Judge denies motion to detain New Mexico Muslim compound suspects


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Shit, these subhumans deserved to be Waco'd more than the original.

excuse me what the fuck

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Jesus fucking christ, what the ever living fuck is wrong with this bitch judge. They must really, really, really want these "suspects" to pull off what they're training for.
This shit needs to be shoved all over social media, anywhere.

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The FBI-trained operatives were not meant to get caught. This gives them time to flee.

They're going to vanish and it'll get memoryholed by the media.
It's going to be up to us to inform the public when that happens so the judge's feet can be held to the fire.

We need a final solution to the Cat Lady question.
Anyway, if you wanted to let her know how you feel about this in the mean time, here's her email.
[email protected]

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Send in the fucking feds.
Destroy this fucking shit, kill these fucking "people" and dont let the media martyr these shitskins.

That's a fucking kike.


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oh, and give the fucking judge bitch a helicopter ride.
Where is Trump on this?

What the fuck is that thing

Sounded like a bullshit case from day one, their compound was their home, which they are in the process of building. Child abuse my ass too. Kill niggers because they are niggers but don't "try" them for crimes your going to then use on the next white family. Fuck the Feds, and fuck the New Mexico ZOGbots.

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Yeah, I guess the child's corpse that they found on the property was just a fucking coincidence.

Jesus is this a Federal or county judge? Regardless they found a dead child's remains on the property.

Every White family has a corpse of a 3yo on their property.

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Well we know one thing.
When the next school shooting happens, and they hide the race and motives of the shooter, we can pretty much assume it's one of these fucking islamic niggershits.

You fucking idiot the feds are our enemies they allow mass shooting and terrorists attacks all the time.

You don't make any fucking sense.

This is absolutely fucking insane. They found a dead kid for Christ sake. This is the kiked world we live in boys.

Clown world

You believe everything you read from Jew based media? Fuck you idiots

year, sure they did, it's probably a dog, or a coyote, the story sounded so far fetched from the very beginning

I bet you believe the Earth is flat because "NASA could have faked those images". Fuck off, retard.

And what happens when whites do this?

Are you fucking retarded?

Whites DON'T do this kind of shit.


He's here to derail, that much is clear.

Check her twitter


It's a fucking minefield of clownworld's greatest hits

Waco and anti-militia laws. Tax money being used to infiltrate and blow up any and all White militia.

Wouldnt really consider that to be the same as this heinous nigger shit.


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Well unfortunately user, you or someone like you isn't the one making that distinction at the moment.

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Yet somehow it is treated worse.

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Daily reminder nigger Muslims are training kids to shoot up schools. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the “books on how to build guns at home” was tied into 3D printing which would have been used to pass sweeping legislation against any and all things related to such.
IIRC one of these guys fathers was also connected to the original WTC bombing

Yeah, a muslim squatting in a compound plotting on how to kill whites. So farfetched.

Of course it's all MUH DRUMPF shit.

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Their "compound" was on someone else else's property. Plus wtf has a "compound"?!

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The (((law system))) is only going to get worse. If you defend cops and judges you will go down with them; all upholders of the System will suffer. Their screams and cries will be like music to the good fruits.

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How do we know this is her? I can't tell it apart from a thousand other saltposting Zig Forums checkmarks.

HOLY FUCK! The fix is in, this needs to be spread all over social media and swamp it to the highest possible level.

The feds knew about these guys before the locals went in. They are being protected.

The media wouldn't like it if her email was filled with gore pics, couldn't bear someone writing an article about the alt-right nazis doing something so terrible because she wanted to save those based Muslim Americans from prison.

How is it that anons still act like they don't get Waco? I have said a hundred times that the guy in charge of it was running dirty blackmail shit for the alphabet orgs and threatened to rat them out. Do you really think those faggots give a flying fuck about justice?

These fucking subhumans weren't threatening to rat them out, I reckon.

so move all 11 kids into a shelter, plus the two breeding bitches, and jail two others, when they'd all probably be dead by spring if left alone
no fucking though, none, what so ever

Go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit.


Show us proof, then.

