IOTBW Merchandise Not Acceptable

Not a terribly serious thread; just something to share, plus a request for info

The online retailer Zazzle has decided my IOTBW mug cannot be made and shipped to me, since it's in violation of their content guidelines. Apparently, it's not cool to express this sentiment on an object I designed for myself and paid actual money for. Reminder of how far we have to go before the kike-sucking diversity whores get the message that, well. . . it's okay to be white.

I thought of ordering an identical mug with something on it like "kill white babies" or "black lives matter," but they'd probably approve that design and then I'd be out the cost of the mug and have to deal with the thing when it arrived at my house.

Any ideas where I can get this mug made without giving money to an alt-kike faggot like Milo? My kid and I would both use it, and he has a birthday coming up. I don't want to resort to changing the design or going with "Never Apologize for Your White Ancestors," since that would probably also be refused. I also, frankly, don't want the kikes at Zazzle to get any more of my money, if this is how their pajeet review team is going to be.

Attached: Not_Okay_Mug.png (979x715, 102.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Zazzle is staffed entirely by faggot manlets of questionable racial descent. Shouldn't surprise anyone.

including the 'not' in there would get the order processed, no doubt

Make the O a Q and they will make it.

I sort of want to flood them with thousands of requests for variations of that design on mugs and shirts so they have to refuse it over and over and over.

Gee, I wonder why businesses are afraid to promote messages like IOTBW.

I wonder if they would print the following:
"Zazzle is anti-white"


I looked into their stupid terms. Only two deal with race; one prohibiting hate speech and the other banning discrimination on the basis of the whole alphabet soup.

I drafted a very professional and courteous appeal, so we'll see where this goes. Honestly, I'll be fucking blown away if they reverse themselves, but I figure there's always a chance the problem is expendable Poo-in-Loo employees who would be overturned by an actual human supervisor.

What I expect instead is a polite-esque "fuck you, racist cracker" letter, possibly followed by the suspension of my account. In which case, I have yet another funny story about being banned for hate speech.

you should have threatened lawsuit you pussy

confirmed. pic related just look at the Trump section.

this is a good idea user. time to put in a mass order

Attached: clothingforfaggots.png (1801x553, 633.29K)

I write shit like this for a living, nignog. There are ways to draw the sword so they see it, but without getting their irish up for a fight. Anyway, I have zero grounds for a lawsuit. The only reason to do it would be to make a huge, embarrassing spectacle.

I like the way you think.

Is this the kind of thing that can be done with bots? I no tech.



When you use the Vietnamese diacritics, do systems recognize the letters as separate Unicode characters? So, say, could you bypass censors with them?

So you’re a pussy. They don’t care about what you said. You wasted your time. They will never do anything you want the way you did it.
You’re retarded.

It depends on whether they are lazy fucks who use an algorithm to check, and algorithm to trigger a manual check, or if they manually check everything.

Attached: Hmmm.jpg (479x493, 20.85K)

trips say yes

Will they allow it's ok to be black on a black mug?

Attached: The Q.png (564x536, 59.75K)

Will the text be black too?

Attached: tenor[1].gif (300x200, 735.29K)

This is a good idea. It will force them into a position where they can no longer deny their anti-white hatred. With one mug they can say it was a mistake. If you have proof of it being done dozens of times - or they approve "It's okay to be Black." We'll have them right where we want them. Then we can spread it around and rile up some normies to our cause.

Attached: floating frog eyes.png (616x632, 8.8K)

Make a gift set and include it's ok to be a nigger it's ok to be a beaner, it's ok to be a chink, it's ok to be a cracker, it's not ok to be a jew.

user, get a porcelain cup and some rice paper and make your own transferable decal and bake in the obin.

user, while you wait, make another account and request for
and another for
And see what happens.


Fuck a kike site like Zazzle or all of the other overpriced 'make your own mug/shirt/shit' sites. I know you can get your own decals onto clothing, so I'm confident you could do that for a mug.

