Censorship Is What Happens When Powerful People Get Scared

In the case of Facebook, the road from pseudo-platform to willing and enthusiastic tool of establishment power players is fairly straightforward. It really got going earlier this year when issues surrounding egregious privacy violations in the case of Cambridge Analytica (stuff that had been going on for years) could finally be linked to the Trump campaign. It was at this point that powerful and nefarious forces spotted an opportunity to leverage the company’s gigantic influence in distributing news and opinion for their own ends. Rather than hold executives to account and break up the company, the choice was made to commandeer and weaponize the platform. This is where we stand today.

Let’s not whitewash history though. These tech companies have been compliant, out of control government snitches for a long time. Thanks to Edward Snowden, we’re aware of the deep and longstanding cooperation between these lackeys and U.S. intelligence agencies in the realm of mass surveillance. As such, the most recent transformation of these companies into full fledged information gatekeepers should be seen in its proper context; merely as a dangerous continuation and expansion of an already entrenched reality.

But it’s all out in the open now. Facebook isn’t even hiding the fact that it’s outsourcing much of its “fake news” analysis to the Atlantic Council, a think tank funded by NATO, Gulf States and defense contractors. As reported by Reuters:

Facebook began looking for outside help amid criticism for failing to rein in Russian propaganda ahead of the 2016 presidential elections…

With scores of its own cybersecurity professionals and $40 billion in annual revenue in 2017, Facebook might not seem in need of outside help.

It doesn’t need outside help, it needs political cover, which is the real driver behind this.

But the lab and Atlantic Council bring geopolitical expertise and allow Facebook to distance itself from sensitive pronouncements. On last week’s call with reporters, Alex Stamos, Facebook’s chief security officer, said the company should not be expected to identify or blame specific governments for all the campaigns it detects.

“Companies like ours don’t have the necessary information to evaluate the relationship between political motivations that we infer about an adversary and the political goals of a nation-state,” said Stamos, who is leaving the company this month for a post at Stanford University. Instead, he said Facebook would stick to amassing digital evidence and turning it over to authorities and researchers.

It would also be awkward for Facebook to accuse a government of wrongdoing when the company is trying to enter or expand in a market under that government’s control.

Facebook donated an undisclosed amount to the lab in May that was enough, said Graham Brookie, who runs the lab, to vault the company to the top of the Atlantic Council’s donor list, alongside the British government.

Facebook employees said privately over the past several months that Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg wants to outsource many of the most sensitive political decisions, leaving fact-checking to media groups and geopolitics to think tanks. The more he succeeds, the fewer complications for Facebook’s expansion, the smaller its payroll, and the more plausible its positioning as a neutral platform. Facebook did not respond to a request for comment.

With that in mind go ahead and check out the Atlantic Council’s donor list and all the shady characters on its board.

Other urls found in this thread:


Now that it’s been established that Facebook is in fact censoring based on advice provided by former spooks and other assorted establishment charlatans, let’s talk about what this means. I think there are two major takeaways.

First and foremost, the entire push to make arbitrary de-platforming by tech giants the new norm proves the establishment is scared to death. The very powerful folks accustomed to manipulating and shaping the world via narrative creation aren’t terrified about what Alex Jones says, they’re terrified that it’s popular. The establishment “elites” are in such denial about the consequences of the world they created, all they can do is spastically attack symptoms. Trump didn’t divide U.S. society and Alex Jones didn’t cause our widespread (and entirely justifiably) distrust in institutions; the status quo system did that via its spectacular failures. Trump’s election and Alex Jones’ popularity are merely symptoms of an incredibly corrupt and failed status quo paradigm, the stewards of which continually refuse to take a look in the mirror, accept blame and reform.

The way I see it, two key events of the 21st century directly led to the situation we find ourselves in currently. The launching of the Iraq war based on false evidence spread by intelligence agencies, politicians and the media, and the decision to bail out bankers and protect them from jail in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Combined, these two things created an environment of anger and distrust in which nearly anything becomes possible politically and socially. Trump and Alex Jones are symptoms of a failing society, not the root causes of it.