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Get the cuckservatives, Q-larpers and libertarians in on this. Let them know what happened any way you can. One thing I found that red pills normies is them reading all this crazy shit, like this, Clanton getting off, and Kate Steinle’s killer getting off, from the basic bitch conservatives and conspiracy types. The more civnats and other American normie rightists bellow about it, the further it pushes white rightists to the cause of white nationalism. It just becomes too much to deny.
Believe me, I speak from experience.

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I guess this means the Americans will spend less time mocking Europeans for ridiculous court rulings, huh? It took less time for Europeans to step on the petrol towards the far right than the decades it took Americans, remember that when talking back at your European betters, burgers.

the judge and all those involved should be executed by firing squad immediately. if someone doesn't start doing shit about this and the rampantly corrupt legal system i whole heartedly cannot fucking wait for civil war and these kike fucks will be the first i put a fucking bullet through

Even the libs are losing their shit over this decision.


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No, we need a final solution to women in government.
This is why you don't allow women to rule you.

only one way to be sure of that.

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Anyone get this cunts home address yet?

new mexico , same as old mexico

Hopefully we start seeing truck of peace attack’s in la and Jew York. Liberals deserve to live under the diversity they voted for.

Judge Cuntus "let 'em go, no danger to the community"
We need more ROPE and men willing to make full use of it.
Also, is that a kike nose in pic related?

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This is outrageous, fucking outrageous.

Been breaking this video down of the compound.



Gadi Schwartz
Published on Aug 9, 2018

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based jew Gadi, and for the record there were not 11 children found there, there were 11 niglets found there…. so who gives a fuck let them all starve to death or freeze to death.

Colorado Conservative here
Hard to believe this is an actual NBC report telling the disgusting truth about the muslim compound. Thank you Gadi Schwartz. You're one based kike

hard to believe niggers were living in living conditions just like Africa.
Holy fuck alert the media.
Let's get them assistance over here.

Truly one of the greatest mistakes, surpassed only by suffering a kike to live.

This is just how New Mexico works. Child murderers roam freely. If it weren't for the whole 'training for jihad' aspect this wouldn't have even made the front pages of the newspapers around here.

The fact that it did make the front page and the judge let them go anyway tells me something's up, however. The trash that makes up the judiciary around here only care about how they appear rather than actually doing their duty, so the fact that the judge did something that would make her look bad to basically everyone means it is guaranteed that this is something important and it is extremely likely that she took a huge bribe to let them go. I would recommend looking into who's she's getting money from and seeing what they're connected to.

Camp looks to be at West end of Panorama Blvd. East of Costilla.

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Peddle your kike filth somewhere else.

smiley take your meds

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They must protect Mossad (or Shin Bet?) operatives

knew she was a kike the moment i saw her face…


The fact that this judge won't die tonight is proof that we have been made powerless as a race.

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People are not happy about it. Maybe there's still hope.

Yeah because the compound would be either burned to the ground or militia members held in federal prisons immediately after. Not to mention White militias don't starve children and "exorcise" a three year old to death.
Good to see that court being bombarded .though.

Hey, shit happens all the time in the desert user
Lotta holes and such

The Judge is a danger to the community. Her face should be plastered everywhere warning her community and jurisdiction she is legitimately insane. Either that or she is in leafur with literal terrorists.

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Fake news.

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Agreed, just a bunch of spooky stuff in the desert. I wouldn't worry about it.

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These were FBI goons not mine you retards.
I am not Muslim you stupid fruit niggers

The whole Muslim thing was a psyop you inbred bean people

fuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuu, torposting eurocuck.

lol that explains it

dey wuz good bois. dey was disadvantaged an shit, dat's why dey had dat starving kid and bullshit. Man fuck da police.

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Fucking San Francisco… always….

I am about to drive through this town as well. Hope I see some cute Indian girls behaving themselves.

Reminder of what happens when your white church group sells a short-barrel shotgun to undercover feds.

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Apparently one of the bitches is an illegal. Why do I have the feeling they were released because this judge is pulling that shit of not keeping them because she knows that will assure ICE deports. I mean even that Q user person/group brought this issue up today.

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She's virtue signaling hard for her pet nigger and wants his cock.