Italy's Salvini announces possible return of military conscription

Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant

Schlomo Shekelstein, legiones redde!

Friendly reminder that you - yes, you - can, and must, do what Salvini is doing right now.

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wtf is this degeneracy

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Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski.
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.

March, march, Dąbrowski,
From Italy to Poland.
Under your command
We shall rejoin the nation.

Good. Conscription is a vital thing to maintain cohesion amongst the ethnic group of a nation, and increases the chances that a person grows up to consider their nation a homeland rather than just another country.

It also seems to make the nation in general less keen on voting in people who support wars for Israel, although that might just be a coincidence.

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Magnifico! Ave, il nuovo Duce!

At this point, with his rising popularity, I really wouldn't be surprised if he takes over as Duce. If the US can't be saved, getting Italian citizenship may be plan B.

YOU can't be saved.

I didn't think he'd actually do this. Impressive.

That's my guess.

I qualify for Italian citizenship under Jus Sanguinus, calm down.

Nice, I qualify for Zig Forumsish citizenship under Jus Sanguinus.

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This is a logical step to rebuild Italy's morale. Can't wait to hear leftist acquaintances going on about how the leader of Italy is a "literal nazi" for doing this.

American/Canadian leftists seem to love to comment about these sort of "far-right" uprisings despite not living anywhere near the imported human garbage which prompted them.

Yes, this is where the term 'Limousine Liberal' came from.

(((They))) make absolutely sure they never have to deal with the consequences of their actions. That's what plebians like us are for!

Pic unrelated

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Champagne socialists virtue signaling is an easy fix once you point to and sneak every shitskin into their homes and call them bigots for not allowing them a piece of property.

There are no civilians in democracy. If a person has right to vote, then he is just as responsible for the war as the politicians that started it, and thus is just as valid military target as the person behind a rifle.

We use "Champagne Socialists" in Europe.

Hes considering it and put it out there on twitter & facebook to get some feedback on it.
How I would structure it:
- Summer program worth one credit towards high school. If you start in the summer before high school, you could get four credits by grade 12 which allows the student to finish a semester earlier or have spares throughout the years.
- Optional for everyone, mandatory for students who finish the year with an average lower than 75%. Have tutors for the students forced to be there.
- Make it more about training to be fit/eating habits…vs just training to be in the military or police force.
- Have separate programs for men and women.

I call them "faggots" and it works just as good.
But learning knew words is fun.

I mean, they are faggots, so it's a moot point.

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Girls above all need the most discipline in this degenerate era in which they thrive like flies on mounds of shit. Mandatory military service is the only way to get back to something real at this point. It's probably the only institution left in the West that isn't completely broken down that its requirements demand obedience and discipline. The last 10 years they've done massive damage to the institution in the U.S. though so I'm not sure how much is left for such a purpose.

No one can be this fucking stupid, this retard HAS to be a kike trying to celebrate the murder of (((conscripted))) white women

I bet you call movies "motion pictures" as well.

Girls are mostly useless in military service (and other places). They should do that they can really do. Give birth. Mandatory breeding service till 2 children per woman are born.

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That’s not work, that’s fags trying con people into doing degenerate things.

In a conflict such as we have here women and girls are worth more.

People with military training, both conscription and voluntary service, are more willing to die for their country.
Indoctrination works.

Boomers on suicide watch.

No risking/sacrificing life without representation.

Military service for your country (not Israel) is the most noble thing a citizen can do. All people who can't, or refuse to join the militia shouldn't be allowed to vote.

God bless Salvini

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The division of white men and women was the very first step in the destruction of European civilization/people. Feminism was the first agenda pushed after WW2.

a man cannot serve two masters.
and if anybody has that attitude no country can or will be saved.

Dormi bene Duce

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but women are useless in combat and decrease the effectiveness of any military

It is "jus sanguinis".
Now write on the blackboard 100 times "iudaei ite domum".


That means more fascists go to war, which means more dead fascists when we come over there and put you scumbags down again.

Then we'll have more settlement room for the diverse New Europeans we settle Italy with!

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Only in a sick, degenerate and jewified society is something this morally abhorrent possible.

There's a dick somewhere that's not being sucked, get to it faggot.

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The US is officially 61.27% white (, but that number underestimates the number of illegals by 20-30 million. "Whites" are in the low-50% range, and when you take into account kikes, actual whites are at or below 50%.

Of those whites, the majority are too old to fight. Half of the rest are socialists/shitskin-lovers.

The odds of a committed national socialist (or even race realist) group taking out 150-200 million non-whites, either via kicking out or killing, are pretty insane. Either the war happens now, as in the next few years even to have a shot (not to mention advancing military technology that's overwhelming), or the US is finished.

This is gonna backfire hard, even Italy is still too pozzed as a whole for this to work.

Who is "we?"
Do you think that you trannys, soyboys, and faggots are going to actually take up rifles and go to war?
Will YOU, personally, do so?
Do you think that the ACTUAL MEN in ANY White country are going to go to war with other White men when WE AGREE WITH THEM?
This is not 1939/ 1941 anymore.
We are not ignorant farm boys anymore.
We do not believe the lying press anymore.
Whites all over are seeing the shitholification of White homelands.
And have had just about enough of this shit.

