Jim Caviezel, actor who played Jesus in Gibson's "Passion of the Christ"

>Says we have to show unashamedly our christian values in this (((pagan corrupted world)))
>Says we live in this pagan world with (((Satan)))
>Says we have to become strong Christians so we can kick off (((Lucifer))) out of this planet

How did this go unnoticed on the chans ?

Attached: ChristIsWatchingYou.png (1000x674, 690.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I stopped reading at the (((actor))) part


The supernatural shit needs to go. We need another Vatican to declare Jesus the most based philosopher and get the embarrassing old jew testament out of official scripture. Paul too since the jews love mangling what he said so much.

It's Jim Caviezel, who was literally ostrazied by (((hollywood))) when he took the role of Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson movie. Mel Gibson said to him that if he took the role, he would never work in (((Hollywood))) anymore. He said that this role is more important than a Jewllyood career and sacrificed his reputation to play the right role. After that role, he never played a big role in hollywood. He only played in the small screen in the "Person of Interest" TV Show.

See this video.

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Christianity is just paganism with Jesus stapled on top of it. Catholicism being Roman and Protestantism with Norse. It shares all the same important feast days and holidays. What the real problem is with Jews and Muslims.

Based Hooktube embedding.

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Jim Caviezel is a Jew, Mel Gibson is a Jew, Hollywood is full of Jews, and OP is a Jew. Sage and go hang yourself before Atomwaffen finds you.

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See this is the type of Pope or christian we need, not cuckold Francis or faggots turning the other cheek. But.. yeah whatever, Christianity is dead.

God is dead. You are on your own now.

Oh yet another (((Christian))) post. You have your own board faggots, fuck off back to Zig Forums You low-tier controlled - OP. We're here trying to save our people.

Reminder to sage semitic posts who are more interested on D&C and conversions.

Nice pattern, now kikes are spamming christian threads calling pagans (((kikes))) to fracture Zig Forums. Pretty Smart.

Nice try, (((faggot)))

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He speaks of (((modern))) day Paganism, which is basically the inversion of Christianity and christian values.

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A great show btw. Hopefully he gets comped bigly in the sequel.

burn the coal, both pay the toll

Non-degenerate pope when!?

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Who cares about the pope when catholicism itself isn’t Christianity?

Says who, rabbi?

It was a juda's kiss, she died immediately after that.

He's based I said.

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Kill yourself, nigger.

Make sure to feed your holy warriors.

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Speaking of this guy, you guys should watch Long Weekend, kino movie.

shareblue has weighed in and everyone you've ever heard of is still a jew. Reminder- it's not Israel that's pushing that narrative, it's China. china wants us completely obsessed with Jews while they steal our technology, bribe our politicians and act like the soulless insectoids that they are.

This is pure disinformation. Caviezel is a name from Switzerland, typical for the very Catholic Canton of Graubünden.

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Goes from one control network to another.

It’s goo to be cisgendered male and white

Shut up fag

Stay mad


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One and the same today. There is no 'pagan' religions left that pose a threat; the 'paganism' of today is atheism, feminism, multiculturalism - everything that the jews have afflicted us with. It is pretty clear this is what Caviezel is talking about. If you're going to get butthurt over the word 'pagan', which itself was originally an insult, then you're a fool.


Hello swiss jew.

Chinese are the kikes of the east. How about trusting neither slant eye nor hook nose?

We should empower Japs yet again.

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I wondered how the guy could go from Oscar worthy to disappear like that.

There are most likely a handful of anti-zionist christians in hollywood,
But none will ever be as outspoken as Mel.

I quit supporting hollywood and TV around 2015, but if something with Gibson comes out I'll go see it

Speak of the fucking devil.
Just looked up any new movies with him.

Director S. Craig Zahler, whoever that it, made 3 recent movies
1 With Kurt Russel, 1 with Vince Vaughn, and 1 with Vaughn and Gibson.
Vince is a known right winger, and Mel practically went 1488…..

Could Snake Pliskin be /ourguy/?

Lucifer aint Satan though

Really? Get off imageboards altogether, as you don't know how irreligious they have always been.

Also, this guy really misspoke when he said the word "Pagan" tbh. Otherwise, he did okay as far as these things go. Just a carbon copy of what religious fundies say all over the US.

He also adopted non-white gook children!

Attached: Jim_Caviezel_adopted_kids.jpg (630x354, 93.03K)

You are a kike and so is codemonkey.

Look how he's holding that 50 cal. Worst military pose since Dukakis ran for president.

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He married a jewess, Goldie Hawn…so, no.

Well those sons of Edom that we call jews are worshippers of Baal so yeah technically they're pagans.


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You have no idea what you're talking about if you think that sentence even makes sense. Protip: "Baal" is a title, not a name. It applied to many deities, and not just one. Not only that, but the term "pagan" really, in its very essence, means anything that doesn't pertain strictly to the worship of (((YHWH)))/El Elyon/Tetragrammaton/El Shaddai/El

Therefore, Jews cannot be "Pagan" because the worship of (((YHWH))) is in their blood.

Oh, and
Fuck off. Esau was the honorable brother - Jacob was the Jewy one.

You realize Christianity is just another form of Judaism, right? Europe’s native religion is paganism you stupid spic, now get the fuck off my board.

