>https:// twitter.com/racheltobac/status/1028437783050776576
Voting machines hacked @defcon in under 2 minutes
Damn Russians! Voter ID laws will prevent hacking though.
Make sure if I understand:
Okay so this won't be done while people are voting. Go on.
Certainly won't draw attention. Continue.
A normal action no one will question. Are there more steps?
Easy enough.
Now we're getting a bit fucking ridiculous.
With the card reader removed and the lock jimmied open? Well okay.
Are we still waiting?
And what is done at that point?
But hey, don't believe: just notice the fact that they don't really show you that "admin acess" screen.
But wait a minute, this is the goddamn internet. We can PAUSE videos and screenshot them!
So there you have it (pic related). Real-time election hacking.
The worst thing you can do with this "hack" is disconnect the machine from the voting server. I assume americans aren't stupid and the server is local (so the machines aren't connected to the internet). That means anyone triying to vote would get a fat red error of "CONNECTION FAILED".
If you got those machines connected to the internet however, you're fucking screwed, please tell me they keep it on an isolated network.
You should have known the minute they showed a "grrrrlll hacker" it was bullshit OP.
This. Of course they are on an intranet.
Chads can hang for as long as it takes
Do pull-ups for days
You're a fucking idiot. The chinks need to stop hiring niggers to shill
Boy you sure fit in here.
Look you faggot, "Admin acess" means getting into an environment where you can load code.
It can be a simple command line, or a field that's not internally sanitized you can inject code.
What you're looking at is equivalent to the "Settings" menu of your television. You can de-program every channel so noone watches television, but what this dumb bitch is sugesting is that by doing so, you somehow could unlock premium cable channels.
It's fucking retarded. All modern machines have a settings screen where you calibrate it or set up basic parameters. You can't change it's programming through it and you can't steal votes this way.
It's beyond fucking retarded.
You dont think they actually know that Trump actually won the popular vote?
Who is this dumb bitch, and why is she suddenly concerned for hacking at only this election? Does she not know that there are hacks that are NOT presented at defcon? Oh, I get it, the (((media))) is using a pretty face to raise the alarm that the election could totally be hacked.
pro-tip: it doesn't need to be hacked
Voting is done behind closed curtains. But the guys hacking the election aren't doing it at the polls, dumb fuck.
Two scenarios:
a) The machine is on a network that's separate from the outside world. No Internet connection. There's a local server and all local machines are connected to it.
Worst scenario: you change the server IP, machine can't connect, no voting. How sad.
Not serious.
b)Machine and the rest of the network is connected to the outside net. At this point, you're already fucked without touching the voting machines: you just fuck with the vote-counting server.
Worst case scenario: you emulate a server and a client offsite. Change the IP of the voting machine to your server. Everytime someone votes, you get the vote. Then your emulated client sends back another vote (whichever you like). This ensures a re-count would find the exact number of votes as the number of people voting. Nobody would suspect it.
However, if this happens: your elections are already run by complete fucking morons and your country was sold off years ago. If your voting machines are online, voting is 100% pointless. It's as good as handing over your vote, opened, to the mailman and hoping he delivers it.
These two
are leftyniggers. What happened to the left being the tech savvy people? Are they pretending to be retarded in an attempt to scare boomers or are they simply trying to construct an excuse for why they keep losing?
Look at the OP video.
The left are quickly embodying this picture in all it's glory.
The solution is to have voter ID laws and paper ballots, obviously.
Both, but mostly the latter.
I'm going with: usefulls idiots are doing the latter, while their masters know they're actually acomplishing the first.
A few years ago, my country (with paper ballots) had a big problem: a large percentage of the population was conviced that voting was useless because when the votes were counted, they'd remove your cross and draw it again on another square.
I don't think anyone ever figured out where this kind of dis-info came from, but we reached 65% absentees that election thanks to this shit.
The literal : "don't vote goy, it's useless".
Go shill your shit elsewhere.
It certainly didn't concern anyone back in 2008.
Oh yes, very usefull:
Yeah, really fucking usefull.
another leftynigger
Oh, it did. But it wasn't presented by a cute nerd girl.
