Libertarian General

So the nanny state makes you a man, now? Who's a big boy?
They're the same thing, pizzacommie. Also, a society in which people are slaves (except as punishment for interrupting my NAP) is not an ancap society. /Liberty/ is something you always have to fight for, even when you have it.
If the police are killing innocent people, they're breaking the NAP. If people catch word of such a thing, the policemen responsible will be executed physically removed and the company will go bankrupt. All systems which are against corruption of supposedly neutral people have a problem with said corruption being unknown in many cases. Ancap simply gives you a system in which there are no loopholes.

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Meet out back and we'll see who's the real big guy around here.

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Libertarianism always leads to Bolshevism.
Obvious shill,
Would not be insulting pollacks needlessly if was valued poster.
Kill yourself shill, your life’s is no doubt constant suffering if this is your job.

I just noticed
Absolute bullshit.

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you autist don't understand, we hate leftists too

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You mean people too cowardly to take up the sword and fight for what they believe in? I find it hilarious that the Christian "heroes" were all pathetic weaklings who cucked for their enemies, and allowed themselves to be burned alive and fed to lions without a single complaint.

His relationship with his father was complicated.
Hitlers father had led a very varied and inconsistent life before landing a job as a civil servant. A job he considered to be fucking ace and the best kind you could go for.
This was an opinion he pushed quite heavily on his son, who naturally didn't agree with him and wanted to pursue art instead.
That was the primary source of conflict between the two.

You're preaching to the choir here. I know they didn't have the easiest of relationships (some theorize that's what the painting represents) but that's a far cry from hatred.
It's very obviously a classical tactic of trying to use "daddy issues" as a way of belittling someone's character.

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Founding fathers were White nationalists, lolbergs please stop pozzing them with neoliberalism.

Individualism verse collectivism is a gay as fuck meme, it's a dialectical spectrum of chaos and order.

Most humans are NPCs, freewill is a spectrum of agency.

The state is a tool, just like a gun; neither are morally wrong innately.

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how retarded can you get

Lolbergs are just degenerate liberals who hate the left in spite of being a part of it and are so spiritually bankrupt they can only articulate morality, ethics, and rebellion against the modern world in the context of economics. They are the absolute pinnacle of what it means to have your narrative and language controlled and set by your enemies. Lolbergs are what Jews wish all white men would become, because if they did, the Jews would have won.

Sage because lolbergs aren't worth a thread.

Libertarians are a kind of leftist. Yes, you read that correctly. If in doubt, go look up the actual definition of left and right.

Bulls-eye user.

bunch of open borders faggots

Brutal. I'd say the same for classical Marxists, it's why it gave way to cultural Marxism.

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I sympathize with libertarians because I can understand where they’re coming from. But in the end, they just always put their heads in the sand whenever confronted with any problem. It’s kind of impossible to have a completely free market
I find there are three types of libertarians
You will hardly find libertarians like Ron Paul, but you will always find the other two that I mentioned

Also, please stop confusing libertarians with ancaps

What about small state libertarianism, it's social conservatism with classical liberal economic vales.

I'm not an ancap, I just believe the people should be in change of lynching the unproductive instead of the state apparatus. Which should be focusing it's efforts on maintaining borders.

But it is also easy to see where the acusation of hatred comes from.


This is the problem with le law of the jungle individualists, they have zero sense of national duty and scope, they think the entire world is middle aged single men all playing in some sport. A vast majority of humans(young, old and women) are unproductive, only men during their prime are bread winners and it takes millions of dollars and many failures to produce them– as in you have to produce lots of normalfags to get a single productive genius.

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You scared?


We need to replace all taxes with a single tax on land values.

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Yeah, you’re definitely obsessed with my body.

Go back to your shitty board, faggots. Shill your shitty ideology somewhere else.

