Fight Myopia Naturally - /conspiracy edition/

I've seen a lot of various discussion about this across all chans and all threads but it never gets it's own thread so here it is.
By The way, it's Zig Forums, so don't hesitate to name the jews or a jewish scam related to eyes' health if relevant, and purpose your non-MSM solutions against Myopia.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Developmental biology major here. I didn't stream into evolutionary biology, but I still took many courses in it and have friends who are into it, so I can field this question.

Myopia essentially happens because in nature our range of view is on average 300-400 meters. This is why historically people needed glasses to even look at a book.
Whereas in todays world our environment IS THE BOOK. We spent 90% of time in an apartment where the average range of view is 10m, and the other 10% of time looking at a computer screen or a book 1.5 feet from our face.

Obviously eyeballs didn't evolve for this, so they get kind of fucked.

Didn't have to make a thread for this, plenty of people would have answered it in a QTDDT

All of my siblings are myopic, but I have, in the words of an ophthalmologist, perfect vision. The difference is twofold. First, that I make sure to focus on something away from my screen when using the computer every thirty minutes or so. Second, I go outside and focus on far-away landscapes and objects often.

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Should I go outside more often and stare into the distance, without my glasses or contact lens to fight my myopia? And spent less time in front of my computer, book and apartment ?

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I developed myopia in my teens. And I've cured it almost completely by taking Ayahuasca a whole bunch of times (something to do with certain types of wounds in the second and third chakras).

I never bought eye problems in humans. It never made any sense to me. How many dogs or cats are born with crippling eye sight problems? Practically none? So what's with humans? And why do so many develop it at random points in life.

Like almost all illness the original cause is spiritual and has to do with certain types of traumas and neglects inherited at conception or experienced after birth.

It would be a help, but I doubt you'd be reversing it wildly. The lens and various distances/indexes within the eye form in early teens, any change that's going to happen massively slows down after that.
Also its a huge hassle because you're literally walking around unable to see anything, hoping your eye unfucks itself. So you have to walk around for like ten years staring into the distance to do some minor repair work.

Recent study about how blue light affect the eye

Might not be the only reason more people wear glasses, but it surely contribute.

I was about to jump on the Lasik bandwagon but did some research and it sounds like it's actually terrible.
Your corneas never heal 100% again and it destroys your night vision, rather just deal with glasses.

We are all blind because it's a conspiracy!
buy my water filters, or your frogs will turn gay!

Sage for stupid thread.

I avoid fast foods and sweets ie I don't buy them myself ever.
I avoid soy like the plague.

I have no vision problems.
Meat, Dairy, Veggies, Nuts and Seeds, Berries, Legumes, Fruits, in no specific order. Eat eggs regularly.

Mutational load.
If our myopic ancestors hadn't had access to glasses, there'd be fewer myopic people around today. Same across a whole range of health problems that would have precluded family formation or success in pre-modern times.

I have slight astigmatism, any solutions?

You realize a lot of industrial runoff and birth control pill waste actually is turning a lot of fish and amphibians sterile?

There's basically no fish stock in all of north america because of this.

There are ways to get your eye-sight back, even if youre shortsighted now you can go back to normal, without ingesting any shit from the waterfilterman or whatever.

I dont have this shit in my bookmarks anymore cause it was 9years ago, but I remember reading about ways to cure your shortsightedness with certain practices, like those hole-glasses, essentially those were "glasses" with few very tiny holes spread across the lenses(that you cant see trough), which in return would encourage your eyes to fix themselves again by training them.

I also have to spread this out a bit fruther here which will maybe turn some ppl off.
Ive known ppl that have had far-sightedness at the age of 15, which makes no sense to me cause they were your regular kids and went to school just like everyone else.
I am convinced that body issues come from psycholgical issues having had a chronic colitis for 10years now that Ive been able to beat into submission by doing some therapy techniques on emotions rather thant aking meds I am 100% convinced of that, I wouldnt be surprised if its the same for eyes.

There was a thread on that a week ago infact.

The word you want to use is "psychosomatic" ailment, which is any illness produced by transference of an emotional conflict to the physical organism i.e. personal INCOHERENCE, which is manly caused by hidden traumas (hidden AND unforgiven), fearful egos, hateful egos and last but not least, the enforcers, the egos of vice.

During childhood, the eyeballs grow in size until they reach the correct diameter to produce a clear image at distance.
The signal for them to stop growing is the animal seeing a distant clear image.

