Newspeak in Zig Forums

This is really a no-brainer, but I've noticed that over the years, people have switched their speech quite a bit. Rather than talk of Jews and Kikes, they talk of 'Semites' or 'Abrahamic religions', rather than talk of JIDF, they talk of intl, shareblue and so forth.

As far as I'm concerned, this is a xe/xir tier takeover of board culture and needs to be fixed, and we shouldn't wait until the day of the rope for this. In fact, after the day of the rope I don't see much point in talking about jews at all.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You literally described Imkampfy and how he behaved.

Even the shills use kike now to fit in. What are you talking about?

This is just an evolution of the named enemy, sometimes you need to refresh the vocabulary to make your plea more appealing.
But I still love the eternal

Christianism is an abrahamic religion, fucktard.

Blame the atheistcuck for this, not me.
I was only explaining the change of the vocabulary in the halfchan-right, double nigger.

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You must be talking about 4/pol/
Nobody here cares

That has more to do with how unabashedly anti white all the major Christian denominations proved themselves after the start of the migrant crisis.

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most of what you said is wrong OP

the only correct thing is that people don't talk about JIDF any more, because intl/shareblue are basically the newer versions of it. everyone knows that shit is kike-owned/operated though

saging for a shitty redundant thread, if anything YOU don't fit in to the board culture OP

There’s no such thing as an “abrahamic religion”, and that’s yet another example of the newspeak in the OP.

Jews are semites and christianism/islamism/judaism is abrahamic religions.
This is not "newspeak", I don't think you know the meaning of this word.

I have never seen this behavior on full/pol/. Are you perhaps confusing us with halfchan or the_donald? Or is this just a copypasta shill post from one of those sites?


Telling the truth might be new to you shlomo but the rest of us are quite used to it.

Enjoy :^)

Thanks for admitting you were wrong and doing the exact thing the OP warned against.

The Old Christian Religion was not "Abrahamic", Stop spreading the Jew's Meme
The "trinity", the core and defining Belief of "Christian", comes from Roman paganism.
The heavenly bureaucracy of Saints is analogous to the Roman pagan pantheon. Just like Roman paganism had a god for everything from doorways and even the door's hinges, Roman Catholicism has a patron saint for just about everything as well.
Just like Roman Paganism's worth ethic, Roman Catholicism had a work ethic. Quite different from Jesus and the "Birds of the field" teaching to mooch off the working class and look down on them.

The German National Socialist were of the people, and the people were good Christians.
The Jews hate Christianity, and are trying to turn National Socialism into some sort of degenerate pagan thing that no good "Aryan" would accept.
They do this Changing the language. What was once the Christian ethic, became the Judaeo-Christian ethic (an oxymoron), and as you noted, Jews become Semites, Christianity becomes just another "Abrahamic religion" (Christianity has very little in common with either Judaism or Islam).

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JIDF spotted.

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Why does he get mentioned so much on the genesis then?

The one trying to obfuscate language by not using specific terminology here is you,

Okay, I'll fix this for you.


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Honestly I wonder how many people read mein kmapf on here
Hitler made it pretty clear when talking about the pan-German party of Austria that one of its main failures was alienating too many potential Austrian voters by taking a radical stand against the Catholic Church
The same logic would apply here, if you’re trying to get your views into the mainstream then saying you’re against Christianity will Allienate too many potential white supporters

This isn’t too say, of course, that nothing should be done about the cuckoldry in the all Churches today, but that a more surgical approach like how Hitler handled Christianity is necessary for future success.

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Yeah, because that's what the true and immutable and only word of the true god is all about.

t. scheming jews that can cheat and lie to the gentiles all the time and feel good about it thanks to taschlich, kapparot, kol nidre and co

National Socialism is both Pagan and Christian. Anyone who says otherwise is an obvious D&C shill who would otherwise be banned if not for kikemonkey.

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Hi Rabbi.
The problem with your argument is that you're trying to fool the goys with your "Your book" fallacy.
Sure, Islam, Roman Christianity, and Judaism all share the same "Book" as an icon, but "as practiced", Roman Christianity was the Catechism, Judaism was the Talmud, and Islam the Sunnah, and these define quite different ideologies.
There was no "conversion", the Romans needed a common religion and one that would control their slaves, and that's why they created their version of "Christianity". It had Roman values, not Christian and not Jew.
I don't think that anyone is going to fall for your Jew shit, Rabbi. Unless you yourself are a goy who fell for their jew shit.

kys rabbi.
National socialism is simple: one people, one government. It can be any religion, but there were no pagans in Germany. Take you're jew pagan shit and shove it where the sun don't shine.

