Salvini General

All general Salvini & Italy happenings
- ITALY, MATTEO SALVINI: "Enough with Parent 1 and Parent 2, I've reinstated Father and Mother"
- ITALIANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH - Tension mounts in Italy amid escalating racially-motivated attacks

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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: I will not give you Italy (Matteo Salvini)-It-1hnPAJ58.mp4 (640x360, 5.48M)


He is a magnificent shitposter and a powerful demagogue. We can learn a lot from him. Moreover he handles very good pussy.

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All the faggots who claimed we Italians aren't White are nowhere to be found in Salvini threads.

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Is the same going to be said when America gets a leader who isn't pozzed? Or trump somehow proves that he isn't?
I'm glad Italy is charging us into the next phase, btw.

I think Trump is doing the best he can in the most hostile environment. Italy at the moment is very fertile soil, people is absolutely fed up of niggers we never had and we never wanted. Btw, we are not niggers and we were not kangz, we were emperorz with stadiums, aqueducts, sewers and sheeeeit.

Why are all those deaded?

No mentioning of the proposal about reintroducing the obligatory military service, which honestly is (or was since no one agreed) interesting?

Be reasonable.
The average Italian doesn't look Scandinavian. There is nothing wrong with being Mediterranean.
I wouldn't call olive skin "white".

Shall we burn tanned SoCal based surfers too?

Romans had olive skin: they are claimed under the white umbrella.
Greeks too had olive skin ^.

There are Italians and then there are gypsy scum who are (((italian))). Just like there are German jews.
It's a nuance but it needs to be learned.
Nationality != ethnicity != race

Remove that word from your vocabulary user.
You sound like a nigger when you use it.

This. Salvini is alpha incarnate.

Sorry, it was ironic. Such surfers does not exist as far as I know. Bad meme.

white or not, what does it matter to the price of burgers in US?

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You can still access them through the url: - Salvini BTFO nigboat back to Libya ( - Salvini slaps the European Union, removes gypsies ( - SALT INCOMING - ITALY GOING ROGUE (

This vid was an important rule change. Forcing these muzzies to reveal where their funding comes from for mosques will ensure they never happen. Good luck building megamuzzie center legally on government dime.

So what, do you want to pretend to be "white" just to not feel excluded?
Should Mexicans be called white as well?

That's simply because "the white umbrella" includes everyone who is caucasian.
If you follow that trend you would have to consider "white" even jews and arabs.

Either way… enough thread-derailment…

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Italians are descended from a mix of ancient Romans, pre-Roman Italic tribes, later barbarian invaders, such as the Vandals and Goths, plus Germanics in the north and some Arab/Greek admixture in the south. Mexicans are largely all of the above, stepped on with Aztec, Yaqui, Olmec, Maya, and miscellaneous sacrifice-niggers.

Lurk, you fucking faggot.

No, you’re just retarded. They were as white as scandinavians before the dune coon conquests.

No D&C, please, guys. And that quote is basically the reason we’re national socialists rather than “fascists.”

Genoa Bridge

Attached: Terrifying moment when 'Morandi Bridge' in northwestern Italian city of #Genoa collapses this morning (video source - Polizia di Stato)

I'm sure the jew is terrified.

This thread reminds me why I've always said the whole "no more brother wars" thing is naught but naivete at best and delusion at worst, once we pool our resources together and finally get rid of kikes after a while we'll just be back to killing each other over petty shit, just like Europe had been doing for centuries.

Can't remember the last time I saw someone that made me proud of being their namesake.

Attached: You're the best, Kuniaki..mp4 (1280x720, 13.52M)

Tons of great screenshots from this interview.

This. Has there been any indication he isn't just a Trump/Farage/Orban/etc. release valve? No one in the West has even gone near Duterte's level of cleaning shit up, and he's already talking about giving up and stepping down because the corruption is endless. This is why nothing but NatSoc will work, ultimately. Who backs Salvini?

20 billion euros spent hosting niggers during last 7 years. 200+ bridges not built/mantained. The company in charge of highways is Benetton, reknowned sponsor of miscegenation and NGOs.

