Houses of Parliament crash LIVE: Car ‘hits pedestrians and smashes into security barriers’ as man is arrested in Westminster

Armed police have surrounded a car and arrested a man after a number of pedestrians were hit before ploughing into security barriers outside Parliament today.

Witnesses heard a 'loud bang' as the silver vehicle hit barriers in Westminster at around 7.30am this morning.

Around a dozen armed officers swamped the vehicle and trained their rifles on a man in a black puffa coat who was pulled from the car and taken away.

Scotland Yard said this morning they were currently treating the incident as a serious road traffic collision and arrested a suspect at the scene.

But a large cordon was set up around Parliament this morning and up to 200 officers have been sent to Westminster who moved members of the public away from the area.


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I bet this has nothing to do with Islam tho

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Let me know when they kill Queen Elisabeth Mohammad.

Attached: BREAKING_ Man arrested after crashing into parliament security barrier.webm (640x360, 8.27M)


once self driving cars become more stable your going to see jew news hammering this home every day until cars you can drive yourself are outlawed.


yeah weebs are cancer amirite XD

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Looks like the sun does set on the English Empire.

it was a man, arrest all men

Oy vey itz da moozlims

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This isn't a "happening," this is normality in Europe.

I'm surprised they let this info out.

While we're on the topic, do any anons know what happened with the supposedly islamophobic Finsbury van attack back in June of 2017? Last I heard he was still denying it.

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Precisely this. The sharp increase in vehicular crimes over the last few years is not a coincidence. Self driving cars, a lot of pro-AI pieces in the news, attacks like this = "demand"/demand for self driving cars on a large scale.

Eventually, self driving cars are mandatory and your car is connected to your government profile and if you commit wrongthink, your car stops working. This will be true of smart homes, TVs, computers, phones, food dispensers etc. The future is bleak if nothing changes.

You forgot

Maybe someone's loosing his job tomorrow.

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MSM has not released the image of the driver yet 0630 on the East Coast

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Yes it is you shiteating MIDF nigger.

We need a legit fashy based NeoCon turkish jew mongrol like /ourguy/ Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson in charge of London, he'll stop the islamic muslim/Africans invasion, and he'll never use the terms "Terrorism is just part and parcel of living life in London" if he was mayor, at least he won't say that again if we elect him mayor, again.

BORIS Johnson removed steel safety railings along London Bridge because they were “ugly”, a report has revealed.

ProTip: The left and right all work for the same side while pretending to be in opposition to each other

While boris the mud bloodied kike is celebrated on here as /ourguy/, when he was Mayor of London, he used to write weekly columns in the freely distributed Mayoral newsletter, where he would forever espouse the virtues of multiculturalism as a necessity for Britain to survive, equally so of how the EU is necessary for Britain to thrive and survive and that we must accept all the bombings/Mossad false flags etc because in London we're used to terrorism from the IRA days so we must just shut up and grin and bear it.

It's only in the modern 24 hour disposable memory-holed aut-right that they pretend Boris is /ourguy/ and pretend that Sadiq Khan a jew approved zionist MP is somehow on a different side to Boris and that Khan started off the "part and parcel of living in london" phrases to justify jewish false flags despite Boris saying the exact same thing 10+ years ago, because being alt-right means you entire memory of political/celebrity figures is erased from 2010 all the way back to year dot

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The original Keep Calm and Carry On poster campaign first used in 1939

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Cuckistan should be ignored

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Not falling for your false dichotomy, Ahmed. You all need extermination.

Just remember, this is the same island that is the relative size of Michigan, has the same budget as the state department, but still somehow can't rid itself of a problematic population.

Cuckistan is a joke

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Is the plate included?



bbc reporting get before memoryholed

















I first understood your post as

Sounds like you need a nice relaxing walk outside, user.

