2013
BC Studies Association, Member 2009-2011
Labor and Working Class History Association, Member 2004-2010

This jew got 450K $ in grants for BS stuff
2016 Aid to Scholarly Publications Grant (Disabling Barriers, with Malhotra); $8,000
2011-2014 SSHRC Standard Research Grant (co-applicant with R. Malhotra); $69,800
2011-2014 University of Victoria Doctoral Fellowship; $63,500
2012 Canada Council grant (French edition, From Victoria to Vladivostok); $20,000
2011 University of Victoria Howard Petch Research Fellowship; $7,500
2011 Aid to Scholarly Publications Grant (Militant Minority); $8,000
2010 Aid to Scholarly Publications Grant (From Victoria to Vladivostok); $8,000
2008-2010 SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship; $81,000
2009 SSHRC Research Development Initiatives grant (recommended); $40,000
2004-2007 SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) Doctoral Fellowship; $105,000
2003-2004 University of New Brunswick PhD Graduate Arts Assistantship; $20,000
2001-2003 University of Victoria Master of Arts Fellowship; $24,800
1996 McGill University President’s Scholarship (declined); $16,500
1996 Queen’s University Sesquicentennial Scholarship (declined); $16,500

Youre not gunna do shit you fucking LARPing homosexual.

Fuck off kike, watch me. I have literally nothing to lose and everythinf to gain by killing kikes.

We all know you aren't going to do shit. And talking about it is just going to get you needlessly in trouble.

Checks out.

Reminder that Canadian police are complicit in everything that is happening in Canada. They are a grooming gang of traitors and pedophiles whose only job is to confiscate and destroy evidence of Mossad's pedophile blackmail network. They are all Freemasons, Eastern Stars, Jesters, Beijing agents, and real actual jews.

Their families are being watched. The repercussion has begun.

because they're the party of democracy,the mob rule, where republicans are followers of the concept of a republic which is never intended to follow the mob rule.

If its a protest to keep things as they are they will ignore it, if its a protest to change it they will use it as an excuse to change it, only they are the ones paying people to protest to change it.

Gee, what ever gave you that Idea?

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People behind this need to pay.

I literally have a picture of myself with that.

What’s the excuse this time? He was an alcoholic?

Meanwhile, at the last fag festival in Victoria there were FBI pedo symbol rings for open sale.

The west is lost. Come east to the other coastal island. This is what I’m having for breakfast.

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Top tweet of that fat lump: she's promoting a woman bragging about her pet cuck and the way he looks after her kids

Even the term ‘canadien’ was stolen from French ‘habitants’ that settled the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, which makes me ROTFL when westerners bitch and whine about Quebec.

54-40 or fight, President Trump

Yeah, the US Marshals have quite a file in BC RCMP and that pig farm in Port Coquitlam. They harassed one of their investigators too and that is coming out fairly soon.

oh snap , food you can eat.

what an amazing invention

only really sad stupid people get excited about food. its nothing special mate. I can get all those ingredients on amazon shipped to my door.

Newfoundland will be the last bastion of true Canada.

People who are objectively inferior in body and spirit, both through position in society and through direct comparison, are more likely to demand equality in all its infinite forms. Every single time, they seek to tear down what is good, and lift up that which is bad, hence the Progressive Stack and all that intersectionality junk. They're nihilistic subhumans who wish to destroy everything, by making everything equal (not unlike Entropy/Heat Death).

Unfortunately for them, equality is a social construct.

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only joined in '49

if anyone has a claim to separation its newfoundland. the b'ys are all right but separate.

At a certain point you have to ask yourself: why are the ugly disgusting rat-faced cucks winning? When does virtue start to play a role in all of this? When do we start winning?

You can also ship yourself back to Reddit.

Does Amazon ship cancer or is that considered medical waste?

They maintain their culture because even someone from PEI is “from away.” They also make life very difficult for deviants. Gee, just like old times.

They also have the most blonde blue-eyes cuties I’ve ever seen and the accent is pleasant. But don’t think that they’re going to just accept Pajeet and Jamal. There is a token immigrant community but they don’t allow ghettos.

Reported to you Shariablue supervisor for shitposting off topic and without sense.

If only he knew how bad things were about to get for canada. 10 million dollar payouts to muslim terrorists and such. What a sad country it has become

jesus fucking christ canadian law is so cucked,

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The job of law enforcement is to keep the peace. BC is also one of two provinces that have a quasi-grand jury system for indictments.

Actually it’s fresh salmon on steamed rice with a side of sugar beets and caremelled onion sauce, but feel free to hang yourself with your failed entrapment plan from earlier.

That Florida girl was cute though.

Oh that’s right, you’re going to twist everything around that I say anyways because you’re a kike.

If you're American, don't help these fucking rats.

This piece of shit just fucked it up for everybody.
Is this really what you think you stupid motherfucker? I hope canada burns and you burn along with it fuck you, fucking faggot. I want you dead now.

The kike you replied to didn't even say anything about America but you just had to open your stupid fucking mouth and deflect with your own D&C shit didn't you, faggot?
Maybe that poster and anyone else who says shitty things about Canada without provocation is right. You got the leader you trash deserve now die with him. The only hope for you is to stick a gun in your fucking mouth and blow your faggoty brains out, end it quick. That goes for ALL Canadians just because of you.

Shut up Mossad.

The job of Canadian law enforcement is to harass white people for thinking too much.

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Spamming the catalog with anti-american slide threads now you rat piece of shit? huh 8d167f?
You better shut your fucking mouth.

Wait… was he actually quoted as saying "Aryan" or was that editorialized by some stormnigger?

Its just some kike who does D&C on anything he cant, its a game for him. You might even be him. Canada and the US are both sufficiently bad for a pro-white revolution.

Aryans in the quote every time Ive seen it, and Ive seen it many times now.

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All of BC is pozzed to the max.

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Don't forget videogames. AAA shit like Bioware is funded by as much as 35% on taxpayer funded grants. Their games would be in the red and the company would fail if it wasn't propped up by the government

Historical revisionism, destruction of culture and history, classic Judaism aka Marxism & Islam.

Today they tear down statues of MacDonald. Tomorrow we raise statues of Hitler.

Realistically, what's going on is that the society founded by Sir John A Macdonald has run its course, as evidenced by the crazy social tensions and chaos, and more specifically, people tearing down statues of him, this country's founder.

The empty statue pedestals will be filled by statues of whoever re-founds this country after Rake Day.

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