How Putin Sandbagged Netanyahu

Resulting from Russia’s declaration that it would be establishing eight militarized outposts along the de facto Syria-Israel border, the UN has been prodded into action, and is re-engaging its own responsibilities to monitor the region. The UN previously was unable to perform, due to pressure from the US, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia chiefly, to pressure the UN not to guard the demilitarized zone.

The result of a lacking UN presence was that the area was more easily used by Israel to provide safe harbor, arms, equipment, and medical care to Al-Qaeda and ISIS groups, under these and several related brands. Russia has been looking for a solution ever since. With the US’s waning influence in the region, and significantly reduced force projection capacity, we entered into a new period.

This had the effect of sending the Zionist entity scrambling in order to seek a better deal, attempting to triangulate US-Russia tensions and the proxy war between the two multi-polar powers in the region. Israel has considerable pull on some pillars of Russian power, enough so that it is able to build its move of desperation into the creation of the perception both domestically and internationally, that its moves here are proactive, and demonstrate an expansion of Israeli power.

Whether a line trotted for domestic consumption or international consumption or both, Israel trumps that it is not only controlling the US Congress through AIPAC and other deeper mechanisms upon the deep state, such as through banking and through pedophile kompromat, but ostensibly also the Russian Duma. A large portion of Israel’s population today are also Russian and former Soviet citizens, holding two passports. In addition, a statistically disproportionate number of Russia’s capitalist class are also Israeli citizens.

In the grand strategies of nations, it is always beneficial when they are able to shape their major strategic activities in ways that can be read multiple ways, by multiple other strategic actors, with each actor having a generally correct read of the activity. This provides tremendous latitude and ability to act. These can be considered ‘dual purpose’ strategies.

At the present moment, nowhere is this practice and this condition more visible than with Russia’s game with Israel. The biggest news recently was that Russia was set to establish eight military outposts, along the de facto border of Israel and Syria, on the Syrian-governed side of the border with the Golan Heights, the region which is presently under an illegal Israeli occupation.

Through a complex system of information war, Russia is using the very same cordoning off of the internet which the US establishment and deep state are set to complete, to disassemble reality. This virtual walled garden is meant to decelerate and frustrate the otherwise natural tendency of the internet towards the cross-pollination and cross-semination of ideas.

This original internet process of cross-pollination leads inevitably to a quickening of the historic process of the same, and previously the internet increased the rate at which this process occurred, which is inherently destabilizing for the powers that be. As the US is cordoning the internet off into various ‘walled gardens, keeping like with like, it is maintaining a segregative process.

And Russia is doing its best responsive maneuver, at least operationalizing that fact of the US establishing cordoned off internet zones. How this works, is fairly easy to understand. In some sectors of the internet, Russia is promoted as Israel’s greatest ally. In others, the ‘Axis of Resistance’, featuring Iran, Iraq, and Hezbollah of Lebanon, depicts Russia as an important ally. Both are able to point to certain aspects of the conflict in Syria as evidence of this.

This belief creation process, especially through new media and the internet, is a critical part of how simulacra are created in the context of 4GW – fourth generation warfare. Beliefs derived from the internet carry stronger weight at this time than beliefs drawn from television and radio. This is for many reasons, including the role of peer to peer information gathering, and that internet based information was pre-selected and ‘dug for’ by the consumer. This lends it a higher degree of value.

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Other urls found in this thread:>>12002537 officer killed by israeli shelling&oq=Canadian officer killed by israeli shelling&aqs=chrome..69i57.8823j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Russia has stated publicly that it is interested in both Iran and Israel’s strategic interests. How can this be, given that both countries are apparently in a proxy, and even recently direct, conflict with one another? In deciphering ‘Lavrovese‘, the language of Russian diplomacy, it must be understood that words have a certain meaning. In terms of Russia’s policy commitments to ‘strategic interests’, this doesn’t mean ‘as these countries view these themselves‘. In other words, Russia is committed to what it, itself, believes are Israel and Iran’s strategic interests, as opposed to what these two countries publicly state their interests are. In short, Russia is committed to Russia’s strategic interests; which do align with the general conception of deconfliction. The idea here is the most balanced compromises that deliver peace as a status quo. Instead of strategic interests, ‘security insurance’ is a better concept to separate this out from Israels irredentist goals or Iran’s foothold in Lebanon. It is neither a problem nor a criticism to state such. Russia has sandbagged its intentions with regard to Israel, and Israel is taking the bait.

