***South Africa Farm Targets LEAKED***

Thread theme:youtube.com/watch?v=0QSwDLH2ang





How do we plot this on google earth?????? We need a map ASAP

Attached: awb.png (1200x720, 29.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Have a bump for war reasons. Also Zulu free first post.

I'll see if I can put something together on zeemaps, but not all entries have latitude and longitude

Whatcha sliding this time moshe?

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that's not how Zig Forums works, faggot


Nevermind, I got beaten to it

Attached: Boer Simulator.jpg (1280x853, 809.07K)

Now, post this plus links and screencaps/archive to social media.

Remember that when they come to rape and pillage they will hide behind with signal jammers. At this point if your farm is targeted a better strategy would be to film it from afar discretely then flee to upload the video to here, bitchute, liveleak and any other yet to be fully kiked source. No matter what the footage of niggers stealing white land must get out. Ignorant faggots will deny reality until its impossible to deny the scale of this.

If I were a white South African, I would look into laying traps to take out as many niggers as possible.
Yes, film from afar.
Then, when they close in on the farmhouses, set off the bombs inside.
Set fire to absolutely fucking everything.
Salt the land.
Make sure they get nothing of value.


Attached: ~ C Y B E R N Δ Z I ~ - KeK Kommando 【C Y B E R N ∆ Z I】 - 0QSwDLH2ang.webm (640x360, 10.14M)

Are there foreign volunteers to support the white farmers? is there any real resistance?

Damn, I love this cover.
He looks like a DOOMGUY in training

Attached: RWDS.jpg (1130x706, 403.72K)

Here is the kmz file which you can use to import into Google earth mediafire.com/file/w2hakskkbsgs402/SA.kmz/file

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I have been wondering if there is a foreign legion that is volunteering to kill niggers in SA.

I am looking for a video that explains the settlement of white racist nazis in south africa

This gonna be good

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How did the info get leaked? what's the source?

Something tells me you’re just obsessed with my body

Don't go out without a fight you beautiful bastards.

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They need to firesale all the land and tank the currency.

south africa's white population should sell all money they don't need immediately, exchange it for something secure but also cashable, CHF maybe

Doesnt Orania have its own crypto or something?

orania has its own currency but they are just a small community, but i dont know how they are doing it exactly because they have to pay a lot of taxes to the government.
according to kikepedia the population of orania amounts to 1.500

I saw them come up in random crypto news where the numale beta faggot was kvetching about them being racis for not allowing niggers. More recently I heard stuff from I think the EFF about how they plan to attack Orania.

It's tragic to me how many white landowners in South Africa lack the resources to completely surround tempting farm targets with massive fields of landmines.

while I see that many farmers are poor I think that the community as a whole could establish something like that for every farm.
you can produce mines from just 3USD.

just found a video of a badass south african national socialist girl, chasing niggers with her shotgun at night.
Happened in 30 Aug 2015

Attached: BUL PI Joubert - Teenage Girl with Shotgun in Attempted Farm Attack - nimhaLXBf04.webm (480x360, 3.45M)

kek look at the rand its ogre theyre gonna end up like rhodesia with trillion dollar bills

Reminder the violent attacks are state sponsored.

Attached: South-African-Farm-Attacks-State-Sponsored.PNG (1566x798, 635.71K)

Also we really need to pressure codenigger to give us our CSS back, it was an important part of 8ch caps and had high propaganda value.

niggers have no concept of opsec
they always publicly signal their exploits both before and after
this is how we win

There are so many people asking this, it is unbelieavable. I'm one of them as well.

I'm of that opinion that foreign volunteers will be vital in upcoming war in SA. Whites there need to prepare pipelines to get them into the country, equip them and house them. We need that asap, since shit can blow in the end of this very month.

Well I'd like that user, not enough thieving niggers get to experience being blasted apart.

The niggers in government will ban whites from entry, you will need a proxy country and to infiltrate the borders oldschool style. Better read up on bushwar and develop a taste for rotten baboon.


my question is about the clothing, it looks like heat resistant clothing, what do you think? (against heat scanners)

Attached: south_africa_farm_attack_signal_jammers.jpg (1099x618 611.05 KB, 38.25K)

Also, why should we assume those coordinates are even farms?Big or small farms? A fucking dot on the map doesn't mean much. Why only 200 farms?

any translations on those comments?