If I’m right about this, censorship of such voices by SilIcon Valley billionaires will backfire spectacularly. Alex Jones has now been made a martyr by tech oligarchs and deep state think tanks, which gives him more street cred than he had before. De-platforming does nothing to the demand side of the equation when it comes to his content, as we saw with his Infowars app soaring in the charts soon after the purge. If people want to find Alex Jones and Infowars, they will find it. Moreover, other communities are beginning to wake up to how dangerous all of this is. For example, last week we witnessed a growing number of Bitcoiners create accounts at decentralized Twitter-alternative Mastodon in case Jack Dorsey decides to step up censorship there.

Ultimately, it’s safer for society to have open public forums where all ideas — whether you consider them dangerous and crazy or not — can be openly expressed alongside each other. That way we can see what’s out there and debate or debunk them in front of large and diverse audiences.

This is 2018 and de-platforming popular content won’t make it go away. It’ll just shift it over into areas of the internet you can’t see, where it’ll fester and grow stronger over time in even more intense and radicalized echo chambers. You’ll think it’s gone from society because it’s been safely cleansed from your corporate-government Facebook timeline, but it may grow even stronger in the shadows. This is particularly the case in a nation dominated by an entrenched, corrupt and unaccountable elitist class. One that refuses to confront the reality of its monumental failures, and instead chooses to self-interestedly obsess over what are just symptoms of a decadent empire in decline.

Thank you for guiding the people. All we ever wanted was something fruitful to carry.

Maybe that's how Steve Jobs got them to buy Apple

If AJ is a martyr Anglin is Jesus F. Christ

The Revenge Of Hillary: Senator Mark Warner Proposes The End Of Free Speech

Senate Democrats are circulating a proposal based upon their claim of Russian hacking that will completely takeover the internet and social media which has been leaked.

They are adopting the EU approach to silence political criticism. They claim it is necessary, just as the EU argued, that they must act to prevent Russian hackers and “restore” the people’s trust in our institutions, democracy, and the free press. They are proposing comprehensive GDPR-like data protection legislation following the EU.

They are calling it a proposal for “Regulation of Social Media and Technology Firms,” and the draft was created by Sen. Mark Warner.

The entire regulation is based upon Russians and it claims they are deliberately spreading disinformation. To justify this act, they also point back to the old Soviet Union stating they attempted to spread “fake news” denigrating Martin Luther King. Despite the Democrats and their campaign to start World War III over Hillary’s emails, of which nobody denied were fake just hacked, their proposal is effectively to shut down anything they can call “hate speech” targeted at them, not Trump of course.

Warner’s paper suggests outlawing companies who fail to label bots and impose Draconian criminal penalties and huge fines.

Effectively, they want people to pay for everything. The Democrats want full disclosure regarding ANY online political speech. They even want the Federal Trade Commission to have unbelievable power and require all companies’ algorithms to be audited by the feds as if they even have qualified staff to conduct such audits. On top of that, they have proposed tech platforms above a certain size MUST turn over internal data and processes to “independent public interest researchers” so they can identify potential “public health/addiction effects, anticompetitive behavior, radicalization,” scams, “user propagated misinformation,” and harassment—data that could be used to “inform actions by regulators or Congress.” This is a complete violation of both the First and Fourth Amendment. They want the same mechanisms in Europe where anyone can complain and demand the content be taken down or subject to fines that can confiscate all assets. Sounds to me like retirement is on the horizon.

This bill would effectively end all our freedoms. This is what is wrong with career politicians. They look at the world ONLY through the eyes of government – NEVER the people.

What we are facing is the Revenge of Hillary – loss of Free Speech and this constant push to reestablish the Cold War and move to World War III. The Democrats have become the party of hate and they have been the party that always starts wars with the only exception being Iran and that was Dick Cheney & Donald Rumsfeld.

Fuck you for going on about censorship without naming the Jewish connection between all of it, and double-fuck you for shilling some social media wannabe.

Like we already don't know being here, spergy mong.

I deleted Facebook in 2010 and have never looked back. I can't believe people actually still use that site

Attached: image.png (832x868, 369.95K)

only way to use it, there are still better options out there obviously but plenty of people still prefer cuckbook as their primary means of communication

in any case OP is a lazy nigger who LITERALLY copypasted an entire article. what a sore shitty excuse for a thread. kikebook is obviously garbage and if you lurk here for even the shortest amount of time you will realize that.




Who even cares about kikebook when only boomers and street shiters use it?

Infowars joined The Daily Stormer and MDE. Good company.

Haven't you been listening to Alex? It's not the forces like the jewish ADL who are actually behind internet censorship to blame, but instead the communist Chinese. Is that how someone who was really censored would react, deflecting blame from the guilty party?