Without this, the eye keeps growing and doesn't reach the correct size.
Indeed, fitting eye patches to monkeys gives them short sightedness.

This is why nerds often wear glasses; their sight didn't develop properly, because they didn't spend much time outdoors where they can focus on distant objects.

With kids spending more time on screens you would expect more of them to need glasses.

Thanks, Jews.

Look into 'Palming'. Also check out 'Miracle Eyesight Method' by Meir Schneider

My family on my father's side (predominately Scots) had mysopia with advanced astigmatism known since the 1940s. None of our activities through out the generations suggests an introduction (infantry mortar, farmers, track and field, and pianist) and this was before TV has entered the house hold. Rather, I am confident that it is genetic, and is a trait that is rather dominant, and more pronounced in the males.
Our damn eyes are growing far too long. I've had the worst of it, and had retinal detachment because of my eyes being the shape of American footballs.
Ultimately, I believe its selection rather then environmental. Which is rather unfortunate. My family tree is extremely wide (as most of the extended family survived both world wars), and obviously produces at least double the carriers each generation.

Look up the Bates method for fixing your eyes and do it.

youre so stupid if i sew a mans eyes shut then by your theory his eyes will grow forever and his head will explode.

Fucking what?

t. faggot who has read nothing about healing myopia

Not your blog.

Look up the HRM method of sun gazing and do it faggot. Additionally, myself and a few other brave anons all barebacked the eclipse and felt rejuvenated and energized. Remember that many of the original jewluminati besides Wisehop either were or larped as optometrists and oculusts. At the very least spend more time outside looking in the distance without sunglasses unless you’re driving.

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You dumb fucks have literally ignored someone else who posted the correct answer, so I'll offer it to you:
You're welcome.


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Better Yet

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look at the Self Improvement General/SIG/ thread in the catalog now staring at post 11982959 for some good information on this subject.


Son of ophthalmologist.
Have you tried wearing longsightedness glasses whilst at the computer?

Because we 1st worlders live the vast majority of our waking lives looking at static focal distance objects within arm's reach (textbooks, phones, monitors, TVs, dash clusters in vehicles)
The human body evolved as a biological machine that adapts and conforms to its environment and use. A properly formed and developed human adult cannot easily focus at an object 5 inches from its eyes for extended periods of time without fatiguing the cilliary muscle that is responsible for focusing. However the human body can accommodate new use cases by modifying its structure over time. So if you keep staring at screens less than a foot from your face you are telling your body to adapt to this stress to make it easier for you to focus on that object without inducing cilliary strain. This makes your eye grow longer axially which makes it easier to focus on near objects at the cost of losing focal capabilities at the very far edges of distance vision. The real problem comes in when you introduce corrective lenses in the form of glasses, combined with the western doctrine of only prescribing a single correction strength and failing to say anything of the dangers of doing closeup work while wearing full power lenses. If you never got glasses, eventually your eye would grow to a length where it is easier to focus on the close screen, and would stop growing, you'd have relaxed upclose vision and some blur at the horizon but you could live with it and your myopia wouldn't progress. With glasses that you wear all the time, now you've reset the focusing difficulty for upclose work whenever you're wearing glasses, so now your eye has to once again grow to accommodate the strain, and once again you go outside in your glasses and find you are having difficulty reading street signs in the distance. The vicious cycle continues until you die, you give up on having perfectly clear distance vision, or you start digging, reading studies about vision, and asking detailed questions to the right people.
That being said they way you prevent it, is you give your eyes and brain a balanced set of stimulus, near and far, and if you already have glasses, for fuck's sake stop wearing them anymore than absolutely necessary. Also push your screens as far away from you as you room for and can practically read them.
No. There are some specific edge cases, but those are the exceptions. For 99.9+% of people myopia is an artificial accidentally self imposed phenomenon.
Yes. Be aware that every single thing you do all day is a signal. A signal to your body to get better and more efficient at that motion or activity. You ended up good at focusing up close and shit at focusing at the horizon through hundreds if not thousands of hours of telling your eyes to get good at upclose focus at the detriment of distance. You didn't do anything special, you just did something and your body adapted. If you want it to adapt the other way, it's just as easy, it just takes time. First of all stop abusing your eyes by wearing full prescription indoors, and staring at unmoving fixed focal planes for hours at a time. The eye evolved to change its focus often, hundreds even thousands of times an hour, not sit at 22in for 5 hours straight. When you're working up close, take breaks often and practice resolving detail at distances. The best stimulus in my experience is looking out a window at trees on the horizon or the ridge of a hill, there's a near infinite level of detail to attempt to resolve, but due to its fractal nature, there'll always be a useful level to strive for no matter if you're 20/70, 20/40, or even 20/16.