Churches arent Christians btw. The politicized clergy was only ever the problem, shabbos leadership following kikes will and trying to put pressure on the government for pro-kike outcomes using their lemming masses. In National Socialism Christians are free to practice, as long as they adhere to their own belief that they are not of this world and that what happens here isnt their concern. Stay the fuck out of politics with it.

This tbh
The brothers of the book meme is probably the biggest forced Jewish meme of the century
Obvious shill is obvious. That pic above is Maibaum, a PAGAN FERTILITY RITUAL. Now off yourself.

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This is true in islam as well.

Christian means those who believe in the Nicene creed, and that means the trinity, and the trinity comes from Roman Paganism.
This Judaeo-Christian meme is pure Jew bullshit. The Roman answer to Judaism was given by Emperor Hadrian - wipe them out of Jedea, death penalty for any Jew that returned.
Amazing, Isn't it? Can you imagine a heritage of a people who, for 4000 years, have been a pain in the butt to everyone until they have enough of you and try to drive you out?

Nice try, Rabbi.

Believing in any religion makes you weak.

These mind games irritate me. It's time for a serious, intellectually fit society, instead of these cultist jokes and games.

Mere popularity counts for nothing in the search for truth and justice.
If you can't understand that, then you're exactly the sort of fool that I absolutely despise.

Understand one thing:

All religions are false and there is no god.

Yeah, there is that, isn't there.
Still, one people one government, and there were effectively no pagans in Germany, just Catholics, Lutherans and Jews (who were not of the folk, and neither would be a pagan)

It makes you human.
If you want to be atheist, fine, but you aren't one of the folk.
If you're spreading your atheist anti-Christian, anti-folk memes, you'll be kicked out of the ethnostate. You can always go to Israel, Rabbi.

You choose to play the fool?

When will you understand that the belief in ancient deities cannot lead to good results, especially in a technological society? Are you going to pretend that I'm wrong here? Pretend that there is a god, when there is not?

Get out.

I have no time for word games, or mere logic.

If you think there's a god, then show me your god. If you cannot show me real results, then get out. We have nothing to discuss. I am a builder, not a writer or a liberal.

I work with my hands. If my work results in nothing, then there is nothing, no matter how many promises I make, or how many word games I play.

Mere words, thoughts, or feelings, can never compare to actual work that is done for real, and done effectively, with skill. If you have nothing to show me, then get out. Your kind is not wanted here.

You will not be the one to build the new society if you have only mere words to speak.

You keep thinking you're smart for spreading this jew "atheist" meme. You are either a Jew, or the literal fool.
The existence of god makes no more difference to the religion than the existence of Santa Clause does for Christmas.
The Religion defines the community's values, it protects the community from degeneracy, it forms social bonds in the community, it gets the community to help each other…
Your idiotic Jew "atheist" meme is against all that… it is pro-degeneracy, pro-multicultural, pro-hedonistic, and anti-folk.
The Christians had it right to burn heretics. They're a pox on the people.

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Read Revolt Against the Modern World and hang yourself for being a hyper jew

you know how people pretend their ideology is superior to another?

The arrogance of the atheists is pure Chutzpah.
God damn, come here, spread this anti-folk pro-diversity degenerate meme…

That quote is from Robert Ley, not Adolf Hitler.
/r/ing Deutsch/pol/ to confirm, but Robert Ley is here saying that the God Jahova will either devour jews or Germans depending on who wins

It's interesting that you create fantasies out of studying none of the history you talk about:

Constantine, however, supported the separation of the date of Easter from the Jewish Passover (see also Quartodecimanism), stating in his letter after the First Council of Nicaea (which had already decided the matter):

"… it appeared an unworthy thing that in the celebration of this most holy feast we should follow the practice of the Jews, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin, and are, therefore, deservedly afflicted with blindness of soul … Let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd; for we have received from our Saviour a different way."[2]

Theodoret's Ecclesiastical History records The Epistle of the Emperor Constantine, concerning the matters transacted at the Council, addressed to those Bishops who were not present:

"It was, in the first place, declared improper to follow the custom of the Jews in the celebration of this holy festival, because, their hands having been stained with crime, the minds of these wretched men are necessarily blinded. … Let us, then, have nothing in common with the Jews, who are our adversaries. … Let us … studiously avoiding all contact with that evil way. … For how can they entertain right views on any point who, after having compassed the death of the Lord, being out of their minds, are guided not by sound reason, but by an unrestrained passion, wherever their innate madness carries them. … lest your pure minds should appear to share in the customs of a people so utterly depraved. … Therefore, this irregularity must be corrected, in order that we may no more have any thing in common with those parricides and the murderers of our Lord. … no single point in common with the perjury of the Jews."[3]

For the jew it was never about 'brotherhood' and we all know that they are 1) mongrels 2) not related to Europeans. The jew was all about everyone being 'made in his image' as he was the god of the OT…or the demiurge, I suppose some people would say. Vengeful impure, genocidal, pederast…etc etc…this whole forced agenda of 'making Europeans in their image ('Kalergi plan'; which is actually much older than the 'kalergi plan dysgenic' mutilation of other nations and people is something they have been doing for thousands of year.

European males have already given into the program via jewish porn and training themselves to orgasm to race mixing. It is only European women that stand in the way of absolute destruction of the European people…and for that they purposefully imported millions if not hundreds of millions of low IQ violent raping males into European nations to complete the destruction of Europe, Europeans our DNA, beliefs and culture.

ETHNO-GLOBE none of these other races are our 'friends' they deserve COMPLETE EXTERMINATION. Since a high percent of European males hate women, there will be no defense of our people via women or our culture. Men are trained to love asian, black and spic pussy which is low IQ immoral trash and trained via jewish coercion to hate their own women…see any Zig Forums thread that is full of shills (posing as European men) breaking down the cohesiveness between European men and women. They do this so that you will hate your women and shrug off the defense of your nations and culture.

E X T E R M I N A T I O N of them ALL!

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You are the victim of a cult.

You are brainwashed into believing something that is not true. Is this how you wish to spend your life? Believing in lies?

Why? For the sake of your society? Look at where it's gotten you. Look at our society.

I'll tell you once: Religion is not the bond that forms a good society.

It is the PEOPLE. The people themselves are the society. Not their politics, not their religion, not their market system, and not even their technological level. A good people will make a good society in any century. A good people is timeless. A good people will not fail you.

But you are failing me, because I already know the truth about this issue. I already know that the religion you speak of is false. I know you are lying.

You must be cast out. You are the enemy of the people.

You lie.


Check it out, oy vey we can't cast out the jews goyim!

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The JIDF specifically defended jews. Current shills are mercenaries for everyone. Not just jews.
And I haven't seen anyone talk semites or abrahamic religions. Only shills.

The question is simple.

Is there a god? Or is there not a god?

If there is a god, then we must commune with it. But that will just look like a cult.
If there is no god, we must have another way to inspire the people.

But what?


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You're right. We must believe in religion, even if it is not true. Facts don't matter. Only feelings do. I feel God in my heart, and that means it must be true. xDDDD

spergy reddit faggot confirmed

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The two most popular offshoots of Jewish Judaism are Christianity and Islam.

Huh. What a coincidence.

I am fine alone, you’re the person causing to trouble

That's funny; he was shit but you became a 'global board' afterwards and don't realize the implications of that.


Every fucking thread is like this now. Just filter obvious retards.

In the science of cultural anthropology, it's called a "culture". All human societies have one. Why is that? Because a culture and it's religion provide a selective advantage to the people.
Western Culture is the greatest culture in the world and the true flower of humanity.
Your atheism? It is a parasite belief, and it is a belief as the scientific stand would be agnostic, that cannot exist without a host culture - much like Judaism.
Before Christianity was poisoned by the jews, Atheists were casts out or even burned. This was not a bad thing at all.
It works. It created the greatest civilization the world has ever known. Atheism, on the other hand, leads to degeneracy, cultural failure and extinction. Only retards chose extinction and think that's "smart"
You have to go back to Reddit, Rabbi.
The JIDF is not wanted here.

I'm a big initial user of this here. I use it to umbrella Judaism+Islam+Christianity together as the multiheaded hydra it is. Christianity and Islam are Jewish by pedigree, regardless of how much (((fundie christcuck retards))) spout "synagogue of satan."