Nice ID

We can put 2 and 2 together. We're not retards here. Well, maybe you.

This is what happens when media assets like Alex Jones have outlived their usefulness and too many people have caught on to Bill Hicks's alter-ego. Still, his Truth-lite limited hangout show helped open the eyes of some of the the boomers a teeny tiny bit. A gatekeeper who serves as a gateway drug.

Tons of evidence and proof here:


Attached: alex jones is bill hicks infographic.jpg (535x434 165.55 KB, 184.36K)

If it's not obvious to you that the word "elites" means "a bunch of jews", you're not very perceptive.

6d chess

Every time you decide to not name the jew when you have the opportunity in an area where you can name the jew, you slowly but surely reduce the acceptability of naming the jew in the area. Eventually you won't even be able to say it openly on Zig Forums because cucks will come here in droves because they think they are welcome here because our language has become neutered in order to sooth the feelings of cucks that won't join against the jews because they are philosemites.

Go home Zig Forums you are drunk


For the kingdom, the power and the fuck shack are yours, อาเมน.


Everything old is new again. Get off proprietary platforms, go back to NNTP.

Tinfoil Saint representative vs. Jesus F. Shack, our pantheon needs upgrades.

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They killed evalion for making Hitler cupcakes.

Is this all because of the alleged Russian Trump memes on Facebook? Holy shit calm down you fucking kikes. Even if the Russian facebook memes were real, when in history has fucking propaganda been cause for such asspain? The Germans were broadcasting meme music that named Jews on Britain airwaves and they didn't give such a shit

Skyking Rich
Barrel roll into Valhalla
He was a big guy
White Flight
Call it a night

Because they fear the fire rising.
They fear the redpill.
They fear White people learning the truth about the ongoing genocide of Whites.
They don't want the "normies" to know just how bad things really are.
So they are trying to "SHUT IT DOWN!! SHUT IT DOWN NOW!!!"
Typical tricks

Back then "Britain" was still "Britain" and it didn't take much to make the British public hate the Germans.
They already did to a large extent due to WWI and also a long history of "rivalry" and conflict.
Today is very different.
Today all Whites are in the same boat together. The S.S. Ongoing Genocide of White People.

No, it means the Muslims, communist Chinese, and devil-worshiping Nazis. Alex said so.

Culture Warrior's Cookbook

Memerandum Del la Memetics: A Culture Warriors' Guidebook

Circumventing Modern Online Censorship Methods

Today's largest online communication firms now, for the most part, require you're unique phone number before using their services. If these firms weren't quasi, if not defacto, monopolies, refusing to use their services would be a feasible alternative. This intrusion has never sat well with me, having started on various only bulliten boards over a decade ago where one of the few rules that you would read on every forum was to never disclose personal information. I've come across some sites that will allow you to purchase phone numbers to mask your phone and allow for the creation of an account with these snoopy little monopolies seeking to harvest your data for whatever untrustworthy ends they may have. Twilio.com and TWIDIAL.com are good places to start looking into this option for censorship circumvention and reclaiming digital privcacy.

Expanding Parimeters of Censorship Algorithims

The ultimate tactical philosophy when combating algorithmic censorship is to force them to expand the defining parameters within the censorship algorithims past the point of which we begin seeing large swaths of unrelated, unoffending and non-political content become caught up with the actual targeted counter-narrative communication. That level of censorship will be untenable at a business level. Just as the camoflauge strategy of zebras is to blend in with eachother, so must we weave our language into that of non offending content through appropriation in order to best avoid algorithmic censorship and to make it noticable when something does get censored. An example of this would be recent Chinese censorship of Winnie the Pooh after comparisons between Pooh and President Xi went viral. And of course, Pepe.

via all the various means we use to bypass their censoring

L337 Speak / Alternative Spellings / Intentional Mispelling / Deceptive Spellings

Foreign Language Letters & Words

As with L337 Speak, there are already numerous foreign languages that have their own unique alphabet with letters that largely look like ours. In order to have a censorship algorithm, you have to program the parameters, and do so in such a way as not to censor content you're not intending to target, lest you generate outrage amongst the Normies. So, when "Islam" is used as a "Hot" word to pick out which pieces of binary to target, did they also program into the algorithm filter to look out for "Islam", or "Islam", or "Islam", or any of the other possible combinations? In this case, you'll want to envision the word as a scrolling character padlock, but in reverse. Their job is to program in every combination to block the access of your speech. Yours is to keep shuffling the characters till you find a combo they haven't thought of yet.

