Alright faggots, here's the situation. You'll want to put down your glass so you don't spit out your drink when you read this.
The Rothschilds have stabbed the Jews in the back
Who is behind BDS? The communists. Who organized the communists? The Rothschilds.
Who is funding Hamas in the US? The Rockefellers. Who do the Rockefellers work for? The Rothschilds.
Who runs the Epstein pedo ring? Mega Group. Pritzer, Bronfman, Rothschilds.
Who were The International Jews that Hitler was complaining about? The Rothschilds.
The Rothschilds have stuck us with Obama, Macron, Trudeau, in each case a "pro-Israel" (according to Rothschild media) dipshit who packs his police and intelligence agencies with Muslim Brothers and invites an invasion of his country by thousands of Muslims who beat the hell out of average Jews on the street. It's taking a while, but those average Jews on the street are starting to wake up.
What's been stopping them? The (Rothschild) media has been highlighting the alt-right to scare the shit out of Jews and make them believe that Hamas is a good alternative.
They just overreached
Jeremy Corbyn was seen holding a wreath near the grave of the Black September murderers who attacked the Munich Olympics in 1972.
Cory Booker was seen with the same type of motherfuckers
Antifa is chanting "no USA at all"
Jewish media is starting to point out that the Rockefellers are funding their enemies
and the Unite the Right honeypot fizzled out as nothing, nothing for Jews to be concerned about.
Take advantage of the situation
Change tactics. Hide your power level for three months. Name the Rothschilds, name Soros, name as many guilty names as you want, but not "The Jew". Until the election, your message is: the Left wants Jews dead. Jews should be afraid of the Left. Afraid enough go with anyone who is fighting them.
Hammer Corbyn hard. Encourage the Jews to clean their own houses of Rothschild infiltration and start fighting back. If your social profile is full of 1488, adopt Corbyn as an honorary Nazi and mention him alongside Patrick Little. You will want to scare Jews away from the Left any way that you can.