Trump-appointed judge rules Mueller investigation is legal


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kike free first post

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I guess Trump never stood a chance. The system was far more corrupt than anyone was willing to accept.

Oh no, there were professional shitposters hacking the election by posting cartoon nazi frogs! We must punish such… such… VILLAINOUS SCUM! *clenches fist*

If any of us, had done what Hillary had done, we'd be in prison.

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If only we had a kike-free judiciary.

That's not what he was ruling on, unfortunately. This was kind of a hail Mary by the Russian company he indicted and hinged on Mueller overstepping his bounds. Since the bounds were predetermined to be limitless, this wasn't going to work.

So, why is it taking so long to find proof of something that's generally accepted as common knowledge at this point?

oh we have the (((proof))) goy, we're just busy fabrica- i mean processing it!

Then the media would be cornered and stuck presenting the facts instead of the current wild conjecture and appeals to ignorance.
At this point, it's all about the midterms.

It's going to be a fun ride.

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Same reason you need to have laws that specifically prohibit the denial of a historical event that almost everyone accepts happened.

Maybe in another 2 years, Mueller will finally find something

Because it shows shillary links. kek

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The attorneys themselves are breaking privilege in some cases, even if they didn't get that warrant their rats would have done something to stir the shit.

Oh, I think none of us fully comprehends the enormity of what is coming, especially considering the expiration of the '82 Consent Decree, things are primed for maximum happening.
Better start preheating your ovens, anons…

Never ever.
Never ever trust a jew.

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If they can't screw their way into victory next Fed election. Their goose is cooked and they know it. The biggest domino for them was actually just having immigration be a forefront issue. Since the Democratic party stance is demanding Whites hand over their country to illegal immigrant voters. People miss how significant the rejection and normalization of the immigration debate is. It means that talking about that and connected issues are not just finally on the table - they're going to be the main course. And without cheating or gerry mandering - there is pretty much no way they are going to get White America to willingly swallow it.

At the risk of rolling digits, I wonder if they'll finally play the Fed card and pull the plug on the economy.
They're getting just that desperate.
I suppose keeping a close eye for any mass exodus of ¢hosenites or majority-jew-owned investment firms pulling out would be a good indicator (I hate Joogle for good reason, however, I should tinker with the Alerts tool to see if I can get it to flag for such things.)

Trump could have stopped the investigation day 1. He could have stopped it last month, last week, yesterday or today. Why not?

Because dirt on the previous admin gets brought to light without him having to get his hands dirty.

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If America had referendums, Mueller would be hanging by now.

Jokes on kikes. Something being ruled not illegal does not equate to it being legal. That just means it's not illegal for the reasons presented by whichever lawyers/experts/whatever.

100% false
We'd have been executed.

You mean "suicided"

They only do that for people that will be missed. Otherwise "NIGGA GOT A GUN!"

Yeah just a few months before the general election.
Complete coincidence goy.

Sounds suspiciously like a call for ✡direct democracy.✡

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What did the nekkid nigga say to the cop?

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What the fuck does your statement have to do with what we’re discussing.

Gone are the days when one can have a lighthearted, naked romp with police in footchase…

Try harder.

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no one, after all of this time, has figured out why tf Trump would hire, of all people, Robert Fucking Mueller

is this actually something to worry about? or is the investigation just one big empty threat at this point

He ruled that the investigation itself is legal not that everything they've done is legal.

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Trump could still pardon them.
Knowing Trumps trolling nature I hope he just pardons the Russians that promoted blm and Bernie Sanders.

Why would Trump do this? This makes no sense if hes actually legit.

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No, anything can happen as long as you have the balls for it. But you american conservatives are neutered just as bad as germans, and won't ever lift a finger.

Just what in the fuck is this boomer kiked faggot doing?

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what happened to 'drain the swamp'?

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You should try reading more



No, really, what the fuck is going on here?
Whats the redditor narrative for why this person being put in power is 'based'.

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This is how I know Trumpstein will never drain the swamp

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shot in the back at 4:20am more likely

I think that might have been preferrable to this facade we're seeing now.
I'd rather someone who openly hates and attacks my people be inmpower than someone who secretly hates and attacks my people while presenting as though he serves them loyally.

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Because of shenanigans at the 2020 election and it will be glorious because nobody, absolutely nobody can discern who did what when and why because the journalists protracted their fata morgana like a bad flu into another megacycle.

I don't remember the legality of it being questionable. The reason it is legal is what's questionable… Did this nigger-tier judge literally just set a precedent for using fraudulent material as the basis for legal warrants/investigations?

Can’t call me a pussy I was willing to fight you kebab in the rest area and set him up instead.

One of your fellow shills already posted that today, juden. You fucktards need to work on your coordination

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nothing to see here

reported. GTFO imkikey shill

Nice ripoff of the original, faggot.
Oh, and p.s, Q predicted this

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bump because this may be important, but i don't know how what any of us could do to help the situation currently. any ideas would be appreciated, if this is just allowed to brew, liberals may get their coup.
pardon the blackpill, but you gotta admit it is a bit concerning


just filter the moe fag

On its face it's probably not illegal, though much of what has (and will be) presented should be disregarded as 'fruit of the poisonous tree'. The ill-defined, broad scope of the special counsel is ridiculous, but it could've been nipped in the bud by stomping it out early and replacing the political hacks…
Trump kinda shit the bed by picking Sessions (and then not firing him after the recusal) and by refusing Rosenkike's resignation then nominating him for Deputy AG… but alas hindsight is 20/20.