Brazil sets new record for homicides at 63,880 deaths
Reminder that this is the utopia leftists want for America and Europe. Diversity is death strength goyim.
Brazil sets new record for homicides at 63,880 deaths
Reminder that this is the utopia leftists want for America and Europe. Diversity is death strength goyim.
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They just need to keep on homociding until they exceed 'live births' and they will take care of all their problems. Let's be honest though, this probably won't happen until they have an economic downturn. Homicide of 63,000 without any kind of downturn is PRETTY IMPRESSIVE though…
By the way is that like boiled infant soup or something in your video?
Hello newfrined
This is actually the utopia that the (((Portuguese))) wanted and they even had a policy of wanting to breed out the black slaves they brought in (similar to how Aussies tried breeding Abos out of existence and failed). Brasil just needs another military junta and things will fall back into order. Anyway, sage because QTDDTOT.
To be fair. Monkey might taste good.
only if you have subhuman negroid blood. get out.
Man those tiny snippets of white DNA in that fucking genetic hodge-podge of Brazil really empowers them to get extra creative with their disgusting bullshit, doesn't it?
As a Brazilian, it's mostly nigger areas with huge homicide rate. White areas are really safe, as much as white areas would be in any country.
The mistake people make is looking at Rio and thinking it represents Brazil. It's understandable, but thankfully far from the truth.
Reminder: the US WILL be on an IRREVERSIBLE path to being the next Brazil if something drastic doesn't happen very soon.
The US is officially 61.27% white (en.wikipedia.org
Of those whites, the majority are too old to fight. Half of the rest are socialists/shitskin-lovers. We are now at a turning point where a Brazil future is inevitable and irreversible.
It only took 2,000 guys for the beer hall putsch. Just saying.
nufag checking in…so what is it? I am not watching that stupid 'cooking' video to find out I can tell just by looking at it that I don't want to know.
Mongrel perversions gotta perv
Move swiftly and silently, keep a silencer on your gun. Shoot everything brown in that day. Everything. Do not stop until you run out of bullets.
Fuck America. Hold Europe together. The burgers are going to pay for failing to fight for the right.
Why would we pay for not keeping the Alt-Kike together? Kikes aren't our people.
Monkeys, still cannibalism by the way.
You must be one of those new, extra-swarthy "europeans" we hear so much about.
You seem like a spastic retard.
If you actually do something, don't talk about it. If you just talk about it and don't do it, what's the point?
What retardation is that?
That failed got a couple people killed and ended up in Hitlers arrest.
Paul Ryan and Bushes are fighting to stop the destruction of non-jewish societies. Express donate now.
Uma delicia…
As a southern Brazilian it pains me that our (mostly)white cities are quickly becoming like the northernern ones via nigger migration.
I blame the media, they constantly put documentaries on how clean and safe and rich we are.
I can't even buy a gun to defend my family, some buildings got their garage busted open and raised by crack gangs.
The police station is a kilometer away but they are mostly fat or women so they don't help us.
Don't let the west become like us, we were white and proud and safe, long ago.
You can become like us,don't forget about this.
Brasil is just a window into the future for the west.
You are looking at your present with a different racial/cultural filter lmao
Fuck off you goddamn blackpilling Torpedo. You're spewing your shit in literally every thread.
Reminder that the jew works slowly and from the shadows, he doesn't want you to get uppity and disrupt his white genocide.
It's not blackpilling, it's reality. Rio 30 years ago looked like (pre-refugee) Paris or Milan.
In 10 years America will be majority non-white and the world will be theirs.
Don't male niggers in the US commit almost that much at only 7% of the population? I mean, they rape between 20 and 30 thousand white women a year. The number of black women has to be way more. That's not even to factor in hispanic women who often live in communities right next to theirs.
Then why are you talking about it if it's inevitable, moron? Seems redundant, unless you're only here to shit-post and blackpill shill.
Brazil, an overview
He is right and wrong at the same time. White minority will mean total government dysfunction. Our greatest domestic enemy is the millions of white goylems enforcing the laws of the jews upon their own kin. They will be gone once the brown and blacks reach critical voting mass so that they can vote themselves to government jobs and welfare. Once the goylems are gone we can settle the bloody debt of honor the goylems owe us, then we have a simple home run against incompetent opposition. There will be no "proud to have served" cuckservative moron goylems in the future. No christcuck goylems and their slave morality. No SJW goylems and their insanity. No wannabee jew goylems like the mormons. Only us.
fuck off kike
So this is the power of mongrels, whoa.
With everyone fighting, the jews can live in peace.
Learn how to weld and build pointed traps.
The world will never be theirs. It is impossible, (((they))) aren't white and can't handle the requirements to sustain control.
Literally no different than a ham hock. Not that ham hocks belong in anything but soup for flavor, but they were good enough for my grandparents.