Justice Served: Italy Bans Mandatory Vaccinations For School Children
Baxter Dmitry
August 12, 2018
JWO BTFO! White Children Saved!
Oh good, now they can be removed faster as the invaders keep bringing in diseases.
I would only trust vaccs. in an all white society where all steps on the production (from the scientist discovering effects to the manufacturing plant) are invested in the community and wont cut corners for profit.
E.g. scientist ignores some shit due to pressure from other groups, manufacturer includes other things to cheapen the cost, etc.
This. Vaccination is dysgenic program.
Go fuck yourself, vaccines work and are actually fucking great for you and your community. Anti vaccers are the literal cause for certain diseases spiking among schoolchildren all over the country. Some shit like the flu is a cash grab because its just gonna mutate again next year, but most crucial stuff like hepatitis vaccines and several others are life saving.
theres literally zero evidence that vaccines cause autism and we would know since tons of studies on this came out due to the giant screeching about autism vaccines
i'm a medfag who'se seen the charts on the effectiveness of vaccines, faggots like you would have kept polio as an actual plague for our people rather than eradicating it from existence. Every time a vaccine shows up for a truly serious virus and we have mass vaccinations to combat it we see an insane drop in infections because they fucking work. Thanks to people who have vaccines, anti vaccers are kept safer from illness because when an un-inoculated kid gets sick the virus has an incredibly difficult time spreading in a population that's got mass resistance because they've already built and kept memory B and T cells to fight off the newly acquired infection.
This is the first and only blunder I've seen on behalf of Salvini and its especially worrying given how much disease the Apefricans and mudslimes bring to Europe.
Nice dubs.
Very true. I haven't been to a doctor in six years and used to up to my eye-balls on pills and crap. Have never felt better.
The temerity of this kike.
Vaccines can actually prevent certain diseases and save, possibly, millions of lives. This is true.
The issue is not whether or not vaccines CAN BE safe and effective.
The issue is not whether or not they "work." They usually do.
The issue is whether or not the vaccines created by the KIKE drug companies ARE safe and effective.
The evidence suggests that they are not.
The kike companies are either cutting corners or intentionally poisoning people.
Vaccines are given to babies and small children when their brains are at their most vulnerable to developmental disruption.
Most vaccines contain mercury and aluminum as, supposedly, stabilizing agents.
Aluminum and mercury both cause nerve damage and disruption to proper nerve growth and development (ie the brain).
This alone is a five alarm red-alert level of PROBLEM that should be being LOOKED INTO MASSIVELY.
Instead, anyone who questions the safety of vaccines is criticized and, if they are in a position in the medical industry, will likely lose their job or lose advancement opportunity.
Also, in many countries it is ILLEGAL to refuse vaccinating children.
Now, (((who))) in power would be interested in creating a population with a bit of brain damage to make them confused, have lower critical thinking skills, and dumber?
Maybe the same people who put fluoride, a toxin that causes brain damage, into the water supply, atrazine (a herbicide) into the water supply (it has powerful feminizing effects), pushed "the pill" onto entire generations of women and teenagers which both causes brain damage in the user and feminizing chemical runoff in their urine that is not properly removed by water treatment plants, and so on and so forth.
Almost like they want us stupid and immasculated so we won't fight back as they kill us all off with degeneracy, feminism, racemixing, and non-White immigration. Almost like it's part of the ongoing genocide of White America and the White world.
There is something EXTREMELY suspicious about the vaccine industry.
Again, "healthy" vaccines should be possible.
But, in their current form, ARE vaccines causing harmful side-affects like brain damage leading to autism and other such things?
Yes, they are.
Fuck Drumpf, Salvini is the real savior of white people
Well, looks like we've found the nigger ITT. Go swim in a river and get killed by Schistosomiasis.
Not a kike, I'm a medfag. I know, you're gonna attack that now because of the shitty kike doctors that prescribe boys pseudomethamphetamines and sidestep the facts but go ahead. Prove to me that vaccines cause autism. Inb4 muh mercury. It's thimerosal and mercury poisoning is very different from autism so that alone tells you just how bullshit the claim is. The increased rate of autism is more closely linked to vitamin D deficiencies and older age than thimerosal.
i bet you also believe that going to the emergency room will get your organs harvested for their melanin
every anti vaxxer i've seen irl is a shitskin
I wonder if that screeching half-breed will start posting pictures of kikes next to him as the only way to suck any fun in it.
