Except that "jews" and "abrahamic religions" are not the same thing.
That is to say that judaism is ONE FORM of abrahamic religion, but there are others.
Examples include: judaism, Christianity, islum, satanism, holocaustianity, luciferianism, marxism, and freemasonry.
Thus saying that "all abrahamic religions are poison" is a broader statement than saying that "judaism is poison."
It's like saying that "all fruit is poison."
That includes "oranges are poison," but also means more than that.
Christianity is the only one that has any value, but it is value mixed with kike poison.
There is some truth to this.
However, that "based on Roman Paganism Old Catholic Church Religion" does not actually exist anymore.
It mostly ended with the counter reformation and was finished off with Vatican 2.
So, while interesting from a historical perspective, it does not reflect any current "Christian" denomination.
There is this thing called the "old testament."
Heard of it?
"But it's not an important part of Christianity!!!"
Then why is it in the Bible?
Furthermore, most Christian groups are actively involved in the ongoing genocide of White people via non-White immigration into White countries.
I wonder.
How does one get around the cuckery and kikery in Christianity, though? (at the very least, in how it is taught and practiced today)
"Roman Christianity" is dead.
Other than that, Christianity is jewish fairy tales combined with the unreliable accounts of bystanders to Jesus and the events surrounding Jesus.
There are some good points to Christianity, but it is fruit of the poison tree.
You are simply wrong.
The old testament is jewish.
Christianity is built upon a JEWISH foundation.
Most of the people in the New Testament were jewish.
These are simply facts.
Poisoned ground.
You are a faggot.
Paganism is not "satanic"
satanism is an ABRAHAMIC RELIGION.
It has NOTHING to do with the traditional PAGAN religions of White people.
If you do not believe in something greater than the material world, then you will never fight for something greater.
Atheism makes you weak.
You are simply wrong.
Thinking the White American ethnostate will be Christian.
Why do you make it about the ridiculous kike concept of an "all powerful God" figure?
Do you truly believe in NOTHING?
Not even in your people?
Not even in good?
What a christcuck.
You do understand that the Bible does not support the existence of White ethnostates?
It tells you to welcome the travelers into your homes.
Why do you worship the god of the jews?
And yet the jews have been a plague on White Christian Europe for nearly two thousand years.
And yet the Popes consistently issued and upheld Papal bulls demanding that jews be protected from harm.
Christianity is not the answer.
Maybe a reformed "positive Christianity" could be part of the answer.
Atheism is not the answer.
That said, White Nationalism must come first before religion.
I suppose that is the point, though.
There are several things.
First, Whites must take pride in our people again.
We must learn about and be inspired by the great heroes and builders of the past who are of OUR PEOPLE.
Second, Whites must recognize that WE EXIST as a separate and distinct group and that we are A GREAT PEOPLE.
We must have a sense of brotherhood and solidarity with OUR KIND.
Third, we must look towards the future and work towards a GREAT FUTURE for OUR PEOPLE as a separate and distinct group.
All three of these core values of Nation have been viciously attacked by the kike media and kike schools.
We must bring back White Pride.
What modern Christian church is EXPLICITLY pro-White and "Whites only?"
If an organization is not of your people, by your people, and for your people, then it is not actually your organization, now is it?
Reminder, most Christians today ARE NOT WHITE.
Look at the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of brown and black "Christians" around the world.
Would you side with a White atheist or a White pagan over a brown Christian?
If not then YOU are the problem.
To believe in nothing beyond the observable, measurable, physical world is to be barren of soul.
A belief in something like the soul is a necessary component for human greatness.
This is probably true.
But the foundation is still jewish.
You would burn Whites who rejected your jewish "god."