He just fired that Criminal Strzok!
Trump Moves against the Deep State
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A. Gent Sneed. Formally FBI Chuck
More… Can Trump win against the corrupt FBI/DNC alliance against America?
He already has.
Go back to reddit.
I demand moar salt
You realize Trump controls the NSA and has access to every file in Government history. He can declassify documents at any moment but it seems he is legitimate trying to turn this plane around without crashing it with no survivors.
I need more escalation, gib more escalation.
He's going to wear a wig soon.
Thanks, civnat. We don’t need a new thread for every single Trump tweet, and we’re not going to have one.
Q-LARP spam goes in its containment board, satan: >>>/qresearch/
Strzok the Bald Cuck
Lmao @ ur life bruh
This is what redditors actually believe.
They actually think the president is told anything true.
Funny how he isn’t doing that, then, huh? He spends more time denouncing racism than actually doing his constitutionally mandated job.
In what way does it seem that?
I'm sure a yarmulke would be the perfect size to cover up that shiner
That poor boy, the African is going to hurt him
Any experts with Photoshop? If so, here's your request.
Gonna need moar salt, you jewish fucktard. These freedom fries won't season themselves.
I understand that this thread rustles your diminutive Jew ass but eventually you'll have to terms with the venue and accept that sage is not a downvote and we're having the thread whether you like it or not.
Being bald is a sign of high testosterone.
Great going, sport.
You know that he now depends on derailment on trying to become the attention whore, right?
Here it is in all its glory, folks. The Trump shills are not National Socialists. They work for pissrael.
Trump cannot declassify documents classified by previous presidents.
Sure he could, via executive order and citing "National Security". It would be unconstitutional, as every executive order after WWII ended has been, but he could do it as every other president after WWII has used executive orders.
This is what jews actually think we will believe.
I should have said "every" because Trump has also used executive orders multiple times already
sage for self response
Trips go wherever the fuck they want, moshe.
Might be the cause of it.
The shills are arguing amongst themselves.
This is excellent.
Specifically DHT, but it's also a sign that I'll make fun of your ass for being bald and women will naturally gravitate away from you because you will never be a Chad with Aryan locks like yours truly. You're probably a manlet, too, that doesn't help.
I don’t play the game
You heard the man, I will go wherever I want.
No, it is a sign of poor hygene and poor physical health, since the scalp is being deprived of blood/oxygen from the inside and covered in dead skin from the outside.
That’s not how that works,, but sure you go with what you want to believe.
No shillings going on here, no sir.
mazel tov
Subtle reference, but good reference
The real question is why his boy Wray didnt fire him.
Strzok should have been fired months ago.
If anything, he should have been court martialed, and executed in front of the public.
That's surprising. I thought the CIA convinced him Hillary was kosher.
When can hotpockets just start banning hasbarafag? Every thread he touches turns into a fight between him and his sock puppets.
He was around pre-kamphy, probably one of the oldest shillfags. The only thing kikey did of value was ban the stupid nigger. I'm not convinced its the mods, I am convinced they're 100% willing to let it happen however.
fired him……. but Q said………..
Can you even read, yid?
I'm so tall no woman can see my bald spot anyway.
Not enough. Jail should be required.
Filters work fine.
I could see it, but I'm glad I don't have to.
Yay! Drain the swamp, Rabbi Trumpowitz! #MAGA
Be glad, a large portion of Israel is going to die of thirst within 2 months. They wasted their reservoir. Isn't it great knowing that they aren't really unstoppable?
Haha so salty, why you so salty?
Unironically, those Kefka edits somehow seems pleasant to me.
So what you’re saying is that you’re gay.
jew Trump fires jew Strzok from jewFBI, too be replaced by a jew after a short interval.
ZOG will never overthrow ZOG.
top kek, his text exchanges with Lisa reveal his absolute beta status
wuddup kike boy
Final Fantasy 6 was a great game. Also try Breath of Fire. The villain is named Zog, and there are tons of lines about fighting Zog in the game. Kek.
Why? Do you think we’ll believe you eventually? You know what’s actually going to happen.
not suspicious at all user
guess since everyone's zog, we shouldn't vote anymore right?
just feel demoralized, right?
don't act like you're one of us, shill.
What are you gay?
Fuck off, the_donald.
Why should we vote for jews… to save us from jews?
Explain how what he said is incorrect.
Did he sign that bill yet transferring more wealth from Christians to jews for uh protection from rock throwers?
You haven't the foggiest clue who you're talking to today little man. Why don't you go ask Trump for your foreskin back once you get your balls out of his mouth?
shills outing themselves quick these days
you think we don't notice shilling points and adapt?
your shit is weak
you're not one of us, you're just trying to be a gatekeeper and demoralize us
gotta keep us from voting right?
if you can't get that blue wave with popular support, then you might as well demoralize the enemy and keep them away
you hope that will allow you to sneak by some wins
we weren't born yesterday faggot
couldn't give a shit less who you are shill lady
nice digits shill
I bet you wouldn’t have the balls to wear that uniform in public.
If I have it, I would wear it everywhere.
>Vote Republican goy, can't you see they're the real #Resistance?
Spare me.
Civic nationalism is synonymous with death.
muh Constitution is the rape of your mother, sister, wife, daughter
nationalism is synonymous with the death of globalism
The media goes through so much effort to hide that bald spot and you're just posting it like that. Rude.
Who is the civic nationalist?
Get me the uniform watch me wear it fags
Sorry, I'm not voting in this election or in 2020 either. Drumpfykins can go fish. I don't care what kind of boogeyman the DNC runs, I hope they run a lesbian nigger somali, I'll fucking vote for her just to stick it to you Alamo/Cadre Trump shills.
You can't vote anyways goatfucker, we're getting voter ID. kek
yeah we better not vote, it's all worthless right?
demoralization and all that
we were born yesterday and that weak shit works on us
It's perfect.
Who said anything about loving Hispanics?
You children are very one dimensional.
Get me the uniform, I will wear it.
I know exactly who you are.
it's just d&c shit. they don't like it when we tolerate the maga fags
they want us to purity spiral until we're completely isolated
these shills are so predictable
same shit over and over
Here, let me show who I am.