Always these kikes larping as medical experts pushing bs statistics to abuse children. Everything about them starts with abusing infants and young children. Read about ritual satanic abuse and the stories are very similar. They are treated like animals and many grow up desiring to be the abusers
Thats untrue, tons of vaccines are safe for over 98-99% of the population and incredibly effective. The problem there isn't kike drug companies its doctors overdosing/underdosing since kids and babies are not injected with the same amount as adults for most vaccines, time of vaccination since some require a more established immune system when injected, or a naturally weak immune system leading to an inability to properly process the vaccine/allergy.
first is likely but not with vaccines, second is true for new diseases/vaccines because we can't know its efficacy until we try.
this already shows you're unaware of the various types of vaccines, you can give an infant certain ones but live attenuated vaccines? typically no.
thimerosal and its a preservative.
There's little evidence for this because its not pure organic mercury like in the case of KW. Mercury poisoning can occur from an improperly made one, but again this is incredibly rare and its ridiculous to expect perfection in anything.
Yes and no, we have done studies on these things. You can look up thiomersal or thimerosal studies (same compound, diff names) to show their method of action and actual role in vaccines. We should strive for less human error in vaccinations though.
This is true because of anti vaccers destroying the reputation for any middle ground. Once the link is established what hospital is gonna go "oh the anti vaccer doctor? yeah put him in charge of pediatrics"
And it should be, given their efficacy not vaccinating means risking infections for dozens if not thousands.
>Now, (((who))) in power would be interested in creating a population with a bit of brain damage to make them confused, have lower critical thinking skills, and dumber?
This is just a bit too much into conspiratorial thinking. Occams razor tells me they're just in it for massive profit and will cut corners wherever possible. Not everything is riskproof, complaining about vaccine tragedies is like complaining that tylenol will kill tens of thousands by fucking up their livers. It's literally insane to expect 100% safe medicine or pharmaceuticals EVER.
These are valid complaints and should not be enforced. Muh fluoride is retarded cause just brush your fucking teeth, herbicides and estrogen are due to monsantrash and birth control so there's not much we can do about the latter but we could fuck monsanto if we got rid of their lobbyists.
Vaccines? No. Fluoride, herbicides and birth control? Absolutely, and there's actual evidence for this.
There really isn't, vaccines are tied to pharma and pharma is where the shitshow is at hence vaccines get fucked by association when its literally the best product to come out of pharma ever since its the best long term protection for one of the if not the lowest risks to patients.
healthy vaccines are bullshit. There are tons such as toxoid, attenuated, subunit, conjugate, etc. and all are very different in their contents.
No they're not, you literally have not read a single paper on the safety of thiomersal/thimerosal.
Lies. There are vaccines that at no dosage are safe for you.
I'm really surprised about this. 5Kikes were all for it but Lega wasn't.
the nazis widely used vaccines and even developed a typhus vaccine
not all vaccines are equal moishe
I am an actual medfag. First year med student recently finishing up immunology. Vaccines and hypersensitivities were the last topics we hit. The stats to abuse children shit? Thats pharma with their pseudo meth add pill and depression ssri pills. If you even read the stats you'd know theyre bullshit too btw which is why its so important to actually read medical literature. Never take an ssri, theyre not effective and its fucked how placebo patients hit 40% improved joy vs 70% ssri. They tout 70% success when the reality is 1/3 after accounting for placebo. Abuse of kids with drugs also happens thanks to a failure to remember humanity when diagnosing. Depression? Ssris will fix your fucked up life, environment, lack of friends and family? Nothing to do with it. Boy is bored at school? Adhd, it cant just be boredom. This is why some criticisms of pharma are legitimate and justified. I can get behind those. I cant get behind denial of vaccines which are well studied, incredibly safe and very effective. Shit like this makes it more difficult for people to actually get on your side too, when people get lumped in with crazy anti vaccers for a middle ground position like "hey maybe he doesnt have adhd and is just bored", people stop defending those positions further allowing mass abuse of kids by ignorant parents and a doctor out to make a quick buck.
About kikes maybe but not every doctor is a kike and most of the ones that do harm are uninformed. Circumcision being a great example. Kikes up top at the AAP blatantly lied to get kids circumcised, knowing full well what this does Im going to advocate for banning the procedure or at least informing parents as to why it shouldn't be done on anyone.
This is true for literally any form of abuse. Homosexuals are massive kid fuckers and many molested or raped kids turn out gay themselves and typically rape another kid as they grow old themselves. Its quite literally how faggots reproduce. Most kikes dont do satanic rituals except for circumcision which is truly fucking demonic and was originally made as a replacement for child sacrifice.
You wanna provide some evidence for that claim or just talk shit out of your ass?