Also, there is the fact that Russia is aware that both states, Israel and Iran, engage in a form of demagoguery and rhetorically politicize things beyond what may be the real strategic goal. A war between both countries may not be within either country’s strategic interests, given that Israel is a nuclear power and that Iran’s conventional response would be similarly effective. So all this rhetoric is in fact about containment, playing to their bases, not about mutual destruction, as it is sometimes understood each has called for the other.

Both Iran and Israel have strategic interests in Iraq, with Israel building strong ties with radical Sunni’s in Iraq who despise Iranian Shia’s growth of power. In essence, Iraq has become a proxy border between Israel and Iran. The government of Iraq today is increasingly, and more than nominally so, supportive of Iran. At the same time, through its parliament and private industry, Israel also has a vested interest in Iraq’s natural and mineral resources – oil and water. Moreover, and finally, what Iran and Israel publicly say their strategic interests are, may not match up with their own internal designs and discourse with regard to grand strategy and regional hegemony. Both states have benefited from the US-led invasion of Iraq. Recall at the time that both the US hand-picked ‘secular moderate’ government of Chalabi, and the ‘Shia resistance’ led by al-Sadr’s al-Mahdi Army, represented Iranian vested interest in the US’s campaign.
We can see for example here that ‘TruNews’, gives this news an angle that would please those following the ‘Russia is allies with Iran’ part of the internet, even while raising concerns and legal contentions from the POV of Israel. Here they point out a few facts which trend in the direction that supports their view, such as framing it as a Russian deployment that would prevent Israel from striking at Syrian and Iranian targets on the Syrian governed side of the Purple Line.

The standard reportage went like this;

TASS, reported it like this (pic related), denying speculation that the Russian outposts would be ‘militarized’ – indeed we are asked to believe that the Chechen volunteer units in Russian uniforms would be unarmed. This is contrary to the findings of independent citizen journalism, such as FRN.

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What’s interesting here also is that it was a number of years ago that Russia proposed to lead the UN’s blue helmets mission in the demilitarized zone. What’s been arrived at, appears to be something very close to what Russia had originally proposed. Indeed, perhaps even more so, since the UN may find itself more constricted and its activities controlled by forces hostile to Syrian sovereignty, which may still have been the case even with Russian forces entirely embedded ‘as’ UN forces.

At the same time, the Syrian military is growing stronger, and Hezbollah – Iran’s best asset in Lebanon and acting in Syria at the invitation of the Syrian government – has also emerged from this conflict with yet another victory, and the experience and morale boost that goes with this, doubling on the 2006 victory against the entire IDF back in 2006.
Israel no doubt has had it sold to them by Russia, that Russia’a activity in the region will prevent a mobilized Syria, and its allies especially, from taking their campaign to it’s logical conclusion, and pushing back on Israel – retaking some or all of the Golan Heights. Israel has certainly provoked this with their active involvement in backing foreign (to Syria) terrorists and ‘rebels’ in the Syrian conflict.That Israel has used the Golan Heights and the adjacent parts of what is recognized as Damascus governed Syria (though when under FSA/ISIS etc. control), to arm and provide cover for ISIS and Al Nusra, et al, is significant enough pretext for Syria to have a legitimate reason to take their forward momentum and rebuilt military into a limited conflict to make new facts on the ground.

Israel’s military was proven to be a decidedly weak force, back in 2006, when it was defeated by Hezbollah – the paramilitary wing of the Hezbollah party of Lebanon, not even a conventional force with the entire resources of a state behind it.