Personally, I reject mysticism outright. 'Religions' are meme-complexes which are under evolutionary selection pressures. Atheistic/secular science has done more to bring man out of the miserable mudheap than millennia of ANY MYSTICISM, let alone Abrahamism, has. Secular science is the strongest medicine by far!

You're Jewing pertty hard, Rabbi.
Do they pay you much for these anti-Christian, pro-degenerate, anti-folk posts?

He finally brings out the best part:

He's actually doing his best to take away everything Christians ever did for you as the sole group responsible for the vast majority of scientific achievements ever made. Not to mention that the secular folk are by far the easiest to meme in literally any direction you want and that their popcorn brains of logic wouldn't even be functional without a search engine that's uberkiked.

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The ones after money are the ones in the cult.

The Jews, the Christians, the Muslims, are after power and money. I don't think either of them mind lying to get it. You certainly don't, you filthy liar.

Youre the kike.

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All these scientific advances were made because they were white, not because of christianity.

Elementary-tier logic suggests you're functionally retarded with that article as a mantra.

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Should fish get credit today for walking on land too, or is your favorite memeplex special?

The Roman Christians were after the money, true.
They used that to fund universities, hospitals and missions as well as places of gathering (churches) and local social events.
The missions to non-European countries was a grave mistake.

Your meme is shit btw, the final panel is supposed to be a break in logic from all those leading up to it which is the point of the joke, its when you go "Oh wait, Paganism is aryan" except something whittier because thats shit too.

No shit! The vast majority of whites who ever existed were Christians and as bishops and priests it was their full-time job!

Thank you. Can you believe people actually want to separate the white man from the single most civilized religion on the planet that's the most hated by kikes ever to exist?

Pierce>shitcunt formerly banned jidf troll

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gee maybe because when you call them out as being shareblue they shut up but when you call them jews they laugh.

You're the idiot who literally believes Eve was created from Adam's rib!

To accomplish, you need:
1) genetics.
2) culture that allows scientific investigation
3) large cities.
4) Enough resources to fund an intellectual class.
You can't do that if you're poor (leaves out the "nordic' states), or if your culture forbids scientific investigation (like Islam).

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Only a boomer would think christianity birthed whites. There were whites living millennia before your sacred (((Moses))), you foreskin-gobbler!

Does it matter what the creation belief is?
But these idiots who say we have to submit to one world government because of a non-science argument about man made global warming, that matters.

Sure we can have a religious debate if you want to go down that route. That requires taking the system into context and not just taking tidbits you can't seem to understand out of a context you never apply.

Wasn't the meme I wanted, but it looked similar from the thumbnail.
Point is the "but muh atheism" folks are autistic children who want to call off Christmas because he says Santa Clause is a fake and wonders why father says "yeah, you're right" and then slaps the shit out of him.

Proof it ma
Inb4 the assumptions of someone based on guesses and measurements that don't exist
Inb4 proposes I should believe that instead of facts and history that plainly exist, like the arrival of human society in every continent ~3500 years ago

Yes, because memes matter!

>God creates man within said unified field, with the scourges of structural corruption due to entropy [aka disease, disability, death], limited brain computational power to process imperfect information into actions, then has the gall to damn the things he fucked up creating as punishment for rejecting his (((son))).
I can tell you never thought about this critically.

Yeah, Jews in Europe were always hated outcasts facing extinction at a moment's notice and were never protected by the church, given favorable treatment, allowed to become wealthy and powerful or allowed to enter poli-

Oh wait, by every conceivable metric Jews have been more successful in Europe than anywhere else by a huge margin. Huh, how'd that happen? Surely it was those darned pagans who have been so numerous for the last 1200 years and not those good, pious Christians who were BASED and REDPILLED and the Vatican in particular had nothing to do with protecting Jews ever.

Keep paying your taxes boomer! Israel needs your support.


If you are going to honestly propose any single person other than Jesus is more hated by the modern "jews" than anyone else, feel free. It'd not only be a violation of their religious texts and teachings for the last two thousand years, but hey be my guest.

I notice you didn't proof it, ma.

I notice that while you were busy ranting about what the kikes want you to rant about that you're still trying to shill against the white man's religion.

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That's nice, kill yourself.