You spout bullshit but don't even read your words.
That sounds awfully kikish.
The only way to fix that is to break their form of vote tampering.
Trump is not a "win".
Republicucks are not a "win".
A win is undermining jewish hegemony. Forcing in-person voting with voter ID is a win.
The left: "the elections cannot be hacked, muh integrity
Also the Left: "trump conspired with russia to hack the election"
Yeah until you point the machine to something you control and decide which votes get through or not. If we were to look up dunning-krueger effect it would be a picture of you.
Maybe she's blind and that's a special braille keyboard.
Oh you mean the machines that Soros bought?
Don't worry, there won't be any more presidency after this :^)
No need for elections ever again
wew, for a second there I thought this thread was an attempt at a flase flag.
but you would have to have a network connection to the OUTSIDE first
then you would have to know the IP schema of that switch/router. Unless they allow DHCP.
how hard would it be for the network admin to take a close look and go gee, DHCP and look at that, it's on an outside network schema not the intranet one
and further more, if you have an intranet setup. It's a switch connected to a server connected to the voting machines You would phyiscally need to go to your internet provider. Pay for internet. Wait weeks and they would have to have permissions to setup the internet in that building. from the owners of the building.
THEN start running cables to either the closed intranet switch or whatever. And i am MORE THAN SURE, the day before voting day, the admin in there, pinging the voting machines to make sure they are communicating with the vote server on the local lan.
the senario is so fucking far fetched.
I would say almost impossible. Unless the admins that support them, are behind it.
that would be the only way, and no way an admin would do this, and risk fucking jail time as a spy or whatever.
Now we need George Soros to come build us voting machines for da future of our democracy! Oyy veyy
The only other possible way is to do it wirelessly. Which still means you would have to plug in a router, connect it to the switch. And then configure the voting machien to work with that IP schema. And you could use your phone as the "modem".
BUT again, the network admin would notice a fucking binky router on that switch. I have been a network admin for 25 years. Fortune 500 companies and others i have worked at.
No way in fuck, as the admin for that site your not going to test the terminals until last minute and not notice a fucking router, on a intranet switch.
or notice one of the terminals isnt' talking to the server, and within 5 min go hmmmmm. Why is it this IP. Lets change that back shall we.
this bitch is full of shit.
if you could run arbitrary code, you would have to know what OS that voting machine is, you would have to have advanced knowledge how it's going to be setup.
And yes, if you could run that arbitrary code, while no one was looking (doing everything she did)
you could "hack" an election.
but the odds are slim to none. For once, i agree with obama "you cannot hack the elections"
Ironically, it was Florida's introduction of the butterfly ballot that led to the recount of the 2000 election which happened in my county of course.
Go home, you're drunk.
I haven't seen this much damage control since the elections.
Of course not, those dull fucking cretins fell fully for the Judenpresse ruse about Killary winning it by like 80%
wtf are you talking about
i am speaking from experience of an Network admin.
the odds of hacking those fucking elections were slim to none.
Common sense bub. If it had been my job to set those machines up. I would have verified on the day before, or that morning before open that all machines were speaking to the server.
And i am more than sure the setup was on a local lan. With no outside access.
So, my conclusions are pretty spot on.
I have no idea why you call me a shill you faggot.
You probably dont' even know how fucking DNS works, you cock bag. So please, go back to playing ps4.
It's a really shitty ballot tbh
I don't know how to tell you this user. But she's 3/10 at best.
You couldn't be any more of a faggot.
Vote over the internet, with encryption keys, publicly post results, people cross-reference to verify. Any obections could be taken to a notary or to a court for further varification. Public voting could also address this.
I don't think you know how this works.
Everybody knows elections are easily stolen, but we all pretend that Trump somehow defied the odds and got elected against the jews' wishes, and because of them.
You don't say…
Does that let you fuck with the vote count, though?
How retarded can you be?
They would hack the machines either BEFORE or AFTER the election.
Before the election:
On some voting machines the votes for different candidates can be given DIFFERENT WEIGHTS.
So, for example, a Dem could be weighted at 1.1 and a Repub at 1.0.
