Breivik Psyop'd The Kikes

The Butcher of Utøya positively gloats over how easy it was to fool them:

When dealing with media psychopaths, a good way to counter their tactics is to use double-psychology, or at least so I thought. The compendium was, among other things, of a calculated and quite cynical (the 2+?+?=6-approach), created to strengthen the ethnocentrist wing in the contra-jihad movement, by pinning the whole thing on the anti-ethnocentrist wing (many of the leaders are pro-multiculti social democrats or liberalists), while at the same time protecting and strengthening the ethnocentrist-factions. The idea was to manipulate the MSM and others so that they would launch a witch-hunt and send their against our opponents. It worked quite well.

…The -tactic is one of the oldest in the book. The infiltration of the Freemasons, followed by the publication of the Freemason-pic, was in fact a deliberate and calculated attack against them.

And what about the man who was allegedly Mr. Breivik’s greatest inspiration?

A man who was hounded out of anonymity by the Norwegian media and turned into Public Enemy Number Two? A writer who would have been prosecuted alongside the killer, if certain opinion-writers had their way? An academic who was threatened with death, forced from his job, and driven into exile?

I refer, of course, to Fjordman. Here’s what Anders Behring Breivik had to say about his supposed mentor:

When the norwegian MSM announced that Fjordman was my role model and idol, they couldnt be more wrong.

Furthermore, according to the killer, Fjordman is actually in league with — gasp! — THE JEWS. Mr. Breivik maintains that Fjordman — who, if you believe the Norwegian media, is at least as vicious a Nazi as Heinrich Himmler — actually commands a “Jewish network”:

I know a lot of people will be dissapointed when reading this, but my love for Israel is limited to its future function as a deportation-port for disloyal jews. I am aware of the sad fact that all available statistics confirm that only aprox. three percent of eurojews oppose multiculti (but from an anti-islamist perspective), and that only aprox. 0,2 percent support nordic indigenous rights. I wish it wasnt so… However, there is in fact a strong anti-nordicist/ethnocentrist wing within the counter-jihad movement, represented by Fjordman and his Jewish network, the EDL-leader, the SIOE-leaders, Wilders, Farage etc., but their organisations are so heavily infiltrated by nordicists and ethnocentrists that its hard to say which wing are actually controlling them.

…This makes it even more ironic that many nordicists and ethnocentric nationalists, Stormfront included, still dont know that I systematically used double-psychology in order to protect them, and in an attempt to prevent the multiculti MSM from using their .

…I could have easily avoided excessive pathologisation by keeping the message short and by clinging to the already established ideological cliff of national socialism (its important to remember that this was at a time when all right wing radicals were labeled as nazis), but if they had been allowed to label me as a nazi, the ideological considerations and discussions would be over, and my court-speeches and propaganda performance would never be broadcasted world wide, during the trial. Furthermore, people would not be forced to seek answers in the compendium along the way. Regardless of their efforts, I felt I managed to make the best out of an almost impossible situation, despite of the fact that I made a few mistakes during the process.

The mainstream media have been had.

They were played like a fiddle by Anders Behring Breivik, and now they know it.

Reminder Breivik did not like Jews.

Attached: Breivik-Smokey.jpg (550x558, 122.71K)

free first post

Well he's going to have to say who in the jewish media, mossad etcetera were his connections. Who did the "bombing" with the makeup victims (woman with metal sticking out her skull, sat on bench and being asked to get on a bus)
Nothing to lose now, it's either happening or it isn't.

While I find his methods pretty gross and unforgivable, they were certainly effective.

Kill yourself leddit, this isn't your fucking blog.

Even though this has been known for years, you still see shills here proclaiming, "BREIVIK'S A ZIONIST! HE'S A MASON!"

OP, You have no idea what a breath of fresh air that is to hear. In his manifesto, he mentions Israel often and in positive light; giving the reader (

How is the destruction of our racial and political enemies unforgivable?

Using a bomb as a distraction to draw police attention away and then single-handedly killing a large number of the children of traitors who were certain to be traitors of the future is gross and unnaceptable?
You sound like a faggot


Like a newfag.

But correcting is our purpose.

Assblasted shills confirmed.

Thank you for the effortpost OP. So, I guess this confirms that Breivik was in fact /ourguy/? I had said before that we need to do shit like this. I can't say I had taken it quite so far.

Hopefully that doesn't surprise you. Remember that the old guard had been pretty well completely demoralized pre-internet. We could hardly even recruit for the Mantra at StormFront, and those were supposed to be pro-white. Do you really think they would ever understand someone clever enough to mindfuck kikes?

He says who his contacts were within the group he supposedly mind fucked. Or it's just a story to cover that he really is jewish and a mason. And confirms nothing. The bombing was ridiculously fake.

Reminder open border communists who oppose Israel because its an ebil nationalist state are not the allies of whites.

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This declaration is at least 3 years old.
But no, it's bullshit, as fantastically alludes to.
The Oslo bombing, and by extension inference, the Utoya "massacre" were staged events where no one died.
Antler woman(looks like a tranny actually) and Mrs Redface, herded on a fucking BUS while a line of ambulances sit.

A mastermind beyond comprehension. This makes the usual suspects look like child's play.

Reminder martyr denial is race treason and youre a kike. Take it to /x/, kike.