Additionally, the much vaunted Israeli air-force, when really broken down by fighter and bomber type, generation, and the number of units, is significantly outdated and weaker in comparison to its claims, and when compared to that of Iran, is perhaps even the lesser force. For what its worth, and certainly given Wikipedia’s owner’s pro-Zionism, and the propensity of Zionist media to inflate Israel’s projection capacity (this is a clue to understanding antisemitism), even these following numbers which show that Iran has a clear conventional strategic advantage over Israel, are difficult to dispute. Take these also with the fact that the S 200/S 250 systems that Syria has were sufficient to down Israeli bombers.

All of this also makes sense with an understanding of one of Zionism’s weapons, the illusion of strength and the illusion of being under attack. Aggression postured as ‘defense’ has been, like the US, Israel’s main propaganda weapon to justify its expansionist policy against its neighbors.

Now is a critical time for Israel, given the US’s decreased role as the sole foreign hegemon in the region. Turkey is active, and while not acting in any interests but its own, now also acts at odds with the US. Iran emerges from the Syrian conflict in better shape over all militarily. The sanctions on Iran have split Europe from the US, as the former is sticking to a deal which sees Iran emerge as a normalized trading partner with the EU. This has the effect of increasing the tensions and the trade war between the US and EU. This same trade war also has the effect of pushing the EU closer to Russia and China as a result.

Through all of this, Russia masterfully manipulates Israel’s Zionist mythos, embodied in Netanyahu, as a ‘cunning’ juggernaut of ‘strategy’, being able to middle-itself between the US and Russia – ‘hedging’ its bets and investing reliance on its security into Russian positions, even those in the Golan Heights. Media can work both ways, towards opposing ends, regardless of the apparent editorial line. Media which plays up danger to Israel, can also strengthen Zionism as a threatened ‘democracy’ and ‘underdog‘ – a ‘shining light‘ in a sea of growing Islamism, regardless of sectarian distinction. Media that plays up Israel’s ‘success’ in playing Russia and the US, feeds into antisemitism, presenting Israel as representative of ‘world Jewry‘, a claim that the ‘Jewish state’ makes of itself, which in turn, Zionism requires as oxygen.

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The state of Israel, outside of esoteric and religious contexts of a burnt-offering and the subsequent rebuilding of the temple, is legitimated almost entirely upon the precept of antisemitism and its historic consequences. It is one of the few states in the world today which has established its right to exist upon an ongoing and permanent existential threat to those who identify as its ‘people’. At the same time, there lies a significant problem, in that Netanyahu has platformed himself as a ‘strong-man’, and so sandbagging as a state in jeopardy doesn’t fit very well with his winning strategy in the domestic electoral and international diplomatic stage.

Israel has overplayed its hand, believing it would be able to influence both US and Russian foreign policy in the region, towards its aims. Israel has failed to ensnare the US in an over-commitment in Syria – the Lavrov-Kerry deconfliction talks were ultimately preparatory for the US’s surrender in that conflict in general. Reading this correctly, Israel moved to push on its nevertheless impressive human and financial capital influence in Russia, giving Netanyahu the false assurance that such a strategy was possible.

While some in both the Russian and Israeli media sphere will report on the deployment of Russian soldiers to the Golan Heights region as being a sign of Russia’s commitment to ensuring Israel’s strategic interests, rather it does so in a very different way, ensuring Israel’s security from it’s own mis-leadership in the image of Netanyahu.>>12002537

Probably the most in-depth and honest published summaries on US/Middle East/Russian geo-politics I've seen yet. It's long but worth the read.

TLDR Yids lose.

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What, you faggots don't like to read and muse over a mangled Israel or you rather call each other heretics and christcuks in a pointless thread?

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Kek, the kikes are in even deeper shit than I thought.

Israel probably loves this. They can goad the Russians and US into attacking each other because of Israel. Then the ensuing "war" fought by proxy will spread across the entire Middle-East probably including Iran.

You wouldn't know it lurking here. Putin is kiked. Trump is kiked. All is lost. Lets argue about religion.

Then why isn't it happening? You have Russian interference in US elections, Assad gassing children and both forces advancing on the Golan. When does Israel goad them into a war?

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You are answering yourself?

