End game for world Jewry

Lets take a moment to speculate on the events that will destroy the remainder of opposition to the JWO. Zig Forums users are the people at the top of the list to be exterminated immediately on (((judgement day))) to silence any speculation, while the rest of the world will be convinced that Israel saved the planet from extraterrestrial satanic aliens or whatever. What can we do to avoid this fate? I feel it is inevitable

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Fags and queers are no Nazis

I can’t win when you’re using my only transportation against me.

Besides, what do you have against us…
((JUDEO)) Christians anyway!

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Like this

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A (((free Palestine))) is a islamic hellhole.
We want a
Israel that recognizes Jesus as lord and savior

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That's already true and Zig Forums isn't alt-kike.

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This doesn't seem like it will help. You do know they're planning to create an extermination event of biblical proportion to fool people into thinking a targeted mass extermination event is God's wrath, right?

There are Palestinian Christians. There are NO Zionist Christians, and they attack Christians.

Alt- Right is a Jewish controlled Zig Forums. If you want to get rid of them then support this.

Also, Palestinian refugees will move to Europe after they are kicked out thanks to the Jews. LIKE EVERY OTHER GROUP ZOG BOMBED THE FUCK OUT OF!

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w a s t e d

The Jewish end game has been well established and documented you illiterate fag. A small elite of pure blooded Jews ruling over a mass of indistinguishable brown low-IQ drones, as their desert demon God promises them.


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You're literally an anonymous loser on an image board. Don't pretend your life is any more interesting than that. Nobody cares about you.

I do.
And I care about you, too, user.

Low effort, shitty thread. Sage. Borderline for report.

Do you know that it is irrelevant to dead people whether or not they have been 'fooled'?

Oh no we don't…for fucks sake man, what has gotten into your brain that you would want to share eternity with kikes? This is why we have toilets, so that we can flush our shit away forever…

I already know our time is up. Every time we are told to read the Torah we are told to read history too and in it the gentiles always repeat the cycle of expelling us after no more than a couple decades of the narrative breakdown and them finding out the truth about how Jews really feel about gentiles down to Jewish law. With recent events and what the average gentiles speak of Jews in conversation these days I am sure at this point that the next time we get pogromed, it will be the last time for Judaism ever. I don't even care anymore, religion is fucking stupid now and our history is all lies anyway. It's not like Judaism has ever really done anything for me despite what gentiles believe, it's only the elite Jews that profit off our ashes and I suspect you are one OP. Go join Israel, I know it will be sacrificed. They don't care about us at all.

Your people never learn. Shame. You could actually help yourself gathering your kinsmen that want to break the cycle. Good luck Yair, we know about you.

NO THEY COULDN'T…their 'religion' is unparalleled evil and is responsible for more human deaths than even god can count.

Redemption is available for kikes too. Deus Vult. This does not imply I will hold my hand when dotr comes. Deus will choose on arrival who is worthy of salvation.

No it is not. They are irredeemable even to their own god who divorced them for their behavior. If you want to be around them for eternity, you will have to go to hell, where they belong, with them. You cannot force or bring hell into heaven and expect it to still be heaven. People belong places, kikes belong in hell. Humans belong in heaven. I died and went to heaven and kikes and their creations (niggers, spics, mongrels) were not present. Kikes don't and can't go there…you are MISUNDERSTANDING the fundamentals of creation as well as misunderstanding the purpose of Earth.

They think that they will 'break into heaven' because they were allowed to come here…but it is SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE.

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Your mind on cuckstianity

You realize that God has damned the jews for all eternity, right? Actually read the Bible.

Hi, paid shill.

I feel for you, schlomo.

Maybe you can get away from all of it, go off somewhere and make something you can be proud of. That's what I'd do.

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Never fails to bring out the bitter kike when you tell them the truth that they can not and will never be allowed in heaven. But why you mad, kike? I am not 'your creator' I am simply an observer of the system…go yell at him for what he has damned you to.

Do you not understand your role as the eternal destroyer 'death'? It really isn't MY PROBLEM that you can't change who you are…again, I did not form you into Death.

t. templartard

Ok, ok. We'll kill'em all. Sorry Yair, nothing personal.

I think the Earth deserves a rest from them, don't you? BTW, just so you know, Holocaust is the only way to keep them from reincarnating here.

Most of emplaned doesn't believe in any of that stuff. At least the ones who can read

Well they'll only kill dissent prone people

Do not worry, I do not feel sad for them nor I want to spare any that could jew it all again. I support the 109 bar owners. But I can guess some kike is smart enough to see it coming and be seriously afraid. If any is so smart he could just think for a way out. I would. So I gave my humble opinion on a honorable way out.