A fucking shapefile would be more useful. How big are these farms?

I dont know about heat resistant, does look like it might be an interesting material. Their faces dont exactly light up a whole lot more than the clothing, its just FLIR not Infrared.

Or I guess the IR in FLIR is Infrared, anyways its not your typical rainbow/red type heat cam.

to test if it holds up to the constitutional changes 139 farms will be seized
in the next step all white property will be taken

Can we get an overlay showing all known concentrations of Whites in the country, particularly those who have been forced into shanty towns?

The heat has to go somewhere or you'll cook. Head to toe coverage could be to curtail forensics.

Regardless, any farmer in SA should obviously know what is going on by now and hopefully should be banding together and preparing for shtf. If these dots raise a false alarm nothing is really lost. The nearby farms will then just fortify early like they should be anyways.

is there a total media blackout about this? its so hard to find any news coverage and i havent found a single video form the media about it.

I don't think the monkeys have a coherent plan for managing the stolen farmlands. They haven't thought beyond genociding the Whites.

Bruh the Selous Scouts would wear black face paint until their skin started falling off in rotten putrid chunks. War is brutal in Africa.

You could have plugged it into an online translator yourself, you know…

>3) Yes no __ my question too. Because it's not easy to get this one. And now you can get all the goals of that one. All cellphones, internet alarms and ip drops. That's why people never install an IP camera. And be careful with alarm systems. Bester is always asking for a question. What if their jammers have.

There's a difference between true infrared, heat-sensing cameras and near-IR nightvision (which is what you're seeing there.)
Near-IR cameras works by giving off a frequency of red light that is longer than what the human eye can detect, but the camera can.

Because genocide violates international law, and signatory countries are compelled to act upon any known instances of it.

Sell it to the Chinese and steal the proceeds.

They have thought no further ahead than parceling out the land to curry favour to maintain their power. It's Mugabe all over again.

i have an idea, can we work out a statement that we translate in european languages and then we bring it to our governments?

Any idea on how we can warn them? How can we get them out quickly before the attack?

You need a lawyer familiar with that part of international law, which I am not.
I imagine it will involve something along the line of submitting a plea to the Hague and/or UN for official recognition of victim status of the Boer.
Even then, you're talking about a coalition of nations which have historically been hostile to the cause of the White South Afrikaner.
How is the Cape of Goodhope thing coming along, by the way?

It could be very useful to have current farm eviction videos.

based doggo

They won't go out at all. Trust the Seer.

Would waifu

Anyway what's the source for these farms. It very important to know where this came from.

Why would they wear anti-thermal clothing? These are niggers. No farmers are going to have a Flir. Anyway, that image is an IR image.

Don't these things give you cancer if you wear them like that? It's like standing near a huge radar dish.

Reposting from the other thread

Hi guys, young saffer here with nothing to look forward to in life besides emigrating and suiciding from chronic depression of losing my country and seeing millions of my volk get raped to death, so I'm ready to go out with a bang or genocide all of Africa, either way I'd be satisfied. I've given up on trying to be reasonable, I've played the centrist all my life but I realize now these subhumans are out to screw me over one way or another.

Anyway, before we do anything let me make one thing clear with a full disclaimer, what I'm about to say is totally just something I'd like to do in minecraft rolepay.

Now consider a few things; the SANDF will just disband once the government can't pay their salaries anymore. Everyone in it (about 40 000 in the army) are volunteer force nigs just looking for income. They aren't loyal to the ANC or any higher idea. They're low moral asf and get torn apart in the congo during peace keeping on a regular basis. Their officers are 50% female because the ANC is somehow also cucked by marxist gender ideas and they're all fatass MK veterans that can't do shit. All our equipment is rusted 80s gear and the SANDF has made it public that they have serious logistical problems that they won't be able to use any of their vehicles sufficiently in any type of conflict.

The main enemy will be random black militias forming out of the blue, armed with whatever they could steal from army bases (Cape Town Army base has been robbed twice by gangs that just hold the soldiers at gunpoint) or police stations (which also get robbed a lot here).

