Are 'white people' jokes racist? Let a fellow white person explain.
I understand that reading these kinds of jokes can be a jarring experience if you’re not used to being made fun of
Are 'white people' jokes racist? Let a fellow white person explain.
I understand that reading these kinds of jokes can be a jarring experience if you’re not used to being made fun of
Other urls found in this thread:
You can't be racist against whites, everyone knows that in 2018
you have been subverted
dont engage in this subject, the jew leads you to an unimportant issue.
act like it doesnt exist and focus on important issues
Now it gets good
This whole article isn't even funny, it's just autistic drivel on par, at best, with Uncyclopedia, race aside.
The judeo-left really isn't funny.
wypipo BTFO tbh fam
I like to have some fun on Sundays.
Isn't it just the most condescending retardation ever? It'd be a shame if some place like Zig Forums were to use this for propaganda purposes.
good ol' (((fellow white guy))) telling it how is
erm, shouldn't that be Ugh, white people whiting it up all whitely and semen.jpg?
lel i wonder what trumpniggers have to say about this one
Why does any of this have to do with the article? Afraid that someone may share it and redpill some people?
The Definition Of A Jew
And you could try shoving your empathy where the sun doesn't shine, though you may think it does.
This is what community looks like
Annnnnnnnnnnd, here is OP
>(((Chris Mohney)))
Goddammit Zig Forums, why are you always right
Is this what this place has become?
i'm in my 30s. i've seen some shit. online, i've seen it all. but this is one of them that really fucks me up and leaves me with that old school sinking feeling i almost forgot about.
ah man i heard this joke a few weeks ago and i dint think i got it but here it goes
"two niggers leave trash on the street and destroyed their own neighborhood and a white guy picked it up and payed to have it fixed"
hmmm mabie i t went more like
"guess who didn't rob the nearest liquor store… you guessed it a white male…"
"guess who knows who his father is…you guessed it a white male…"
dam being a nigger is hard oh i know
"MUH DICK" (crowd literally hoots and hollers like a pack of apes)
Are "Gas Kikes" jokes racist? Let a (((fellow white person))) explain.
Just accuse me of being a Jew now, please. As we know, shills often deliver propaganda gifts here on purpose because reasons.
Chris Mohney, former Editor-in_Chief of Tumblr, now at something called Blip. Advertising type. Lives in New York.
Here's a tumblr pic of two Israeli kikes chilling on a couch stolen from the home of expelled Palestinians. The pic was published by the Knesset, then some "racists" started pointing out how all Jews need gas treatments, then fellow white man Chris Mohney used his tumblr Jew powers to shut it down:
When tumblr shitcanned him for being useless, he had to write his own firing memo:
Sorry no archive. Two white children in the house need to be fed dinner.
Very interesting. I'll do some more digging on this guy.
Self-degradation is only for the people at the top, because if you're at the top you should feel bad about that by the people at the bottom, because you don't realize it but we're all totally equal somehow.
Oh please, nigger. White people have been fair game for at least 60 years. Everyone alive today grew up listening to "whitey be like so nerdy dawg dayum" on every television channel. Whites have been on the pointy end of every racial joke in media for fucking ages, and when we want to give a little back you kvetch and cry and want to protect precious blacks' fragile egos.
just e-mail who wrote the article saying exactly what you said in this post or you're a pussy faggot, post screenshots for proof
Current search string:
This guy a fag?
Give me this purse-lipped homosexual's email address, I'll send him goatse too.
find it yourself faggot
It appears to be a rare case of crazy cat lady trapped in a gay mans body
How come there is this one and only word in the whole World NIGGER no-one is supped to use? ExpIain that NIGGER. I'm glad in my country it's still openly used even in casual chat.
wew lads
belongs in the chipper
Is the author Jewish? How about the higher ups of NBC news?
Explains why this guy is so defensive of white jokes. It's all he can write.
What do you think?
>on par, at best, with Uncyclopedia
Yeesh that's fucking brutal. I've rarely seen ED mentioned here, let alone their unfunny rival.
Then again, even Quentin's weed comics are much funnier.
