==the right to be masculine==

Started my pilgrimage into reading books recently, something I had been neglecting for the better part of my life. I intend to deep-dive into philosophy, National Socialism, history and the jq. I began by scanning feminist literature (probably prematurely) to acquire a basic insight into where the current counter-worldview to mine is, and by doing so, surprisingly discovered the fundamental dilemma that jump-started my deep-dive in the first place.

Here's the summarized feminist argument against masculinity, traditionalism and nationalism I'm ultimately seeking to refute:
Essentially the argument is, masculinity, nationalism and traditionalism are responsible for all the moral evil in the past, including all wars and ecological disasters, slavery and brutality, therefore it's perfectly okay that the western man of today is weak, aimless and domesticated. They also teasingly add in that times today are (((much better))) than they were 'back in the day', as there is far less crime, war and starvation. So it's okay that Tyrone, Jamal and Pedro are being imported to a town near you, because the world is a much (((better))) place now.

I don't necessarily have the time or the skill to review all of modern and ancient history, scrutinize all the nuances and idiosyncrasies that a historian would, and formulate a reasonable argument against this. So I'm looking for literature on this subject, any author, historian, commentator, journalist who has taken it upon himself to write on this topic (preferably those in defense of modern man's right to Blut und Eisen). Basically, I want to read works from people who would have already done the heavy lifting here.

I've even been hit with the concept that both World Wars, the wars that culled so much good European genetic stock, would have been prevented if people were all not strong, patriotic and fanatic, but were instead similar to modern-day cucks. What do you think, and do you know of any reading material I could look into to defend against this feminist position?

How would one even go about measuring the sum of all moral evil in the past and comparing that to the sum of all moral evil of today? Thanks in advance.

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There is no "evil". It's a Christkike meme. See "Beyond Good and Evil".

sage because you're asking for favors. Nobody cares about you. You do your own work,son.

If only you could develop a rational series of arguments against modern kike culture then surely people would be convinced and turn away from their shit ways.

kys plz

Fine, though it never hurts to ask. Also, many, many people do still believe in morality, and your argument that it doesn't exist will simply be ineffective against those people. Much in the same way that yelling "whiteness doesn't exist" affects me.

Nowhere did I say this. The rational arguments, however, would still be nice to have while there is some level of western civilization left. Unless your simply waiting for the collapse exclusively.


I didn't ask for your childish beliefs, man child. I told you to read a big boy book, like you asked.

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You need to adopt an ahistorical view of culture and civilization. Materialism can only be overthrown and abolished by blood. Read some Oswald Spengler.


Fuck off anti-reality faggot (((esoteric))). Spengler's cycles of history of bullshit defeatism.

Everything dies.

I highly reccomend Ernst Junger. He had a very meditative and important insight on the situation of the 20th century as he lived through it in its entirety right in the thick of it. You also can't find a much more masculine individual.

Please nigger. Ask an atheist or a nihilist commie fag if evil exists. They'll say know. Then ask them if racism is evil, they'll say yes. Christianity didn't create jewish pilpul and doublethink. Jews did.

>ask them if racism is evil, they'll say yes. >(((Christianity))) didn't create jewish pilpul and doublethink. Jews did.
You just defeated your own arguement

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t. Spengler nihilism

"say yes to life"
- Nietzsche

masculinity is thinking for yourself, making decisions in your own best interest rather than allowing societal guilt to trick you into sacrificing yourself for women.

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MGTOW isn't masculine, user.

Lets unpack that.
This includes our biological drives. Our genes. Our inherent attributes and flaws. We behave the way we do because it is in our nature to do so.
The second part.
And? Catastrophes have occurred before. As have wars. We will adapt or die.

What is the proposed solution to this 'problem?' Eugenics by another name? Social engineering will not cut it. Bending human nature to the will of pseudo-intellectual world improvers will lead to catastrophe, by their own admission. With fascist eugenics, we'll at least end up with space marines instead of humans. If we're to go extinct, it should be to leave something better in our place. If we can't die on our own terms, we should at least die with honor.

Memento Mori.

Read the book he suggested you fucking nigger, or at least be bothered to read the Kikipedia summary. Nietzsche never suggests that there's no such thing as morality, just no such thing as 'evil' in a universalist sense. See also his work on Master/Slave morality from his work, the Genealogy of Morals

I don't know, but I know that I would rather be alive now than hundreds of years ago.
Mainly because slavery was common in every corner of the world until the British made the decision to end it for everyone.
That outweighs anything else in my mind, because without freedom what do you really have?
And from a moral point of view how can anyone defend slavery?
Just on that issue alone the modern era is more moral.
Everything else is probably not that different, I don't think humans have evolved a great deal in the last 6000 years.

jewish ideas, nietszche was full of them
so to are you it seems

Slavery still exists. Check stats on human trafficking.

Men never used to hide from women like MGTOW do today. Men used to CONQUER women.

Granted today a big part of why men don't anymore is because we've banned violence, which was a major part of what gave men power over women. But there are still other ways to maintain hand over women without resorting to hitting. Learn how to carry yourself like a proper man and hitting is completely unnecessary.

Was already planning to read Nietzsche. Filtered.

Of course some people will break laws for profit
My point is that it is not an acceptable practice as it once was

"We" haven't banned violence, the right was taken away from the father/ husband and given exclusively to government organizations.

When was it acceptable? Don't conflate legality with morality.

Also, more slaves today than at any time in human history.

My sweet summer child… white people are a global minority.