Sweden Is Burning

(((Migrant))) gangs unleash COORDINATED fire-bomb rampage across MULTIPLE cities



archives are shoa'd for me

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Makes you think, how strongly do you think Sweden censors the press to keep shit like this out of the global zeitgeist?

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Nothing is happening, just teenagers trying to share a drink as is their custom.

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It didnt take donald trump to tell you that, and people have been trying for years. This shit has nothing to do with donald trump.

From Daily Mail:

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It is an flash islamic pride, and if this triggers you, you may be a trump supporter and/or racist.

Everything is fine. Wait under the tables

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Boys will be boys you know

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Diversity camp fires

So I know this is two days late and slightly off topic but did anyone else see Pewdiepie's meme review from two days ago, specifically the very end? He shows Alex Jones getting Shoah'd a money bag sign and Ethan (((klein's))) tweet and then says Youtube with three echoes. Dude is definitely signaling us, I didn't even want to comment (((Youtube))) because I don't want Pewdiepie to get Shoah'd but I think he realizes it's a real possibility, it's a pretty obvious dogwhistle really surprised I haven't seen anyone talk about it?

That's it. The migrants have to all die.

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The last time civilization took in a bunch of foreign barbarians and let them create their own enclaves where they thought of themselves no as citizens of the new country but citizens of the old they ended up sacking Rome


The sacking of rome was pretty justified tbh.

I really hope there are groups of Swedes that are organizing to take their country back, because things are escalating quickly.
Any Swedebros here that can shred some light on the situation?

this will be forgotten in a week and swedes will do nothing

maybe a handful will awaken because of this

They won't with that attitude.


Who is Barbra Lerner Spectre and why does she deserve to die a slow, painful death?

Swedish isn't burning, the heat and light are simply the enlightenment caused by cultural enrichment and only leftists should be allowed such hot bright enlightening enrichment. Let us quarantine it to their homes and neighbourhoods because we clearly do not deserve it.

Clearly, the refugees are homesick. This behavior is a manifestation of their PTSD from living in the wartorn places from which they fled. We should feel sorry for them.

That bitch justifies the return of crucifixion

If this happened anywhere else, there wouldn't be nearly this amount of jaded ironic shitposting, except maybe Canada. You people need to get mad.

You know, there's videos out there that you could have posted instead of retarded meme shit. Here, I'll do it for, not you, but the board at least those handful left that aren't JIDF

Attached: göteborg frölunda torg bilbränder 2018-08-13 brinnande bilar.mp4 (640x360, 14.09M)

Here's another.

Attached: Det brinner i Frölunda.mp4 (640x360, 5.06M)

That bitch deserves to get skinned alive

BLS is Sweden’s own female version of George Soros the filthy Kikess was interviewed years ago gloating about turning Sweden into a faggoty third world melting pot

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Nigger you better wait until the few white people left in Sweden start setting shit on fire before you start posting all that redtext bullshit.

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swedes are the absolute apex of cucked at this point

they have been encouraging shit like this for longer than any of the other eurocuck nations, it is hard to stay supportive of them even if they are my ancestors homeland


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Obvious false flag

unable to generate heat the newcomer burn cars for warmth

Lovely culture.

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And another

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This look like a stress test to see how easily they can overwhelm The Police.

It's a success!

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this is to be expected and the jews knew it was going to happen, that's why it is happening.

It's the Swedish women and government. The threat of violence from the government is preventing men from taking action. It'll reach a boiling point eventually though.

jewsmustdie really made the right choice leaving when he did, what an oracle he is.

Lol. How many times has this been said…"eventually something will happen" LOL Just LO fucking L. Sorry, I can't even write coherently laughing at the absurdity of this idiocy.


What threat? I bet that less than 100 Swedes could take control of the country, if they could do it without flinching. And probably without any casualties on their side.

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sweden can only be saved after its ecenomy collapsed

Six men; and no reason to believe they aren't IDF setting up muzzies for a civil conflict where two of (((their))) biological enemies eliminate one another

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This is true anywhere really. As long as these Swedes can still shrug and then skip off to their Ikea saturated hidey holes stocked with fermented fish and dragon dildos, they won't so shit.

Don't send drones to attack these people. Trump. Only people who throw rocks in the direction of Israel and miss deserve drone strikes. Talk about fat Rosie O'Donnell or something. She's so fat amirite?