But it's not easy, it's pure slander, you're playing on the kikes' terms of subjectivity here, a treacherous battlefield you're sure to perish on.
You're opening the door to such by acknowledging outlandish character interpretations based on the premise that you could somehow, with enough mental gymnastics, reach a conclusion that'd be completely disconnected from intent of the initial premise on the eyes of any rational person.
Adolf talks about his father quite a bit on the first leg of Mein Kampf and makes it clear they disagreed on their perspectives in life and both disapproved of things about the other but that's really as far as it goes, a rocky father-son relationship that can very well be related to by anyone here.
Anything beyond that though is pure sophistry and intentionally injecting a narrative where it doesn't belong; anyone who's read MK and came off it thinking Adolf hated this father is either an idiot with deep personal issues projecting or kike trying to maliciously disparage the man.
Why should these lines of thought require any sort of consideration and not dismissed right off the bat as they deserve to be and those who spew them not swiftly labeled as either fools or kikes?

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You can't have libertarianism and niggers. Unfortunately, us burgers have niggers. No libertarianism.

The Free Market is a radical, liberal, revolutionary idea, and has no place in any country that cares about the nation that inhabits it (nation being defined as the blood, culture, religion, and language of a people).

The most basic assumption of lolbergs is that the Free Market will fix things, except the only thing the Free Market ever does or can do is make things more liberal, more progressive. Private corporate interests are inherently liberal, not conservative: they have no stake in conserving anything and will always pursue the cheapest labor, the worst working conditions, and the lowest wages they can get away with paying. The Free Market destroyed the Living Wage upon which the West and most specifically America was founded upon. The Free Market has determined white people to be obsolete in favor of third world slave labor by Mexicans, Chinese, and Indians: intelligence has been deemed an unnessary trait in the working class, creativity a minus, initiative and drive a danger. The Free Market holds that mindless and pathetic third world bug people are the superior labor pool to European men of Aryan values and Christian morality, and so the European must be driven to disenfranchisement and extinction.

It was the Free Market, it was the private corporate sector and it's various industries, that have collectively judged white people to be more trouble than they are worth. It was the Free Market and it's corporate interests who created and empowered the Social Justice Warrior, who are even now peddling Cultural Marxism as a brain drain on the European and an instruction manual to the nonwhite on how to take his place.

The Free Market is the notion that the nation exists to serve the economy, and not the other way around. That blood and language and religion and culture are all interchangable stickers on what are fundamentally identical cog units in a greater machine: at best these stickers are a product to be manufactured and sold to the cogs to keep them passive. At worst they are obstructions to be eliminated.

The Free Market is liberal, it is corrosive, it is entropic, it is degenerate. It is cosmopolitan, it is Freemasonic, it is cosmopolitan. Being a direct inversion of What Should Be, it is Satanic. As a force, is anti-white. And most importantly and profoundly of all, it is explicitly Jewish.

No Libertarian anywhere can be tolerated to exist. Intellectual Judaism is an even more serious crime than blood Judaism, because no Jew asked to be born a Jew, but Libertarians and their ilk could be something else if they chose.

Never forget: Money is the root of all Evil, and the Jew's true father is Satan, whose work they do on this Earth. This was the great truths of the Bible, and one of Hitler's great truths as well. Communism and Capitalism are two sides of the same Judaic coin. Neither serve the interests of the European, of the Christian, of the righteous man who loves his people.

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You can think,believe& express anything you want on my ethnocontinent libbertoon, as long as your core is heterosexual White first.

Who is the chronic slunt spammer? & I get b& for that DoNTARD micropenis parody painting for gay prOn& all my posts get deleted.
Some of my better shitposting too.

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Wasn't Marx main premise that hypercapitalism had to rot society to the ground for communism to fill the vacuum and triumph?

Why are many Christians and Satanists Libertarians? Seems like an interesting point for them to agree on.

It was one of the ways he proposed, with the other being violent revolution. He had a point that no government will willingly want to give up its power to the people, his flaw was that he didn't realize that this would also apply to the socialist government that would supposedly give up its power to the people in the theoretical transition from socialism to communism. He thought that everyone that made up the socialist government would be selfless communists and that no power-mad dictators would take control.

National socialism is economically centerist/left.
Not that it matters since we don't conform to the political compass.

