Be careful about what you see in the foreground of the news vis-à-vis what’s in the background. Sunday, the cable networks were on fire over the 30-or-so white nationalists marching across Washington DC — with much larger hordes of masked, black-clad Antifa street-fighters following them around, and an army of DC cops in fluorescent green riot vests following the Antifas and the white nationalist knuckleheads.
The event was a billed as an attempt to commemorate the clash that happened between the same contestants in Charlottesville, Virginia, a year ago in the uproar over Confederate statues. That fiasco ended in the death of a bystander named Heather Heyer. Not a whole lot has changed since then, except perhaps the Left has become more strident in its calls to penalize white people for their crimes of “privilege,” no doubt further inflaming the Unite-the-Right crew. (And the anti-statue campaign has dropped down the memory hole.)
There was plenty of “hate” to go around on both sides Sunday. But those who were waiting for a climactic bloodbath in Lafayette Park must have been disappointed after a long day of tension when a big blob of rain hunkered over the District at suppertime and the theatrics concluded. Both the Antifas and the Unite-the-Right marchers had to go home and get out of their wet clothes. At least they could agree on that.
The cable TV anchors had issued the usual calls for “national unity,” exhorting President Trump to emerge from his Bedminster, New Jersey, golfing bunker and “bring the country together,” a sadly fatuous proposition. There is nothing to come together within. There’s nothing left of an American common culture besides a few Disney movies and that’s not nearly enough. That’s what happens when you opt for multiculturalism as your number one political principle. It automatically negates shared values, so why even expect any agreement between groups contending for dominance?
The animosity will only grow sharper, and it will happen because of things that are roiling in the background now — namely, the unraveling global financial system. Some fireworks commenced at the end of last week when the Turkish Lira slumped. Who cares about the currency of a second-rate player in the global economy? A lot of SIFIs (“systemically important financial institutions”) otherwise known as Too-Big-To-Fail banks. That’s who. Deutsche Bank’s stock dropped over 6 percent when the Turkish Lira tanked on Friday.
Adam Harris
Turkey’s nickname since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the 1920s has been “the sick man of Europe” and Deutsche Bank in the post-2008-crash era is widely regarded as the sick man of SIFI banks. One analyst wag downgraded its status a year ago to “dead bank walking.” Its balance sheet was a Cave of Winds littered with the moldering skeletons of malinvestment.
If the European Central Bank (aka Germany) has to bail out DB, all bets are off for the Euro, which was showing serious signs of distress Friday. And who is going to bail out Turkey? If the IMF is your go-to vehicle, then you mean US taxpayers. Anyway, Turkey’s Lira is only one of several Emerging Market currencies whose hands have been called at the global poker table, where the four-flushers are getting flushed out. The Russian ruble was another one, ostensibly to the delight of America’s Destroy-Russia-at-All-Costs faction.
China is also having to play a round of super Three Card Monte with its currency, the yuan. President Trump’s tariff monkeyshines are shoving the Chinese banking system up against a wall of utterly irresolvable insolvency problems and threatening the stability of Xi Jinping’s one-party government. The Chinese export trade is at the heart of the world’s current economic arrangements. If you pull it out of the globalism machine, the machine will stop. It is going to stop one way or another anyway, but the gathering crisis of autumn 2018 will hasten that.
All of this is happening because the whole world can’t handle the debts it has racked up, and the whole world knows it. And knowing it, they also know that their debt-based currencies are worthless. And knowing that, they also know that absolutely everybody else is broke and unable to meet their obligations. That is some dangerous knowledge. For the moment, this dynamic appears to be working in the USA’s favor, with our dollar rising and what remains of credible foreign wealth seeking shelter here. But the time will come when that delusion goes up in a vapor, too, and the USA will find itself without the means to carry on, just like everybody else.
In the meantime, we entertain ourselves with the antics of Unite-the-Right and Antifa, two acting troupes composed of young people who have no idea what they will do with their lives when the economic condition of the land reveals itself to be more desperate than they ever imagined. The truth is, they’ll be fighting ever more desperately, not over abstractions but over the table-scraps of history.
Dylan Parker
Keep going user, though please get quickly to the part where you talk about the dead common culture.
Caleb Barnes
Good post user, continue. Daily reminder that we live very close to the End of Time.
still tired of media's continued lies about pretty much everything they report
npr said heather heyer was "murdered" , at worst it is manslaughter as we know; she wasn't even hit by the car
Oliver Perry
The only common culture I want is at the state-level. Fuck sharing culture with Yankees.