Gods are unfalsifiable as far as I know. Given all the disinfo intended to confuse and distort worldviews, keep some principles in mind:
(1) Team White is most important. You're a White man first and only, no hyphenated faggotry, no brother wars.
(2) Remain objective about religious institutions past and present, good and bad. Use them as tools to further White interests.
(3) Time is precious. Most of us shouldn't have the time to read Ben Klassen, some nuanced .pdf of Bible interpretations, or whatever real Pagan vs cuck Pagan literature. Be more productive with your time, unless you are a specialist in the research. Make money, get skilled, help your brothers out, make babies, read for health wealth and wisdom.

While I 100% agree, I also think Christianity should hold a special place in the heart of any person wanting to save their homeland from the jew. Link-related. The authority of the church is not something to be feared by non-degenerates and people capable of putting up with dogma that is honest enough to present itself as such.

Well, I'm going to have to take you up on that offer because Hitler is certainly much more reviled than Jesus these days. However, the Jewish attitude towards Jesus (a Jewish schismatic) does not preclude a certain fondness of Christians as a known quantity and useful idiots and for their part Christians have apparently been happy to play the role. The only anti-Jewish pogrom of any real consequence in Europe was carried out by the explicitly least Christian European state in thousands of years (the largest anti-Jewish pogrom ever was carried out in the Jewish homeland by pagan Rome, oddly enough; really makes you think) and if you think that's a coincidence I have a bridge to sell you. But hey, don't take my word for it - take it directly from an article published by a Jewish think tank in Jerusalem, written by an Israeli Jew for consumption by other Jews. If you can't be assed to read the actual article, I've provided an image with some handy bullet points.

Ah yes, the "white man's religion" that is a universalist faith explicitly based around the life and teachings of the leader of a schismatic Jewish cult in the levant, heavily reliant on Jewish mythology through and through and which was so graciously imported to European gentiles by the Jew Saul of Tarsus. European to the core, BASED and REDPILLED and those countless Europeans that were put to the sword by Christians for practicing their indigenous beliefs were just Jewish golems and once they were gone a grievous blow was struck to the nerve center of world Jewry, thousands of miles away.

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Except that "jews" and "abrahamic religions" are not the same thing.
That is to say that judaism is ONE FORM of abrahamic religion, but there are others.
Examples include: judaism, Christianity, islum, satanism, holocaustianity, luciferianism, marxism, and freemasonry.
Thus saying that "all abrahamic religions are poison" is a broader statement than saying that "judaism is poison."
It's like saying that "all fruit is poison."
That includes "oranges are poison," but also means more than that.

Christianity is the only one that has any value, but it is value mixed with kike poison.

There is some truth to this.
However, that "based on Roman Paganism Old Catholic Church Religion" does not actually exist anymore.
It mostly ended with the counter reformation and was finished off with Vatican 2.
So, while interesting from a historical perspective, it does not reflect any current "Christian" denomination.

There is this thing called the "old testament."
Heard of it?
"But it's not an important part of Christianity!!!"
Then why is it in the Bible?
Furthermore, most Christian groups are actively involved in the ongoing genocide of White people via non-White immigration into White countries.

I wonder.
How does one get around the cuckery and kikery in Christianity, though? (at the very least, in how it is taught and practiced today)

"Roman Christianity" is dead.
Other than that, Christianity is jewish fairy tales combined with the unreliable accounts of bystanders to Jesus and the events surrounding Jesus.
There are some good points to Christianity, but it is fruit of the poison tree.

You are simply wrong.

The old testament is jewish.
Christianity is built upon a JEWISH foundation.
Most of the people in the New Testament were jewish.
These are simply facts.
Poisoned ground.

You are a faggot.
Paganism is not "satanic"
satanism is an ABRAHAMIC RELIGION.
It has NOTHING to do with the traditional PAGAN religions of White people.

If you do not believe in something greater than the material world, then you will never fight for something greater.
Atheism makes you weak.

You are simply wrong.

Thinking the White American ethnostate will be Christian.

Why do you make it about the ridiculous kike concept of an "all powerful God" figure?
Do you truly believe in NOTHING?
Not even in your people?
Not even in good?

What a christcuck.
You do understand that the Bible does not support the existence of White ethnostates?
It tells you to welcome the travelers into your homes.
Why do you worship the god of the jews?

And yet the jews have been a plague on White Christian Europe for nearly two thousand years.
And yet the Popes consistently issued and upheld Papal bulls demanding that jews be protected from harm.

