Ukraine'r right: Based as fuck or LARPfags?

"The main idea of mystical Social Nationalism is its creation, consisting not of piles of separate individuals united mechanistically.. The historic mission of our Nation, a watershed in this century, is thus to lead the White peoples of the world in the final crusade for their survival. It is to lead the war against Semites and the sub-humans they use."
- Andrei Biletsky, center in pic related.

Sounds pretty based but there is the srong possibility that they are LARPing shills for USSA and Israel….a kind of khazar ISIS, if you will, so the US deep states gets to play out its "muh russssshhhaa" fantasies and the kikes (who for the first time in histrory have recentkly OK'd the Khazar Konnection) get a shot at that tasty breadbasket after all their mideast water is gone sooner rather than later. Evenuotjfn
if so, nice rhethoric and aesthetics, boys.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Soviet_of_the_Donetsk_People's_Republic

LARPfags. Ignore their rhetoric, look at their actions. They killed Whites, put a bunch of kikes into power, and want to join the EU.

Action my Friend not rhetoric. This is how you can sort out the the dis-info.


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Russians and russiaboos hate them but they are pretty based

They're communist like the Kurds are, like every rebel the US government has backed since the cold war has begun.

Heck The US state department dropped support for a Christian nationalist Chinese faction that would have respected Confucianism for the communist.

OP, I don't know or don't care, but this is absolutely the worst place to ask.

No one outside of america takes this "no more brother wars" shit serious.
It's really pathetic. This comes from the same dumbass larpers who meme about taking down their own federal government.
Your guns are basically your pacifiers.

You're thinking of the rebels. There are pictures of them with antifa and USSR iconography.

I fucking hate you americans who think that all russians are SUPER BASED and if you don't swallow their cock and propaganda all the time you are a kike tool.

You're talking about Jewish funded organizations that put a kike puppet government in place (with the insanity of US State Department employees getting passports and major ministries, a real colonial government) whose first agenda is to join the (((EU))) and (((NATO))). Oh and the only advancement they managed to do (besides killing their own citizens in a completely and pointless war) is finally having a gay pride in Kiev.

Truly based.

What gave you this idea? Hillary and McCain expressing support and urgency in sending them weapons and supplies?

I swear to God, the day of the rope could happen, jews and race traitors behing literally hanged on lamp posts and one of you mouth-breathing troglodyte twitter users would still screech how its 'LARPing'

which country invaded which, you colossal retard? they've killed foreign invaders, it's called defending your country

let's take a look at russians; have they not killed whites?

you moronic americans belong in the gutter

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Little of both. Russians are being white niggers, and invading to secure pipelines and secure territory they had when they were a jew-run communist country. It's only natural yukes defend their country against invaders. They're not capable of defeating Russia on their own, and despite knowing this they try anyway. That much is respectable.

Their country is shit though. When most of your oligarchs are kikes that have no interest in bettering the quality of life, you really have to question if your country is worth defending. Long term, I see the Slavic countries banding together, if not willingly then by force. Hopefully the bloodshed will be minimal.

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Are you talking about the 'red-pilled' Americans who voted Trumpstein in?

They're kiked AF. Even the name "Azov" is an inside joke about how (((Jewish))) their leadership and backing is.
Sage for a shitty shill thread from an OP too stupid to know this or even to admit it as possible in one of his choices.

Checked for truth.

Found the IDF member in the thread. Of course, defending the (((Azov))) lel.

wtf are you smoking, reactionary highschooler? ukraine and the eu are begging russia to let ukraine continue being a gazprom pipeline so they can keep siphoning like niggers and causing problems, like niggers. stop smoking the niggers weed, nigger.

So calling out the obvious jewish fraud of Trumpstein makes me jIDF?
So what does that make all you jew promoting MAGApede spastics who elected the most jewish President since Roosevelt?

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Pals with McCain, funded by USA. They’re controlled by kikes but I’d be willing to bet their foot soldier lower level guys are genuinely White Nationalists who just want to kill Russians they view as invaders and that those same WN grunts just have no clue (((who’s))) really in charge. There’s also a strong possibility that since it’s JewSA funded they’re just mercs with no allegiance to anything except putting food in their mouth.
The whole thing is just a proxy war between USA/EU vs Russia and depending who you ask one side is jews or the other side is jews or both sides are jews. Welcome to Eastern European geopolitics.