You arbitrarily define whatever power structure you don't like as the state, and then make it a bogeyman. Just like commies, if you ever get in power this contradiction will tear you apart and leave you open to infiltration.
You are liberals. The only stable system is when families get one vote through the male leader of the household. This cohesion into community structures stops government from being able to use people as chess pieces against the people they care for most. Hedonistic materialism leaves everyone atomized and vulnerable to power structures. End of story.

Prehaps we should not impose a power structure on anyone against their volition. Power not in private hands should be destroyed and its absence maintained through defense against those who wish to fill its vacuum. Voting should not exist, and should only be used, albeit in vain, against the governments power while a government is present. Hedonism naturally destroys itself over time if not sustained by those who are not, which can not be done if there is no taxation

He says, while relying on the police to do his dirty work for him.

A jew who bought a domain name speaks for libertarians? Doesn't sound very libertarian to me.

What police?
What dirty work?
Do you have some meds you forgot to take, user?


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hot damn /pol is cucked

/thread. OP will never recover.

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What's your agenda, friend?


You guys think you are hotshit because you have le maymay pics and numbers, I waan see you guys do that on /liberty

stob bosting plz XDDD

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The natcom fears the ancap.

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Vlad the Impaler

How delusional can you be.
There is one main problem with libertarianism. It doesn't work in times of crises or with heterogeneous populations.
You need educated people that respect tradition and each others rights as neighbours.
What will you do when 3 of your neighbors are jobless shitskins that vote to divide your land among each other and strip it bare?

Libertarianism is an ideology for good times.

By whom? Do you know about theory of states as stationary bandits? Imagine its been strongest bandit in area. Who would remove him again?

In fact we already live in the ancap. Only its subjects are not individuals but states. This is obvious because of how technology of violence works. Large effect of scale. 10 people beats 1. Possibility of huge entrance barriers. Security firms snowball into violence monopolies who have full violence monopoly over territory and using this runs most possibly effective enterprise. Racket .

This altruistic idea (like all altruistic ideas) falls flat on its face when group of thugs decides to impose a power structure on others. What are gonna do now? Go report about it to policeman?

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Any ideology that says a woman is equal to a man because she can spend money is a non-starter.

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The issue with liberatianism is that you need to do something legally and permanantly about the jews and their barbaric, wicked, depraved, nepotistic, parasitic, and destructive nature.

For every one instance of a jew like Peter Schiff, you have a thousand more jews as vile as Soros and Kissinger. This cant be fixed peacefully or amended. Libertarians have little to fear from Nazis, and face existential and mortal threats from jewish infiltration to derail and co-opt a movement to have a libertarian style government.

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That's why you are virgin

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kek, I might post that on /liberty/ and see what happens.

Libertarians are traitors who sell out to the jews first chance they get. The libs who defend abolishing the state never end bitching about their guns. You don't give arms to your enemy, any more than you should give your enemy your state. However just because assclowns have guns(states) doesn't mean you should get rid of them completely.

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Fake libertarian detected.

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Top kike

Could you be anymore of a rulecuck



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butthurt much

/polcucks SEETHING

Latinos niggers and mudslimes are imposing their power structure on me by ethnically replacing my people, at which point they will remove all pretense and finish the job. Or maybe they'll all vote lolbertarian and everyone will live happily ever after. Of course, you know the reality of it don't you white man.

You know how most guys who watch interracial cuck porn are from Zig Forums? It's the same principle with the big bad lolbergs, people fetishize what they're terrified of. In contrast, Zig Forums is actually quite popular with these guys, they are very curious about socialism, and if you drop by in that shithole, you will usually see a few cringy threads like:

My wife hates ugly sluts that act like men on the internet like you. I saw her hit one of your kind with a rake handle once.

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You have to go back. Only Hoppeans are allowed here ,and only under certain circumstances.

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found the gendercritical mod.

Vikings took down the roman empire, established worldwide trade routes, discovered America and initiated the industrial revolution.

What the fuck did niggers do?

You give me too much credit, I'm just having fun.

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What kikery is this?

Nice fanfic there Zig Forums.

He is currently in /liberty/ trying to play the boards against each other.

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