The latest installment of the greatest FPS game franchise ever is absolutely RIDDLED with ANTI IMMIGRANT and RACIST rhetoric. How dare you Zig Forums. HOW ABSOLUTELY DARE YOU COMPARE IMMIGRANTS TO DEMONS.



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god damn it. You got me to click on a Sargon video. Fuck you OP

Sargon is a fat cuckolded manlet who lied and said his dad was black to get good goy points with the SJWs.

wee wee waa waa gay game

also nu-doom is shit

this is a great example how video games are the final bastion of masculinity and pro masculine thought and actual ability for humor and fun (feminism hates anything that gives men pleasure).

hello cancer my old friend.

Attached: spurdo.png (585x682, 43.54K)

Well its true, the effort to cuck the whole industry is getting bit spooky.

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OP is a complete niggerfaggot for linking soygon. The actual gameplay does look breddy good, though.

First pic so that nobody has to watch the sargon video.

Haven't played the 2016 POS but this time at least the demons look a bit more like the original ones.

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It's where the politically incorrect men have retreated to over the past 2 decades due to the encroachment of political correctness on their daily life.
How to get them out in the streets though and get them to engage irl as they do in their games. Or maybe the SJW's will eventually flush them out from their last strongholds and unwittingly provide the impetus for direct action?

The game looks good. No pozzing, nice looking levels, meaningless ultraviolence. You can skin, behead and rip off mobs.

Sure thing…

We should damn him to hell not just for the sargon video but for
2 fucking hours of it
I didn't make it more than 9 seconds before I read your comment and backed up out of that faggots video.

maybe post on cuckchan instead OP

Why is this shit here, go to /v/.

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turdworld hordes spilling over our borders might as well be a demonic invasion.

I don't care, I'm still not buying or playing any nu-doom, it tries so hard to in your adrenaline pumping action and I actually got bored within the first hour I tried to play it and refunded it. You move at a fucking snails pace and the guns all feel like they shoot BB pellets, it's just embarrassing how the original doom still feels more satisfying to use the shotgun in.

It's just subliminal marketing to appeal to more right wingers, despite the company pushing a lot of SJW shit for the past few years, especially with Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. I'm surprised the higher ups approved of that. Perhaps the Wolfenstein backlash was bigger than we thought?

It takes time to 'get' new doom, it is very fast paced and fun once you do. The shotgun is still my main weapon for much of the game.
And yes I played the originals when they came out too.
Give it another shot, user. Its more complex from the beginning.


Zenimax/Bethesda owned by a guy who literally smuggled money illegally from the Federal Reserve and backed Hillary.

Attached: Sargon_is_a_real_human_bean.webm (696x392, 1.95M)

Gamergate was the beginning of this trend imo.

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Zenimax and Bethesda are now owned by Tencent, a big Chinese company. They are chinks, they only care about profits. They tried to appeal to SJWs, didn't sell enough. Now they will try to appeal to right wingers. If that doesn't sell enough, they'll do something else. Chinese have no problem flip flopping like this if something doesn't make them money.

No it isn't. It's an entertainment industry, you faggot.
They're loyal to the dollar, not the customers. And if they can scrape up a few more shekels they'd sell their souls to do it.

watch Sam Hyde's video on nu-Doom
extreme soy game


Wasn't that after New Colossus II?

Whats funny is this came from the same studio that did the Wolfinstein anti Nazi games which flopped.

Actually, Zenimax isn't owned by Tencent at all. Not even a minority stake.

Why can't boomerfags handle the fact that the new Doom is just better?

That "new order" one backfired, because everyone I know thought the NS america in the game was really cool. Same with pic related.

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Thank you kind sir. I avoided clicking that video exactly because of your sacrifice.

Fuck off /v/

Got a link, bro? Sam gets shoah'd worse than Alex

Shit that never happens

Shut up nigger

Holy shit! Is that real?

Attached: genuinely amused.gif (488x519, 399.67K)

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Daily reminder Brasil is white.

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Slaughterfest series is the real DOOM sequel.

Wow you kikes can get even more asshurt :D:D
And just when i thought we've hit ceiling.

I agree.

Reading comprehension, learn it.

I can tell you're from the desert.

Attached: image.jpg (769x622, 40.01K)

It always is. Do you think kikes would honestly report how much the Folk hate them?

Do you mean that "Brasil is White land?"
In which case, maybe.
Do you mean that "Brasilians are White people?"
In which case, maybe 20% of them are.
I hope that the White Brasilians are able to take back their homeland and their future.
Seceding the lower 1/3 of the country as a White ethnostate may be their best chance at survival.
The only way for Whites to have a secure future is to have a SEPARATE future in WHITES ONLY homelands.
Anything else is, fast or slow, White genocide.

Why is Zig Forums so dismissive about it?

In [CURRENT YEAR] even such tongue-in-cheek social commentary gags in pop culture are pretty much a big deal.

I too was spared. kek keep you user. OP is a faggot

OP bring this shit to >>>/v/

pic related

Attached: The nose of us kosher.JPG (525x401, 45.04K)

Practically everything is poisoned by kikes, even white supremacist movements. There were even a few cryptokikes in Hitler's staff.

This doesn't invalidate the medium.