Because opposing the kiked government of Ukraine means you love the kiked government of Russia.


So did the NSDAP. Are they no longer based?

This is true.
However, it's dishonest to pretend that the Crimea and Donbas are ethnically Ukrainian.
They're Russian and multicultural states must die.
Furthermore, you three appear to imply that brotherwars are not a menace that we must avoid at all costs. Have you forgotten already that this is how we got into this mess in the first place?
The jews want all of us either as slaves or dead. They want to exterminate European peoples everywhere. Then they will move onto the rest of the world and exterminate all peoples everywhere.
The Americans are right. brotherwars are destructive.

Well the NSDAP put millions of jews into summer camps and took care of them until the allies unleashed them onto Germany as torturers and propagandists so yeah, the NSDAP kind of fucked themselves by not killing all the jews they had.

Hitler fucked up. No intelligent person denies this.
However, at least he tried.
It's true that he failed to do the harsh things necessary to eliminate the threat of the blood crazed jews. It's hard to commit a genocide and he believed that if he won the war, he could deal with them humanely.

They're good men. I really like them. The retards who say they killed whites and want to join the EU are absolutely retarded. Look up National Corps and you'll see that goes way against their world view. See their YouTube channel. They have a great a youth group and are doing a blood drive right now. They beat up fags and kikes on daily basis on the streets. They are a but larpy, but I think they're Ukraine's best chance for survival.

Not bumping because this thread attracts butthurt retarded anglin tier kikes. I rather azov only be talked about in Ukraine and be in obscurity than be slandered by autists who have no idea of the conflict. I could dump tons of kikey shit by Russia, but I think you get the idea.

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Let's start with this most obvious thing since I'm sure the same old tired propaganda will have been posted before I'm done typing this out.

There is not one scrap of evidence that kikes control Azov. Not one.

Every single thing said to tarnish them is completely unsubstantiated. Demand proof and you will never get anything. The best that exists is two photos put next to each other, Russian newspaper articles which provide no source for their claim and unknown people holding an Israeli flag. That really trumps all the material that exists of Azov's social actions educating the youth on the matter of soil and blood. And oh yeah, "The House of Representatives unanimously adopted amendments to the US 2016 defense budget proposal, outlawing training and arming of Ukraine’s notorious paramilitary “Azov” battalion.", Azov is greater than just the battalion and they are anti-EU, anti-NATO and pro Slavo-Baltic solidarity, but I'll deal more with them later.

Now that this is out of the way let's go through the Ukraine situation from the start. Whenever anyone brings up that Putin's policies are making mudlsime asians displace the white Russians in western Russia at an alarming rate, or show Donetsk being a communist shithole, you always hear the shriek "but realpolitik!" so let's go through the Ukraine situation and look at the realpolitik. You want to know if they are serious so let's go through what happened and conscider just what else was the Right in Ukraine was supposed to do with the cards they were dealt. You hear people mindlessly bleating the propaganda talking points below but put your thinking cap on and actually analyze them and you'll see how completely retarded they are. Also remember that the Right is as useless a term in Ukraine as everywhere else and used for everything from the cuckservatives to the Social Nationalists. That some of the "Right Sector" is pozzed as fucked is without doubt but you can't carry that over to everyone else.

So basically if kikes start a revolt in your country you should just sit on the sidelines and let the kikes do whatever they want. You should not join the fight and try to steer things in the direction you want. If you even take a moment to reflect on it you see what a retarded objection it is to make but you hear it all the time. Shit was going down and the options were to either let the kikes have everything their way or get it and try to to make them go your way, and of the two the Right chose the only acceptable option.

If you followed the media reports of Maidan when it happened it was clear as fuck this wasn't according to script. As soon as it became clear the Right had hijacked it then all mention of what organizations were leading the movement were carefully scrubbed from every report and previous enthusiastic support of the revolt was replaced with concern and confusion. None of the media kikes knew which foot to stand on once the Right crashed their party and it fucking showed in their reporting.

The ones in charge before Maidan were old soviet lineage kikes who kept grinding Ukraine into the dirt with their endless corruption and freely permitted their brethren to kidnap Ukrainian children and blonde women for their sex slave trade. The amount of Ukrainian women enslaved in Israel over the last fifty years is insane, and remember Putin defended these animals as the legitimate government. You have to be completely retarded to suggest patriots and nationalists should have risked their lives protecting this scum instead of purging them and trying to get their own guys in control.