There are dozens of white militias working in this country but staying underground after a lot of them were hunted down in the early 2000s and late 90s. I've spoken to their members, they're very level headed and know it's all about waiting for the right time and activating the sleepers when it's the best opportunity to do so. I've been invited to train at their camps which I originally thought was a meme, (growing with the libshit idea that these were obscure nutcase places). They are in fact highly organised and manned by former hardline members of the Volksfront. You won't find this info out in the open somewhere, they don't write this shit down, it's all passed around orally.

Liberal whites that live in places like Cape Town heavily control both english and afrikaans media and always attempt to give the impression they're the majority when it is in fact not the case. Most whites vote DA just because they're used to the old system of voting where voting for small parties meant your vote didn't count. Whites here are actually a lot more right wing than most might think we are. There's a tiny ivory tower filled with these whites who are beginning to realize how screwed we are, but the rest knew this was coming after Zuma was elected 10 years ago. Since then there's been a lot of preparation. Trust me on this.

The ANC government does not have an advance intelligence service tracking right wingers online or in the media, they only find right wing extremists if they do something stupid like make it very obvious they're making bombs or planning to assassinate someone, usually due to anonymous tip offs. Afaik AWB is dead, but there are other militias everywhere and the ANC is extremely, extremely EXTREMELY scared of them and what they might do. So much so even Malema of the EFF employs a white security guard because he doesn't trust his own black comrades to be as honorable as a white man.

If any of you plan on coming here I'd say a few things. Either wait until things go Syria tier here and then visit a neighboring country with basic hunting gear for a typical safari (and then slip over the border) or come to South Africa with absolutely nothing and be a sleeper cell hoping he gets armed by right wingers when the time comes.

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The first option imo is better since then at least you can bring something like an elephant gun and then slip over the border with a weapon that you can use along with some other buddies to overrun our army bases and police stations that are guarded by pussies, and then grab a real gun like an automatic. The second option is all about getting contacts and just being relaxed entirely when you travel here and wait. You must not plan to bring anything like a gun then because then you are traveling directly to South Africa and you should not act overly edgy that any government organisations notice a large amount of suspicious individuals entering the country. Just be a normal dude renting an apartment for a few months here if you feel things are going from lukewarm to a boil, then spring to action and try to get armed somehow via friends you've made here (not even necessarily ultra right wing ones, right of center whites will just band together when shtf). Also note that a friend of mine joined a RNB meeting with someone, and RNB say at best there are about 120 000 people (OF ALL RACES) regardless of passports that have the ability to leave the country if SHTF. Just the financial ability to pack up and leave at will. 4.5 million whites here will either have to fight or die.

Do not underestimate the importance of allying with coloureds, indians and any 3rd party black ethnic group (like the Zulus) that have a history of being anti ANC. Yeah sure I know everyone on these sites like to have a dick measuring contest on who's the edgiest and most anti jew/nigger national socialist but that won't get you far IRL when you're balls to the wall and need allies. Even the Rhodesian army was like 60% based black man so minimally do not bring your windmill flags (yet). That comes later once the civil war is over and we can just clear the continent of all non whites from Cape Agulhas to the equator.

Everything non-military that a hiker would bring, you do the math, it's just about anything a soldier would need BUT weapons. DO NOT bring weapons if you want to be a sleeper cell. Again if you go option 1 you have to wait until unrest here reaches critical mass, travel to a neighboring country with the story of going on a safari with your elephant gun and then you slip over the border armed and ready.

I can't say how whites will form up for frontlines on their own since we're spread everywhere, but I know how a volunteer legion can wreck absolute havoc on South Africa and create a white isis. And we only need 800-1000 soldiers to pull this off. If we occupy the road leading from Ludertiz to Upington (8 hour drive distance) then we can push from there and start a country wide rebellion through sheer escalation. I myself fear that ANC will try a slow boil like Zimbabwe did (even though I think Boers are more short tempered than the few Rhodies that were left in the early 2000s) so we need to just occupy the towns there, storm their police stations and declare the ANC illegitimate and violating basic rights so that we can start the crusade. I'm modeling this on how the Free Syrian Army (I'm pro Assad just FYI) really kicked off the Syrian civil war when it just declared they're forming and occupying cities.