Thus the Dem would get an automatic 10% boost.
Voting machines WERE FOUND that had had this done in the last election.
Likewise some were found in which a repub vote would actually add a vote to the dems some portion of the time.
Of course, since the machines are controlled by CORPORATIONS and not by the government, there is very little accountability.
They grab them after the "vote count" and, presumably, wipe them all.
After the election:
In the few hours that the Dems have "counting" the votes in their black and brown "captive" regions (that ALWAYS report their vote total hours later than the Repub districts, thus they have time to find out how much "adjustment" their numbers need) they could easily modify the vote numbers in their machines.
This is in regions where the democrats and their kike buddies control everything and can easily get away with it.
This is much easier than paper ballots since there is no paper trail. Just a quick edit to a few memory cards and BOOM nig-rigged.
Having said that, while the democrats may be the "strong arm" party of ZOG, the republicans are little better.
Unless Trump is sort-of on our side and manages to fumigate out some portion of redZOG.
Who knows.
Regardless, the only way to MAGA is to remove ZOG and MAWA.
Stay bluepilled, user.
Of course you are a damage control shill, so…..
It's not "hackers" it's the government itself. AKA, the political parties and "deep state."
Checking those sweet double trips.
Damage control faggots gas yourselves.
blah, blah, blah.
kikery, kikery, kikery.
How exactly do the democrats keep getting more votes than there are democrats in some core dem regions?
It's all rigged.
Think of all the millions of "totally legit, guis" votes that would be cast over the internet by "totally legit, guis" "voters."
In person voter ID with voter registry roster that are checked every year and physical (ink finger, for example) anti-repeat voter measures.
Having to PHYSICALLY travel to the voting booth keeps a lot of the low-interest faggots out.
Of course, "universal suffrage" was a terrible mistake.
At bare minimum, people on any form of welfare should be unable to vote.
Also, reestablish White homelands for Whites only.
They didn't rig it enough.
Millions more people voted for Trump than (((they))) thought would ever happen.
Furthermore, millions chose to NOT vote because they were Bernouts or other disillusioned lefties.
They rigged it.
But not enough, it turns out.
Well if it's on par with change.org then it's easily hackable with scripts as we all saw with that a couple years back (I hope unless you're a newfag).
How do you run those scripts on the machine?
I don't buy it. If the jews didn't want Trump to be president, then he wouldn't be. It's that simple.
Once a vote has been counted its then sent to a central server, either in the building or somewhere offsite within the same district (just like slot machines, the machines themselves are just a frontend while the actual numbers are offloaded for security reasons), you cannot change the votes already sent out. The only people who think you can do it from the machines seem to be Dems who want to use videos like the OPs to drive the 'muh Russians!' narrative
This is too high level wizardry for me so I'm making some assumptions based on the fact that that site (change.org or petition.org, I forget) was manipulated by an user once for dumb reasons (teh lulz).
But surely the mechanism isn't that different. Maybe it's tweaked a bit.
Yes, the way a public ledger works supports this. However, the privacy of your vote is important and, thus, must be protected. Public ledger does this. Even if the votes are cast on LANs and only recorded on the internet, it could work.
You would need to plug something like a USB into the machine and have it run them off that, which might not even be a valid course of action depending on how the OS works. Alternatively, you'd need to code it yourself on the machine somehow, which wouldn't really work either.
I asked that question because anyone who knows anything would answer "You can't."
Unless you program the machines before they get used on poll day..
And wasn't Soros connected to them?
Please ARTICULATE how you would "point the machine to something you control".
Now we're getting a bit fucking ridiculous.
there is the step about reaching around into the opened hatch to push some "red button" is inside the compartment.
It's only easy after someone gives the instructions.
Anyone with hard access to the machines and some free time could do whatever they wanted to them. That has nothing to do with this.
i recently voted and someone is sitting there watching the whole time, you probably wouldn't get away with that.
however, the software itself is already designed to swing the vote *see video
Incorrect. Search for fileless malware.
Some scripts can just remain in RAM/Volatile locations w/o regular read/writes and are very hard if not impossible to detect.
