Hello anons. Shit is hitting the fucking fan right now. Alex Jone's website went down and the Mueller investigation is about to completely backfire- needless to say. The paid shills are absolutely flooding 4chan right now trying to stop any organization. We need as much help as we can get in the coming days. If you normally post here I ask you ask as a fellow user to return to 4chan and help us wage the goodfight on our front. Cheers
Other urls found in this thread:
Meuller investigation backfiringrealclearpolitics.com
Sam Hyde blowing pedogate wide open and telling us how to fight it
Alex Jones free speech attack
I am never returning to that cess pit but have a bump and goodluck.
Nah, fuck off.
you fags want our help after you come here whenever your site goes down and trashtalk it while being uninvited guests and now you expect us to help?
you should've left after moot sold all of you out
4chan isn't the enemy- that's the globalists. And if they when it won't matter what number comes before your website name because none of us will be around
they're called kikes
you mean jews
shit your right.
since he got shoah'd on kiketube infowars.com is literally the only place to watch his show, he runs shows all day now, old libertarian dude in the morning, alex in the afternoon, and owen in the evening.
they knocked it all offline, you can't get the podcasts, you can't watch the video, you don't do shit.
Actually GCN is still up, GCN is the radio network or some shit that he plays on, they are still up and still have his show archives, and you can also listen live.
it's only the Alex Jones Show though, morning guy and owen are not archived or aired on GCN apparently.
Jonestein false flagging himself again.
Haha, fag.
Anyway, I guess I can help counter-shitpost the shills. How do you niggers disable the draconian CSS disable, though? I really don't want a buttcoin miner running in the background, and I REALLY don't want to disable my noscript just because gookmoot is a greedy nipkike.
He needs to start doing PBS.
You are calling for aid, sure.
But have you lit the beacons?
Not using umatrix and ublock? Not blocking that crap in the firewall?
It's quite obvious that the (((shills))) have been flooding 4chan en mass lately (pic related was taken a few days ago of the 4chan front page)
It's not just paid shills, trolls/reddit/boomers have flocked to 4chan as well, this is just a lesson to Zig Forums.
Since we are an even smaller board, it is critical that we stay low-profile so that we don't get overpowered by the massive amount of shills.
We need to fool the shills into thinking that we ARENT a threat, and stay under their radar while conducting our own operations to push our agenda, some how.
You spelled Jews wrong.
This isn't entirely accurate because it doesn't properly depict the halfchan side as a niggerspic with a hooknose AND cancer.
so much fucking THIS
idk, i think they've turned plenty of frogs gay
i hope you're using that as a euphemism, and ironically at that
i think you misunderstand how this relationship works, so let me explain it to you, my summerfag friend
now, i don't see sucking cuckiddie dick anywhere on this list, do you?
Their problem is that they don't have a containment board for all the braindead commies
hep doing what?
You have my Kite
Sure, that might reduce the amount retarded users who flock to Zig Forums
However, the shills over at 4chan are intentionally trying to disrupt Zig Forums and Zig Forums only. They wouldn't leave to the containment board, especially paid shills.
a containment board will help with reddit/boomers however it will not mitigate the problem
Fuck off.
I prefer the term "fucking kikes"
Well, there is a way but you may not like it.
how do you feel about "oven dodgers"
Posting a few redpill threads to counter the shilling. Hope it helps, OP. You should really quit being such a faggot for using niggertits, though.
4chan is arguably worse than leddit. Been for years. Only a retard would have stayed after 5guys. You give ad revenue to kikes that censor you and help liberals. Now you want us to do the same? KYS.
I feel procrastination is a bad thing
Are they being DDoSed? Did cloudflare ban them? Wtf is going on lads?
how would it help to give cuckchan mods/vols their own board?
stop using terms you don't understand
pick one, summerfag
You'll live. 4chan survives everything but its own mods and owners.
Alex Jones is a kike-lover
He will gain more popularity now after getting shut down
His gaining popularity will allow him to advance the Jew agenda even further and to a broader audience
infowars is up.
looks like the filter merchant took all of his own content down because infowars.com is still obviously under his control.
Yep his site is so much under attack that you have a nice redirect page to his alternative channel……. Yeah right.
Likely that his file server was hacked or his web server is being DDoSed right now.
They're here too.
Maybe that tape of Huma and Hillary cutting off a kid's face is about to drop.
why is your traffic dropping?
bump only because fuck kikes
Right, because the filterman wants you to download his (((mobile app))).
This is so fucking transparent. I don't doubt that the censorship push is real, but AJ's not really convincing.
Listen to the filterman here if you have to. Don't download that kiked app.
name the jew you fucking civic nationalist
alexa is a shit way to measure how popular a website is since the way it works is by gathering data only from people who are dumb enough to install it's toolbar
>(((paid shills))) are absolutely flooding 4chan
you mean jews don't you?
you know who the (((globalist))) are, why don't you say it? is alex jones toxicity algorithm stopping you from typing jew?
No thanks. Post gore and natsoc material in their threads over there. Otherwise that place is kill
Huh. You're right. The Controlled opposition website that tows the jew memes of "evil Hitler", "Nazi", and "Muh Holocaust" appears to be down.