We will fight for OUR people.

But by all means, start your "glorious shithole marxist revolution"
Or don't and keep waking up Whites with your anti-White hatred and other bullshit.
Regardless, we will keep redpilling Whites.

Stop White genocide
Remove ZOG
Reestablish White homelands.

Good, mandatory military service will turn the newer generation of kids into MEN (so more likely to be right wing) instead of the faceberg obsessed faggots we have today.
I have always been for freedom of choice regarding stuff like this, but now seeing how bad things are getting this is nothing but good news.

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If they sail with an italian flag, its grounds for seizing their boat. If they sail with someone elses they can legally reject them.
Checkmate niggers. KEK!

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Agreed. The new war will not be a brother war.

Quivering in me boots, lads.

Crypto-globalist gathering the youth to smash them into another crypto-globalist army. The eternal merchant owns the entire show. The politicians, materials, weapons, and the companies contracted to rebuild. They never infiltrated anything. They've always owned everything as masters of global trade since the beginning. Every move you make within their game increases your debt to them.

An actual human would be maximizing the skills and independence of his people. Military is all cost no value. It only makes sense as far as guarding your resources makes sense. What resources does Italy have to justify this military action? None. He spouts gibberish about restless young citizens, integration and cohesion, and firearm responsibility as though they're an argument. There's nothing measurable. It's a made up relation to sell the merchant's wares and war. Like every other time in history.

Your votes mean nothing compared to the stack of merchant cash and guns. The military is also happily flooded with niggers and spics. It's not a good measure for anything.

Pre-18th or 19th century, there was war after war conducted by various tribes and nations trying to survive and advance their own interests. The kikes didn't gain true global control until relatively recently through world banking and currency. Salvini seems to want true nationalism as in the pre-kike-dominance era. Maybe his goal is to get the manpower and nationalistic momentum to drive out internal enemies. National service is an important step to reinvigorate a weakened, soft nation.

Bullshit. Merchant dominance only gets worse the further back in time you go. They could make up entire wars out of whole cloth and the people had to take their word.

There you go jumping from A to Z like a good shill. Military service is important because it's good!

Simpler than that. Police numbers are dangerously low (along with fire) and youth with mil training are more likely to chose those lines of work.

Yeah, yeah, your delusions about what is going on are quite obvious. What are his actual motives? Where is his argument? His given premises do not point to military service. They're vague terms that retards fill with their own projected meaning. This indicates a charlatan and a scam.

What's with Sarah Jeong?

Cancel that. Wrong thread

If it's really a civil service cop-out, then nothing changes. If it actually causes a decent amount of Italians to get military training, it will be an overall plus. You're missing that Salvini is at square one–a population of girly men who can't fire a gun. You aren't talking a standing ZOG MIC world police empire bot force fighting for Goldman like US. As far as stuff Salvini can do to improve the fighting age population quickly, making military service mandatory is one of them (and again, if it does turn out that this is some cop-out bullshit move, then yeah, it's useless). Hard to debate until more details are available.

you're retarded if you think the military only needs soldiers

Hes scamming the country by giving military training and forcing potential future faggots to not be faggots? Sounds legit.

Obviously this.

This x100

Your lame attempt at blackpilling has no power here, just give up.
The only scumbags who are going to go down are you, your fellow "anti-racist" soyboys and your (((masters))) and when the time comes, you will be there begging us for mercy, or even claiming that you are being persecuted for no reason, but that isn't going to work a second time, and you'll face the consequences of (((your))) crimes.

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If he really believed this he wouldn't devote his time to shilling an image board every day.

You are delusional like all your comrades. This is no Frogistan or Bongistan, everybody hates niggers and towelheads apart from jews and catladies. And jews made a big mistake - nobody questions their jewery so they are recognized as fellow whites and they are available as punching balls. "Excuse me mr. Officer, I was not aware of this scum being a filthy kike". Soon we will set the Senator Luca Traini free and our god of racewar will lead the cleansing. Dotr will include soyboys like you too. We want to be really inclusive this time.

Oh look, it's this faggot again.

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History disagrees.

Exactly, White Rhodesians were hilariously overwhelmed in numbers but for over 15 years were able to deliver countless devastating blows to the nigger/(((soviet))) alliance. The only reason the Rhodesians didn't win was that they had no political way of winning.

Well actually Mohammed sucked on other men's tongues, not their dicks

What will actually happen -> White right will have their team mobilized and muzzies will prey on the weak (shitlibs). The few that make it out of those cities alive will run towards the right for assistance. Then they'll receive a proper beating for starting this entire mess. (Pic related) is your future: raped by muzzies or the rope.

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Sounds like a great way to defeat libtards. Italy's public education system must be shit like the U.S. I hate to say this but I support conscription. People have no idea that freedom is not free and always has a cost. Military service teaches the cost.