So no, keeping the old government was not an alternative, there is nothing suggesting the right didn't throw themselves into this with honest intentions and ultimately it was the only option they had. It wasn't their choice for Maidan to happen when it happened so their hand was forced. Their only fault in this was not achieving all they set out to, and that is the next part: The Putin funded Donbass communist revolution and the derailment of Maidan.

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That's not happening though. Russian D&C propaganda against Azov on the internet is constant and all silence does is let them win.

Ukrainians failing to make material in English and explaining the reality of the situation is the reason you need to make post like these defending therm in the first place.

Russia having monopoly on most of the English speaking internet forums is the reason retards believe Donetsk Peoples Republic is a white nationalists separatist republic that is defending themselves against Ukranian jews. Keeping silent is only going to make it worse.

you guys play way too much fallout

can you read, you mongol?
they have defended their country
then russia should be balkanized as well? add to that china, the US, the EU? geopolitics works in ways that won't make your merry go round world materialize, so in this case they were defending territory rightfully theirs
why is it OK for russia to invade foreign nations? why is it not okay to defend yourself?

second part of the comment meant for

Except for the fact that they themselves thank their patron, the jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, and have acted multiple times as his muscle when the other jews in the government doesn't like his blatant thievery, notably to occupy a fuel refinery he claimed belonged to him…
All the ukrainian militias are/were based in Dnepropetrovsk which he's the big boss, most of them occupy buildings he owns.
And of course BOTH parties openly admit to it.

It's like saying the "Open Democracy" society isn't backed by Soros.

Attached: meanwhile at OP's.webm (640x360, 9.27M)

Who is the ukrainian government?

Prime minister
Prime Minister the Ukrainian right made a coup for:
Minister of internal affairs:
Foreign Affairs:

Oh and of course last but not least the president:
>Poroshenko was born in the city of Bolhrad, in Odessa Oblast, on 26 September 1965 to Aleksei Ivanovich Poroshenko and Eugenia Sergeevna (née Grigorchuk). Little is known about his mother but a Ukrainian newspaper said she was an accountant, who taught at a vocational and technical school of accounting. He also spent his childhood and youth in Bendery (Moldavian SSR, now under de facto control of the unrecognized breakaway state Transnistria) where his father Oleksiy was heading a machine building plant.

So many pure blooded Ukrainians in position of power!
So based!

There's no ukrainian ethnicity, the ukrainian territory was either polish or russian for its entire history.

I don't know, nor do I really care about the Ukraine vs Russia attitude that's their history to work out. The real problem I see from them that makes it larpy is that they've literally empowered by the jews and the West with a kike leading their nation and kikes all over the place in the government and financing them. Last time I asked a serious question about it I got the answer that, "Well what makes you think they're not using them to achieve their ultimate goals?" My answer is that's not how it works. You don't get propped up by the jews and their shabbos goys and come out on top, ever. You're just setting yourself, your movement, and your people up for a gigantic fall and that's already starting to be seen with the West pulling out or trying to since Trump.

Ukrainians hate communism with a passion.

These are the people that the Ukrainians wanted for. Let this sink.

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Nigger, no, Ruthenians are a thing.

too bad their names are not in english but I recognize the ousted woman who went to jail for a couple of months.

ruskie detected. The Kiev Rus were vikings that came down and conquered the Slavs. In fact, the word "Russian" comes from Rus, a slavic word meaning Viking. They were Norse.

Great, so provide evidence supporting this. Oh wait, you can't because it doesn't exist. No, some propagandist claiming it on the internet isn't proof.

Just like like the white house is full of kikes and Putin surrounds himself with kikes. What's the point supposed to be? The "far right" in Ukraine is fighting against this, not for it. If they were for it why would their movements even exist, idiot?

Attached: ukraine jews.jpg (1024x785, 152.5K)

Dude, first of all ashkenazi jews basicly come from Ukraine.
Second of all, you dont really want to tell me that this guy isnt jewish.

I mean ye, its a nice bait for ukranian youth to do the dirty job for them, in the guise of nationalism, I believe the kikes laugh about how easy it is.