Yes, like I just explained, practice doing the thing you want to get better at, and stop making things harder for yourself by wearing full prescription for reading and screenwork. As for Lasik avoid that shit like the plague. It works by ablating portions of your cornea (which can't grow back by the way) in order to reshape the front "element" of your eye and change its focal characteristics. This cannot be undone, and there is only so much material that can be taken off before the eye nolonger works properly in high contrast conditions (think night driving with oncoming headlights). The problem is if you don't get your head on straight with respect to taking care of your eyes, and you keep updating your glasses every other year, the same will be true after your Lasik treatment, the only difference is you can buy an infinite amount of increasingly corrective lenses to fix your vision, most people's eyes only have 3 maybe 4 touchups worth of corneal material before their eyes are permanently irreparably fucked. I'll say again, DO NOT FUCK WITH LASIK. Your eyes are a part of your brain and are connected through high bandwidth bundles of nerves, even if the glorious biotech revolution some think is coming, occurs, replacement eyes are just about the last thing they're going to be able to get you. You get one pair of eyes, and if you fuck them up there are no do overs. Think very goddamn carefully before you make a permanent physical modification to your eyes.

You're referring to the Bates Method, and although some have had success with it there are some significant issues with it. Foremost among them is the program being contextualized in the form of exercises. You don't fix your vision through 5 minute exercises every couple days. The only way to be free of the grasp of the Optical Jew is by changing your habits and lifestyle. Think eating healthy homegrown food and outdoor work or exercise everyday vs amphetamines and crashdiets.

All of this is why discerning anons prefer orthokeratology / CRT.

Wear the rigid gas permeable contact lenses while you sleep, take them out when you wake you. It's effectively "temporary LASIK" by virtue of the lens compressing the cornea. Stop wearing the lenses at night and your corneas rebound / vision returns to its myopic state within 3-4 days. No obnoxious lenses during the day, good peripheral vision (unlike glasses), and works with astigmatism. Downsides are cost and that fitting the lenses is an art.

There's so much bullshit in this thread.

My father's mother was a field worker, she had astigmatism.
Her mother had astigmatism, and all of her children have astigmatism.
All of her grandchildren, including me, have astigmatism.
All of her children were well fed, all had lots of natural light during their formative years, and were athletic.

To say that there is no genetic component to a structural defect is no different than saying "there is one race the human race".
Don't get lasik, it's irreversible, and causes retinal damage which becomes apparent later in life.
Sage for another shit slide thread spawned from some retard posting in another thread.

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"The sky is the Daily Bread of the Eyes."
The Sage of Concord

Some cases of shortsightedness is the result of you training your eyes in a bad way. And of course when you go get stronger glasses you are just fucking up your eyes more and more.
This site offers a free ebook for eye healing
I downloaded it some years ago but im too lazy to do it
I hope this thread inspires me to fight the lazyness

Lol look at this beta virgin
Chads get ICL

We're not talking about astigmatism you fucking braindead sack of shit.
Right, people diving into shallow water and getting their necks broken is genetic. It has nothing to do with them smashing their fucking heads into rocks.

Can confirm that pinhole glasses improved my vision. Make sure that you slowly ramp up the amount of time you wear them each day.
E.G. 5 mins on first day then 10 mins more everyday after that.

More info hear;

You're all missing an important factor.
In the U.S., about 40% of the population needs corrective lenses, and most of them need braces on their teeth, even if they don't get them.
Go back and study the bones of ancient peoples, before they started mixing, not just between races, but between ethnic groups…what do you see?
Perfect teeth.
The Brits are known for their terrible teeth, for instance, and no single island has been so marched over by so many diverse groups of white kindred than Britain. The Norse, the Germans, the Romans…all came and invaded the Celts and Picts, all mingled there. The same goes for the U.S. Result? Crooked teeth…crooked teeth as far as the eye can see…

What does this have to do with eyesight? Quite simply, by interbreeding with different tribes, you have physical consequences. Teeth don't quite match jaws, bones are different lengths compared to frames, organs don't quite match chest cavities…and eyes do not quite match eye-sockets.
This leads to eyes being formed slightly out of shape, and the focal points being altered.

