Pedophile (((union))) officials say Ontario elementary teachers should teach modernized sex-ed curri
This is an Ontario NGO with 300 million dollars in funding, thousands of hospital beds and all sorts of reputable scientists and health professionals in their ranks. They support pedos. Clinics and such throughout the province hand out their pamphlets as if they are fact.
Is the politically incorrect or POLITICALLY CORRECT
We should be supporting the normalization, not acting like a bunch of normies that want to kill Minor attracted people.
There is an attempt, albeit poorly made ,to remake Ironmarch. It's on
But the guy who has made it is fucking bad at website style.
Just because you use Hitler pictures doesnt mean your not a feminist.
You guys let their ideals become what YOU fight for. That is Beta as fuck
This. We're only alienating people with our current label
Your noses are showing.
Nice projection, kike. Your post only makes sense if it's assumed that you're a kike, which you are
I am against pedophilia
But hebephilia and ephebophilia need to be legal.
I think the only way we get there is by using the overton window. Say we want pedo so we can compromise in the middle (hebe & ephebo).
Has nothing to do with pedophilia, just your normal liberal indoctrination horror.
A manufactured lie (to draw out suspects) since pedophiles would never aim for social acceptance. Nambla on the other hand does, but those are faggots and not pedophiles.
All the same in terms of being attracted to children which is no crime in itself. What you want to be legalized is to have children in a specific age-range to be legal sex partners for adults, which will never happen. No law will ever give you the right to engage sexually with children.
The age of consent can be reformed.
Also, they are not children. They are teenagers.
Well, if hating you ugly, malformed half-jews who can't into healthy relationships with adult women like us humans can and instead resort to predatory molestation makes me a feminist, pass me the blue hair dye.
Yea okay bud.
Good. Stop fighting the inevitable, you are on the wrong side of history. This is the future.
No one here is mad about men finding 16-year-olds attractive, Chaim.
The solution to this is to put women back in their historical place and undo the sexual revolution, not to push it even further. A man marrying a 16-year-old for life, having seven white children with her, and providing for that family is good. Normalizing extramarital sex with 16-year-olds is bad.
You're on the wrong side of the shotgun, my friend.
)BTW, what's with this lame fucking raid?)
Schlomo, please.
Just went and checked: 4chan and reddit are still up.
Wonder how much Soros is paying for these shills? They're lame as fuck, but they sure are numerous.
Under 18 (21) will always be classified as a child. No law would ever give an adult the right to have sex with a child. So even if the AoC laws would get lowered, it would still be illegal for an adult to approach a child for sex. What should be happening is a more realistic approach to the grey area cases were a 19 year old can't have sex with a 17 year old, even if they can legally sit in class together.
Fuck off back to reddit, Zig Forums was always loli friendly.
It only applies if you are a white male. Tyronne destroys white pussy of 12, 13 , 14 year old virgin white women and everyone encourages and praises it.
Roughly 6,000,000 wives were virgins when they got married in the USA. But of course, those kind of women have no interest in a hideous, malformed, hooknose freakshow covered with curly nigger hairs like yourself. and I doubt even a lowdown whore would touch a monster like you either kek Got any more easily debunked delusional bullshit you want to spew to justify your gross degeneracy?
Degeneracy has become normalized more and more every year.
I think you will all be surprised at what is legal in the future.
this is what a shill thread full of jews looks like. whatcha doing there, rabbis?
kill pedophiles in roblox
dismember pedophiles in roblox
maim pedophiles, hypothetically speaking in a self defense situation
they are not even close to human.
Any proof…not that I wouldn't expect slavery shamed Americans to put a blind eye on nigger fucking kids, but it sure sounds like an absurd claim.
These boards are filled with feminists now. France just passed a law that said a minor has to prove that they were forced. If they can not, then it is not rape and they consented.
We can EASILY pass that in our countries as well. Just need time, promotion and lobbying.
Yeah, little mongrels.
And were might one spot all those 13-15 year old pregnant kids that are encouraged and praised by everyone?
france didn't have a law against rape until 1980
pedophilia among blacks and spic immigrants is covered up. blacks have a higher rate than whites but it's rarely reported in the news. with spics, amnesty international ZOG ngo openly admits that over 80% of of spic females are raped crossing the border and that includes the children of all ages.
Proof of what I have been saying. Look at these retarded newfags.
And then gas them.
Which is exactly what the shitlibs did.
You guys are gay. If you want to fuck & marry community pussy that has been passed and stretched out for YEARS than be my guest.
I will have a young virgin or barely used wife one way or the other.
Sure, but how does that relate to tor-anons claims that everyone encourages and praises it?
yeah i'm not with that, only reason i'm on tor is the firefox update started giving me http referrer errors with 8ch and i'm lazy
This is the hill they die on. Trying to convince parents they should let sexual predators teach their children.