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thats not even exaggerating,
car crashing in to a gov building wasnt anything newsworthy for me and even the fact taht he hit 10 cyclists wasnt anything unusual for me.
the amount of demoralization and conditioning we have received is absolutely weimar

Imagine Paul Joseph Watsons sock

race war by next week?

bbc radio 4 this morning ran with the classic german-british line a "car crash has happened we do not know if it is terrorist related".


here is the show before it gets memory holed.

remember to double check suspicious news of car crashes from europe and the uk. i remember certain blogs chasing this line to great success.

not in cuckistan, no. South Africa first.

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0700 East Coast; MSM 20 yer old Man.

they said on the radio this morning in the uk:

"the police say it may be terror related but they are keeping an open mind"

they do this everytime just like germany, when they are already fully aware that a terrorist attack has taken place. Why do they bullshit us?

A car crashes into the houses of parliament directly into the security bollards at over 50 mph ,what else could it be other than a fucking terrorist attack?

if it was a simple car crash then the car would only just crash into a building not head on and certainly not head on into security bollards where machine gun armed police lay in wait.

i dont know why im responding to this obvious derailing shill, but the bbc pozzed or not will try to hide things, get the podcast and the videos i will post now. we cannot let them get away with what they did in 9/11 announcing the building had collapsed before it actually did.

will be memoryholed

will be memoryed

No. No one cares about cuckistan.

If the ice is the plate will be.

because you keep eating it.

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It’s a bubblehead Somalinigger.
The timing with the co-ordinated attacks in Sweden is interesting.
Looks like they really are trying to stage an Islamic terror revolution in Europe as rumors suggest.

for the archive

last video from the bbc


here is the little shill again, its posting just means that i am making progress.

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russia today livestream at uk houses of parliament in london

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its a nibba

nice trying to image limit sage this thread shill with useless contributions

After revealing this evidence many thousands of times for years, you will eventually reach the point where you no longer care.
welcome to my world

Attached: fuck_this_gay_earth.webm (480x270, 2.02M)

now ended sorry

A lot of niggers in the UK are mudslimes by the way. The yank perception that all nogs are Christians is due to where they got a few slaves from years back as well as them being taken into a Puritan Christian country. So this is likely still a mud terrorist attack as well as being perpetrated by a nog.

The only time the BBC will ever mention the race or religion of a criminal is when it's muslim, white Eastern European (usually a gypsy the media pretend is from the European country they last left), or Roman Catholic priest.

Africans, jews, queers and freemason related pervert pedos/criminals are immune from any criticism in the jewish liberal Western media.

This guy looks like your common garden African negro, which is why all the jews online and ITT are screaming itz da moozlims and the BBC are keeping quiet on his identity.

alleged footage of aftermath from amateur on youtube


No you straight-outta-reddit faggot, it doesn't mean that you're edgy enough to recognize a shill. It means call me when DOTR kicks off, since I no longer give a fuck that shit we've predicted will happen happened because no one listened to us and keeps importing 3rd world problems while singing the multikulti song, faggot.

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he even got a german name to make him more integrated

the same as my opinion on shills,take your halfchanner ass back home.

scotland yard statement on the event

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streamed lived footage of the area up to 11.30 gmt

streamed lived footage of the area up to 11.30 gmt

Most old school Africans in the UK are Christian

I understand Americans are the least informed and ignorant of anything outside of their local burger bar or fridge, however for this counter jihad to be a true success, you shouldn't have sent millions upon millions of non-denominational equally violent hostile blacks into the country before you did the Middle Eastern upheaval thing after Sept 11th.

For example, Indians and Sikhs rape target and rape white girls exclusively so as not to ruin their own race's bloodline, but not one counter jihad jewish alternative media or MSM jewish media will ever mention that.

Basically all the non-white races favour raping a white girl over any of their own ugly black ones, only that doesn't help the jewish counter jihad narrative, so they pretend even the Africans are muslim

Outed yourself there faggot, and NO, the last time I was on 4cuck was during the Great Meme War.

bbc news (uk) tv report

what the fuck does this have to do with a terror attack on london?

please tell me this is a real game and not just a rendering

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RT report from youtube on attack

a well made rendering lainon


daily mail video

the moment nonces start blowing themselves up in public let me know, its a muzzie.