In the distant days of yore, we had no braces for teeth, spines, and legs, nor did we have any way to alter the focal point of the light entering our eyes, so these people usually died early, and did not breed. This allowed the newer hybrid humans to weed out the weaklings, and find some equilibrium.
But this takes hundreds of thousands of years. Our technology has advanced to the point where the weaklings can survive, breeding their nonconformity back into the species routinely. These malformations will, therefore, never leave us.

Breeding back to your most pure ethnic form will alleviate the problems for your descendants, although this may become impossible with the proliferation of mutts.

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I've heard that staring at clouds and ranges helps to relax an ocular muscle that is always flexing when we are reading and in closed range environments.

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Sorry for double posting

Facial structure is different by race, yes, but proper facial development is not dependent on racial composition, it is rather dependent on adequate nutrition and proper germination in the womb and nutrition while in the womb, with both mother and father producing healthy egg and sperm. There are many Anglos with perfect teeth and facial structure who have Celtic, Germanic ancestry, or both. The problem exists in industrialized nations as a whole, who do not have the adequate nutrition as described above, and thus result in a myriad of deformities ranging from acne, crooked teeth, to retardation and cancer. Studies have observed mixed race groups to find the same, if the mixed race individual has proper nutrition etc. he will be ok as far as eye sight and face structure, height, skeletal strength are concerned.

Americans and Brits are hardly the victims of any lack of nutrition.
And, if anything, our ancient ancestors had more of a problem obtaining food than we do, and probably suffered with a greater lack of nutrition, yet their teeth, when found intact in burial sites, are inevitably straight.
Even today, the Indians, who have practiced a caste system for centuries, have far better teeth and better eyes than we do in the west, with only a few exceptions.

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Funny story but the bong bad teeth thing is a purely American fabrication. Much like the French surrender meme.

On top of that genetic testing shows tha outside of the London and southeast england area (no shock there) the genetics of the Briton population have remained pretty much unchanged.
Invaders tended to dominate culturally rather than by population.

It goes hand in hand "you fucking braindead sack of shit".
Your "cures" are touted as 100% effective for astigmatism.
And what do you know? They don't work.

It must suck not having above 20/20 vision with cheap lenses.

You'd be shocked.
The horror stories of Indian teeth I've heard from a dentist I know are surpassed only by the ones about African teeth.

Yes they absolutely are. They have too many calories and not enough micronutrients. Being a lardass doesn't mean you have enough vitamin D.
There is no basis for that bizarre idea.
No they don't, and they are mongrels so it would disprove you if they did.

It does not go hand in hand, astigmatism has nothing to do with myopia. And I have no "cures" you fucking knob.

Indians are composed of various races/castes, they exist in the middle of the Silk Road cross roads of mixing for thousands of years, and were even invaded by Aryan Whites, especially visible in the North and upper castes. Indians have good structure because of the nutritional content of their foods.
Whites and industrialized nations that consume "white western diets" (refined carbs, sugars, preservatives) or known as negative nutrients, vampyre nutrient foods, empty calories, that deplete the bodies natural reserves of necessary minerals and vitamins. Whites are not well fed, they are obese, acne and cancer ridden because of the nature of their industrialized diets.

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Jewish not industrialised.
Were the problem approached properly it wouldn't be an issue.

This has been a problem since people started eating refined grains and sugars long ago, far away from the reach of jews.

No, it has been a problem since WW2. There is nothing wrong with grains or sugar. There is something wrong with eating nothing but grains and sugar, something which only happened in the industrial agricorp environment post-WW2.

The reason why post WWII rates sky rocketed was because of the introduction of manufactured fructose in food and drinks. I will stress that this had been a problem long before WWII and the jews, and that we should note that sugar(carbs) is a fuel source for cancer cells. In the .pdf here we can observe readily how the problem was mounting drastically prior(long before) to WWII and had existed across Europe and Industrialized diet regions. Knowing this, telling Whites to consume carbs and sugars should be a crime against the race, too many good Whites die early because of this dietary menace.

Being able to see perfectly without glasses was like being born again. Not shilling LASIK here, just wondering what exactly should I be worried about down the line?

