Task Force; Indie Journalist, they beat her nearly to death a year ago and told her to keep her mouth shut. She names Joe Biden in her last video. Youtube blocked and censored her a few days ago. She was killed today.
They Have Killed Task Force
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That is why you must keep your opsec when dealing with 7th Floor hired guns.
Every woman that wore a pink pussy hat for Soros and then apologized for it should watch this.
It has kinda fucked me up a little
It is more closer than you might want.
People just don´t understand that fixers will kick your door down and 'fix' your talking head.
That is the overall motive behind fighting with ideas as spear heads instead of your irl head and face.
How is that murder case being handled?
Not as great as that murdered woman journalist that leaked the elites only push and promote women now because they're "easier to brainwash, control". The fact their unhappiness has only gone down was also funny to (((them))).
I'm not sure how women in FEMEN and the like did not see the truth earlier before they committed suicide. FEMEN is literally funded and owned by (((men))), both jews.
Can some kind user with a higher degree of tolerance for this kind of thing provide a tl;dr to what her point was?
We all know how it will be handled. She was getting harassed days ago/ YT shut her down/ Bitchute was giving her problems/ then Brain Hemorrhage. Found dead in her hotel room in Washington DC. Had just gone to the Manifort trial.
She's about 50, and an ex FBI agent.
FBI, or police. I forget.
Well, if you have older vids of her praising some shit and adding those to the consequence reel, it should put some paranoid feelings into people. I don´t understand why people believe this is a safe game.
She was pushing real hard on the whole pizzagate thing
Realistically, they can never murder enough people to keep the cat in the bag at this point, but wetwork is all they know. Sad!
A lot has to do with child trafficking, organ harvesting in Ukraine, ect…
I´ve always thought there is something else inside all that pizza debris. The pedo shit is too basic if it is only for depravity. Following the money only leads to islands banking, because it is the usual motive. Which reminds me the 'kill everyone fucking everybody' method for probe-proofing any relational thread that could be pulled then surfacing another unseen relationship.
What if the hit was unrelated to all that.
No one cares, or connects the dots.
For what, anyway (besides being a pleasurable pastime)
She had just given information to a new organization that finally agreed to help her. ICE refused, as did many others; [her words], (I'm guessing FBI).
pic related, her
I think that they kill the ones who are smart, and close to the truth. Most are neither. Like the journalists who were killed by, he he, ISIS for being American, I mean reporting that Turkey was shipping weapons to Syria, and Syrian oil to Turkey.
The problem with this once water-tight strategy is that portions of what these people have learned pre-mortem always seem to find their way here.
That's true. I was in alt.2600, and conspiracy.net IRCs back in 2001, and it was nowhere as organized as this place. However, they didn't have that tech. People didn't even see the point of saving all of the inexplicable shit/ mistakes MSM was making, (i.e.;helicopter shot of Nathan Rothchilde standing on a balcony overlooking ground zero on 911). It's like they were telling everyone who had orchestrated it.
Yikes. That stings.
"Info drops" can be trap/baits too.
Media role is only to tell what part of the 'plan' is being made current. They have to fight with people forgetting things from yesterday awake hours so they only have 16ish hours to pump shiny content that sticks while the ngos drum loud other content to show audience that news are real. Tight show. To counter it somehow you will have to record all media content (because they edit live and pre-rec) and edit vids for showing your local audience.
Your dubs don't lie. The scumbags can't suppress the facts forever. Not in the age of instantaneous digital communication. The truth will out and it's got them scrambling and being sloppy. Bumping off every person they think is getting close to exposing them will only delay the inevitable. The pedokikes will burn.
And also increase that inevitable backlash exponentially. People tend to not be super happy when they find out you kidnapped and torture-murdered one of their loved ones.
is george webb mentally ill?
Safety is an illusion. That being said, try to stay user. If you can't do that and are popular, get security. You had best get good security, because they absolutely will kill you if you get popular. Everyone here should know this. You can get killed with a much lower powerlevel than ours.
I read my first "conspiracy" book in 1985, (about the JFK thingy). Since then I have been pretty hardcore in conspiracy land. George has been one of the most consistently happy, easy-going, live & let live people I've ever seen. He makes this shit seem like fun, as opposed to most, who make it hell. He has been way ahead of the curve since I've been following him, (about 1 1/2 years). His depth of knowledge is astounding and his perspective always floors me. He has this way of suggesting that leaves me thinking, that makes so much more sense! I think he may have an intel scoop, but someone, who definitely wants the truth to surface.
Please translate this. I think OPSEC was Army intel.
All this truth telling and nobody does anything.
Remoralization takes time, you sloppy, short-sighted little niglet. If you're feeling impatient, go shoot up a mosque yourself.
This is a vietnamese carpet weaving board on public access.
Implies that all of our text communication(s) can be seen (and recorded, harvested) by not-allied intelligence group(s). (Encrypted data is stored for the soon to be quantum cracking night).
OpSec translates as Operations(operational) Security.
Means that you will have to fragmentate your exposed facade into something 'unrecognizable from the crowd', like to be aware of compartmentalizing your leads or mapping which people knows what things you both know. Et al.
The recently suicided woman failed her opsec. She wandered in front of more than one glow in the dark nigger wearing a cap fitted with a pinhole camera, plus all the facilities cameras, getting her face and plates, while talking aloud about her pastime activities. Maybe she craved the attention (lol women) so she doxed herself.
What body count (number) is she? 82?
I really doubt the cleaning is made by only one party.
Mind elaborating and links? Would be a great redpill.
she didn't fail in anything.
it's the world that failed her.
smart women not having kids.
world is hell.
This, we need to know.
It saddens me when men kill themselves over heartache or anger, when in reality they could channel it where it can make a positive change in the world.
Daphne Caruana Galizia?
This case is so similar to that Panama Papers journalist who ended up dying in a car explosion.
People will do anything to keep pedophilia hidden. It’s despicably disgusting. The fact that British police are acting so shitty to whistleblowers is definitely because they also fuck kids.