Absolutely retarded. You pointing to ONE case of guillan barre after vaccination is the same as a lefty fag saying all niggers are smart because of one smart nigger existing. Not only is guillan barre incredibly rare but your own pic states that we dont know the actual cause of it. Pointing to vaccinations as a cause of it also prove you're retarded because the most common cause is INFECTION accounting for around 2/3 cases, followed by SURGERY and then vaccinations. Case reports are not in any way reliable for talking about the majority of patients because you can easily pull a texas sharpshooter fallacy, pick the worst cases and claim its the case for all of them. The only commonality between mercury poisoning and GBS is peripheral neuropathy though the other symptoms are polar opposites bradychardia opposed to tachychardia, degeneration of nerve myelin sheaths vs tumors in neuronal ganglias. To claim mercury poisoning from vaccinations caused GBS but didnt cause any other symptom of mercury poisoning (hint: theyre adrenal related first and foremost causing tumors, heart problems, profuse sweating and pallor due to the excess of epinephrine and norepinephrine) is fucking retarded. Its like saying the flu causes mecury poisoning because both made you sweat a lot though ironically the flu itself can cause fucking GBS.
Your claim of "BUT MUH RARE EXCEPTION!" also doesnt fly given i literally told you vaccines arent 100% safe and that you still get complications and results. The fucking irony is you used GBS, an autoimmune disorder, when i literally stated that most complications are a result of excess dosing OR WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEMS OF INDIVIDUAL INFANTS. You literally made my own point for me, kill yourself you subnigger IQ retard.
It's not about the denial of vaccines. It's about our own sovereignty, parental rights, and the potential for abuse. You are advocating a policy that could harm the white race greatly. If some whites perish from measles, mumps, polio, etc it only makes our genetic stock stronger. Most of our ancestors faced these and lived. Vaccines have the potential to weaken us, and even destroy us completely. Even Trump is red-pilled on vaccines.
And making it more dangerous we have kikes getting out of vaccines or getting special ones because they have so many genetic issues the vaccines harm them, while they push this on the public as mandatory. Look for this in your field and I'm bet you will find it dark things before your career ends. Circumcision being a major reason why people push vaccines. Their link of parental protection was severed because rabbi knows best, society knows best. People think it is ok to force things on children against their parents judgement, for the good of society. Uncircumcised were called 'stiff necked' in the Bible because they stand up to this kind of horseshit. They don't have the Jewish mindset that if one is threatened, they all must be. If some people must take vaccines to eradicate diseases, everyone should. It's far more likely all the people who took vaccines drop dead then those who did not. That's the only stat you have to know. You believe you are outsmarting nature. But nature has had time and has faced a much wider variety of problems. You may make humans better at one thing, and open 10 negative things, that are not apparent until too late.
Are you using some text only version of 8ch?
Are you partially blind and unable to see the part where i replied to your nonargument in your pics? One case report means nothing. You're doing what CNN did with loperamide. We had 2 case reports of junkies abusing loperamide to get high and then dying to which CNN said "see, everyone is abusing it so we need to restrict it!". The reality is almost no one abuses loperamide and most people use it to alleviate their symptoms. In your case you go "look at this case study where one person total got hit with one super rare disease because of vaccines you claimed were not 100% safe, time to restrict vaccines because every case is like this."
Btw, what vaccine is so dangerous you can't give it at any dose? HPV like in your pic that we give out all the time with almost zero complications? Cause that doesnt fit with reality… the only way your statement is true is if you count lethal injection as a vaccine.
they're probably just banking on the fact that only shitskins and retards will die in the impending outbreak
Flu vaccinations only prevent 10-15% of the cases and the ones above are an over exaggeration. Rest assured muzzie newcomers or kike kids are exempt because of muh beliefs. Its all a scam and everybody knows it.
But goyim, we ALL need to get vaxxed. at cost, we can't let billion dollar industrial production of lead preservatives go to waste!
Except you cant abuse vaccines. Muh parental rights re vaccines are bullshit, in the case of circumcision parental rights to mutilate a kid are the form in which abuse takes place. Iceland is being based by criminalizing the practice altogether and protecting every child from parental abuse. Likewise, mandated vaccinations protect children from dumb anti vaccers. Later on you bring out muh eugenics argument so you literally should be in favor of vaccines since you eliminate those who cannot benefit from the white mans medical advancements.
LMAO at the contradiction. "Vaccination hurts your race goy go get some polio and measles instead to genocide your race as a eugenics movement! What? I'm advocating actual death and crippling of tons of whites? No i swear to you im not a j-jew, im your greatest ally, im om your side!" - you
Thats literally untrue. I doubt you'd be alive if your parents got polio or smallpox as children. Why? Because they would have died out or failed to reproduce. Just like most of our ancestors DIDNT face the black plague and were the lucky few who managed to AVOID infection rather than survive infection.