Oh, right. I forgot we were gearing up for war with Russia for a second.

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Be realistic user, nothing much has changed from 20 years ago. Yes Trump and Putin have done good things for their people but at the end of the day neither could or would name the jew. As well I see no removal of kikes from either government, Israel itself could no longer exist and that'd be apart of the jews plans as they'd go back to being a diaspora.

Hey, I hope Russia and/or the US attacks Israel in any way possible, even saying bad things about Israel but neither have approached even that.

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ok, kgb. Good luck luring China into the desert.

I'm ready to do my part in quelling the Ruskie menace, comrade.

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Reminder, Israel isn't invincible or anywhere close to it. You bitches are never getting that oil pipeline.

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And gay cakes and women's wages while jews rob us to steal land from sandniggers for themselves before bursting yet another bubble in our economy.

I know you IDF idiots are reading this thread. Man, you better do something about Netanyahu! He's just going to let you die after he finishes looting your crappy little country.

the irony

Where's the war, user? I've made my peace, I'm ready to die for Israel.

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Putting the (((UN))) in charge of policing Golan is a false sense of security. The UN only pretends to be against Israel and will funnel demands through the US after being rejected.

screenshot for archive

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Holy fucking shit OP. This is great.

Good read OP. Looks like leaders are finally hgetting sick of kikes bullshit.
Have a bump.

you job, as op, is to provide a summary, perhaps some editorializing or conversation-starters, and the link. you FAILed. gb2whereveryoucamefrom

If you're not willing to put the effort into actually reading, you don't belong here.

I did. See
The piece itself is unlike anything I've read on the Middle East situation and sums it all up in succinct detail that cuts to the point, Israel is a problem and Russia is putting them to task. But Russia isn't the only one.

This article fails to address the world-wide anti trump #resist movement that germany, france, canada, the UK, and others are fully invested in. Did israel anticipate that the US would be handicapped in this way (inabililty to form cohesive multi-national efforts, for example against iran)?

Clearly Hillary Clinton would have gone full iraq-style conflict in syria had she won the presidency, to the delight of israel (and probably all of the US enemies that would see us further weakened). Is that the source of this seeming contradiction in strategic planning?

So the ones trying to puppeteer war between Russia and the USA is.. Jews?

hi turkoroach

It's the truth, though. Netanyahu is going to be jamming to his Iran nuclear program CD collection while Israel burns down.

Probably because of how inconsequentially futile it is. How's it working out for Merkel? Her regime is at deaths door with her supporting parties abandoning her. Macron is fucking up after the World Cup riots and doing that weird fucking gay joke about his bodyguard that beat the shit out of that protestor. Canada? Literally all his buddies abandoned him. In regards to the UK, see Germany. Mays power is sapping by the second and Brexit looms. Meanwhile the US is strengthening it's ties with the eastern bloc while opening dialog with Russian. America is back baby and the world doesn't know how to cope because facts are, they never thought they'd have to.

World wide resistance lmao. Fuck off nigger.

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With Turkey crumbling financially, the chance exists that it may break away from NATO and join this new Eastern block. With Syria saved from ISIS and its (((Rebels))) that would mean every significant pipeline feeding Europe with oil and gas would be controlled by powers in opposition to it. It would also mean that Arabia and Israel are completely isolated. Interesting times ahead.

Part of why I brough up the #resist thing is because it's not insignificant. It's causing, as you say, serious harm in those afflicted, as they slide into irrelevancy. Is #resist part of israel's strategy to fracture off the weaker elements of world power that stand in the way of direct action again Israel's regional foes? The US media is pushing it non-stop, which hints that it might be.

I think this photo says everything that needs to be said about the #resistance.

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UN officer reported Israeli war crimes before deadly bombing: widow

CBC News · Posted: Feb 06, 2008 4:00 PM ET | Last Updated: February 6, 2008
A United Nations military observer sent e-mails home to Canada reporting that Israel was bombing schools and waging "a campaign of terror against the Lebanese people" shortly before he was killed by an Israeli bomb in Lebanon, said his widow.