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Just repeating kike nonsense won't make it true Schlomo. White people are not the problem, and white diets were fine for thousands of years. Only since WW2 and the takeover of the food industry by kikes has there been a problem. Sugar is a fuel source for all cells. "OMG CANCERSS HAZ DNA DNA IS EVIL YOU HAVE TO GET RID OF DNA!!11111@"

Well its not actually solved anything. If its progressive myopia then you're going to have these issues again.
I think its something like near half of LASIK patients develop one or more problems permanently.
So if your myopia is progressive and requires further LASIK treatments then you're likely to develop multiple problems.

There's also apparantly a statistically significant increase in your chances of developing an ingrown eyelash too. So keep an eye out for that.

When murder is on your mind.

Stop being a faggot user.

My myopia was classified as progressive when I was in my teens. It stopped by the time I reached 22 and hasn't progressed since.

Then get frequent checkups because you may be in for a surprise.
By which I mean expect it to get worse.

Will do. Thanks for the advice, user.

Stop being alive kike.

It's been over a decade. Best I can tell you is that, while you might have starbursts around light sources at night for the rest of your life, your vision won't deteriorate as a result of the surgery. The worst part I can tell you is that my night vision has never recovered and I'm almost positive it's because of the surgery.

nice strawman

I ate carrots a lot as a kid because I heard it helps improve eyesight. my whole family has vision problems except me.

I had issues with starbursts and glare for the first couple of months, now they're gone and my night vision is normal. Maybe I just got lucky.

It isn't a strawman you fedora tipping redditard. It is an analogy. It demonstrates that the idiot is wrong by showing another example of the same incorrect logic being applied. Sugar fuels cancer cells because sugar fuels ALL CELLS. Suggesting that this means sugar causes cancer is every bit as stupid as suggesting any other thing cancer cells have in common with all cells is the cause of cancer.

Or I got terribly unlucky. Given the half-blind state I was in, bad luck is more likely than not.

Myopia glasses are the biggest scam since fractional reserve banking. Our eyes were intended to see distance (greater than 20ft) most of the time. And during childhood the eyes naturally fine tune themselves to whatever they look at most of the time. But instead, we fuck up our kids eyes as follows:
So the eyes begin to adjust to this distance. And the whiteboard begins to get a little blurry
So you take your kid to (((optometrist))) and spend hundreds
on glasses.
>Kid can see board clearly again with new (((glasses))).
>Oy vey! Your kid can't read the board again. Time for new (((glasses)))
>Rinse and repeat until your kid is fucking blind without (((glasses)))

Please save your kids from they eyeglass jew. Never buy them glasses for myopia.
If they have trouble seeing at distance, get them a pair of cheap reading glasses for reading to preserve their distance vision and send them outside more. Its that easy.

primordial man ate meat after a successful hunt. kings ate meat. be a king. don't be a peasant or starving loser (sugar eater).

you're implying evolutionary biology as an explanation?

There's no way. There are not enough generations that have existed between the advent of readily available corrective lenses.

this sounds more accurate. People get lazy with how they focus on things. After I got Lasik, I noticed that if I was really busy over a span of time, my eyesight would begin to decline. If I spent some time concentrating on counting stars or looking at minute patterns in wood grain from the edge of my ability to see them, my vision would improve.

I imagine if people had time to devote, they could by sheer will power and accurate practice cure most conditions that require corrective lenses.

I am very far sighted. My eye is literally the wrong shape. How does Chakra fit into a physical abnormality?

Not trying to be an ass, but that sounds like some gobbledy gook.

Stop using words you don't understand. There is no such thing as primordial man. Primitive man didn't eat a single thing, and one of the many things they ate plenty of was sugar. Why do you think plants go through the effort to produce a whole shit load of sugar and concentrate it in these "fruit" things?


The five biological laws of nature. Almost all diseases come from intense psychological events like your mother dying in front your eyes. Theres a 100% bet that this event will have an impact on a brain area thus triggering a disease. Overcoming this psychological event will break it. Gosh Im so bad in english. Check it out for yourself and be aware the kikes are using GNM since a very long time but demonize it for goyim in order to intoxicate them with (((pharma))).

Everybody in the west is fucking blind because we all sit at computers for several hours a day.
In shithole countries they actually have pretty good eyesight.

Which is why every second chink is a bespectacled asthmatic dweeb.