Hello to Zig Forums from Tokyo

Attached: jaimino.jpg (640x360, 47.46K)

Heil to you desu.


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Here comes team Ivan …


Yeah, that's why you holdomored them. Mhm. It's a pity you did, the Ukranian SS division was real good at putting subhuman bolsheviks in the grinder. It would have done the world a favor had we had a few more.

Nihao! Let's kill all commies, starting with the bolsheviks in Donetsk.

Poroshenko is a jew heading a jewish oligarch controled regime. If they serve it, then they are the enemy.

< Serves most kiked regime on Earth beside Israel itself.
< "No… no evidence they are controled by ZOG!"
< "Pu… Putin shills!"

Fuck the ukraine.

>yeah, b-but…
Holy shit, the level of denial is abysmal

Attached: Ukraine-80-jews-in-power.jpg (1400x1400, 791.35K)

Kike puppets sucking EU dicks

Are you seriously saying one of the greatest heavyweights of all time is a fucking Jew?

We have vatniks in this thread. Post dead commie scum to make them go away.

Commies aren't white. Commies aren't even human.

Oh look, the same old copypaste propaganda with no evidence.


And again.

A commie is not your brother.

Same tired shit we are never going to get evidence for.

Whenever you see this line you can be sure you are talking to a vatnik.

Spreading more Ukraine hate I see. We weren't talking about the establishment, we are talking about the people opposed to it. You only proved them right.


Try harder, vatnik.

< Serves most kiked regime on Earth beside Israel itself.
No, those would be the US and then Russia.

So post it then, faggot.

Ah, the good old vatnik hate of non-Russians. I sure wonder why all your neighbors hate you.

Attached: goodcommievisitsfinland.jpg (900x1145, 149.4K)

In the mind of the shabo goys.
Ruthenians are what Austrian called Russians (and still do, gasp!).
It's classic communist tactics used to divide Russians as Ukraine was the place most of the White Armies were.
Prior to communism the Tsar held the title of "Tsar of All Russia", specifying the three branches of Russian people: "White Russian", "Great Russian", "Little Russian".
White Russians are Belorussian in English (belo = white), Great Russian are normal "Russian".
Where the fuck did "Malorussians" go? Did the AAAYYYY got them?

If I tell you that "Ukraine" means "march" (borderland) and the full official name of the place was in Russian "Malorussia Ukraine" -> "March of the Little Russians" do you realize who the fuck the "Ukrainians" are?
It's just a fucking rename because "Little Russian" sounded exactly like in English, a pejorative.

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It all depends on the stock my ol' chum. The iredeemables so to speak.

"Ruthen" is at degeneration of Reußen in german, which is RUSSEN and not RuTen.
It was used for centuries as a complete synonym for Russian even AFTER it degenerate to "Ruthen".
It's only a people if you admit that it was "the Russians living in the Austro-Hungarian empire", which can perfectly claim a uniqueness of culture, being split form main branch Russians for so long but NOT one of blood.

Attached: even arabs aren't that dumb.webm (480x360, 3.87M)

As someone who spent time overthere, the only group I'd give any respect to is the right sector guys. At least they actually went into combat, where as with azov who generally sit in the back while the UA does the real work.
Kek. So the retard Donetsk commies want to name their joke state as a pejorative.

Wtf are you talking about? I was asking if Vitali Klitschko is a jew or not.

Remove that word from your vocabulary. It makes you sound like a plebbit nigger.

Klitschko is jewish

was meant for

Wow, is that the best comeback you've got, vatnik?

Attached: curedofcommunism.jpg (400x632, 76.06K)

you know they hate jews most of all, right Levi?

Some of the most hardened fighters out there, Rabbi.
Also vid related

In the eyes of based Zig Forums, A3OB are controlled op because they fight against based Putin who has made Hollycost revisionism illegal in Russia and who is pushing anti-National Socialist rhetoric and lies on his mouthpiece RT.

Also, who is Victoria Nuland ?

There's no russian ethnicity, the russian territory was either mongol or tatar or uyghur or chinese or korean or finnish or baltic or caucasian for its entire history.

Victoria Nuland is the wife of 9/11 "Goy Roaster" Robert Kagan, a Zionist jew who was "in" on the attack planning for the World Trade Center since at least the PNAC paper was put together. He, she and even their in-laws are ZOG jews who help to keep the "eep" in the USA's Deep State.

