Started my pilgrimage into reading books recently, something I had been neglecting for the better part of my life. I intend to deep-dive into philosophy, National Socialism, history and the jq. I began by scanning feminist literature (probably prematurely) to acquire a basic insight into where the current counter-worldview to mine is, and by doing so, surprisingly discovered the fundamental dilemma that jump-started my deep-dive in the first place.
Here's the summarized feminist argument against masculinity, traditionalism and nationalism I'm ultimately seeking to refute:
Essentially the argument is, masculinity, nationalism and traditionalism are responsible for all the moral evil in the past, including all wars and ecological disasters, slavery and brutality, therefore it's perfectly okay that the western man of today is weak, aimless and domesticated. They also teasingly add in that times today are (((much better))) than they were 'back in the day', as there is far less crime, war and starvation. So it's okay that Tyrone, Jamal and Pedro are being imported to a town near you, because the world is a much (((better))) place now.
I don't necessarily have the time or the skill to review all of modern and ancient history, scrutinize all the nuances and idiosyncrasies that a historian would, and formulate a reasonable argument against this. So I'm looking for literature on this subject, any author, historian, commentator, journalist who has taken it upon himself to write on this topic (preferably those in defense of modern man's right to Blut und Eisen). Basically, I want to read works from people who would have already done the heavy lifting here.
I've even been hit with the concept that both World Wars, the wars that culled so much good European genetic stock, would have been prevented if people were all not strong, patriotic and fanatic, but were instead similar to modern-day cucks. What do you think, and do you know of any reading material I could look into to defend against this feminist position?
How would one even go about measuring the sum of all moral evil in the past and comparing that to the sum of all moral evil of today? Thanks in advance.