>chirstnigger shilling hollyjew (((actor)))

Every single time.

christcuckery. fuck off with your kike-engineered desert cult. my gods are european just as me, my race, my european brothers' and my ancestors race. fuck your desert cults.

Also the (( (jesus)) ) sacrament or Eucharist is literal spirit cooking and ritual canibalism.
I'll pass
I'll pass on anything that comes from abraham the nigger

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Christ is cool, (((YHWH))) is not.

which kicked the jews out repeatedly. and if you looked into kabbalah like shit you'd know that even jews are not even jews anymore.
also paganism is an umbrella term for a lot of religions, which sometimes merged and/or supplanted each other even among the same populations. which makes it kind of interesting sorting out which were "the gods of our fathers".
starting a religion with those premise is like making a shism with this


you know you won't get true believers. it's phisically impossible.

Looks to me like he's cocking the bolt action rifle, but looks wonky cos he's a lefty and the bolt is on the right side.

He was the best in Count of Monte Cristo.

aye, maybe not all actors

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Kabbalah is just the stitch-work of the Jews stealing bits and pieces from all other peoples they had contact with. It proves that yesterday's Jews are the same rats as today's Jews.

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we both know why Mel got blacklisted
fuck off kike

Checked for it feels good to be White.
It feels good to be the best.

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Why? Because he said something negative about Jews in private and it got out.

And we both - now - know that his response was to flagelate himself before world Jewry, giving money to 'holohoax survivors', aka, handing money to Jews who spread guilt propaganda against Whites.
Great guy.
Very Christian.

Brothers I bring news, good news.


Satan is the true savior. Satan will bring joy. Satan is life.


Nah, I'm not Jewish. Thanks anyway.

Whatever you want my friend, you real desires, it can happen. JUST SUBMIT.

Delete or else

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Nah, like I said, not Jewish.
Reported your posts though.
Lets see what the mods do.


Thats pretty BASED.

Sight adjustment.

These christians wasting their life away in the name of animals. You white people, you are the chosen ones, the master race. You could have everything you wanted. You could be anything you wanted. Accept the true savior, the true aryan. Baron Satan will provide. SUBMIT

Looking forward to The Passion of the Christ sequel?

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That where he gets shot trying to pick up skittles?

gay ass lucy niggas

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Maybe you need to look up what the fuck "paganism" means, and why the Aryan religion is referred to as such by Christians. "Pagan" literally means provincial or rural person, and these were the people still practicing the White religion before (((Christians))) converted them. They were labelled pagan because Christianity was the urban shitlib religion of the Roman Empire, the same way cultural marxism is the shitlib religion of the modern world. It is only the revisions to Christianity by Germanic peoples that have turned the religion in to something vaguely similar to a real, White religion. In fact, the new "pagan" religion is Christianity because that is the religion that the rural people overwhelming practice.

Christianity is a death cult, something completely different than the Aryan religion. The Aryan religion was more like a scientific attempt to explain the world. Many thousands of years ago, in the stone age and before, people were primarily concerned about staying alive and finding their next meal. The guy who was able to make observations of nature would be able to see patterns would have an easier time surviving. The Aryan religion a LIFE cult whose focus is preserving the LIFE of the individual. Compared to Christianity, it does not have much to say about the afterlife. The Aryan religion evolved as an explanation for these observations. Contrast this to Christianity which could only have developed in a sedentary society where there was no shortage of basic necessities. Christianity is the exact opposite of the Aryan religion; Christianity is not concerned about nature. It is a DEATH cult that is primarily focused on ethics and ones personal relationship with God in order to prepare for death.

In addition to being a death cult, it's also a mind control program for the dumbest of the goyim. Christians have been snivelling weenies from day one. The common theme in both Marxism and Christianity is REPENTANCE of original sin in order for SALVATION by God. You are born an evil white man but you will be absolved if you give all your posessions to the Church-state. Christianity appeals to the weak, the criminal and the vaginally endowed. It's not an institution for proud, white men.

lol wut

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What's new?

Who's afraid of Satan?

polvol2 in the name of Satan I curse you, may you die in 666 minutes if you defy his name again

what did you say untermensch

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Into the oven


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May your family be curse, may every female in your family race mix and may your future female partner cheat on you with a non-white, in the name of Lucifer so be it.

oy vey calm down there rabbi you aint doing shit.

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Deceived behavior, OP.

I am well-versed in Christianity, you and probably a lot of Zig Forums are not doing God's true will.

Enjoy your "crucifixion", falsely so called which you will receive for your wrongful behavior which your "great delusion" leads you to be the will of God.

Lucifer is a faggot, your mother is a tranny, go to hell faggot.

Your country.

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oh, I see, youre a bot.

You don't know what you are talking about. God is dead. God forsaken you. God is a nigger. The only one true aryan is Lucifer. Speak against them and your whole white family will perish at the hands of the niggers of your master God.

Implying the "white race" is not the "occident".

Why do you say that?

ok Moarpheus
fuck off now kike

Go away, shill.

I never saw the first one. I'm not into jewish torture porn.

May the kikes murder you family in their sleep. May one of us sacrifice one of your young females in the name of Baron Satan.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.