In this region the towns are sparely populated, terrain is wide fucking open and its very far away from army bases that will have a hard time keeping their shit fueled.

Now I'm going to drop my Telegram username here since that shit is actually locked tighter than you think, encrypted end to end and everything is stored by a Russian company, CIA can't get their hands on me and I don't really care since I'm just a minecraft player in South Africa who just explained to you my minecraft roleplay server. If you want to discuss more of this minecraft nonsense I discussed in this entire post, download Telegram messenger and contact @witbaard.

I will not disclose who I am on the Telegram and neither should you reveal anything about yourselves on this Telegram chat, it's simply a form of networking and we should never disclose exactly what we're doing on it. Keeps minecraft interesting.

But ja, there's my two cents, see you space cowboys.



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What is the source? How do we know that "allies" for the animals are not merely spreading nonsense or deliberate distraction?

Afriforum is the source

you're a man amongst men

Thank you for the server info the gameplay will be very interesting

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m8 that is absolutely absurd

Soldiers in Bloemfontein have been robbed at knifepoint


Hitlers Last Speech

BLOEMFONTEIN - A manhunt has been launched after two soldiers at the Tempe military base were attacked and robbed of their rifles and ammunition by two knife-wielding attackers.

According to a police statement, the two officers were on duty at the guard room at the Tempe Support Warehouse on Monday when they heard noise outside at approximately 2am.

Police spokesman Captain Chaka Marope said when the soldiers opened the door to investigate, they were confronted by two men wearing balaclavas.

"Information revealed that wrestling between the attackers and soldiers ensued. In the process, the suspects managed to overpower the soldiers after they had allegedly poured them with pepper spray in the faces.

“The suspects then tied up the soldiers with their own boot laces on hands and feet. The attackers then made off with two R4 rifles with 30 rounds each and two cellphones belonging to the victims."

Marope said the suspects fled in a getaway vehicle which was parked few kilometres away.

A case of armed robbery has been registered for further investigation.

Telegram is not that safe. Use Wire instead, it has been recommended by Snowden.

Explain? You should back up your claims.

Thanks for the information brother, Hail Victory!


Yes because it's a phone app. You accessing anything with your pc uses your IP. It's all encrypted, no matter how much of a 360xxnoscopeh0xxerm@n you are you won't be able to find out what someone's phone number is on the app.

I sincerely hope this is a shitpost because nobody can be this much of a brainlet when it comes to knowing what encryption is supposed to do.

Telegram is not nearly as secure as you think. There are end to end encrypted chats, but groups and the default conversations are not. You have to specifically create a "secret chat" and even then I don't totally trust it

what you want is tox. its much more secure

I've been called a brainlet for using tox since it shows your IP address to whoever is messaging you because there's no encryption and it's direct messaging.

Again none of you know what you're actually talking about.

We all already know their target list: Anybody white. It's a literal genocide.


I don't really use it, I didn't realize that. That being said you should be using proxies or a vpn regardless even for regular browsing. It is end to end encrypted though for sure.
Demonsaw would probably be a good option I know for sure it doesn't show ip's and has good cryptography, but it is harder to use which is why I said tox first

No tox isn't encrypted at all, it's just direct messaging. I've been told to steer clear of it since people have been tricked in using tox over telegram because it "looks plainer" and "doesn't need a phone number" meanwhile telegram hides all your shit including your phone number while tox shows exactly where the fuck you are.

You yourself just said you don't use it that much so you don't know what you're even talking about.

Get on I2P darknet. Connect your IRC client to and create a room.

Not even the CIANiggers can track you.

heads up to a few S. Af anons on YT. thx for the info

What are you opinions on the mobile app Signal?

Good try Schlomo

Attached: 1497552714037.png (448x421, 240.39K)

thats really shitty then that they bill it as a security tool with encryption and anonymity. It's probably run by cia-niggers to entrap people. Thanks for the advice

Telegram is owned by a Russian company, all your shit is hidden, no risk of CIA niggers getting you at all.

not true, they still use google infrastructure so cia/nsa still have metadata even if they don't have the actual content

And what do you expect them to do with meta data?