I enjoy watching their rationalizations for why racism affects other races more than white people. It's the same reason men don't get upset about jokes directed at men from women. We know there's no substance to it and the root cause is jealousy and insecurity. They can tell all the jokes they want about bad dancing or boring food and it doesn't even register. We built civilization, went to the moon and we can own more guns than anyone else but somehow don't just flip out and casually murder each other all of the time. We make enough excess money we fed their home continent for the last 50 years and the ones that are already here. It doesn't affect us because they have nothing to affect us with. It affects them because they know they're stupid, violent and incapable of maintaining a 1st world standard of living on their own. It doesn't register consciously but they understand it on a subconscious level.
She's still not sucking your dick orbiter.
Pretty much. It's only niggers and spics that get offended by racism in any large number. Even the sandniggers and asians don't get insecure about racism because at some point they've done something noteworthy as a group, even if it was centuries ago. They can at least feed themselves. Blacks have to steal other people's history and spics can't do anything but bitch about losing land to us they had to beg us to come conquer and settle for them. I love going to world history or art musuems.
I've never been clear on whether this is a crude manipulation tactic or if they really believe that Joe Normalfag actually believes in their Racism=Privilege+Power nonsense.
And then later on his Twitter, he'll admit to be Jewish. Because it's one of their little subversion tactics.
Checking them sweet ass digits
Nope. Racism is prejudice + power.
Can you fuck off you AUT kike trump lover
Checking these digits
W-wew lad.
shit get
they are not new to trying to change definitions in the dictionary. with ideas like those it's understandable. if you don't move the goalposts…periodically they hardly fit any kind of reality.
also checked.
An easier approach is to stop using kike scare terms like "racist" and "xenophobe". No reason to engage in it. Instead use a term like "bigot", just merely point out that it is anti-white bigotry and move on.
It is better to not be weak and let your ego be bruised by mere words. Let such weaknesses traits of the lesser races. You only need to call it for what it is and move on. Whites have better things to do than argue with stupid people, like building architecture, art (real art), sciences, philosophy, etc etc.
You got the get!
Anti-whites making jokes as the expense of my children deserve the rope.
I agree with most of this but I still don't like it (the article and ones like it, I mean) because not only is it incorrect but I do believe that it's genuinely detrimental to white people. I don't mean that it affects the average person here, but we all know that this shit is taught in schools and it's everywhere in the media. Some kids won't be subverted by it, but some (especially girls) will. If all that they know their whole lives is this narrative it's understandable that they'll fall for it. It's like when you read online people from other countries thinking that the US is just one big land mass where cops are everywhere gunning down every black person for the lulz. For instance, last night I was on here and there was a thread with a video of this dash cam footage from Minnesota (I'm pretty sure) of this black guy getting pulled over by two cops. They weren't being shitty with him but when they told him to keep his hands behind his back so that he could be cuffed he started resisting a lot. They tried to wrestle him down but he was able to get up so they tazed him. He went down again and the cops got on him and one was just raining down punches on the guy (perhaps excessively) but was up very shortly after (I don't know if he was high on something but he was tazed a few times and it barely seemed to do anything to him). The guy goes to the drivers side of his car and grabs a gun through the open window and proceeds to shoot one cop (nearly killing him) and then drives off. Now, the OP only provided a webm of the video so I went to Liveleak where it was saved from and read the the comments there. Most were pretty reasonable and aside from a few remarks about the punches, they were acknowledging that the cops handled it well. And then there was this one guy - the Swiss guy. He was on the side of the black guy saying that he was just "protecting himself" and all these cops do is harass black men for no reason, etc. Amusingly he got into a back and forth with some user with a Confederate flag for his avatar that beat him down pretty well without being a total sperg.