I never said White people were the problem, read it this way, the 'white diet' is referring to white flour and sugar, not White people, though the diet is associated with industrialized, traditionally White nations. Whites have suffered from the detriments since we started consuming them, birthing sickly, weak, short, skeleton deformed, under developed, retarded offspring, and the otherwise healthy adults getting cancer and cavities, women who birth while on this diet will shrink physically because of the toll of birthing and feeding, rounded shoulders, slouched back, broken bones, trouble birthing healthy children even, without a c section, since they are too short and narrow to pass an Aryan skull through their canal.
Cancer cells have broken metabolism and do not hibernate, dividing in to more cancerous cells, out pacing the healthy ones and the immune system. Sugar is used directly and in great calorie count in to the cell and drives production, rendering the cancer cells starvation and death an impossibility.

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I have severe myopia. The causes are so varied that having one thread about myopia, assuming you're serious about discussing it, isn't enough. Usually it's because your eye is not a perfect sphere, but the causes for that are also numerous. For me, it's a recessive genetic pattern that runs on my mom's side of the family. Unless you have some kind of degenerative disease, becoming nearsighted doesn't happen until possibly when you get older.

I'm a programmer by trade. Yes, you read right. I have been staring at monitors since I was 5 or 6 years old. Ironically my eyesight got slightly better when I became a young adult. This has convinced me that the causes for eye disorders are so varied that any layman's discussion is more or less totally pointless. Call me whatever if you want, but as someone with a slew of eye problems (nystagmus, left eye favortism due to it being stronger which has resulted in my brain being mostly unable to look through both eyes at once, which has resulted in no depth perception) there is just about no way I can take this thread seriously.

Shithole or not really isn't the issue, time spent indoors staring at shit close to your face is. China is so shitty you can't breath outside.

It has been associated with white nations for thousands of years.
No, we haven't. We've been eating bread for several thousand years. The shit you are talking about is decades old. You are blaming traditional white culture and diet for a modern kike created problem. You are either a kike, or a retard who believes kike lies.

some guy wore copper glasses and claimed it cured him.

use f.lux

Flux is botnet shit. Use redshift.

serious? Well fuck me. thanks for the heads up.

Appeal to tradition. Whites on a nutritional diet are well formed, the Mountain Swiss ate bread all the time. Theirs was a rye bread, handmade and treated specifically to eliminate anti nutrients. The low landers, like the crooked teeth English, consumed white bread and needed dentists. The Europeans who do have perfect structure and consume white bread, also have in their diet, a fortifying selection of fats, proteins, and micro nutrients to offset the anti nutrient empty calories found in pasta, beer… The ancients had diets of grass fed beef and milk and eggs, cod fish, olives and garden vegetables, as well as their treated grains. They didn't use white industrial products. The White people who did were short sickly people, the reason why height dropped is mostly in part due to a poor diet. Cavities are virtually nonexistent and dentists are without need until people eat the white diet. 'Racial mixing' has nothing to do with this, nutrition does.

Nice try, kike. Host-plant resistances, that is, herbivore resistance traits (poisons, etc), predate the early hominins who would have been averse to the eating plants, especially before agriculture made them more palatable. If you're going to try to psuedoscience your way into the tricking the goyim, you're going to have to try a more reddit-tier audience. Go back to reddit.

That's retarded, for the simple reason that recent studies found out the EXACT opposite. That what causes myopia is children not going out enough, because of school. That's literally sun deprivation. The effect is that sun's blue light actually active some molecules in the eye that keep it in the right shape, stopping it to grow longer.
Moreover, screen blue light is very very light compared to the sun (something like 1/1000). Lighting in home is so much lower than outside. And that explain the problem. In Asia, especially in China and Singapore, they extended time where kids are outside, and myopia is dropping.

That actually a huge legitimacy on sun gazing (I'm talking about the Bates method, with the eyes closed. I seriously wonder about people talking about real sun gazing, eyes opened. I always heard that it could permanently damaged your eyes, without actually "feeling" it since there is no nerve in the eye. That's why you should never watch an eclipse directly).

Now, how to heal you eye is the whole question. The so called "You can't reverse myopia" is unbelievable, seriously. There are some cases, for example, where by letting a child alone without any stimulation, its brain actually go degenerate. Yeah, there, you can't do anything.
But regarding eyes, you still have them, and the last time I got to a doctor, he confirmed that my nerves were perfectly healthy. We're not talking about eyes not functioning at all.
THERE MUST BE A CURE. I can't believe otherwise.

