I think that a lot of people, especially of color, are really hurt and upset by this.
Students at a Sacramento high school got an unanticipated dose of reality last year late, I know, but worth it when a fucking white student submitted a science fair project dealing with racial disparities in IQ. The student is a minor, so no names were released, but the child has presumably been lobotomized and/or put to sleep by a local veterinarian.
The student, who was described as Asian and as having "a history of making racist remarks in class," asked questions in his project about whether or not race plays a role in the achievement gap between his fellow based chinks and whites, who are all participants in some faggotry called the advanced Humanities and International Studies Program (HISP). His conclusion is that niggers and spics are fucking retarded.
The student's display board asked provided an answer in technical terms:
Said one student:
According to the Sacramento Bee, the students are enrolled in some kind of advanced cultural marxist brainwashing program to turn them into diversity shock troopers:
>The program currently has 508 students enrolled, including 12 African American students[12? Fucking kek!], 80 Hispanic students and 104 who are Asian, according to data provided by the district.
Based Gook wasn't having any of this.
Very nice, but how is this Donald Trump's fault, Sacramento Bee?
>Recently, (((some academics))) argued that President Donald Trump was alluding to race and intelligence when he questioned why American immigration policy should allow people from certain African, Caribbean and Central American countries to come to the United States instead of people from countries like Norway.
Are local niggers and the spics who are steadily ethnically cleansing my country scared, nervous and afraid? You bet they are!
Faced with the imminent threat of reality peeking through the dense fog of lies that holds our rainbow nation together, school officials acted swiftly:
As long as the science the student was doing is all bunk, I'll still be able to sleep tonight. Can you tell me the science is bunk, SacBee.com? Ideally by dismissing rigorous research to the alt-right and Nazi eugenics programs?