Likely Not.

You can find keyboard apps with these characters or the manual work-around, C&P a full list of extra-english characters to a notepad app, create your word word, C&P to any text imput that triggers predictive spelling, program your custom word into your personal library. A few uses will give it priority in program.

George Carlin's Rule of Adding Sylabols

George Carlin has a popular bit he did on euphamisms, political correctness, increasingly adopting terminology designed to dehumanize and sterilize language through increasing sylablys. Often to the point of inanity. It's time we begin using that aginst them.

I would encourage everyone to digest his analysis and apply its wisdom & lessons to outsmart censorship algorithms designed by people who think stringing long words together qualifies as a substantive argument.

Altering Terminology / Theasaurus & Dictionary / Couching Your Language

Keeping in mind the above, a Theasaurus and Dictionary will provide constant work-arounds for the censors.

Another aspect is in altering the terminology we use, in order to;

1. Reclaim ground previously lost by allowing our opposition to define and determine the terminology we use to discuss controversial topics. Any normal person who uses "cisgender" in anything other than an analysis or satire, is an example of this.

2. Bypass "Hot Words" by using terminology they havent taken into account yet, including Normie terminology. If we can't talk about "Islam", maybe we can talk about "Mohamedanism", or the "Cult of Moh amed".

Use it & Lose it Rule for Banned Memes

So, we find our memes being censored as well. Now, I have noticed that posts that are deleted after being reported, but before being ajudicated, do not result in a zucking. When engaging those whom we think likely to report us, posting a highly offensive meme is risky business, unless you delete in within 5 minutes of posting, after you intended target has seen it, after its done its job, but before you can have it used agasinst you.

Hotwords/Notwords - Filtered into Silence

I think its pretty clear that there are certain "Hotwords" that trigger especially capricious interpretations of their Codes of Conduct. Thusly, it would be only logical to presume that they have "Notwords" that trigger a more lax interpretation of the Code of Conduct, in order to prevent their Leftist Lapdogs from being caught up the same filters that catch us.

Foreign Language Translation Catapult Teams

Based Pepe Le Pew is looking for help fighting the globalists from First Amendment protected Based 'Mericans. The two team up, combine their efforts to develop effective memetics in French, with the American being the one doing the posting. Being unable to prosecute us Americans will inspire many tears of impotent rage amoungst the EU authoritarians, whilst red pilling Euros. This will better translate the successes we had with Brexit and Trump to non-English societies.

Sanitizing & Colorizing Language

Remember that Bill Nye Junk Stuff video, it starts off with the DJ giving a shoutout to all the fellow bipeds who identify as yada yada. We know "Rape" is a definite 'Hotword'. I've been Zucked for 3 word posts with that being the only possible 'Hotword', has to do with the rape epidemic thanks to the mohamedan invaders. "Bipeds who identify", instead of "People" is an example of breaking down communication and concepts to their most basic building blocks. That tactic can be used to sanitize language and communiation. To sterilize it, as well.

But it can also be used to enrich communication while sanitizing it from specfic 'Hotwords'. They want to stop us using such triggering words and terms to avoid triggering the emotions that come from those words and the ideas they convey. Bad idea. Because the counter to that is abandoning those terms and using colorful, vivid, descriptive terminology to paint graffic pictures of these evil deeds they dont want spoken of. We must paint a picture with words.Theosaurus tool multiplied by foreign characters tactic feeds into the Expanding Parimeters Strategy.

Hotwords / Notwords

These are words that allow for leftists to break speech codes and not be censored. Certain commonly used phrases that censors use to funnel narrative friendly posts into a category exempt from censorship.

Mirroring Platforms

Re-uploading censored or limited state videos back onto their censorious platform, as well as other free platforms is a key method of resisting censorship.

Digital Re-Affirmation Of The 1st & 4th Amendments To Apply To All Communications Tech Providers

Infowars Website has now been taken down.

Attached: infowars down.png (1919x912, 76.29K)

I heard he had a new one.Cant remember the name tho.

It's "censored" in regards to MSM or mainstream internet sites not promoting.
But in reality, we live in a Huxley world where there is more "inundation of crap" than outright cencorship. You can still find the info, it just depends on whether you have the temperament and skill to find it. It depends on how good you are at ignoring the bullshit.

