Let's see how the Zionists/Bolshi machinations of "Alt-Right" deal with this.
Post them at every rally and event.
Let's see how the Zionists/Bolshi machinations of "Alt-Right" deal with this.
Post them at every rally and event.
there is already a thread for this, faggot
I just invented it faggot!
how about no, faggot
no, I don't give a fuck if the jews kill all the palestinians, and I don't give a fuck if the palestinians kill all the jews. nationalists don't give a crap about shitholes halfway across the world, especially not with the condition the west is in.
The left wants this. The AltRight are Zionists.
How about hell yes faggot!
Jews take down Arab nations then move them West you idiot!
if jews didn't controll the west, all we would have to do is shoot to kill when they try to come into our countries.
but right, let's focus on freeing other people from the jew, you know, like we've focused on trying to help shitskins of all kinds for centuries and all it did was allow us to be taken over by jews and leeched off of by shitskins.
No, jew, and fucking kill yourself.
You're trying to make the left think the alt right wants a free palestine (certain spokesmen actually do) so that they will kneejerk against it and soros will keep funding their little antifa parties.
Get in the fucking oven you cringey fucking faggot.
"Stop attacking Israel! The Left will not like it!"
Both sides do. Only one side pretends to care.
The rats are squeeking in this thread —— I think we're on to something!
Open Boarders for Israel! 2015
The Alt-Right Wants A Free Palestine 2018
what are you talking about? I simply don't give a fuck about israel. In fact, you're an idiot if you think israel being some shithole in the middle east is causing us problems. we have problems because our government is taken over by kikes, some of them israeli. them staying in their own country won't make any different to us. it's precisely the shill rhetoric that "whites" like (((you))) believe that got us in this mess.
>help us with leadership and (((nation building))) white man
if more whites just said fuck the rest of the world, then things would change over night, but there's still too many globalist (and do not pretend like you are not one of these cucks) idiots who think we have to go help out others at our expense. nope. not anymore. whites will eventually realize this, kick out the foreign pieces of garbage ruining our nations, and withdraw our support, money, and immigration from the rest of you shitskins, and no amount of kvetching or "oh but I hate jews too I'm actually on your side" is ever going to convince whites to help the same people who turn around backstab them ever again, just like with the jews.
You want fries with that salt, kike?
Printing costs?
Best idea is a year!
Oy vey
Here, I'm posting something for the (((Alt-Right))) crew who dont like this thread so they feel inclusivity. It's kids meet a drag queen!
Despite however niggers run their mouths, 99% of what the "alt right" consists of is White men who care about the interests of their race. Endless numbers of kike shills and uber kang Nazi online larping faggots want to constantly shit talk them and distance themselves from our own people.
At worst, if a shepard has some stray sheep, he doesn't shit talk them and take sniper shots at them from a distance. He pulls them into the fold.
You shit talking niggers are the ones who have strayed from the White race. Pull yourselves back into doing what is good for the White race and stop doing what makes you feel good being an online larping faggot.
Can none of you niggers spell 'borders' correctly?
if it fucks over israel then i'm happy
#Open borders for Israel
The greatest mistake of a kike was getting his own ethno-state. It beats the purpose of being a kike.
These kikes are getting dramatic in this thread. They really hate this idea.
99% of the aut-right are fucking retards. The other 1% are jews controlling it.
True whites should go FULL right, not fucking nu-right.
Kike spotted
I want a radioactive Palestine along with its neighboring regions.
No argument, just "you're a kike! hurr durrr!!!"
Never heard that one before.
The only idea that I am opposed to is white men being used by kikes to subvert their own people by trying to make themselves feels special for shit talking other White people.
Do you really think our energy can't be put to use in other ways that would better serve the interests of our race?
No probably not, because their are a lot of self-defeating dipshits in the world, thus the reason our race is in the state it is in.
I hate right wingers even more than left wingers. They are the biggest slave scum on earth. Go fuck yourself.
They aren't you so they aren't special, I get it.
nice try, Zig Forums…
No it's the fact that they're so scared of being called a nazi that they'll call themselves the equivalent of nu-right.
Pfft, at least right wingers aren't cucks.
Salty salty
Yawn, not the case. You pay too much attention to e-celeba at the expense of our race.
I would love to see israel burn dipshit. Quite trying to start an unsubtantiated argument.
israel looking to expand. Jews are killing Palestinians for their land. If we support freedom for Palestinians jews will lose out on land surrounding israel
The reason our race is in the state it's in is centuries of cuckolding.
Cool, but you'll be gassed too for being a massive faggot.
This is clearly difficult for you to understand. Faggots like you are trying to feel special by shitting on anyone who doesn't go by the same lable as you. The point is to fulfill the 14 words, not larp as an online faggot who is doing nothing to actually secure our existence.
And we continue to stay in that state because faggots are pursuing their individual interests (I wanna feel special!!!!) over the interests of our race.
Yeah, and all this imaginary "gassing" and DOTR is going to happen how? Not a damn thing is going to happen but our genocide when all we are doing is prioritizing online faggotry over doing what realistically needs to happen to secure the future of our existence.
That's why you kill the aut-right and make it full right.
And the "full right" constitutes what?, .00001% of our population? Isn't that what makes you feel special faggot? We don't have control of our schools, we don't have control of our media, we don't have control of our governments etc. We obviously need to learn to be practical, not online larping faggots if we want to accomplishour goals.
Is there anything else I need to spoon feed you on?
Same kike
Same misdirection! You want to see Israel burn and end e-celebs! Then stop supporting the NeoCon agenda of the Alt-Right and start making these posters everywhere!
Silly goose. The only one of those guys who would remotely be considered "alt right" would be richard spencer and I don't think he is even active much any more (no I am not one of his supporters).
The alt right is defined by people who pursue the interests of the White race. 99% of that means /ourpeople/, our race and those who are willing to do something to help better our interests. Quit trying to feel special. Get off your e celeb faggotry.
I do it because I believe in it faggot.
I don't believe in the aut-right controlled opposition. But at the same time - it's a double edged sword that may be persuaded to go full right and it must do so if it wants to be taken more seriously.
Right now it is nu-right or even nu-conservitard.
On par with lib shits and a'narco'-capitalists.
They just had a fucking rally and this will kill it for good.
No, it's defined as Zionists pretending to be what you just described. The e-celebs confronted with this will dry up faster than Alex Jones getting banned for losing his control over the (((narrative))).
Of course you know this and that's why you're so butthurt about this campaign.
The only thing that constitutes going "full right" is doing what betters the interests of our race. Throwing a bunch of retards in with some lable and discarding many thousands of our people in the process does not accomplish anything that benefits us.
Kek, an antifa communist would use the same line.
That isn't the alt right. Aside from Kessler, no one even really knows who those people are.
Alex jones isn't alt right. When has he ever identified himself as such? You are being intentionly or ignorantly confrontational, and that benefits us how?
the left is already fighting for palestine, no need to shill it more.
focus on important issues, like making sure that blonde girls dont marry brown guys (yes, i include whites with brown hair - i am not a kikey)