Maj. Paeta Hess-von Kruedener of Kingston, Ont., a member of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was one of four UN military observers who died when the Israeli Defence Forces bombed a marked United Nations post on July 25, 2006.

Cynthia Hess-von Kruedener said her husband's mission was to report on the hostilities in the area and she believes that is why Israeli forces attacked the Israeli United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) post, despite Israel's claims that the bombing was accidental.

"Obviously they were unhappy with what they were observing. Maybe that post was in the way as well," she said. "I know my husband was reporting war crimes. And I guess they don't want to deal with that."

Hess-von Kruedener said she is speaking out this week because a Canadian Forces board of inquiry report issued recently about the bombing has left questions unanswered.

The report, released Jan. 31, blamed the Israeli Defence Forces for the incident, but also found the Israeli military refused to provide documents other than a summary of its own internal investigation, "which lacked sufficient detail to explore certain issues to their fullest extent." The report said the UN also refused to provide documents requested for the investigation.

Israeli government spokesman Ariyeh Mekel said Wednesday from Jerusalem that Israel is examining the report, and has no response yet. Mekel also offered Israel's condolences to the families of the four dead men.

Hess-von Kruedener said she is not satisfied with the response of the Canadian government, which she alleges did not protest Israel's refusal to co-operate in the probe.

"Well you expect your government to step in and do the right thing, but that doesn't seem to be the case," she said. "So we are just … We don't know where to turn. We're just beside ourselves I guess." officer killed by israeli shelling&oq=Canadian officer killed by israeli shelling&aqs=chrome..69i57.8823j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Canadian Forces Major Paeta Hess-Von Krudener – stationed as a United Nations peacekeeper in Lebanon – was killed on July 25, 2006 when the Israeli Air Force dropped a bomb on his UN post. Since the time of the incident, the Israeli government has claimed its attack on the UN post was an accident. Canada issued the results of its inquiry into the incident on Feb. 1, 2008. Unfortunately, this claim of the Israelis rings hollow in light of the specifics of the incident.

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It really is though. The #resist strategy is the culmination of 80 years of marxist indoctrination lashing out because it knows it's time is up.

being controlled by russian subhuman trash isn't a better alternative

antisemitism strengthens zionism, that was the big idea of the article. a better idea to outjew the jew is to play with his hubris.

I hope you're right. The marxist stranglehold on the universities, the media, and culture isn't something to take lightly, in my opinion. These are the kind of people that would turn over the country chinese interests if given the chance because at least they aren't white. I see lots of risks from the left. Perhaps I'm paranoid.

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You should be paranoid. They're out to destroy you, I won't deny that.
But that's all about to change. See Hungary.

every incompetent leadership seems to lead to their country being sold to china. RIP Greece and Turkey. kek


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He did provide links and summary. Since you are the pro, make your own post and show us how it's done. You didn't even bother to summarize the article yourself in your whiny little complaint.

Makes sense since almost all wealthy Russians are Jews…

The perspective in yur photo is so weird. The guys head is so tiny compared to his forearms.

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so much for being "Israeli puppets".

What a post.
Good stuff op.

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Haven't seen a thread being slYid so hard in months.
This time OP definitely wasn't a faggot.

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its was created by soviet jews to destabilize capitalist countries by spreading Marxism, to latter by co opted by the same jews for the interest of Israel.

NATO was phase 1 in intergrating Turkey into the EU. Next phase was joining the EU. Then muh turkroaches could legally flood the rest of the EU and no one could stop them.

wait a minute, we shouldnt destroy israel shouldnt we wait until all the jews are driven there first?

This is the death of a system. Motivated men operate in the shadows of the ruins to swoop in and land the killing blow: total reinvention. This includes you user. We will survive and win because we must. These times are a necessary pain to be violently awoken from slumber. Everything will be all right if you take the action yourself to secure it thoughtfully and pragmatically. The outbursts we see are no longer isolated, the collective consciousness runs along a singular rope with many strands. We are simply closer to its coiled end than the others, but we'll all reach it soon.
For now, just be open about what you believe and try to normalize the topic with others. Be unapologetic, but also human in how you deal with it: express your honest fear over the situation, it's the best way to garner sympathy. And you might want to find some good friends, spend some time at the range, buy some durable boots and work clothes/surplus, do a little physical work and crack a six pack together.
In the meantime, our enemies will eat themselves. You can be prepared for the future in the meantime.