Christianity is not the answer.
Maybe a reformed "positive Christianity" could be part of the answer.
Atheism is not the answer.
That said, White Nationalism must come first before religion.
I suppose that is the point, though.

There are several things.
First, Whites must take pride in our people again.
We must learn about and be inspired by the great heroes and builders of the past who are of OUR PEOPLE.
Second, Whites must recognize that WE EXIST as a separate and distinct group and that we are A GREAT PEOPLE.
We must have a sense of brotherhood and solidarity with OUR KIND.
Third, we must look towards the future and work towards a GREAT FUTURE for OUR PEOPLE as a separate and distinct group.

All three of these core values of Nation have been viciously attacked by the kike media and kike schools.
We must bring back White Pride.

What modern Christian church is EXPLICITLY pro-White and "Whites only?"
If an organization is not of your people, by your people, and for your people, then it is not actually your organization, now is it?

Reminder, most Christians today ARE NOT WHITE.
Look at the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of brown and black "Christians" around the world.
Would you side with a White atheist or a White pagan over a brown Christian?
If not then YOU are the problem.

To believe in nothing beyond the observable, measurable, physical world is to be barren of soul.
A belief in something like the soul is a necessary component for human greatness.

This is probably true.
But the foundation is still jewish.

You would burn Whites who rejected your jewish "god."

You have a bridge to sell me for good reason. I'll agree to disagree happily on this issue without further discussion since you aren't using mentally defunct logic that the antichrist brigade here has been disgusting me with for a long enough time. Good on you, and carry on in this front.

However, as far as a strengthening of paganism is concerned, it pales in comparison to a strengthening of Christianity uncucked and unkiked. Not only for the fact that one is actually doable in such a mass scale that a billion or more is possible, but for the fact that this has been its historic and practical understanding for well over 90% of any example you could want to see in history. If you want to say the modern church is corrupted, I ask you for any religion that isn't equally corrupted (if not more so). Paganism is *extremely* corrupted by the jew, especially in European countries and going all the way to India. The only nerve you struck with a hypothetical rediscovery of white paganism was a typical forewarning of modern affairs that they plan to subvert further. I have thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands of documents for thousands of years to read about how the kike fears the Christian authority and despises its existence in every way. The argument that Christians were ever more willing to be duped by kikes for the sake that their Christian is simply mistaken for the fact that we're talking about *white* Christians, and *white* people are the most lenient in letting literally any group living as peacefully as can be without sign of aggression as called out by their leadership.

Either way I have things to do and don't have time to properly overload this post with source material. I'm just glad one of you can carry a point that isn't laughably ignorable on its face and would strongly encourage you to understand that the kike's primary goal in the world is to forever destroy any and everything Christian from ever existing, and that it's a core value of kikery (by religious demand) that even if you choose to be whatever you want they will hold you accountable for any perceived crime your ancestors ever could have considered to have done to a jew.

You massively misunderstand Christianity and what Judaism is to such an extent that it's hard to know where to even start.

Judaism was started by an escaped rabbi from the siege of Jerusalem after Christ died to oppose jewish zealotry. Its teachings then got married with rabbi akiva's attempt to create a messiah who will kill all who oppose the world domination of a jewish temple, all of which is built on a necessity that all followers of Jesus are the swine who will boil in feces with him in hell. They lament anything a Christian has ever done and have played wack-a-mole for thousands of years trying to redefine every event in history when a Christian leader learned the truth of their actions. It's literally the most hated group of people by any serious and not self-hating jew that lives.

The "old testament" is a set of books that the jews only interpret through layers of interpretations done about a thousand years or so ago by people who can't even comprehend what "do not steal" means while making that into "do not steal from a jew." Overall you're right enough for there to be no issue. And it's agreeable indeed that there are few now who are willing to put on the red cross and fight the kike fueled invaders that intend to rampage and make-degenerate their land. But, I assure you that with the right leaning of enough historic context that it is not at all something too difficult to happen in the very, very near future.

Hellenic greece? Roma? Aryan persia(before mongrelization)? Aryan upper class india(pre mongrelization)? All those civilizations produced the basis of science before kikes like you spread christianism.
Before joshua kikeberg all those pagans dont created knowledge, right jacob?
One funny stuff is that islam done a lot of scientific discovery but the majority doing this was the remenants of the white persians…what a coincidence!