They have the potential to weaken 1-2% of people who already had weak immune systems to begin with. Developing memory cells to fight infections are not in any way weaking the race, just like smallpox vaccinations didnt kill the race but instead eliminated a serious fucking threat to whites. You literally do not know about immunology if you claim vaccines make you weaker, the literally make you more resistant to death from serious infections.
Kikes are harmed by their restrictive breeding practices keeping detrimental mutations in their population. Moms must be jewish or your kid isnt therefore every jew will inherit mitochondrial diseases and mutations almost completely inherent to jews such as tay sachs. Most of the genetic shit that plagues kikes are due to their selective breeding or spontaneous mutations from age or environment.
I know medicine is highly kiked. I know theres a huge push for unneeded prescriptions and tons of malpractice and outright disdain for a patients health and wellbeing to chase profits. But the data on vaccines is undeniable and the 1% risk is absolutely worth a society where 99% are free of a serious illness.
Theres a difference between these two though. Vaccines actually have evidence for its efficacy and has had it for over a hundred years. Circumcision has 3 blatantly faked studies with serious methodological problems as proof while also restricting the evidence of damage it causes to a childs brain from coming out.
Everyone SHOULD take vaccines. Its not in any way more likely that those who are vaccinated drop dead than those who dont. There is literally no case where people who are vaccinated drop dead over those who dont get vaccinated. The kids who get measles and were vaccinated fare better than those who never got vaccinated. Just like our ancestors who got vaccinated for smallpox didnt drop dead and the ones who didnt get vaccinated for smallpox did drop dead when infected.
And that stat literally says im right because the vaccinated dont drop dead as often as non vaccinated from diseases we can vaccinate against.
I dont believe weve outsmarted nature because i dont deny that diseases mutate and adapt to antibiotics.
Thing is you have no evidence for this either just pure conjecture. If the past is of any use however we see that diseases we vaccinate against tend to disappear.
You stupid fag. You rely on kosher fucking 'reports' to claim they're safe, yet I see no mention from you about the various lawsuits and monetary damages paid out to families because vaccines either killed their children, or crippled their development. You scream that anti-vaxxers are all insane, but yet you provide NOTHING in your defense that remotely supports you. In fact, you don't even touch the fact that the CDC, itself, covered up the fact the vaccines cause serious injury/death in an infant!
The MMR vaccine is what people are concerned about. You know, the fucking disease that attacks the same centers of the brain that affect autists? But no:
Lol wrong: The efficacy of live attenuated cold-adapted (ca) reassortant influenza A H3N2 and H1N1 virus vaccines against experimental challenge with homologous wild-type virus 7 months after vaccination was compared with that of licensed inactivated virus vaccine in 106 seronegative (hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody titer less than or equal to 1:8) college students. The live attenuated virus vaccines induced as much resistance against illness as did the inactivated vaccine. Vaccine efficacy, measured by reduction in febrile or systemic illness in vaccines, compared with that in controls was 100% for ca H3N2 vaccine, 84% for inactivated H3N2 vaccine, 79% for ca H1N1 vaccine, and 67% for inactivated H1N1 vaccine. Less protection was conferred against upper respiratory tract illness; there was 50 and 77% protection in ca and inactivated H3N2 vaccines, respectively, but there was no protection in ca or inactivated H1N1 vaccinees. The duration, but not the magnitude, of H1N1 wild-type virus shedding in both ca and inactivated vaccinees was significantly reduced compared with controls. In contrast, a significant reduction in the duration and magnitude of H3N2 virus shedding was observed in ca vaccinees but not in inactivated vaccines. After wild-type virus challenge, live ca virus vaccinees demonstrated resistance at least as great 7 months postvaccination as did inactivated virus vaccinees. These observations indicate that live virus vaccines may be a satisfactory alternative to inactivated vaccines for healthy persons.
For the elderly who are vaccinated but still get sick, we find that they instead dont get secondary complications that could kill them:
Inactivated parenteral vaccines were 30% effective (95% CI 17% to 41%) against influenza-like illness, and 80% (95% CI 56% to 91%) efficacious against influenza when the vaccine matched the circulating strain and circulation was high, but decreased to 50% (95% CI 27% to 65%) when it did not. Excluding the studies of the 1968 to 1969 pandemic, effectiveness was 15% (95% CI 9% to 22%) and efficacy was 73% (95% CI 53% to 84%). Vaccination had a modest effect on time off work, but there was insufficient evidence to draw conclusions on hospital admissions or complication rates. Inactivated vaccines caused local tenderness and soreness and erythema. Spray vaccines had more modest performance. Monovalent whole-virion vaccines matching circulating viruses had high efficacy (VE 93%, 95% CI 69% to 98%) and effectiveness (VE 66%, 95% CI 51% to 77%) against the 1968 to 1969 pandemic.