She - as part of Obama's 'State Dept'., called the shots on who would be on the "inside" of the coup government in Ukraine - but she didn't have the forethought to use a secure cell phone when she talked about those plans

Her phone conversation turned up on youtube.


Attached: Nuland Victoria Nuland.jpg (610x330, 24.08K)

Krym jest Rosyjski Lwów jest Polski!

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Not only is Azov based on itself, they also send good people with extremely solid know-how to the rest of the Europe to promote, teach, train and connect with other national-socialist, nationalist and fascist groups. As far as I know this is applicable to Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy.

What are they doing regarding cultural war and actual revival of the political soldier is something straight amazing and if anyone says otherwise he is either stupid or shill. I urge everyone to go, visit Ukraine and check the Azov house and rest of the stuff, they welcome foreigners with a right world-view. In my opinion, Azov or more specifically their concept will be extremely vital in upcoming crisis/racewar in Europe. Generally speaking, most of the Azov top people are also openly talking about second armed insurrection against the kike-stolen revolution.

Stop falling for Russki propaganda you faggets.

You can literally change the language on wikipedia. A what is the reason my point about his jewish heritage is wrong?

The "holdomor" was not an intentional genocide, it was sheer incompetence by the commie leaders.

Now try disproving my points without idiotic ad hominem arguments. Considering insults, you would have caught some led between the eyes for supporting these idiots in a normal world. And rightfully so.

A3OB are basicly a slav version of the US Army.

From who? Kikes? Nope, they put them in power. So who did they kill? Their fellow Ukrainians and some Russians. Great job.

During the holodomor Bolshevik jews killed at least 9 million Slavic Christians. Don't try to fob it off as an inadvertent massacre.

But instead of us anons talking about it, or making trips to wikipedia ffs, why don't we hear from somebody who actually was there.
memes related

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What Eastern European government doesn't? What Russia has is 10x worse than Ukraine.
I agree that Ukraine isn't in the best position right now, but the fact that Russians are criticizing them is laughable when the hypocrisy sets in.

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Better question is, what white country doesn't. Disgusting pest, once racewar starts, we need to finish them for good if we are to secure white existence for the future.

>The "holdomor" was not an intentional genocide
Looks like we found king kike!

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I mean cmon you guys really do some fucking research.

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The Donetsk bolsheviks.

Ukraine belong to Russia!

Good luck with that.

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I have never claimed that the soviet leadership wasnt jewish, even le ebil Putin said that the soviet leadership was jewish mainly. I do not support comunism in any way, establishment of comunism is establishment of statewide slavery of everyone but jews.

You interpret stuff I didnt claim to stray away from my main point.
A3OB is supported by the state and jewish oligarchs, you can look up what the goverment is made of online, even on wikipedia!

Which is undeniable proof of jewish leadership of A3OB.

I dont claim anything else.

Dude, jews are just people who need to destroy the european races to establish world dominance…
They want to destroy us… not more not less. To stop them from doing so, they have to be removed from the face of the earth.

You dont have to demonize them and search for more reasons to hate them.
The holdomor wasnt intentional and in fact there has been a famine all over Russia in that period.
The only intentional killing back then was done to remove aristocracy and intellegent people who opposed socialism.
Killing your slave workers is plain stuipid.

ye, thats kind of the point and fighting about who has the most jews doesnt help.
The question is: "who has the biggest group realisticly endagnering their goverment?"
Answer is: "noone"

Szach mat polaku!

co za kurwa podludzie, niemieckie miasta które Polska ma po wojnie są utrzymane w relatywnie dobrym stanie (śląsk zdewastowali sowieci) Lwów przypomina RPA po apartheidzie, z drugiej strony, muszą niszczyć wszystko co przypomina im, że to nie oni zbudowali Lwów, aka Leopolis.

