I don't want to live in this cucked age

No new lands to conquer

No new worlds to conquer

No new niggers to enslave

Too late to explore the world, to early to explore the universe and the only thing anybody cares about is petty bulshit.

Trump is right, we need a space force, and I really might consider signing up for it. I want to see the universe. I want to explore, I want to conquer space niggers.

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I can't relate tbh

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just because places have already been explored doesn't mean we cannot nuke them

Get in line faggot
I'm going to barrel roll a spaceship

Xenos approve this slide cuckchan thread. Sage.

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the only purpose of niggers coming to europe is that they becoming slaves


Listen you fag, the ratio of whites vs shitskins has never been more in (((their))) favor, so you cannot even start to fucking imagine what kind of a colossal colonisation effort we will have to start to reconquer our planet after the day of the reckoning. You better be ready fag, someone is gonna need to take huge swaths of land and clean the radioactive fallout, if you won't take that land I'll do it.

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Cuckchan you need to stop.

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war is coming

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If you were a Muslim…
All the lands to conquer and turn into third world shitholes.
Muslims are already enslaving niggers.
White people are too cucked by wage slavery and family to actually fight back and resist, so the world is going to be easy pickings for the shitskins.
I don't the Muslims will have to do more than invade the land, fuck our women, and within 10 years, we'll be minorities in our own homelands, and the women will be offering themselves up to any fucking shitskin brave enough to bomb a Christian Church.

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Do something like this if you feel so unchallenged.

There are still unconquered areas, you are just too much of a pussy to go there.

OP, my concern is that even this form of social media is having a deleterious impact on your ability to step outside your conditioning and embrace freedom. I'll do my duty and remind you of the following maxim: "If you desire ease, foresake learning." And I don't say this mockingly.

Theres still a war to be fought nigga, one for yours and everyone elses mind.

Where can I sign up to design new materials for space travel? I am a chemist and I plan on doing things with materials chemistry. There’s gotta be some good space age polymers to be made!

This ought to cheer you up. Gonna need those Germans around if we want to get into space again, so we’ll have to fight so that the future can succeed. It’s nobodys fault really that the world is basically all mapped out and explored. In fact you can probably blame these feels on whites for real for once. But freezing and suffering scurvy on the North Atlantic is probably not all you chalk it up to be too. Plus don’t feel bad about the space travel part. Space is so unbelievably vast, it’s going to take a very long time more until humans figure out a way to go anywhere interesting in any feasible amount of time. Fundamental limits may have to be tested. Shits just too far away besides the moon and perhaps mars. Anything further may be eons away.

Also I wouldn’t get your hopes up for any expeditions. The space force will probably just be for designing new space weapons to aim back down at ourselves on earth, and to spy on everyone.

But you have to, you faggot. All we can do is to work to make sure that our children DOES NOT HAVE TO. Be content that you have the option to fight for a better future for your children. It should be all the motivation you need.

This post makes me hate the world. We have a mod who's an ugly little Jew faggot posting 11yr old Japs running the only free speech (formally free speech) place in the fucking world.

I HATE THE WORLD! I dont want to work for Boomers who can fire me for saying words like "N" oooooooooooh "Nigg–"

Video games? nigger, Video games. Ofcourse get yourself a wife and kids. also self improvement.

If you feel that strongly then dedicate your life to trying to change it and help the Muslims that will most likely inherit the world enslave and castrate then make extinct all niggers in the world.

Even if Trump makes a space force, what makes you think any of you niggers will get in it?
Space exploration requires the utmost excellence and intelligence. Even being a researcher or janitor for NASA takes effort and knowledge way beyond the ordinary man to just dip their toes in, let alone being an astronaut. Get your masters in Space or physics and go from there.

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It wouldn't be hard to outperform the diversity hires of nu-NASA.

but user cyberspace is the frontier an there is networks to sniff

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The age of Empires ended too early. Now we we’re all lacking in pride for our culture and have no prospects of future glory. As a result, society has descended into mindless consumerism, but no one is actually happy. How could they be? Without struggle, men grow weak. Weak men let their enemies beat them and fail to defend their culture. You either conquer, or get conquered. That’s life.

Destroy this age and make a new one.

Where every land is a new one to conquer

Every new world is a world to conquer.

Every Nigger is a new nigger to slaughter.

Every woman is a new woman to conquer.

Where the world must be rediscovered and new worlds will be birthed from the ashes of this old, rotten one.

One does not have a choice when born into their generation, especially one that's become atomized. When the generation you're born into becomes atomized the only thing left to do is ATOMize yourself and explode outward into dark places.

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No we should be the kings by conquering the uninhabited planets.

The age of Empires never ended, it just shifted from being ran by actual leaders and into the hands of intelligence agencies, all wars age gay-ass proxy wars now dominated by tactical warfare and completely muddled up by security agencies to the point where nobody knows what the fuck is going on anymore. Does anybody actually know what the fuck America is doing in the middle east? Yes fighting for Israel sure but like what the fuck is actually going on? You only hear mainstream media give us the most bare-minimum details about how ISIS somehow took over some shithole adobe village and how America carpet bombed something and it feels soulless and disconnected. I actually blame political correctness and liberals for this shit and hear me out for a second because if it wasn't for them we would at least be able to romanticize Americans killing the fuck out of Muslims like how past wars are often romanticized but we're not even allowed that anymore because God forbid someone actually says the war is really about Jews hiring Americans to kill Muslims and people would rather make the message completely opaque and vague like war is supposed to not be given respect let alone even feared.

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What a gay post.

Suck it up crybaby.

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Kill yourself faggot.

Jesus Christ man sober up before you post again.

Why not just space based colonies. Asteroid belt has more than enough goodies to build habitation for billions of people eventually and the variables are easier to control than a dead planet or moon lack of magnetosphere, atmosphere, low gravity, etc. Mine those fuckers and bring it back to the space colony.

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Exactly, we’re still fighting, but not for our own glory as we did in the past. We fight at the behest of others nations, to keep some nations from gaining power, while keeping others in power. It’s never for us. The only way we can justify honor in victory is by convincing our selves that we’re fighting against some cartoon villain version of a dictator. What does it even mean to be an American? What does it mean to be European? Virtually nothing anymore, yet we continue fighting because it’s in our nature, but our efforts are devoid of meaning. It’s amazing how cucked the West has become.

There are literally 3 billion shitskins on this earth that need to all be genocided and their lands appropriated. Are you so much of a faggot that you will not say fuck to the fbi and do the needful?

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Space force isn't for space exploration it's so kikes can shoot missiles at you from space. The place to go is under the oceans. The Aryans are the decendants of the Atlantians who live in an advanced civilization under the sea. We must return to the homeland down below.

When do we get own private space agency?

Lol if I was a mod these threads wouldn't get locked

No problem.
You kikes aren't going to live for much longer anyway. It's a good thing you've embraced your fate.