I dont think they are but they shouldn't be, everyone in a white country should be vaccinated.
Enjoy your ghonnaherpasyphilitis.
The thing is you weighed in on the specific Italy situation as though you knew everything about the discontinued program. You are based on dogma because apparently you believe every vaccine is harmless and none can ever be harmful.
You're extrapolating that from nowhere. Nonwhites should be deported from europe and america.
Ok lets look it up. "There is some indication that the vaccination is linked to death. NCIV analysis indicates that there were more than 1,100 serious adverse events reports made to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System from 1990 until September 2015 related to shingles-containing vaccinations. Of these reports, 90 were for deaths associated with the shingles vaccine." 90 deaths in 25 years of reporting is under 4 deaths a year. 1100 over 25 years is a total of 44 serious cases a year. The vaccine is 51% effective and nciv says around half of people who make it to age 85 will get shingles. 25 years of vaccinations cost us 90 deaths and 1010 fucked patients but saves 25% of those whod reach age 85 from shingles. The benefit incredibly outweighs the risk.
"Vaccines, though they are designed to protect from disease, can cause side effects that range from mild to serious. The most common side effects from vaccination are soreness, swelling, or redness at the injection site. Some vaccines are associated with fever, rash, and achiness. Serious side effects from vaccination are rare, but may include life-threatening allergic reaction, seizure, and even death (…) As product liability law evolved during the 20th century, it eventually provided an avenue for compensation for individuals harmed by vaccines: they could sue a manufacturer for harm caused by an improperly made vaccine, or they could sue a physician for administering a vaccine when it was contraindicated."
So the lawsuits are from the reasons i provided earlier, improperly made vaccines and improper administration due to human error. Its almost like every single scream i get from you faggots is a point ive conceded earlier and the rest is pure bullshit. 90 deaths over 25 years, thats a fucking goldmine in the medical field. 44 serious complications a year whereas half of the rest get immunity. That shit is fucking incredible.
Read the thread nigger. Last post is literally sourced on the effectiveness of influenza vaccine. Furthermore if vaccines dont work then explain smallpoxes erradication.
Were taught efficacy not history. I looked it up and guess what, the error they covered up IS ONE OF THREE ERRORS I MENTIONED FOR VACCINE DEATHS YOU FUCKING IDIOT: "Yet the CDC failed to immediately notify the nation’s Ob/Gyns, who, uninformed, continued to double-dose their pregnant patients with the fetal-fatal flu shots that collectively delivered up to 50 micrograms of mercury."
Your entire defense is "theres cases of badly made vaccines, improper administration, or allergy/autoimmunity against vaccinations therefore vaccines bad" when the reality is that they are a very small minority of cases and tons of vaccines can be up to 99% effective. Whats your next argument, bring in the refugees cause the little boy drowned while illegally crossing? Its the same bullshit emotional argument. Its wrong that the cdc covered up a program of double doses, its wrong that those doctors double dosed kids. Mercury content of any kind has a severely detrimental effect on fetal development but children arent fetuses and replace embryonic tissue with actual differentiated tissues. You can also request thimerosal free vaccines which have been available for almost 2 decades now so crying about muh mercury when you can have a non mercury free vaccine is a moot point.
Let me guess, you shove clorox up your kid's ass to remove parasites as well?
No i didnt. I spoke merely of vaccination and efficacy, while advocating for these to be mandatory given their efficacy.
Except ive states multiple times that complications do exist and happen but that they are rare and thus the benefits of mass vaccination outweigh the minimal risks.
One dose of MMR vaccine is estimated to be 93% effective in preventing measles and 97% effective in preventing rubella. A second dose has been shown to increase the effectiveness of measles vaccine to an estimated 97%, mainly by producing immunity in those who failed to respond to the initial dose. Effectiveness of two doses of MMR vaccine against mumps is estimated to be between 66 and 95%, and vaccine-induced protection has been shown to wane over time. Mild illness in people receiving their first dose of MMR can occur due to replication of the attenuated measles vaccine virus. Between 5% and 15% develop a 1-2 day fever up to 103°F approximately 7 to 12 days after the first dose. A transient rash may also appear during this time frame, occurring in approximately 5% of those vaccinated.