Also Inb4 some retard here suggests using TOR which is fucking tracked everywhere by US government.

The funniest part will be afterwards when white countries refuse re-entry to, or imprison whites who went to fight in SA even after willingly accepting isis jihadis back with open arms and welfare.

That is the first step in our victory
Reasonableness must only be reserved for our own people

Why would you want to go back? You could get free plot of land in South Africa post civil war and a fertile Boerfu to breed with to populate the white ethnostate.

Attached: boerfu.jpg (482x526, 68.28K)


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Honestly it would almost be worth being exiled from your homeland to force the Normie population to swallow such a red pill.

((( )))
((( )))
tox is the way to go.
getting caught for using your ip is natural selection
non direct alternatives are xmpp and matrix
TOX IS END TO END ENCRYPTED why are you lying to us, oh I get it you are a jew.

IRC can be a good solution as well

never use tor against gov actors
watch 9XaYdCdwiWU

I will try figure out to get an account on telegram but I will still be left with russian spyware on my computer, oh i forgot russians dont do that, they are the kindest people in the world.
I have read somewhere on 8 that no one understands the code of telegram, the writing doesnt make sense. cant find the source, anyone remembers this?

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Bump with latest afrifoum media statement

Disclosed expropriation list: AfriForum, TAU SA and Sakeliga to develop joint litigation strategy to protect property rights
August 14, 2018 deur Natasha Venter

AfriForum, the agricultural union TAU SA and the business organisation Sakeliga decided to combine their efforts and develop a joint litigation strategy to oppose government’s intended plans to expropriate property without compensation.

The decision follows an internal discussion document of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) that was provided to AfriForum by a reputable source. The document contains a list of properties which are earmarked for expropriation. The document’s disclosure was preceded by confirmation from Zizi Kodwa, Head of the Presidency, as well as other members of the ANC’s National Executive Committee (NEC) that the DRDLR had an expropriation list of 139 properties. Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, also indicated that her department had already identified land for expropriation, but that she would not make the list public, as it would then serve as a warning to affected owners and provide them with the opportunity to prepare for legal action. The disclosure of the list also follows President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that he and the ANC wanted to change the Constitution to make expropriation without compensation possible.

As a result of confirmations by ANC NEC members as well as the Minister, all three organisations agree that an expropriation list indeed exists. The Institute of Race Relations’ finding that the list was credible, as well as the fact that most of the properties on the list adhere to the Department’s description of which categories of property would be targeted, are reason enough to view the expropriation list with gravity and not to dismiss it.

AfriForum, TAU SA and Sakeliga encouraged their respective members and other people whose properties are on the list to contact the organisations and provide information to enable the three organisations to jointly decide on a strategy to support people who are affected negatively. All three organisations indicate that they have already been inundated by members and other people whose properties are included on the expropriation list.

According to Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, the threat of expropriation without compensation is of such a serious nature that we cannot afford division among the supporters of property rights. “Together we are stronger,” Kriel says. Kriel also indicates that other supporters of the protection of property rights are welcome to join the organisations’ cooperation actions. According to Kriel, AfriForum has already had talks with leaders who are part of AgriSA’s provincial affiliates, and these leaders support AfriForum’s disclosure of the expropriation list.

Louis Meintjes, President of TAU SA, says that property rights and compensation at market value are key to a sustainable economy and economic growth.

Piet le Roux, CEO of Sakeliga, points out that the ANC is starting to show worrisome similarities with Zimbabwe’s Zanu-PF:

Attached: rnst Roets (Deputy CEO of AfriForum), Kallie Kriel (CEO AfriForum), Louis Meintjes (TLA SA) and Piet le Roux (CEO of Sakeliga).jpg (1280x853, 228.38K)

Maybe the fag is conflating anonymity with encryption. Tox is securely encrypted but it is not anonymous, everyone know's everyone elsis IP unless you take external measures to hide it.

You should be wary of saying anything incriminating over it as the person your chatting with could be an informant.

If you know that who your talking to is a trusted party then it is a very good technology.