Eeeeh… Fjordman is actually jewish for real. Just take a look at him if you do not believe me. He even looks like that shlomo cartoon.
Fjordmans task in the grand scheme is to divert the narrative from the ongoing racial replacement of norwegians towards cultural oriented counter jihadism and how there is nothing wrong with these norwegians except that they are muslims in dire need of integration. As with all other jews, he is in dire need of a shower.

Norway is in no danger of ethnic replacement.

Your psyops are falling apart, kike.
How does it feel? That creeping terror?
London terror? Nope. (yet another) freemasonic hoax.

Sure, but enclaves of nearly a million sandniggers won't help the country in the future.

Why the fuck are you agreeing with the slow boil kike?
Norway is scheduled for White replacement by the end of the century.
Norwegians aren't having babies.
Immigrants are.
Norwegians, like every other W. Euro peoples, are scheduled for extinction, with minority being achieved by 2050.

I can't say I support his reasons, but his actions were a seldom feat of human ingenuity without selfish intent.

Attached: Anders Brevik Superstar.jpg (2250x1346, 948.08K)

The important part is that you get lumped in with the alex jewns crowd and dont scare anyone else off thinking we are retards here. The mods cant ban anymore so trash like this is left up.

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and this is the way you find out how (((OP))) is a kike

freemasonry is gay kabbalah + gay hermeticism + gay judaism for goyim
they have yhwh triangles and other gay jewish trash all over their temples
get cancer you masonnigger retard

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as a woman i would ask breivik to marry me, asking him to impregnate me during prison visits.

Thanks, fuck off.

Still not dehumanised yourself and faced to bloodshed, eh? Don't worry faggot, time will change you - and you're here forever.

The mason thing was covered, he did it to frame them. Freemasons are a Jewish front.

Attached: Freemason-Kikes4.png (460x620 125.17 KB, 71.76K)

Heres Heydrich on Jewish fronts pretty much.

Attached: Heydrich-Changes5.PNG (1579x750 123.89 KB, 141.74K)

Dont let the virgins disuade you
Go get that top tier seed
Also post tits and gtfo

He has officially changed his name to "Fjotolf Hansen"

If the "hug your opponents"-thing is true, he really doesn't like uncle A.

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IDIOCY, Don't fall for this "edgy" nonsense

Breivik is an asset of the enemy

Attached: Anders Breivik and State Sponsored Terrorism.png (2400x3356 444.44 KB, 720.96K)

I went to school with one of them. Sat on the student council with him, even. Steinar Jessen. He sure as shit never came back. If it didn't happen, they did a real good job covering that up.

Do you shills know how stupid you sound?

Fjotolf Hansen
top kek

Being prevented from publishing two books, The Breivik Diaries and The Nordic State, Anders Breivik changed his name to Fjotolf Hansen.
can't wait

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your post is gibberish

The outfit breivik is wearing isn't a freemason outfit. Breivik released a 1500 page manifesto and in it was directions on uniforms, medals, rankings, etc. The outfit he's wearing is certainly taken from freemasonry, but it's for the organization that he was proposing, which was based on the knights templar.

DUDE LOL JEWS ARE EVERYBODY. haha WOW like dude haha everyones a jew haha. GUess we lose now haha XD
Honestly I kind of like the effort. free entertainment.

t. idiot

Naive bastards. Breivik might just be in prison now, but he is used now as a tool to demonize Europeans who oppose the on-going attack on Europe.

never once felt an inch of sympathy for this MKultra'd retard, and never will
>LOL, guys, I was actually a (((fellow white nationalist))), guys, believe me
now the worst part:

what is this Zig Forums is one person shit? did you even read the replies? Second reply calls it out as bullshit psyop, then you rock up, all (1), days later and say Zig Forums buys it. What gives, what are you contributing?

reminder that there can't be any bigger kikery in the world than killing anti-israel white people, no matter their lefty retardness.

I'll admit I didn't count how many posts fell for it (they were the majority the day the thread popped up), but their very existence is concerning.

Breivik is a genius.

breivik stole uncle Ted's manifesto. he's everything but a genius

Breivik has only had a positive effect on Norway.


like what?

start with the boomers then faggot, not with 20 years old who can still get redpilled like we all were

Spreading the idea that anti-israel communists are our allies is race treason, KYS kike. They oppose Israel, not Jews. They are Jews, they love jews. KYS.

Social piwer climbers don't get redpilled. Killing them young is the best solution. Breivik's target selection was genius. If he had shot up a mosque or something, it would have backfired horribly. But because he shot (mostly) traitorous Norwegians, he escaped triggering the deep seated guilt from exterminating poor minorities. And he decapitated the upcoming generation of apparatchiks. It would be like if someone in America wiped out the entire student body and faculty of Georgetown and Harvard, only his was probably even more effective that that considering the smaller scale of Norwegian politics.

Increasing nationalist sentiment and hamstringing the leftist parties.

All of these optics concerns are bogus. The data shows that killing your enemies is extremely effective and does not "turn away normies." Breivik shoots leftists, norway moves more right wing. Traini revenge shoots niggers, Italy goes full nationalist. That autistic britbong kills that traitor politician, brits vote for brexit. The idea that killing people is "bad optics" is thoroughly refuted by all evidence. Normies want these people dead, and they love the heroes who pull it off.

That's all your imagination. You're ignoring the continuing, when suitable, demonization campaign in the mass medias using Breivik as an example.