Vaccines which may induce fever may also rarely induce febrile seizures. Febrile seizures are a common and typically benign childhood condition, occurring in 2-5% of children at some point during their first five years of life. Febrile seizures have an estimated background incidence of 240–480 per 100,000 person-years in children under five years, although this varies considerably by age, genetics, co-morbidities and environmental risk factors. There are no long-term effects of simple febrile seizures, with the possible exception of an increased risk of recurrence. The rate of febrile seizures in the 7-10 days after vaccination was approximately 2-3 times higher for children who received MMRV as compared to MMR and varicella vaccines administered separately on the same day, and 4 times higher as compared to MMR alone. There is no increased risk of fever or febrile seizures in children receiving their second dose of measles-containing vaccine at 4 to 6 years of age, whether given MMR or MMRV. Mild, acute joint symptoms occur in approximately 25% of susceptible adult women after rubella vaccination, but are less common in men and rare in children. Rare adverse events from MMR vaccine include thrombocytopenia, parotitis, lymphadenopathy and encephalopathy. Very rare adverse events from MMR vaccine include measles inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE). Immune thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) occurs after approximately 1 in 30,000 doses. Allergic reactions are also rare.
1 in 30,000. 100 in 3M. 10,000 in 300M vaccinations. If 300M americans were vaccinated overnight, you'd see a rate of serious complications for 0.0033% of those that were vaccinated. For anything in your life, you'd admit a 0.0033% failure rate is fucking negligible, ANYONE would take a bet where youve got a 99.9967% success rate and you'd be called a fucking lunatic to not bet on those odds. This is your argument, its literally "muh 0.0033% of mmr vaccinations go wrong so FUCK EVERYONE ELSE BECAUSE MUH 0.0033%" This is the level of absurdity youre relying on to make a point. A medical procedure that is safe 99.7% of the time, and you wanna discard it because muh .0033%. Its not all vaccines but god damn thats pretty fucking close to 100%.
About 3 years ago a big pharma company was taken to Italian court, in said court an internal document of the company was revealed that listed autism as one of the side effects of their vaccine among others (don't remember the other effects but they were pretty serious too).
You're either an exceptionally untalented shill or a fucking moron.
Most people in the health industry don't even know the phrase "thing in itself".
OK, this is totally retarded even for a first year know-nothing medfag
Here's some history. Let's see what was going on with the death rate from your scary measles disease before and after the mass vaccination campaigns started and see if you have a fucking clue about hygiene factors or not…
Never understood why pro-vaccine people are so obsessed with getting other people's kids vaccinated. Who cares if other kids get the measles. Your kids are vaccinated and you believe it works so good we should force other peoples' kids to take it right?
How about you fuck off back to Assrael?>>11998614
And this coming from a kike who is a subhuman genetic sewer.
Go back to the >>>/oven/ jewboi faggot.
It's like anything else–retards get obsessed with the -isms. Oldfags remember that it's always the kikes and everything else is irrelevant. (((Vaccines))) are not vaccines, niggers.
Not just measles
Nice effort user. I've made a snapshot for reposting elsewhere.
For one, I can speak from experience. Mercury exposure does a couple of major things to the body, however, it takes a long time to notice the effects.
1. Scatterbrain. Inability to focus on tasks, easily distracted. Think a light-case of "mad-hatters syndrome". For school kids, in small doses, it's classic -autism-.
2. Hyper-stress. Nervous system damage. A person can't 'switch off' stress. So, sleeplessness, tension, headaches, the whole works. It also permeates to poor diet due to fatigue.
3. Gut disorders. IBS and all the horrible things, having a poor functioning gut can do to a person. A killed off immune system to all manner of eating troubles.
What it boils down too, a perfect cornucopia of lifelong dependence upon medication to return to a semi functional state. A Pharmaceutical companies wet dream come true.
If you've ever watched the movie THX, we are living in it.
Specil note, the CIA likes to use terror and fear as a means to control populations. They have a long history of it. Did you know, 100 meters away from the CIA central office is where they developed mercury as an 'ingredient' in dental amalgam, contact lenses and vaccines? Funny how it was developed there, of all places.
Monster GET.
there is a lot of Autistic Enterocolitis in this thread
I’ll be back
Haha, thaks. Nice digits BTW.
Thanks, I'll just leave these here as well…
holy shit
way to go italy, hope sanity gets restored in Australia one day but I think Malcom loves those bribes too much
So far I can tell this guy is the real deal.
See my first post you illiterate nigger.
You are woefully ignorant and helplessly indoctrinated, user. Here is a quote from the greatest Western philosopher of the twentieth century, Bertrand Russell, from his early 50's seminal book, "The Impact of Science on Society" with regard to the Elite's real, esoteric reasons for injecting their populations.
Looks like you've had too many vaccines, Moshe, because you cannot bring yourself to believe that the Elites would do anything to weaken their slaves, when that is all they are concerned about with us.