90% of people at least cannot do that. They just assume the MSM tells some degree of truth. They won't accept that it's nearly completely bullshit.

I just got onto it..

How does one NNTP? Asking for a friend.

Attached: 1532616229142.gif (500x347, 188.55K)

The likeness is uncanny.

Even if they dont banned you the shadowban you into silence and isolation.. for example this goy… great video great bants BUT hes not fondling kids to make YT happy. Hes not hosting Russian kid yoga vids so yt hates him


Attached: 1534143829613m.jpg (1024x576, 98.6K)

Network News Transport protocol.


Newsgroups: alt.right, alt.politics.incorrect


Man, it's all going downhill now.
The left and their tolerance-politics have infiltrated the large social media websites to the point where they can ban people whos opinions they don't like.

If they get to have this their way, it's going to slowly trend more and more towards this. Give it another couple years and you can find yourself in a temporary ban for merely suggesting something like trans-xxx isn't really xxx.
Huge left leaning ecco chambers ready for the next generation of young people who pick it up after us.

As a non-american, it is kind of funny watching the whole left-leaning agenda unfold in your society. Just to be an observer of it. But the problem is that american culture influence the rest of the western world too much and it's gonna creep from you over here.

Nowhere is more right-wing than America. Wherever you may be, your place will become more cucked than America. America is unique in the world, because, despite being modern people, we have the chance in our hearts - the willingness to put our wealth, our popularity, our comfort, on the line for our hopes, our dreams, our autonomy. Our existences, our beingness. Without freedom you are nothing but rot.

usenet doesn't support tor. Don't use usenet.

Lol where the fuck are you from?

Your own society is so far gone you don't even realize it.

Oh, I get it lel.

Now Bitchute is getting shoahed.

Attached: 1534626873658.png (952x700, 618.9K)


best of Alex

You can easily run an NNTP server over Tor, but why would you want to?

The once and future king: usenet.

But tor supports ssh. So ssh to a shell over tor and run your reader on the shell.
Or this

PLEASE someone confirm this is new.

Alex and Gavin NAME THE JEW



It's not. The Jonestein clip is from before he went full neo-cohen and the McCuck clip is out of context.

That's exactly what it is. Capitalists are always traitors because capitalism incentivizes treason. All capitalists deserve to be killed.

What's the alternative then, Shlomo?

They shot at Reagan and the first Bush. David Duke and Nigel Farage have both been in accidents. JFK and George Lincoln Rockwell were assassinated. Maybe it is getting too expensive to get these jobs done with the crackdown on immigration. Censorship is the cheap jew's preferred way to shut you up.

National socialism you stupid faggot

Oh yeah duh, nvm

Kikes aren't elite you faggot cucks.

The jew is going all out.


I can't wait to crucify him tbh

Anglin has a good piece exposing those pesky sliteyed gommies in his thai fuck shack:


Can we just skip the bullshit and start inserting JEWS every time we see Democrats?

True patricians like myself never had a Facebook to begin with.

Attached: 3914afb72b2831fa2b0046c516bc8d73d4fea7dc9b1f30b5baf33cc7551a90e4.jpg (780x1337, 259.39K)

It all comes down to 9/11. We reveal the perps Israel gets it. The AIPAC Zionazi jews are shitting their pants.





America's right wing is dominated from top to bottom by literal Trotskyite communists and messianic zionists. It is the exact opposite: almost everywhere is more right-wing than America.

Fuck off schizo transsexual kike garbage.


Everyone should have a FB account. You use it to look sort of normal.

The features of it will be decommissioned by us, as we gain access to the technology of resilient non-censored, non-metadata-tracked, pseudonymous, decentralized, coms.

Already this nears. Tox is the best thing available now.

Alex Jones is manipulating people for profit. He's just a celebrity hedonist. Nothing more, nothing less. He's not a great villain, but he's not a great hero. He isn't a great man at all, but as far as I know he isn't a terrible man. What I'm sure of is that he's at best mostly honest. He's not a saint or truthspeaker. I doubt he's even much of a truthseeker. The thing is, I think he might be a stable liar, saying what earns him money. Celebrity hedonist. It could be worse. He's happy with his merchantry.

