30% of the Arab world is inbred
Wow, what incredible news that is.
Lazy op but good op
Fuck Imkikey
The Alt-Right
A Free Palestine
Spread the posters at every alt-kike event!
israel should be black. All jews are related by something like a 19th generation ancestor.
100% of kikes are kikes
It's more than that. 30% first cousin marriage means more than that likely have one or more cousin pairings in their recent ancestry.
Sage because this is common knowledge.
Not kike free
The entire semite world is inbred.
As said, it's common knowledge. This plus shit lazy OP = Newfag = Sage
The alt kike already does want a free palestine, mike enuch and others talk about it on their podcasts. You just want the left to stop wanting a free palestine now that BLM said it so the kikes continue to fund them. Your tricks will not work here, jew.
100% of the Jewish world is inbred. Cousin marriage and avunculate marriage going back centuries made every jew on earth the equivalent of second cousins to each other. An actual cousin marriage between jews is very likely the equivalent of brother and sister getting married.
no shit kek
I just thought you might want an official genetic study to prove this.
tell us more
I read somewhere that incest tripples the chances of retarded children (), but I cannot find the exact numbers
Wouldn't that depend on the degree of incest? Fucking your second cousin would be safer than your sister.
Would be interesting to see the data for Finland.
I thought it was ~60%.
West Coast "jews": 100%
Its 50%, and 70% of Pakis.
Generations of fucking your first cousin will do the same damage as fucking your sister
I hope you aren't under the impression that anyone else wants to breed with this genetic trash.
Have you seen some of the threads on Zig Forums recently? Hopefully it was a mercy killing.
I wonder how that compares to the Jews.
The data is of first cousin marriages. Incest levels are probably a lot higher.
Not sure, I cannot find it.
IIRC there is normally something like 0,2 (??) chance for your offspring to be retarded, and it is trippled for close-related incest.
Hoeneslty I was kinda surprised the number was that low.
Now this poises a question other then jews riling up the muslims is it just possible now to rile mudslimes in the middle east so easy is because most of them are inbred retards?
you know that they have been doing that for centuries, now, right?
you know that that kind of things builds up, right?
so i guess it won't make much of a difference if you parents are not first cousins if they're parents and grandparents were.
Really makes you think
If you mean a free Palestinian Christian nation free of Turks and Arabs, then yes.
what the fuck portugal?
If they all rook same, it's because they're directly related. Whites are the ones that do the whole marrying outside of their clan and courtship thing.
Eventually natural selection will make inbreeding not a genetic negative for the arabs anymore and they'll onlock some cool new stats
+5% explosive damage
That's interesting. but here's a question: What percentage of Ashkenazis are inbred?
Why do secular Whites rarely have babies and start families? I don't get why people that love Darwin so much, fail genetically so often.
Genetics are wonderful to study, well done OP.
I was going to mention that India has lots of inbreeding too of that type and north africa but your image covers it.
The problem with inbreeding is it is almost universal not to marry to 1st degree inbreeding, kids, siblings, etc. However it is not unusual for everyone except Europeans to pick first cousins specifically to keep wealth in the family and also because Islam encourages no dating because how can a man meet a woman if he can't see her. So people go for the second best thing which is financial planning. You know for a fact what your family has for finances, you can never be sure about the honesty of strangers with arranged marriages. These practices are done despite relatively high population densities. These are not pioneers settling sparse lands on the frontiers with max 48 neighbors within 2 days horse ride.
Genetically 3rd cousins are the best compatibility. However if you do the math if first cousins are 25% on average similar and second cousins are 12.5% then third cousins are 6.25% similar.
On average, people from your nation, such as bavarians with bavarians or londoners with londoners, are about 3% exactly same to you. Third cousins therefore are almost like coupling with a stranger of your very own nation.
The problem with anything closer than 3rd cousins coupling, especially repeatedly within 1-2 generations is that just because someone is on average 12.5% similar to you does not mean they are only that similar to you. Third cousins have the potential to be 0-25% similar to each other, first cousins potential to be 0-50% similar to each other and siblings have the potential of being 0-100% similar to each other. What can happen from repeatedly couplings then of 2nd degree cousins or closer is you end up coupling with people that have the potential to be as related to you as your siblings would be had there been no inbreeding of such close degree.
The other problem, racemixing, or reproducing with organisms so far away from you as possible while still creating viable offspring, is that many genetic mechanisms you have are more complicated than 3 or 4 genes working together. Entire genetic networks that modify and create particular kinds of proteins to particular, possibly rare kinds of, stimuli could involve dozens of genes, on different chromosomes, inherited completely separately. This means if you reproduce with someone of your nation, on average 3% exactly the same as you then you are likely to inherit beneficial genetic networks. With different races evolving to different environments for thousands, perhaps longer, years the chances of those genetic networks, that are inherited completely separately, by chance recombining in some racemixed offspring in 2 generations or later are nearly none. You could need 23 genes for a particular genetic network and if you are missing just 1 it works less than 50% as well and if you are missing 2 genes it will simply not function at all. Only from very high degrees of inbreeding, specifically purebred dogs, do you get any benefit from mating with the most distant relatives. And even then, for anyone that has tried to learn about dogbreeding, you will not mate a jack russel terrier with a labrador retriever to improve health.
Hopefully OP has enlightened you all about why Europeans are so healthy, beautiful, and intelligent compared to all other races, on average. Even if our environments didn't drive us to be so great, our social habits of not dating our cousins would raise us above the rest.
Unfortunately humans are not plants and it took millions of years for plans that reproduce better with inbreeding than not, to be able to do so. And probably thousands of near extinction events, as well as strong selective pressure due to tiny isolated islands.
Good post, you definitely know your stuff.
It should mention that your estimates on how similar a 3rd or 2nd cousins are to you doesn't take into account any inbreeding in previous generations. If the parents of this third cousin were both related to you, the third cousin would be far more genetically closer to you on average. So for Islamic nations even third cousins would be little better than second or even first cousins.
You mean HIGHLY inbred. It's 1st and second cousins we are talking about, not just some conditional population genetic bottleneck.
Islam is a green light for incest. Islam and Catholicism are allies.
It should also be mentioned that deleterious genes are usually recessive in their expression. Inbreeding can cause the absence of a gene masking the recessive trait(preventing expression) by provding two copies of the recessive gene or gene suite, while outbreeding simply removes the genes repressing the expression the recessive trait in half the offspring of that coupling. Both inbreeding and outbreeding allow traits which are recessive simply because if they weren't they would have been expressed and selected against to appear in the offspring.
And although it isn't an issue in a natural environment race mixing and inbreeding reduce tissue and blood compatibility. Nigger's might be poisoned by white blood but a half nigger is likely to be poisoned by the blood of his own parents.