What's my point there? It's that this Swiss guy has no concept of how these dealings go down in the US, how cops have to be far more ready to get into shit when they're dealing with blacks because things tend to go down with a lot less civility on their (the blacks) part and the cops respond accordingly. But, the Swiss guy who we can probably assume has always lived in a very white area, has never actually lived in the US or even another Euro country with tons of Arabs/Africans around him feels like he knows his place in the conversation because he's watched so many American movies and CNN articles that he's informed by these objective outlets. So if little Rachel and Bobby Whiteperson are fed nothing but: "whites are racist", "white men are oppressors", "you're racist even if you're not racist", "passing your math test is white supremacy", and other horse shit, the more feeble minds and the minds of those who are more vulnerable to accept these concepts (kids without father figures, dysfunctional families, kids like the Swiss guy who live in a very white area and buy into this narrative because they have no firsthand experience, etc.) will be negatively affected by this. And of course we know how effective guilt works on whites; you don't need to shoot whites to kill them off easily, you need to gaslight them for generations and many will turn on themselves as we've had happen. Just think of how many chicks went on to burn coal who never would have if not for it being promoted everywhere; and now the boys are being gaslit and told they're inferior because when they go onto some porn site (which most do, and their first exposure tends to come in the early teens) where the first thing they see is cuck porn and some cute 19 year old blonde girl getting spit roasted by a few guys who look like ex-cons. Then of course, too, this just emboldens and solidifies the views of any non-white who already hates whites.
I'm essentially using the "reason we need diversity" argument except in reverse and using it honestly. Saying you need to see "XYZ" so that people of XYZ's group feel like they can do something is bullshit because if that were true, how did the first people of ABC group ever do that thing? The issue with this article, this writer and the thousands of examples like them which are everywhere is that it skews society to actively hurt this group (whites in this case) as no matter what they're told to be in the wrong and this appears to have an infinite amount of time to it.
That one's going in my Fail Memes folder.
I agree with you that we shouldn't let it happen but I'm just saying the reason white guys don't give a shit about other races not liking whitey is because it's obviously jealousy. The real effects are capable whites losing to (((EO))) laws and (((diversity hires and college admittance))).
I agree with that, I just don't think it's the whole case anymore. Like a hundred years ago, sure that's pretty much the only reason they didn't care. Now, however, I think a large percentage genuinely think they're hated because they deserve it. They're trained.
What a shit get, really. Kek must be in a deep slumber.
Maybe they drank their kool-aid so much they really believe this is normal in the eyes of everyone.
It's both. One, the idea is to change Joe Normalfag's definition through incessant repetition. Two, most of these people repeating the slogans are simply too conformist to remember a time before they learned them.
kek will help us bring our ethno state in to existence
OP is a mayonnaise monkey.
this thread is as useless as god during the holohoax.
criminally under check'd
Telling jokes about fellow white people can't be racist. I'll give it a shot. A couple of fellow white people go to the unite the right rally. Newly married and armed with end white supremacy signs they march off in solidarity. The wife tells her husband she is heading off with some guys from black lives matter for a communistic exercise in intersectionality and he needs to stay put to hold the signs and 'punch nazis'. Her BLM activism continues and when she becomes pregnant the man goes to his rabbi and says 'oy vey my wife is pregnant from blm'. The rabbi tells him, the child is the purest of jews. He will take your last name and you will raise him and really know what it means to be a jew. And that's how the first black prime minister of Israel came to be.
Thanks for reminding me to bump, friend.
I google his name and get a link to this, it most likely is him because the book was written in 2004. It may not prove he is jewish but the author is well into (((their))) circles.
Got his Linkedin account. He was an editor at Gawker and an Editor in Chief for Tumblr, too.
Also his Twitter is painfully boring. Reading his tweets make me fear for the day that I'll turn into a mid 30s guy.
That's a special brand of faggot right there
Wew lad
Very poor quality D&C rabbi, gas yourself ASAP
Kinda offtopic, but what's the name of that anime?
Reverse search ain't working, I like the artstyle though.
"Racism" = prejudice + competence. Blacks can't be racist to whites because they lack standing to be racist (to anyone other than Abos, maybe).
Beautiful digits, breathtaking
The only whites the whole bland food meme applies to, at least in the US, are WASPs from New England. Those are the only people I have ever met that could not handle spice and ate bland food. Whites in other areas of the US have various spicy dishes, fuck, most of your chili competitions in the US award people for taste and spice. The meme applies correctly to a very specific minority of whites.
Goddamn kikes at it again