See? this is your problem; you see potential sex partners like a consumer purchasing a product, like a guy buying a pack of cigarettes for example. You want a brand new pack of fresh cigarettes all wrapped up in cellophane, not an old pack with the wrapper off.
But human beings are not consumer goods, unless you're a psychopath that is. Human beings to the Christian mind are unique spiritual creatures, not just some inanimate love doll for you to fire off your cock snot into.
The fact that you pedos just want to use children as cock snot receptacles for your own selfish pleasure is enough for even Jesus Christ himself to demand that you have millstones tied round your necks and that you be cast into the sea.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he's in the process of making a mistake"
This is going to be a massive crushing defeat for the antifa/blm/lgbtq coalition of lunatics attempting to seize control of the asylum.
You sound very compassionate. Honestly that's nice, but sorry you sound like a female. Still sound like a feminist to me.
I have had my fair share of partners and girlfriends…The best one I had was my first real GF at age 17 (she was 15)…We were together for a LONG time over 6 years, because there was a slight "grooming" aspect to it. But that was good, we were perfect for each other, she groomed me in ways too.
We planned on getting married, but I fucked it up. I do not plan on using these ALREADY SEXUALLY ACTIVE TEENS (not children) to just cum in. I would marry the girl if she was the right one. And that takes a little grooming while they are still malleable.
Also, I'm a atheist so the theist talk does nothing for me.
Age of consent laws are constructed for protection of youth. Usually they have provisions for age differences and also power relationship differences.
A 17 year old dating a 15 year old is pretty normal. I did that.
A 30 year old going after 13 and 14 year old boys buttholes is grounds for castration or maybe death.
I am against the gay shit.
I only recently started to support it because it is a slippery slope. They have to legalize other degenerate sex now.
Just remember the 18 year old limit is completely arbitrary and not the same in all countries. Studies have shown that some people are still not fully mentally developed into their mid 20's and some have shown mental maturity at age 14 and 15.
Just remember your world view is ONE measly world view.
To be fair, it's the union. Unions are always pozzed.
Love this post, minus the religious bullshit that is. Your religions wouldn't be on the verge of death if you would start to aggressively preach morals like these onto this world.
Dude, if you don't believe in anything you don't need a name for it. Atheism was coined by believers who were afraid of the unknown. Please don't support his nonsense.
In Canada if there is any inkling of a power relationship, the AoC is 18.
Honestly you know maybe 4chan and Zig Forums arent for me.
I heard this was a place that you can discuss fringe ideas.
All I see is regular women are incompetent so they are victims feminists age of consent bullshit and now religious talk?
Hey, its cool. enjoy your space guys. I will find somewhere else.
If you look at the sexual revolution it seems very suspicious to me that it just suddenly appeared as the same time and places as the rise of the drug culture. San Francisco and New York. Other cities soon followed suit, mostly on the west coast. This demand for pedophile recognition is the ultimate goal of debauched and depraved drug fiends that seek sensual gratification at all costs, particularly if the costs are born by others. One as only to look at the Folsom St fair to see that. If that's what adults want among themselves society has decided to overlook it. But they've grown bored with their filth and want new exciting thrills. What is left for them?
And what better revenge to take on their enemies the Christians than to turn reason and morals on their head and proclaim Christian child rearing to be "child abuse" requiring that children be taken from their parents and handed over to homosexual deviates for rearing?
There's not enough millstones. 9mm parabellum bullets and a backhoe will have to do.
I heard this was a place that you can discuss fringe ideas.
All I see is regular women are incompetent so they are victims feminists age of consent bullshit and now religious talk?
Good by fuckass. Die of AIDS, covered in Kaposi's Sarcoma.
You can discuss everything here, but don't expect people to stick to your script. That's the beauty of anonymous boards…you can learn to operate under real, unregulated human chaos.
Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing, ain't it?. I see it as the white hot crucible where the purest strongest steel of truth is forged.
Read Sade's 120 Days of Sodom and then check when it was written. It always was in our history to go for extremes and it always will be. The same thoughts you're having now, people had hundreds of years ago. Sometimes you just have to take a step back from the present and try to see the reoccurring patterns in all of history to put recent events in relation.
Yep, put it together with the sense of anonymity and you have a sheer endless amount of entertainment at your disposal. I love it.
Hopefully a shallow grave where your cul-de-sac genetics can be safely discarded.
It's heaven. God what I would have given for the freedom of the internet back in the sixties and seventies. I was reading all the greats back then; Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Conrad, Stendahl, Flaubert etc etc etc…there was nothing else to do. And do you think I could find other like minded people even at university? haha no not a chance.