The good ol' razzle dazzle.

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Christ you couldn't be any more right: it's almost as if using a hideous mass of diversity with no unifying aspect, aside from hating the White race, as foot soldiers in proxy wars was a stupid decision to bank on.

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That was the previous (((government))).

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Brainlet meme come to life.

Check out .pdf, if that's your thing

Ideas for why Trump is doing this trade war?

That's all media noise you dullard. I bet you think WWE is real too.

Mossad has no oversight, making it the most dangerous group on earth.

How is there no mention of the current water crisis the jews have caused themselves. They have completely depleted their main water source being well below replacement levels and have no technological means of creating additional water in the short term. The extent to which their neighbors will be willing to provide them it either given the whole isis shenanigans is fairly low, and even so, the jews are going to get jewed for water.

They are seriously and truly fucked. Expect new propaganda soon.

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It's too long, I don't feel like reading.

Uweee hee hee!

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playground equipment or S&M tomfoolery?

anyone else tempted to shop a nigger's skeleton with its feet encased in that block of concrete so we can pretend we are looking at an old lake bed?


Kek. But seriously, there's 32 days worth of water left in that reservoir.

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The jew problem does not only lie in Israel, no, it lies in JEWS themselves, I am confident to say that most jews in the world are spread in many countries instead of just living in Israel, and THESE are the most dangerous and biggest targets. Don't get me wrong, DO GLASS THE KIKES IN ISRAEL PLEASE and I recognise how deep in shit Israel is, as I myself thought that would happen maybe 15 years ago. I just want to remind everyone, even though I'm sure most of you are well aware of it, the destruction of Israel is only a very small step and the real work is the establishment of an actual shoah that will be real this time, and purge the zog and the kikes from the whole globe.

Also, very good thread OP, it is (inmyopinion) very well written. Thanks for the read.

Definitely reasonable speculation. One way or another, it's Bibi's fault for letting it happen.

Can anyone TLDR me this thread?

Why the fuck are you even here? But I am empathetic to the mentally challenged so I'll just quote the second to last paragraph for you as it pretty much sums it all up without you having to put too much thought into it.

Wew user, chill. This place has its own pacing. You are getting your info across without the need to sperg.

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The writing was on the wall when Russia laid out the intent to put a presence along the present border in question. This is a very exhaustive article. If people are looking for proper political maneuvering they should take a peek at what the bald fuck in moscow has been doing since he sat himself in the chair. Putin is a fairly good guy by my standards and people don't give him enough credit by slandering him as a (((collaborator))) or zionist for having the gut to swindle someone like N*tanyahu. I'm very interested in where Syria ends up for obvious reasons.

God bless their fighting men.

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Drop dead, niggers.

Nothing convinces me that this isn't tailored to fulfill some bullshit kike prophecy. It is written that the antichrist will literally emerge from the ruins of the war, so Pissrael is probably putting themselves in a position to be bombed to oblivion so their evil messiah emerges.

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Idk but we don't need anyone else. We have everything we need here. If we close the borders, make policies that support white birth rates, and bring back jobs via tarrifs or whatever we can make a paradise. We just need to drain the swamp so our deepstate won't continue to fuck whites abroad. That is our one moral duty overseas. A day of the rope would be beyond amazing here, but maybe not worth it if the balkanization is just a huge jew/deepstate power grab.

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So Leftists get:
All of MSM
The entire Hollywood complex

Cuckservatives get:
Fox news

Rightwingers Libertarians get:

Zionist-Alt-Right gets:
Zig Forums

And Natsoc fades into history. And the idiots in this comment section just goes to show you how Zig Forums is essentially done. Walled in with scummy nerds of the chan world and Alt-kike mods.

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lel keep crying faggot.

bump because this thread rustles so many jimmies.

Economic fallacy.