Xavier Bennett
Hyper Normalization is a good one too.
Ethan Sanchez
I love how they hide behind tolerance and love and all that. I guarantee they know these are empty platitudes. I think even here of all places we pretend the enemy is more ignorant than they really are.
Jeremiah Sanders
he is super fucking lefty in his other ones.
Elijah Rogers
Pretty sure its a copypaste of a zero hedge article.
Parker White
People who characterize all Americans like this are simply ignorant of our geography and demographics. European countries are far more mixed. Just look at Italy for starters. Every major European city is just as slimey.
Just filter the kike. fuck off mods. I'm not stopping.
Ryan Gutierrez
daily reminder that amerimutt memes are constantly spouted by idiots and shills only. Or by Zig Forums but that's both of them combined!
Levi Davis
crash this september boys!!
Joseph Sullivan
Money is and always has been bullshit. It should have NEVER been allowed to exceed its original purpose as A MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AND SERVICES PRODUCED BY LABOR. Having money should not make money. PRODUCTION and the numerous associated consumption and service industries is how "wealth" and "prosperity" is created. Labor, utility, resources, industry, agriculture, and other CONCRETE things are the REAL economy. The trillions in made up monopoly money bullshit that goes on in the "investing" and "trading" and "banking" and so forth "financial industries" are PARASITIC. They are just kikes and shabbos sitting in offices leeching off of everyone else to the tune of TRILLIONS. Whatever "useful things" they may have done or do are VASTLY outweighed by their parasitic shekel grubbing. It all has to go. The National Socialists SEVERELY curtailed such "financial trickery" and ended debt backed money generation (IE fed reserve) and their economy BOOMED like the world has NEVER SEEN BEFORE OR SINCE.
Regulated production-based capitalism Trustbusting TAX the super rich and megacorporations while encouraging middle class and small-medium corporate growth and health. Nationalism (IE putting the Volk first, opposing globalism, opposing international corporations, opposing international finance, economy tailored to Volk's needs) (Of course, make America White again) Sustainable economics without "infinite growth" bullshit make-believe idiocy A future worth having again.
Again, money is MAKE BELIEVE that only has power because people HAVE FAITH IN IT and it is protected by ZOG. It's just paper or digital numbers. It's all bullshit. Work, productivity, industry, agriculture, mining, forestry, and so forth are what actually CREATES a civilization and prosperity. Civilizations existed for CENTURIES in antiquity before "money" EVEN EXISTED AS A CONCEPT. CAPABLE WORKERS WORKING TOGETHER ARE THE ECONOMY. The banks and their 1s and 0s are parasites.
Zachary Reyes
Fuck America, CSA 4 life yankee cucks
Xavier Stewart
Obviously. Ever notice how most lefty memes and protest chants are borrowed from tv shows and cartoons? These twats literally have no other common ground or cultural reference points than Harry Potter and Games of Thrones. Pics related.
Imagine for a second that your entire moral compass is defined by a fictional story. Instead of irl experiences and struggles you rely on a fictional narrative to give your life context. This is the reality for many americans, especially young americans.
This is the only way a lot of young people can even relate to one another. I checked out of pop culture years ago because I could feel myself getting cancer when I consumed it. I'm at the point where I can't relate to many normies my own age because I don't watch the same fucking HBO shows or cartoons. There are people out there who don't literally have no grasp on philosophy, history, religion, They don't have hobbies that don't revolve around consumption. Most lefties are exactly like this.
this rings true, I remember back when my parents first put me in the public zoo system in kindergarten. The first thing I remember asking the kid who became my first friend, was if he liked starwars, because that was one of the only movies I had on VCR to watch on repeat other than cartoon shit.
Cooper Ramirez
sage for off-topic but today's culture is so pozzed to the point where I just only watch repeats of Simpsons S1-10.
Grayson Jenkins
simpsons is pozzed as fuck, there has been plenty of mainstream stuff far less pozzed than simpsons lmao
Gabriel Green
Muggles aren't allowed into Hogwarts because they're subhumans, and they never should've allowed mudbloods tbh.
Christian Brooks
(((white nationalists)))
Jayden Perez
t. Rothschild Confederate and the original useful idiots who wanted to break up the States because Jews failed in the war of 1812 to estbalish usury banks…. plus Jew slave trade of course.