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Reposting this, unfortunately I could only find it from cuckchan so no sound

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Certainly doesn't help shitlibs causes.
Just listening to his interview on facebook. The reporter said some guy started warning the gov back in 2011/2012 that the bridge was extremely unsafe. Salvinis response is he wants to put whoever is responsible in jail.

Prebarb Salvini.

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even if he is. what's the point of making a fake release valve, beside buying time…only to make things worse later?
the did a great job at this blackening of europe thing, but it requires more time, at least in countries that are not as ahead on the curve like britain or france. and there is one more side effect in having such "release valves", people feels like they can talk about stuff like that.
i don't know if those are all shabbos goyim, but they sure pissed away decades of PC conditioning in just a few years.
honestly i hope they keep on pushing this retardness, at this point.

Thats the beauty of it, they have to. Any walk back would be admitting muh raycis have valid points, then they'll lost everybody. Along with these psychos going full out on the people who lied to them.

Buying time is exactly what they need to do so that the demographics become irreversible. Controlled opposition makes the goyim think "oh it's handled I can go back to sleep", see: America after the elections.

Only the White ones.

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I've been to Mexico and another couple of South American countries (Colombia, Brazil) and from what I saw, this post I saw a while back in another thread could could have some truth to it.

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holy shit, that dude is badass. i'm surprised that's even allowed on telly. how quickly the overton window can shift. never lose heart, anons

its a scale
Northern Italians = high germanic heritage = white
Sicilian = swarthy jewniggers

I love that he called Soros a speculator. Ordinarily he is called an investor. He is a speculator who gambles with the lives of others.

Here we go again…

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Salvini's dick is purportedly as long and as thick as a mortadella.

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Those are divide and conquer kikes, if you're European, you're European. I hate the mostly American term "White" that can mean whatever Dr. Noseberg feels that day.

While there is more genetic overlap between Southern Italians and Northern African genetic groups, Southern Italians are more genetically similar to other Italians than to the Middle Easterners

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Every time I see him I can’t help but smile. Italy’s biggest exports are white pills atm. I couldn’t more proud of you pastanons and I’m honored my OC made your general OP. Grazie

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His GF is a qt btw

The reason why Mussolini didn't like Hitler was his massive ego and the fact that Hitler did way better than him with his country. This idiot opened three fronts, botched them and distracted 2 million troops as a result. Costed Germans much of the war.

The greeks and romans were huge fags though

rampant faggotry was particularly widespread during their decline.
incidentally the best fruits of greek philosophy come from that period.
but i can't help thinking that sophists and socrates too, in a degree, was just the greek version of critical theory and cultural marxism, just less jewish (which is not a small detail).

hello Zig Forums

i don't care. they look and act like niggers to me

That's pushing it dude, but yes, italians are the best visual artists, sculptors, and created the most musical instruments too
also why the name of the land comes from the word 'idol'. its in the blood there

Suuuuure thing.

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Part of what characterizes Whites is the willingness to fight. I'm sorry, as it stands the slavs, finno-ugrics, and meds are Whiter than nordics, frogs, brits/germanics (except for Austria). There may have been many a powder-White ancient man in Europe who was wiped out by stronger men because they were a tribe of cowards… I do not shed a tear for them.

We need translateanons to follow other great leaders and have one thread per leader.

How can one man be so based???

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That ship has sailed kikes. Lega alone is now polling at 31-33% (up from 17% at the election) and now that Forza has all but broken off their alliance, and if push came to shove their voters would certainly choose Salvini. Especially when Forza would take proPD/Anti-Lega stance. Combined with FdI (fratelli di Italia) 2-3% that would be more than enough to put him over the 40% majority. God only knows how much more he could accomplish if given sole control of Italy.
Salvini chose the interior minister position specifically to have full control of the police/ports and to not be tied to a desk 24/7. Knowing full well nog/crime removal is at the top of all voters lists. His social media presence & irl rally ground game is unmatched by any other politician. The others only come around for elections. All narratives they've thrown his way have been flipped back on them and if they dare to crash the economy again, it will strengthen italys hate for the euro just like last time.
The game has already been won on all fronts and now its time to sit back and enjoy the Salvini show.