>(((hackers))) just toss your piece of paper in the trash.
Easiest hack ever.
But it does because she's inferring the Russian narritive again, even though the most likely influence of machines is not through this method on poll day. It's before poll day by the supplier of the machines.
Regardless, polls should be paper specially designed to be counterfeit-proof. It could significantly reduce voter fraud world wide.
You'd still need to get those scripts onto the machine.
As opposed to a single fatguy with a payloaded sdcard hitting all your machines.
We have everything you just listed. Shit still happens.
It's not like there are several steps in the assembly and setup of voting computers where a bad party might inject their code. Pic totally unrelated.
I grant that. What's not up to debate is that paper ballots are still *better* than shitty voting machines that are just an excuse to give away money via contracts.
hey check out this post i made over on
lol that fucking nose
Am I the only one who thinks the push for voter ID is just another step towards amnesty for all the foreigners in this country? We don't need more ((#^!#%*%$ laws, we need to get rid of the millions of foreigners and others who don't belong here. The gov't has been giving this country away to people from other countries for decades now.
How does it feel to know you're going to lose again? Consider suicide.
Just flash it from whatever cable connects to the card that was removed. One bad actor with a dozen storage devices and unsupervised access to stored voting machines could infect hundreds of them in an afternoon.
as if you even need access to the machine, whatever company maintains and owns the servers will just charge the highest bidder to buy votes
Restart the #votepaper?
They made it real, the worlds most expensive pencil exists!
then lets not forget man in the middle attacks
who makes the hardware of the actual voting machines?
What about the presumable insecure internet connection, isp, routers etc.
I didn’t run
Did I find Dora?
apparently all this does is reset the machine to an unsetup fresh from the factory default setting completely disconnected from the network with no data. might as well just smash it with a hammer for similar effect.
/pol: always willing to give the benefit of the doubt. To a fault.
Told you about paper ballots. Told you bro.
I notice the screen is not only blank, but dark.
someone is about to have a heart attack, the guy who showed how to hack atm's on defcon had a heart attack days before he was going to show how to hack a pacemaker
get the leftists to start demanding paper ballots too
checked, you filthy dem. lel
The real issue is the removable card reader - its linked to a cable, which means you can insert something in there, put it back together and use that to remote hack at leisure.
experienced sec ops here. The real target ain't the terminals.
Does it really matter that much who is president?
America is a plutacracy ruled by corporations and the president their little tool. I never saw a big difference between republican and democratic politics.
Jews make the voting machines hackable, jews also report that voting machines are hackable as to why the "people's" candidates aren't being elected.
you shills are hopeless
Thank fucking Christ that they're this fucking stupid
This, we can't let Putin get ahold of the election codes. Biometric national slash voter ID is the only way.
If voter IDs and paper ballots are going to be implemented by the majority of voters, the push needs to start now so that the systems are in place for the 2020 elections. The fear of the leftists should be promoted to make thses things happen.
Voting machines are a dumb idea
…by definition.
They can be manipulated and nobody knows, can check the results, like in a paper ballot.
Voting machines are an in-transparent black box, you can’t check for “stuffing the ballot” like a ballot box.
We need full paper ballots and a bunch of volunteers and workers to oversee the counting process. Its up to one person to count the votes per box, they can easily make an error or even cheat the result for the box they have been assigned to.
Remember that who counts the votes and how is the most important part to elections.
fuck that roastie cunt who goes there just to fuck with nerds and be the attention center of the event. just look at how its important that she has to be in the center of the pictures and the video, and how she does not even give a single credit to the white man who shown that cumdumpster this exploit (that only work under very nonstandard circumstances that are never verified in practice) and try to look smart. all of this is bullshit just to try to support muh blumpf hacked elections. in practice any sort of input that is ever provided by an user is sanitized, and functionality is limited just to reduce any kind of similar exploit. fucking snakeoil conferences. you know its bullshit when its a cum seeking roastie or a non human race/specie showing it
I stopped
I do fight Apples, but not where they are underage
Seems mainly useful for people who already have some access. Ie people who are managing what is going on during the election