You should question this. Doctors before thought it was genetic because parents who have myopia would have more chance to get children with myopia. Even though you can easily find counter examples, that's why I actually got the same answer from my mother, saying that her whole family had myopia too. Now, I have two alternative explanation: First, it's a question of general standard of living. Maybe, in their life, they did what actually provoked myopia, without ever having anything to do with it. Secondly, and its confirmed now, there is epigenetic that you actually share with your child. So you actual condition as how you were while making your child will make you child more prone to these changes (you could have no fat parents, but if you're fat, you child will maybe have the "genetic" attribute of being more prone to being fat). But you can recognize here that it's mostly a matter of how they lived.

If you grandfather is fat, if you father is fat, and if you're fat, you should start looking at your fucking plate rather that blaming genetics.

Just going to put this here and say /thread okay?
Check out ancestral health for everything they are pretty good.

If what fucking dream are you living in. In the entire world, fruits and vegetables are so much bad, that for example, one today's orange is the same as 100 fucking orange from 1900. You can take the same for every fruit, the apple, it's 6 apple for 1 etc…
There is a massive problem of general minerals/important components deficiency. Stop thinking in calories like the fat burger you are. Eating 1000 calories from a big mac, and from naturally grown pesticide free fruits/vegetables grown in a fertile land is day and night.
Food before was so good compared to today that if you travel to a very poor country that still use the traditional way of growing food, without any of the modern crap, and just eat a little plate of vegetable, you'll be literally full. It's enough for you body.

You are literally, today, eating empty food. I'm not even talking about overheating that destroy everything in the food, microwave etc…

You're still prone to retina detachment. You eyes are still ill. You can't competitive boxing, can't join the air-force (if you're as myopic as I'm).
You just putted your glasses directly on the surface of your eye. That's all what happened.

Only Bhutan is left if it comes to naturally grown crops.
I won't even mention corn syrup plague haunting US. Lately I realised that it doesn't matter what you put in your mouth you're fucked. Even fucking water, tapped is filled with estrogen/fluoride and bottled has estrogen from plastics.

You either grow your own food or consume poison

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Here's what I do: I exercise my eyes by reading my computer or tablet with the font just small enough to be fuzzy, but still readable. I wear glasses and they were getting worse until I started doing this. I've been able to decrease my font size, as well.

I also use this technique when reading normal books by adjusting my reading distance.

source? I've been using f.lux for years with no problems

Because blind don't die from the natural selection anymore.

If you grow your own food, just do some little test of the ground you're using to grow. Moreover, there are books outside (sorry, I only know in my language) that tells you how to grow back the humus layer, thus making your land fertile again. There is permaculture etc.. If you don't live, as I do, in a city, and you can do it, seriously, knowing how to grow food is an excellent skill, especially in a SHTF situation (it always makes me laugh of how they know how to grow food in the walking dead, they make it appear so easy).

Natural selection don't exist, and never existed. You seriously, but seriously must be blind to reality to ever think that natural selection exists. Just the mere difference in demographic between poor ignorant people that make a lot of children, and the rich intelligence one that nearly don't do even one is remarkable.

Wasn't always the case, at least in case of intelligence. Natural selection within time of 1000 years is not too visible in many aspects,but good example is height - 1000 ago people used to be manlets. Natural selection is real and it's given us many types of plants or breeds of dogs.
Don't be a fucking idiot mate.

God fucking damn do I want to fix my eyes. I will never do (((Lasik))) though.

I am muscular, I can run fast, I am very handsome, but I need to wear fucking glasses. Its my achilles heel.

Both my mother and father need glasses as well. I have needed them since childhood. I don’t think it comes from looking at screens at all. Its just been passed down to me.

Going outside and not protecting your eyes are two different things.
Childrens need to move, and being outside with sun on the skin (but not too much) helps. But they also need to have protection for the eyes.

Otherwise you will be telling me that soldiers for example deployed in desert are wearing sunglasses for nothing, or people who spend a lot of time outside for work during wearing glasses are not taking care of their eyes.

Also your esoteric belief is shit. Go wear glasses you nerd

It's not. It worked for me. I cured several other ailments over time which are also today claimed to be genetic (like depression). It's not. I can't speak for literal physical malformations. Ayahuasca does not grow back missing limbs either, but:

this guy has it exactly. Most illness is caused by breaches in the psyche. I've been cured of a dozen things through intense purge of the subconscious using shamanic healing and natural psychedelics.