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northern italians are white
southern italians are like 5-15% non-white
they got blacked by arabs

You can see those shits squirming because they know he knows and they know he knows they know. One thing about the term anti-semitism is the jews accidentally showed their hand, semites aren't just jews…

"jew" isn't semite. There may be some inciental semites that are jews but a jew is not by rule a semite.


Nice German car in the fourth pic.

Fuck off to the synagogue.

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Lamborghini is now owned by Audi, but it's an Italian carmaker through and through.

North and South are basically two different countries. It would be like comparing jew york to montana. Always been that way.

An attempt on the madmans life at Lega Headquarters

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This guy’s got balls

Excellent name for a bomb squad.

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you know it
i hope we will be smart enough to have backup planets by then
and not blow up whole planets

Shitlibs are claiming responsibility for this.
Not buying it. Feels more like a shit tier mob group.

Can he fix it yes he can.

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I wonder (((who)))

pretty disappointing to be honest. I had expected Salvini to be a little bit more "hardcore" from the memes I have seen. He obviously can't go full fascist, but he could at least say "Islam doesn't belong in Europe"

The overton window is further to the right in Italy. A lot of Italians are openly racist.

I thought Lega was a little bit closer to ethnonationalism.
Wasn"t that skinhead Luca Traini running as a local lega politician?

The overton window is further to the right in Italy. A lot of Italians are openly racist.

If the lefty communist radical continue to set up bombs and commits other violent act. Trust me it won't take long for Salvini to go full Mussolini. For this to happen the population as to be in the mood.

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Rapefuges BTFO

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Holy shit what a fucking FANTASTIC idea. I like this guy more and more each day.

Kek. One nog died.

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That is not what that title means at all

These people are such brainlets.

New rapefuge tactic. Boats without flags so they cant be rejected because of illegal flags, cost next to nothing if seized and aren't on boat radars. Unfortunately they still need permission faggots.

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sicilians are genetically greek you faggot

nice (1) and done you cuckporn fantasy poster

They can still be shot at, right? Like, getting rid of the flag doesn't make them bulletproof.

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Funeral for the Genoa victims today.
When Salvini and DiMaio walked in there were cheers from the entire crowd (no doubt most were for Salvini) but near the end it shows PDfag leader Maurizio Martina and crickets with the odd cheap shot yelled at him. If Salvini can get the economy going with lower taxes, PD is finished for decades.

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There's only so much Trump can do, and for what it's worth, he's doing as much as he can. Italy isn't American. We are just white people, not Italians, or Germans, etc, in America.

Does all renaissance start in Italy? Holy shit. Mark my words, Salvini shall be Il Nuovo Duce.

Am I reading that wrong? Am I missing something?

I guess my question is: are negroids retarded?

Why? Why not just take 100% of the money sent back?

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Entirely false Moshe.


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He may not be outright saying that, but he clearly KNOWS that: the things he's doing are really effective countermeasures. Presuming that by "Italianized", he means that they're expected to conduct all their sermons and services in Italian.

To guarantee that Italians will be able to know 1) who's paying for the mosque and 2) what is being preached at that mosque, is to guarantee there will be no new mosques. Combine that with taxing invaders to give a baby bonus to actual citizens, and he's making massive strides to save his country. I hope President Trump is taking notes.

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Moving the Overton window is an art, user. Even Hitler was methodical in moving his nation's opinion on the Jews, and that's that they were able to control the press. Yes it would be "fun" if Salvini went on air and said "gas-a the kikes, race-a war now!!!" but it's more important to systematically dismantle their power structure first.

A campaign of commandos slowly whittling down enemy forces in the dark of night is less glorious than a full charge in broad daylight… but it's also more effective.

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He is showing the nigger he has a larger dick

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He is feeding the baby dozer that will buldoze the migrant centres and remove non italians.

How sweet

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