This thread's a repeat, reminding people who use this site that creativity is forbidden in today's society. We're all supposed to say what the wagging assholes with money choose to have said. Telling people here to follow Alex Jones is juts another way for people who shouldn't tell others to know their place to do something they shouldn't do. The incompetents in power want you to care about Alex Jones so they don't feel so bad about their own incompetency. If someone as bad as Alex Jones can do it, they feel more like they can, too.

Alex Jones won't tell you anything that illuminates how the world will change in twenty years. Look into infrastructural projects if you want to learn about the future. Look to where the earth is being cut. Look to the flows of water, as well.

If you want to cause a war, blow up a region's water infrastructure. I tell people this so they'll take themselves out of circulation. You should want to live in a better world of happier people. The fact that Alex Jones sells water filters might be a comment on war-tolerance, but it might be a comment on the primacy of water. People in the first world don't war because they don't thirst. Michigan turned on the Democrats because their leadership made people drink lead. People who are short on water or drinking toxic water are stupid, violent, and… basically niggers.

I say that word in love this time. Trashy white people spending their money on water filters aren't wasting their coins. Black people in high-crime areas should buy water filters.

Schools should make sure the pressure is good on all their water fountains. It might not be too much to put water towers over schools to make sure they've always got enough water. Cities should remediate their water supplies. And Alex Jones? I bet he pays people to post threads about himself because he cares more about hedonism than right answers.

This celebrity culture sucks, but it holds up because the alternatives suck, too.

Good Goy Boomer.

body cares about the bill and they just want to bitch bout jones?

Checked. Do you support the effort to abolish circumcision, which is the sexual torture and mutilation of babies?

Who the fuck are you?!


Alex Jones is a marketer.

He’s actually correct.
Source, I have traveled a bit.

The Conservationists are the most conservative groups in the US. Everyone else is almost literally Stalin.

Excuse me, CIA ricardo the retardo, but your (((fallacy))) is: (((appeal to authority)))

ree im sorry i came to Zig Forums

This story is bigger than Alex Jones.

You are a stupid whore, and may your soul burn eternally along with your god yahweh.


More than kikes, but first we deal with the kikes.

That is all well and good but there are still dominating faction and the kikes run them all so you see something like freemasonry would use that to establish complete despotism and a new world order. There needs to be a widespread approach that focuses primarily on the kikes but in a way that its a kike web that gets rid of them all or atleast dismantles all of the kikes deathstar factions from going ape shit and subverting the world in the power lapse. You don't want luciferians taking heed once the kikes are gone there are bad groups that are praying for the chance to go ahead with censorship and shit regardless of kike influence because they have collected so many kike points they are almost individually as networked and powerful as their kike masters are. Do it like hitler get rid of all subversive cult people at once.

He didn't get rid of the kikes or other groups.

unless you are OPSEC lord, all of your shit is trackable anyway. you may as well just go balls deep into the Mossadnigger honeypot and shitpost hitler memes to redpill kids.

Try harder kike.

Name the jew every day people, directly, openly.

Do not overestimate (just as you should not underestimate) your enemy.

China did it.

I am neither with the Central Intelligence or the what ever that name originated from.

Thanks for setting me up and linking your niggard ass to that though.

Well, that fucking settles it then.

God damn, the CIA is full of fucking idiots.

Well it's obvious the establishment is panicking thanks to Trump, the Jews are panicking thanks to normies increased awareness, and the media are panicking because of that very same awareness so this is their last ditch effort. The problem is history always shows that censorship is a losing position and can have the opposite of the intended effect, rebellion.

Oh, the schizo crossdressing kikes will deny even this…

Two factions of jews fighting doesn't mean we're winning.

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However, we can utilize their "samson option" against themselves. This shall prove most useful.

maybe they had to make a deal

Attached: soro_socials_bye_bye.png (640x743, 284.04K)

FB stocks took the biggest nosedive of any stock in history, less than a year after soros shit listed them.

The power structure is not scared of Infopeace though. The site consists of nothing more than SJW & mudskin stories, just like the mainstream media.

Attached: 1532545324062.png (640x634, 505.66K)

Oh look, the fallacy fallacy. Idiot.

You probably are a gypsy or something, since you hate wisdom, logic.

Well that does it, they renamed a fucking soccer team, for like a day. Wow, totally supporting him, totally not trying to get the far right-wingers to hate him through completely symbolic gestures. Totally not doing warfare through deception, no way, honest folks, those kikes - just ask you!