Digital Chimpout pt. 2: Public Records Boogaloo

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Only a fucking nigger.

Would be a shame if a suspicious package had his address and a noxious odor wafting from it.

archive links

old thread

That doesn't show any convictions. Both charges were dropped. The state withdrew the possession charge, and the judge tossed the other.

Alias Nazi Braun

Too late to take it back.

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mexicunt mom texter

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the chimp out continues

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what's this nigger have to do with anything, you stupid motherfucker?

He doxxed some girl now 4chan is angry

Now this is the type of shit that pisses me off.

How the fuck can nigger be "oppressed" when they can get away with crimes that would put a white man in jail for no less than 6 months AND incur a thousand dollar fine?

Give me a rundown autists.

She's not /our/ roastie, but they will not be allowed to chimpout without repercussion. You're either with them or one of us. Will you hang the rope, or hang from it?

Yes, sir faggot.
Some white girl said nigger on Twitter.
Niggers chimping out and doxxing her over it.
Niggers threaten to get her parents fired.
Basically they didndu nuffin.

After that, the troglodytes went ape shit.

Good luck and God Bless.

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Archive of neicy's twitter in case it's useful later_

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Can someone explain to me what the whole girl being doxxed, her parents being harassed, and work being contacted is about?
The most I got from it was she said nigger online or something.

That's precisely it.
Niggers chimping and doxxing because she wrote nigger in a tweet.

She didnt even directly call anybody a nigger, she just said she would if a nigger or beaner calls her a cracker.

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she tweeted something like
which seems fine to me, i mean you gonna talk shit to someone expect to get it back.

then the niggers chimped out and started doxing her, messaging her mom/husband/employer, etc.

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She said if some nigger called her a cracker she'd call them a nigger. Some nigger chimped out about it and doxed her. Told her he was going to call his mother's place of employment and .. I guess report on the woman's adult daughter or something (I'd love to hear how that conversation goes). Someone else posted her phone number, address, etc. Eventually the nigger that started the doxing deleted his account. Emelee also deleted her account. They're still chimping out and @ing her .. deleted .. account. Let them exhaust themselves for all I care. Just shows how retarded they are.

Same shit happened to me.

Photo of the mexicunt and her boyfriend in case there's dirt there. They seem to be in a long distance relationship

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how the fuck do i make a twitter account without a phone number?

Google voice, from what I understand.

They dont even live in the same country.
What kind of paypig cuck must he be.

Did the Frog make it over?

Whole thread of doxxers

The fucking sad thing? civnats would be like "well you shouldn't have said nigger, one race the human race" or some bullshit.

Archives of this mo fo

nasir/naseer/nazir/nas brown

old thread

What is this autism.

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IS she giving away the gift he bought her for her birthday for fans or something?
How fucking cucked is he?

Boyfriends fb:

I got in before the requirement.

We need to use known info of liberals and create mirror social network accounts. After that we have them post something insensitive then sit back and watch the left eat one another.

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Why not just archive it?

no shit, because he’s a nigger. there’s fucking government programs thanks to obama that lets them get away with basically anything under a felony

Wow seems the newfag made it here.

Jesus, the cringe radiating from that thread is strong


Good idea, the peep nigger deleted his whole twitter account haha

Facebook niggers aren't /baph/. Facebook niggers are by definition tech-illiterate.
If you and your family don't put your shit up on jewish social media sites, niggers can't play these little games with you.
That being said, I hope those cuckchan autismos eat this stupid nigger alive.

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Here are the 4chan threads, probably a ton of stuff archived on there.

One of those charges is a class F.
I believe that is a felony.

Here's another doxxer

Signing out. Good luck retards.

yeah i did, thanks for noticing.

i made the twitter with an email but it wont let me log in without giving a phone number. also, how to post images here if using tor?

Haha what an oblivious little twat. Who would've thought that someone who identifies as a slut would be emotionally unstable

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maybe if you put a phone app onto your phone to get a secondary number you can use that. there's a couple different ones I think one is called textnow


I am the looks of this operation not the brains

Nigger please

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Someone send her a pic of that pregnant black woman next to a gorilla.

This mexinigger actually has the perspective of how shitty other countries are and yet she brings her nacho munching ass up here and enjoys the fruits of white innovation and yet shits on white people and acts like she was in the slave trade yesterday with the nogs. This is the type of shit that made me racist.

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Yup me too, they're literal parasites

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It would be a terrible shame if American sentiments started to become increasingly inhospitable and hostile to people of her ancestry over the coming years. A terrible, terrible shame.

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Ohhh so terrible…

I'm tired as fuck and 4chan has decided they want to save South Africa now so I am probably going to bed but if anyone else wants to fuck around with the do-gooders of twitter go ahead. The first nigger deleted all his social media so that was pretty fun

This guy originally revealed the plot to the black dude

Well Well Well….