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It would be a real shame if someone taught these migrants how to disable vital infrastructure, forcing the eternal swede to man up or die.

it's a stomach-turner to hear that cunt echo what every insufferable Jew thinks, as they sit on high passing judgment on all others; as though they were qualified. They had damned well better hope for divine intervention.

Only one answer for Sweden at this point: Moonman

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Odin can't save them now.

Burning a bunch of parked cars. Seems so antifag tier.

I tell ya, I've really warmed up to that shitposting cancerlord over the years.

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12003960 [not giving (((you))) the satisfaction of a (you)]

Everyone point and laugh. Newfags take note, this is ACTUALLY a shill.

Sage for offtopic


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IMO he's what hiding your power level really looks like. Drop enough truth to make people wonder, then roll it back with "lol just kidding". Also in his book series he has basically come out and said Yukio Mishima is his favorite author. How many of those kids are reading Mishima because of him?

Well, from the article I posted here it sounds like them but I'm more inclined to believe it's cultural enrichment rather than typical commies.

It's not enough to just say Trump was right and even as poll numbers in Sweden are quickly going right only strong action can save them now. The good news is, if Sweden acts now it can actually prevent itself from ended up bad as even the USA even though they have Trump, Americans are barely 56% white and filled with more shitskins than all Europe combined. It's over for them, the USA has no future and Trump can only delay it. But Swedes, being inherently better than Americans, can still save themselves if they just gas all their meager amount of shitskins that cause the vast majority of troubles in Scandinavia.

Literal leftist utopia right there. Even comes with the healthcare nobody can have time to get in. I can't wait for all Swedish doctors to defect to Denmark/Norway or something because caring for thankless dangerous evil shitskins isn't worth it
But you know, it's funny. Leftists used to never shut up about Sweden being the greatest model nation one earth for their far left schemes now they try to ignore and avoid mentioning Sweden any chance they get. Leftist integrity kek

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Might be. There have been fires all over sweden tonight.

imkikeyist civnats are not welcome

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lol nice Zig Forums recolor nerd

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I find that out there jews meme even worse than their brainwashed commie underlings.
2/10 apply yourself

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Three or four special forces and you have a splatter paint party.

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I imagine red and yellow are both jews so which is the less bad one?

the country in question is Sweden, a country completely lacking in testosterone

Get with the times, Bowlcut Edgesquads are the way to go for killing niggers

After seeing all the IRL gore combat footage and shit you see on imageboards, this hollywood cawadoody bullshit does absolutely nothing for me. I guess I'm an edgelord now.

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There is a reason most jews do not live in Isreal; vampires cannot feed on themselves.

Swedish Democrats (Yellow) are the right party.

You’re the nigger

Leftist utopias had strong borders and you yelled to "tear down that wall". You have it now, 56%ters.

1. Do not interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
2. Burn Sweden down.

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Is it really a mistake if nothing will be done about it? or is it just more unchecked animal violence?

You realize the Rothschilds' plan hasn't changed, right? You're going to crusade for Israel, goyim.

Nice solution, you defeatist faggot. The rope is over there if you want to cuck out.


Don't cry Sven, we are here to save you.

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No. America would save Sweden government from terrorism.

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we have 1000+ at every celebration day
t. frog
has been going on for more than a decade

Just watched it, pretty obvious dogwhistle confirmed at the end of the video.

Lel. Leftshits still asshurt their main project collapsed. Are we going to pretend that you didn't call for nor support this shit commieboi?

doubt it with all the shit talking they do about us.

A score that pathetic has to be sandniggers; even commies or literal niggers from nigger Africa would have done better,

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I get that they're subhuman, but fuck, even animals aren't this fucking stupid

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Honestly, it probably only makes it to the global zeitgeist as it were.

Is that why they don't bother making Renaults any good? Thanks for ruining Nissan, by the way.

we must work both on establishing more connections and on dumping the economy.
propose leaving the eu as a solution

/me enters black neighborhood
/me reaches into fanny pack
/me pulls out HJ dagger
at least 100 dead niggers within the hour

based new Swedes, hope they are better than the old ones

Photos look SIEGE as fuck. Needs more buildings on fire tho


Swedes, the power grid is your worst enemy

The police are your worst enemy

Take direct action while you can

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