Take Charles Galton Darwin's book, The Next Million Years" where he talks about how the Elites should remain wild humans, but neutralise and "farm" the rest of us, to alter us from pack animals and change us to be more insect-like, so they can pack us away in "hives" they call tower blocks, and use hormones to neuter us and anything else they can use to induce permanent states of contentment, see Huxley and Soma.
If you cannot read these sociopathic words of the elite's own social engineers and not have enormous doubts as to their motives, much less advocate for the FORCEFUL administration of these drugs andpoison heavy metal injections (along with human immortal cell line proteins and DNA so that your body will develop an immune response to these and attack your own body I.e. auto immune diseases) removing not only parental sovereignty but individual sovereignty then you are either a traitor or a useful idiot and either way you get the rope.
Anons who have not been disarmed yet, if anypne comes to forcibly inject your children with poison and cold steel, make aute to give them a hot lead onjextion to the brain. Read these books, I will post them if an user wants them, they will literally change the way that you see the world works by letting you see through the eyes of these psychopaths. They do not have the best interest of you or your families at heart, only themselves.
Posting "The Impact of Science on Society", a fantastic read that will change you in a positive way as opposed to a vaccine. Remember that this book was published in the early fifties and see how prescient it is, as Russell accurately describes the future before it unfolds. A fantastic read.
Checking my own dubs of truth.
You guys are something else.
Why instead just not check if they are risky by doing a medical research, instead of banning mandatory vaccination? This all sounds like a try to get yourself looking like an idiot in eyes of a crowd.
I've read these works, Moshe, have you? The social engineers of the elites are describing in their own words how they will permanently enslave the masses and that, rather worryingly, one of their arrows of attack will be via injection, and yet you feel that not only is this not worthy of investigation or discussion, but you will still advocate for the forced injection of the entire population. You deserve the rope, you really do. If you want to administer vaccines to yourself or those that you have responsibility over, even after being told that the elite are farming you and will use these avenues to induce permanent complacency and contentment, go right the fuck ahead, you will get what you deserve, but to shill for MANDATORY injection of everyone else is beyond the pale. We are not cattle and we are not slaves. We have sovereignty over our own bodies and those of our children and if you try to force inject us or them we will kill you.
Bit off topic, but…
I have about half of the supposed symptoms of vaccinations I've heard of.
I'm a major autist today and both me and my sis got cancer within two weeks of each other after getting vaccinated.
Were we kiked, guys?
I wouldn't be surprised. Read Charles Galton Darwin's "The Next Million Years". The title comes from the idea that unless the elite can farm human beings and change their natures (whilst remaining wild themselves, of course), then it will take a million years of evolution to change us as opposed to a few generations for them to get the job done.
He literally talks about the wonderful job that hormones have done on animals, and that humans should be made more insect-like, and I truly believe this is one of the purposes of vaccines, to make us all more robot or insect like - easy to control automatons. Those who have been diagnosed with "autism" have developed symptoms to a higher degree and it has become more obvious.
Auto-immune diseases are a "side effect" of vaccines, and the fact that both you AND your sister got cancer 2 weeks after being injected with toxic shit (probably grown on a culture of human cells which your body will develop anti-bodies for and attack itself), is rather suspicious in and of itself, wouldn't you say? There is such a thing as a post-hoc fallacy (correlation does not equal causation), but both of you? I wouldn't be happy.
Don't get kiked twice, user, look into cannabis oil and other natural therapies to cure your cancer first, rather than going straight to chemo.
Should do a medical checkup and not ask bunch of conspiracy theorists who think everything is a fault of jews.
Ad hominem and circumstance ad hominem, bravo sir.
People really shouldn't ask medical advises on Zig Forums.
>Yes goy look at the (((research)))
They fund the scientists who will give (((them))) the result they want. (see climate change). The opposition will have their careers destroyed.
Italy recently surprises with many nice news. What is so special about Italians that they first turning against ZOG?
They should ask just the kike doctors who kiked them in the first place, or should they get their information from an eclectic variety of places as possible, including Zig Forums, and thereby consult the collective wisdom of the crowd, which will contain more knowledge than any single source.
I have heard idiots on Zig Forums like the man who thinks that he has the right to force inject with god knows what because god knows who has said "It's for the best, believe me!", and I have heard from caring, intelligent souls who have shared pearls of wisdom that I have found most valuable. To dismiss information due to its source, rather than testing its veracity is known as the genetic fallacy. Test the information, the source is largely irrelevant.
Well said, user.
The fact you don't know what vaccines do doesn't mean that doctors don't. Then instead of banning them we should educate population what vaccines do and from what diseases they protect your children.