As a youth i'd dream of the age of Enlightenment or even the Victorian era when great ladies would hold salons for different cenacles in the great cities of Europe…cenacles for literary men, for artists, for natural philosophers. There were moments when I've just about found that society on boards like this. Fucked Company was great back in 2001, 2002…I can remember evenings there talking with people that knew everything about the Mitford sisters even, had read everything by Nancy Mitford, Evelyn Waugh and on and on.
It was awesome.
My personal favorite has always been Juliette. The sexual perversions etc rapidly put me in a state to yawn, but the philosophy is so funny it damn near makes me have a cerebral hemmorage while breaking my ribs from laughing so damn hard. And the funniest thing about his philosophy is that he gets it right so often with this relentless savagery of thought.
Higher res of OP's pic.
Not mentioning Philosophy in the Boudoir even once.
Preach; and maybe get Augustin in here. Eugenie needs another lesson in practical politics.
>Pedophile (((union))) officials say Ontario elementary teachers should teach modernized sex-ed
Chinks taking over canada would be a blessing.
Nice judeo-christian values chaim, but you forgot that adultery is a sin.
Find every last pedo members and its supporters
Expose these fuckers so some vigilante may do justice of exterminating these pedos
Why are the jews always like this? ^
Ah here we go again, I bet you up with facts and it all runs off you like water off a raincoat only for you to return the next day.
There is no argument to be had, you gotta go.
I have NEVER seem antipedos cry when it's a little boy or an adult non-white. Can you connect why?
See? Like water off a raincoat.
You would already be dead if anyone here had a choice, we will not listen to your begging and pleading.
Not only you are wrong and doing exacly what I said you would, you will also NEVER beat my trips.
Cry more, normalkike.
Could you at least rename the file before you upload it, Chaim? I mean, you're already fucking obvious. But you could put a little more effort in it.
yea, no
So young women go to old men because they're gold digging whores. What are young men supposed to do? Remain virgins or fuck used hags? What about when the man dies 40 years before the woman does?
Get out! You Don't belong here, and never have.The fact that you think raping children is part of chan culture is what really makes you stick out. ALL of you will hang. All…
Anyone against this is a pedo who wants to keep the children naive to be easy prey.
No they did not. Actually read it instead of repeating bullshit you heard on cuckchan.
We're talking about potential wives, not potential sex partners. You need to get help instead of projecting your degenerate whore mentality onto everyone else.
There's an obvious raid underway. I wonder (((who))) put them up to it? The same concern trolls that appear in every Ontario/ Doug Ford thread?
Nice pilpul. Comparing an over-18 woman marrying an older man to teaching kids about rimming is totally comparable, right Chiam?
Premier Kenney won't be paying for your IUD, boo hoo.
Your words not mine, normalnigger. I'm just rubbing the fact in the face of the whiteknights.
I want kids, for that I need a wife, and I won't accept a nonvirgin. Anyone opposing me, and thus every men like me, is anti-white and thus needs to die.
You see faggot, there's a reason why incels and fascists are associated, and why kikes, normalfags and other scum hate both of them.
They just teach that it exists not teach to like it. Also it said online safety as in avoiding pedos. Naivety does no good and you're just helping pedos.
unelected union officials now decide public policy
the NDP apparently runs the government now
fuck what the citizens voted for
abolish unions
anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives
antipedos are so gay…
support for my MAP brothers
Our day is coming soon
antipedos must hang for their bigoted and cruel ways against the marginalized MAP community
The beaner mafia are running a psyop today.
this and dubs confirm tbh
Pedos will hang.
You see faggot there's also a reason why pedophila and kikes are associated
Thanks for outing yourself, Schlomo
They always charge niggers with drug possession since every single nigger does drugs the moment they can get them, put that as the headline, then say some bullshit like, other charges were also applied. This usually includes some sort of pedophilia, rape, and murder.
Your word salad needs more croutons.
Yes, some gas would help too.
Laughable one too.
KYS pedokike
Watch Orson Welles Touch of Evil; the old fat police chief in El Paso/Juarez frames guys and even beats confessions out of them. Terrible.
ONly one problem.
He's always right; they were guilty but they were so sneaky they would have gotten away with it. So he frames them/tortures confessions out of them to get them off the streets before they can hurt anyone else.
This is in fact the truth; I worked as a prison guard in a medium security antique dungeon from the 1920's where everyone was serving 2 years for drug sales. That was bullshit though; they were actually there for much worse shit, like the little transvestite that stabbed an 82 year old woman to death with a pair of scissors but they had no witnesses or evidence. So they framed him with a pound of weed.
When the Touch of Evil won the Cannes Film Festival Palm D'Or the Soviet Union judges walked out in protest calling Touch of Evil a "fascist movie"
It is.
It's one of the ten greatest movies ever made.
That's a shitty link to Touch of Evil. Get the full 4k Criterion Director's Cut version to watch on your TV. You won't regret it. It's an astounding movie shot on a shoe string budget with an all star cast.