Why do you say it's going to backfire? Cite?
Do you mean "backfire cuz I'm a true Q user cuck" or "backfire because the seditious shit Mueller is going to be indicted"? Your alarm is ambiguous, Op
Maybe you didn't notice, but they're shit posting mindless threads on Zig Forums Zig Forums too.
Couldn't if I wanted. My 3 day "ban" for participating in a "raid" thread is still in effect. The Mods there have been Jewed. 4chan Zig Forums is dead to me. My 4chan pass a waste of money.
negative on the ponies ghostrider the faggot locker is full
does that mean that normies are leaving 4chan for good?
There's the degenerate middle class money grubbing Jew next door, then there is the degenerate super wealthy Globalist jews.
Just go to fucking >>>/4pol/ on this site you dumb cunt.
Sam Hyde was a disappointment there…
I hate it when these faggots come flocking over here
And both of them should die for what they have collectively done.
Enjoy your ZOG HELL everyone.
you are a faggot of the highest order
Told you, you wouldn’t do it.
Well what are we supposed to do then? Suicide isn't even a way out as you'll just reset in a worse ZOG hell so if you've got the escape plan you better drop it right now user.
>https:// www . washingtonpost. com/politics/democrats-seek-stronger-social-media-presence-to-guard-against-potential-russian-interference-in-midterms/2018/08/10/7345fcd4-972b-11e8-80e1-00e80e1fdf43_story.html?utm_term=.15de8695b3e5
They're going to be flooding every social media platform. They're really blatant and bad about it if you know what you're looking for. Redditors are dumb as fuck though and it's hard to deal with the way the upvote/downvote system works there: Shills abuse it and admins there allow it. They want a blue wave; they need a blue wave.
4chan thankfully is shill bait even if 8ch moves much slower. It's going to get much worse before it gets better as far as shills go…
OP it's pretty simple.
Pic related:
that app is going to get shoah'd next and jewgle/apple can straight remove it from people's devices when they yank it from the store.
somehow i don't think the average alex jones fan is capable of downloading the apk directly and installing it that way.
What reason do anons return to a place that has comped mods? There is a reason its called cuckchan, now you all have to go back.
take your own advice faggot op
Probably for the same reason people came to Zig Forums while imkikey was BO.
Digits mean you are a spie disciple.
Fuck off, i'm not going back
Fucking datamining kikes
We turned anons against anons by crafting memes that essentilly made people from different sites seperate internet races. We establishes websites as countries and once you are part of one you cant be part of the other. This is how we were able to divide and conquer the huge interconnected hivemind. It all started with the migration. Every part of gamer gate was designed to cause a migration by fracturing the userbase. On top of that the migration allowed us to insert intelligence officer james watkins and arrange for the site to be hosted on our servers under the guise of NT technology. Now there is no unification and any calls for organization are met with words like shill to immediatley discredit and tarnish the idea. Now we dont really post or engage so much. The major websites police themselves now.
Just kidding im lying.
It's worse than you think.
Consider how many more lurkers 4/pol/ receives versus here. It would be foolish to completely abandon 4/pol/
Nice dubs, satan.
This reads like JIDF larp means to sew (((confusion))) and (((doubt))) and result in (((consensus cracking))).
Know how I know you don't belong here?
This is pretty much shill tactics 101 for exactly as I said.
You're absolutely right.
They serve as a filter. Anyone stupid enough to go there and not question the mods can stay.
I’ll be honest when I go to 4pol, I do see very many shills, but they almost always do in fact get called out by other anons. If they fool anyone it’s in making people angrier than they were 5 mins prior. I especially like to release anger on posters from Israel. It’s funny to me to see Israelis post and actually try to fit in and just be regular user, but you and other anons tell them they’re subhuman anyway and to stfu. But I’m not sure what OP wants here either tbh.
I would have thought that would be the first thing (((they))) shut down. that's what they did with Gab.
4chan is unironically our greatest ally.
That they try to shut down Jonesberg but leave the much more valuable 4chan up proves they're lacking in strategy.
You got me, that never happened and was a complete fabrication. Weve never told you our plans to your face because we knew you would just deny it.
The globalists…
I wish I could feel anger for cuckchanners, but now I can only pity them.
Exactly what I mean.
Shill tactics 101: spread doubt, divert attention.
Gas yourself.
Already there. Have been trying to educate newfags on how shills will try to control how you express yourself to control discussion. They tried that shit here over the past few weeks.
What exactly you need help with?
You're doing God's work, user.
Heading there now. Fuck the D&C user's shitting in their hands and flinging it.
This. Good luck.
If Q was legit about trying to unfuck things and was in the WH, he'd get the mod team an hero'd and get hiro replaced by a unfucked owner. Then his crew would clean out the shill organizations with extreme prejudice that harass all the chans.
If (((they))) ever happen to overrun halfchan and take over Zig Forums, they will be drumming their way here next. Zig Forums is the last man standing. They have censored and banned all other venues. This is our Alamo. It cannot be overrun with liberal heathens.
Here too. Mods included.