I do know what vaccines do, sir. I know the motives of those who are in power (to maintain their social and political hegemony), and I would not trust them to inject me or my children with anything.
You are still advocating for more (((indoctrination))) rather than an open source investigation, but at least you are not as bad as the user who believed that none of us has any sovereignty over our own bodies or those of our families. If you wish to have your vaccinations like a good goy, go right the fuck ahead. They will protect you from those of us who, like the elites in Darwin's book, wish to retain our wild natures.
Dubs of truth for me, and as you were advocating for better informed anons, something that I second, I shall post Darwin's "The Next Million Years". The title to section 2, "Can mankind be domesticated" should make fascinating reading for everyone. I hope that you enjoy it to, sir, and if you does not even cross your mind to question your decision to let know eugenicists inject you and your family, then they will have done their job well.
Darwinists evolutionists are worse than pharmacy. Talk about unverified information.
Another book on my list, thanks user. Need to stop being so lazy and read the ones I got so I can move on.
Luckily I've been cancer free for a little over decade now, my mistake for not adding that. However chemo was used. Not feeling too many effects from it, not yet at least…
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the "Galton" part of Darwin's great, grandson's name, comes from Sir Francis Galton, who actually was the father of the term eugenics, and also invented biometrics so that the great unwashed could be catalogued and curated before being allowed to breed.
The British Eugenics Society managed to keep its name, even after the subject of eugenics was tarnished by the Nazis, until 1989, whereupon it was renamed the GALTON institute, and you have a book by one of the galtons TELLING you that all they want from the slaves is abject CONTENTMENT, and other eugenists telling you that one of the ways they will go about this transformation is by INJECTING you, and yet you still believe that the heavy metals are in these products "for your own good".
I am not arguing with you, user, I truly believe that if this information does not give you pause for thought, then you are already too far gone. If you have no desire to read the works that I have posted for you to find out the elites nefarious plans from their own words, then there really is no helping you. I am posting this not for you, but for the other anons out there who are unaware. Let them do their own research, if they care, and make their own minds up. I can ask for no more than that. My conscience is clear.
I have not advocated for forcibly injecting anyone with anything, my motives cannot be impugned. Each and every user should take responsibility for themselves and their loved ones and to farm this out to the motivations and machinations of others, indeed those who have stated that they wish to do them harm, is quite literally asking for it.
Jim Corbett did a podcast on him, I recall. Good stuff.
I'm very happy for you (and your sister too?), user. The books are real page turners and are probably number one and number two on my list of all time recommended books. They will change the way that you look at the world.
Please look into cannabis oil anyway, chemo is extremely carcinogenic, and cannabis oil can act in a prophylactic manner to prevent cancer from occurring. An ounce if prevention is quite literally worth a pound of cure in this instance. It works via anti-angiogenic, anti-proliferative and pro-autophagy pathways, if my memory serves.
I agree, they are complete psychopaths. But it does not matter if we believe in eugenics or not, only if those in power do and they use that power to affect change in us (via the diets, injections and injunctions that they will impose upon us).
Sounds good, will definitely be ordering a copy soon. Always was light on reading in the scientific area, mostly been looking at history. Will certainly take a more in depth look into cannabis oil as well. I've heard many good things about it, and even if I didn't I'd still prefer it to the alternative…
Sadly my sister is not here today, but it was a long tough battle- she managed to beat it once even. I finished weeping years ago though, now it only strengthens my will to fight.
The norm for vaccines SHOULD BE to do the research into any long-term health effects before the vaccine is rolled out, but this is not required, at least in the US. I'd say an all-out ban should be in place until safety is clinically proven (and I doubt it can be proven).
Pasteur, the smallpox vaccinator, developed a rule: if a child died within 2 weeks of receiving the vaccine, THEN THE VACCINE COULD NOT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THE CAUSE OF DEATH. Using this odd categorization, he achieved shockingly low death rates from his vaccines, although many children coincidentally died when given his and others' vaccines. Vaccination is blood poisoning. For historical references, read "Murder by Injection" (Eustace Mullins), or, for a quicker overview, go check out Liam Scheff's chapter on vaccines in "Official Stories."
Nope, nothing wrong with the (((medical experts))), they give sound advice to all patients who can pay for their services.
I am not nordic myself but that is just low.
Also, fuck your D&C.
Amish do not get vaccines
No Amish children have autism
Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines and Medical Research Obscures the Value of All Human Life
Why don't you go back to the aut-right thread and reply to my questions you low-IQ faggot
found a jew
Vaccines don't help you survive if you contract the disease; they prevent it in the first place. That's a misleading graph because it doesn't account for medical improvements that could have saved the lives of people who contract the disease before the vaccines were introduced.