Hello Zazzler,
Thank you for contacting us!
We would love to produce all designs submitted, however Zazzle prides itself on upholding all intellectual property rights as well as our own content guidelines

In this instance,designs of the foregoing which violates our ban on racially objectionable and/or discriminatory content will not be permitted on Zazzle merchandise. Specifically, Zazzle will not produce any designs that may be seen as promoting or supporting any hate groups or their messages.

Your order has been cancelled in full. You can expect any preauthorized funds that were set aside for the purchase to be released within the next 7-10 business days, depending on the processing speed of the financial institution that authorized the initial transaction.

Please feel free to reorder using promo code XXXXXXX(expires 08/29)

If you decide to place a new order, feel free to respond to this email with the new Order ID (XXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX) and we will be sure to process your order as quickly as possible.

For future reference, please review the Zazzle User Agreement at:

We apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment that you may have experienced due to this cancellation and thank you for understanding. We look forward to delighting you with high quality products in the future!

Content Management Team
Zazzle Inc.

Attached: Okay_Bro.png (955x327, 39K)

I don't understand. Is it Zazzle's position that it's not okay to be white?

OP is a PMC spook and this is a PSYOP thread.


Attached: iotbw TRS 3.png (1796x250 64.59 KB, 168.4K)

Thanks for the kike perspective, but you're way too late for the first-post shekels, Mordechai.

Attached: Sad_Jew_1.jpg (2535x1689, 852.7K)

What does that even say

Attached: 28e871282b2000ce85143c1a9b195cef083b29965ca2fdd082015b409aa4d2bf.png (420x420, 8.01K)

The greed of Ecelebs led to them fighting over and almost killing IOTBW by them infighting over who can monetize it first, showing their true priorities

Just make the damned thing yourself, with your own two hands. If our ancient ancestors could make pottery with nothing but a dirt oven and a dung fire, there's absolutely no excuse for you.

Thank you for contacting us!
This design can be seen as discriminatory, which Zazzle cannot print on merchandise. Per Zazzle’s Terms of Service and Content Guidelines, Zazzle will not fulfill orders of merchandise that can reasonably be viewed as discriminatory based upon race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.

Right, and I agree, but my point is that there's nothing about the message itself that discriminates against anyone. It's the equivalent of "Proud to Be Gay," or "Hooray for Women!" or other such. In fact, it can plausibly be argued that it's discriminatory to call a pro-my-group message hate speech. Am I very far off base here?

I don't want a fucking mug, you fucking mug. I want a corporation to print "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE" on a mug and ship it to my house. Get it?

Zazzle had some problematic press in the past. Pic related:

Looks like they haven't learned their lesson. 2nd pic is something still on their store for sale. And look at the girl wearing it.

Attached: FireShot Capture 176 - Educated Black Woman. T-Shirt I Zazzl_ - https___www.zazzle.com_educated_bl.png (1920x925 414.77 KB, 150.03K)

and then we build civilization … not gonna go back to living in caves either

Link to shirt from 2nd image:

Same model

Attached: 3c19cedeb3cf7785d1b95953e23b22aea918c650.png (720x411, 141.59K)

Anyone in my town wearing
rainbow shirt would disappear in a tragic hiking incident.

Attention, faggots, here's how to make this a thing, if you don't mind possibly being the center of (((media))) attention. One glorious bastard who can take the heat needs to do the following: (1) Order a mug that says "It's ok to be black". It will be approved. (2) After it has shipped, order "It's ok to be white". It won't be approved. (3) Spread it everywhere. Twatter, Jewbook, contact news organizaitions, scream to the high heavens that you were racially discriminated against. (4) Take the heat like a boss, maybe even get an interview if this takes off and isn't (((shut down))).

Needs to be someone with enough of a social media following like Crowder.

That's basically like saying we need a Based Jew, or at least one of their employees. I don't suppose Ben Shapiro browses Zig Forums, does he?

Hey OP. Did you use a burner email address? If so post that and the order number here.
I just called zazzle to inquire about why they promote racism against whites and the obvious pajeet I'm white too asked for the order #, when I said I deleted the emails he asked for the email address.

