==Background== Recently, Trump sent out 2 tweets regarding /ourbikers/ at Bedminster. Many Trump haters including this one noticed on one of the bikers what looks to be a Nazi SS tattoo. Now the left has gone unhinged on the bikers (the toughest people you don't wanna mess with) and doxed one in the process.
Operation Parameters/How Can You Help
Fire up the psyop meme cannons and create memes comparing the bikers to Nazis in any way, shape, and form. Create multiple accounts if you have to. That will further get the left even more unhinged to the point of actual violence. Then at the right time, you give them links to main biker rallies like Sturgis and their schedules.
What is Sturgis?
For the uninitiated, Sturgis is a town in South Dakota where they hold the biggest annual motorcycle rally that everyone from all over the country attends. The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is an American motorcycle rally held annually in Sturgis, South Dakota, for ten days usually during the first full week of August. Attendance has historically been around 500,000 people, reaching a high of over 700,000 in 2015. The event generates around $800 million in revenue.
To get the left to openly invade massive biker rallies and attack bikers so that they can get the shit kicked out of them beyond recognition.
Operation Born To Be Wild
I'd rather stand up for the bikers against the communists, honestly.
that's the point
ps: "background" should be in redtext but apparently the enter key didn't work to my avail, either way, the operation is still the same
Antifa is funded by Soros, and he isnt buying bus tickets to Sturgis for everybody. The leftist protests are not organic and they sure aren't going to pay their own way.
How can i get into a bike gang without knowing how to ride motorcycle.
get a bike faggot
I don’t give a fuck about tattoos being degenerate or LARPy I’d stand with someone with an SS tattoo before someone with a MAGA hat because the guy with the SS tattoo isn’t going to tell he how based Milo and Kanye west are.
Trump keeps tossing these guys rope because hes fuckin retarded.
awfully late for a psyop, isn’t it cia?
Isn't Sturgis already over? Website says it ended on the 12th
muh muh pr
alphabets are always late…
Here's why I don't think it will necessarily work. That bikefest is run by boomers, for boomers. If they get wind of this disinfo, they'll immediately go full speed muh pr and make a series of high profile announcenents about how "No hate in sturgis", and "B (K) ikes against nazis". Completely typical and predictable boomer programming. Thrres a high chance the only result for the effort will be bike boomers adding to the blob of normalfags virtue signaling about white nationalism not being welcome. Just my two cents, but best of luck. I'll be watching for results.
Checked. The thing to think about is how to ruin that then.
To some extent I think you are right. Boomers go into virtue signaling overdrive despite knowing subconsciously the hard truths of reality.
I do like the idea of this, but it is kind of playing with fire in a way. Could create fake news backfire though I suppose, which might help. Although generally I don't buy the Full-Accelerationism meme.
Either way I suppose it's worth playing with. Just be discrete, I guess.
color me surprised
unfortunately this. i can see it happening in my mind. it's a great idea, it should still be done though.
boomers are a plague and the reason this country is a mess.
gas yourself kike
Be their bitch.
It's time for you to lurk, faggot.