Attached: DSC_0294-800x500_c.jpg (850x511 77.76 KB, 292.99K)

all eurasionists like dugin and his filth are enemies of the west, the east bloc is run by kikes and foments the destruction of the west

I have a friend who is working with me on some smartphone games and who starts university this year. He told me that the Wolfsangel was adopted because they can be formed out of the letters 'I' and 'N'.
I = Idea
N = Nation

Wolfsangel = Idea of Nation

That friend is also anti-semitic and you guys must remember that the real Ukrainians started pogroming the jews even before the poles or germans did. Thats why they got starved out by Stalin in the first place.

you should back up your accusations with links, some of us are new to the topic and we need to be able to confirm your claim

Controlled muh raycists

Just fucking kill yourself you fucking kike. It was your revenge against the Ukrainians for dealing with you, just like you tried to have the Germans literally exterminated at the end of the war.

You'll get nothing but more accusations and juxtapositioning because there isn't any proof for anything.

are you fucking retarded?
They allways act poweroriented and not like some elephant going crazy, that is the reason the can openly promote the extentinction of Europe and you have to hide behind anonymity.

Noone in history who got to power ever had revenge in mind. I mean revenge for the sake of revenge itself.

And you can call me kike all day long, runs off like water.

I'm sorry but when people are asking the question because said jews got put in place in a fucking coup by supposedly a far right movement that like to larp as Nazis it is extremely relevant.

Ukrainian neo-nazis clearly put in place a ZOG government willingly (when they LITERALLY didn't have to and could have taken the power for themselves as they were the one doing the revolution) and are still supporting it to this very day.
So to answer OP question: yes they're clearly LARPers and just a bunch of shabbo goyims whose job is too kill their fellow whites for hooked nosed kikes as good ZOGbots.

The Russian army might be the same, but they're not the ones that overthrew their government…

fpbp. kikes help both sides.

yes, exactly. The "seperatist" russians however, are not the same I believe.

That's as honest as saying every post WW II kike in Germany got put in place by Hitler and the NSDAP and their revolt against a kiked world.

The coup was not started by them, they just crashed it and tried to make it go their way. Their only wrong doing was not succeeding with all they wanted, but then again so did ultimately even the NSDAP.

Yep, you're not from around here.

Again they put them in place as willingly as Hitler let the DDR happen.

Absolute horseshit. Putin started the communist uprisings in Donbass and Crimea which forced them to the east to keep their country from being torn apart. If they had let the commie scum grab all the land they wanted while staying in Kiev and by providence succeeded with the coup they would have been a Social Nationalist government in a state without any industry (as practically all of that was in the east) and with no relations to the rest of the world as no one would ship support a, as you would say, nazi dictatorship. With absolutely no way of acquiring arms and munitions they wouldn't have lasted a month against a communist horde basically run by Russia and supplied with every weapon Russia could spare. You are mad because they made the right call and stopped you in your tracks. They had abandon the revolt for the moment but they preserved Ukraine. Hitler made the same call when the first world war broke out; preventing Germany from being torn apart took precedence over dealing the inner decay.

You mean funneling their funds into growing organizations with the explicitly stated aim of overthrowing the government by "democratic means or other options".

Stop whining, Ivan. Pick related aren't human.

This is where it show you are Russian. Do you really think anyone but you Russians give a shit about the old government of soviet kikes who allowed their tribal kinsmen to force tens of thousands of Ukrainians into sex slavery? You're the only ones who whine about because they were pro-Russian and thus so what if they sucked the blood of the Ukrainian people? Everyone else says good riddance and it's just a shame the commie uprising got in the way of finishing the job.

Attached: commiescum.jpg (604x453, 67.98K)

3rd Reich had a foreign legion. You think they didn't praise them? You're stuck in the "console wars" of politics.

And here is the troll co-pilot.

The Donetsk trash is literal commie scum. They adorn themselves with bolshevist symbolism, hail themselves as the successor of the Donets-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic, and this is their fucking government:'s_Soviet_of_the_Donetsk_People's_Republic

It's a fucking commie state and everyone can see it. How can those ebil Ukraine nazis want to defend themselves against that?


Stop trying to praise yourself moshe. You kikes go rabid with hate all the time. Everyone here knows about Ilya Ehrenberg, Germany Must Perish and all the rest of it. You're not fooling anyone.

Except you kikes. Your desire for revenge against the whole world is the only thing that drives you.

WTF happened? A propellant canister self ignited? Because if that had been a 152mm shell self-detonating then there would be no camera left.

They got hit by something. The blast comes from the location of the howitzer and if you focus on the sound you hear the whoosh-bang just after the guy shouts krad.

Attached: bang.png (480x360, 158.7K)