Used my personal address, unfortunately. That's the one my account is under, and I had a $10 balance I used to buy the mug. This wasn't a planned op, it just sort of developed.

please make a full screenshot the page (blank out your personal data)

No, it isn't

Not sure what you mean. Pic in OP was grabbed from the initial denial letter. There is no page on the site that corresponds to that, except Order History, which just says "Order Canceled."

Attached: Canceled_Mug.png (1913x883, 158.29K)

They don't actually print out the shirts and model them, that shit is auto-generated.

No, but the enemy considers statements like
to be perfectly fine, and not racist or hate speech.

I realized that now.
But the shirts are still up there.
And it is pro black slogans on a white model.
Which is lulzy and proves our point itt


Attached: 73ee7461cb3588c73e47be20d581ee19ad1b9506e4d2ba4c46562e9a0962606e.png (2801x2048, 1.55M)

Okay if I use this in my ongoing back-and-forth with those hypocritical assholes?

Also, I'm glad I ordered my stamps elsewhere now, pic related.

Attached: IOTBW_Stamp_Dynamite.jpg (782x710, 120.9K)

also try "Fuck white people"



Dude, how autistic are you? There are ways to fuck with them AND get them to fuck themselves by doing things like this. The only way this fails is if he doesn't follow up on this.

He was right to call you a nignog as well. You sure fucking talk like one.

we already know the answers based on one sample.
gathering more samples will be beneficial but make sure to send the information to some video makers, this is actually quite good material.
you could even send it to (((left wing))) video makers, lets see what they come up with, wont look good for them outside their conditioned chamber.

would this fly?


Make one with "kill white babies" or "black lives matter,", dont use your same personal information this time, and see if it arrives, and then spam this shit all over the place.

Fuck off.

This is actually pretty hilarious if you think about the statement they're making by denying you your design. Clearly, according to Zazzle, it's not okay to be White. The screencap alone has infinite memetic value.

OP, I have to ask, are you a moron?
More specifically, go with
If they process it and send you the mug? Flood twatter, plebbit, faceberg, etc with that shit and point out how BLATANTLY anti-white these fucks are.
Screencap (and edit) the emails they sent denying the IOTBW mug in addition to what you've already provided.
Take pictures of the new mug and screencap/edit the email receipt(s).
Put them all together, then spam that shit everywhere.
Then consult a lawyer on your odds for a discrimination lawsuit. If you can talk them into it, some lawyers will work not for free, but on the assumption of a payout from the winnings.
Sue them into the ground.

An user posted the image in an IOTBW thread during the campaign. I can't see why anyone would have an issue with you using it in your dispute.

Oops. Accidentally clicked
when I meant to refer to
I'll see myself to the oven.

That's just dumb, user. "Kill White babies" is too obviously inflammatory, and would probably be rejected even if Zazzle does have an anti-White bias. Then you'd have proved only that you can get an inflammatory statement rejected. You don't have to ratchet up the intensity to show that Zazzle has a double-standard; all you need do is submit the equivalent of "It's okay to be White" for a non-White race. If they accept that, then the point has been demonstrated.

Again, please consult to see Zazzle's policy on anti-white sentiments.

Why aren’t these racist bigots making your mug? Isn’t that illegal?

It's never illegal when you're white and they're against you. The authorities can barely be assed to investigate nigger-on-human murders, let alone shit like this. Affirmative action has been illegal in my state for over 20 years, but the universities still do it openly, just trying to run out the clock until they don't have to listen to whites at all anymore.

Not a bad idea user

This is a good idea. It will force them into a position where they can no longer deny their anti-white hatred. With one mug they can say it was a mistake. If you have proof of it being done dozens of times - or they approve "It's okay to be Black." We'll have them right where we want them. Then we can spread it around and rile up some normies to our cause.

Attached: its okay to be white.jpg (639x782, 118.72K)

It'll get printed.

and who can currently compete with the DNC?

Attached: roostercockburn01.jpeg (373x509, 191.07K)