Help with name of a political party

Hello my fellow whites and JIDF,

After researching the assassination of a Dutch politician called Pim Fortuyn I really became interested in politics. I am going to slay the jew dragon that has taken over this country but I need a good name for my party.

My target audience will be mostly white men and women but I won't be discriminating against anyone. It ain't their fault they got lured by them jews to the West.

Beware JIDF, Mossad etc I WILL shoot back in self-defence. I can sleep save at night, I don't need your camera's, motion-sensors etc.

I will be having some nice doggies who will be warning me before you can come to my house.

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Verenigd Nederland
but register it quick, before someone else takes it

politics and mass strategy are useless. Name me one successful attempt to seize power from the jews with politics after ww2. Read siege.

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There is a section in mein kampf where Hitler talks about how the named the NSDAP.

Just wow! Brother, you must be heaven-sent.

Sure, I will be a good goy and spend my time sitting at home behind /pol and won't stand up Mr. Merchant.

Thank you for the advice, I'll sure look it up. There is no better teacher then the Fuhrer himself lol.


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Haha best name but unfortunately impossible to register due to the laws.

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Just wait until Baudet's Forum voor Democratie will rule the nation.

read siege again.

TNWE Party.
Total Non-White Extinction.

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Shut up edge lord

ok waste your time faggot.

You sure he is not a crypto-jew?
His family is french/Indonesian btw.

Maybe I will look into it and then I decide wether I'd read it or not.

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WW2 was the last time anybody stood up to the jews. You people want Whites to not do anything but wait for a savior because doing nothing is much easier than doing something.

I just have a 'nose' for it spotting those things lol

Thank you brother, that is what I meant.
They always try to discourage you doing anything. That is why there is also so many distractions in the form of entertainment etc.

Anything is better then just sit down and do nothing. They only need 1 or 2 more generations and the people will be so dumbed down and confused. Then it's over.

Jew World Order

Wasn’t he a homosexual or something?

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Doubt it. He specifically opposes much of (((their))) agenda, and is known to have ties with /ourguy/ Jared Taylor.

He was, but it was in a time when homosexuals weren't full-on depraved. He also opposed gay marriage despite being gay himself.

Yeah , that is true. He was also a victim of the jewish brainwash lol.

But yeah I never said I want to be gay like him..

thats a joo

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If you're in burgerland I would suggest the American Isolationist party. If in europ pick something based off their history as well

Taylor's quote is misleading. He was stating the left consensus, not what he believes in.

Ah my bad then. Maybe I am just a tad paranoid then by thinking everyone who has a bit of support is controlled opposition.

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Hallo Ali

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I don’t know Dutch, but you should be an ethnonationalist party looking to save the Dutch people. Normies are far more terrified of white nationalism than ethnonationalism. You could also ally with other European Ethnonationalist parties to help achieve broader white nationalism.

something not obviously national socialist, just something based which shows that you care for your country, which as we both know it, will mean your people - because a nation is a people.

If you want a meme party call it ControlledOpposition

SIEGE is a great book but there's no reason you can't utilize a political party exclusively for the promotion of ideas rather than attempting to create some sort of mass cuckold movement.

Kankerneger Partij

Just checking these for luck.

I don’t support alien ideologies

What this idiot doesn't realize is that you can't overthrow a regime without putting another in its place. Thus, a party is needed to structure the government after its collapse. Its also needed to lead the revolution by establishing a paramilitary and gathering popular support

The Master Race Party